By Bill Parry The Sunnyside Garden Arena was the place where boxers turned up to slug it out in the ring. The arena, where Wendy’s is located today (44-11 Queens Blvd), drew many people to neighborhood between 1945 and 1977, and helped put Sunnyside on the map.…
Author: admin
Demand for Celtic Park Co-ops Picks Up

By Bill Parry
The real estate market south of Queens Blvd. is starting to undergo a resurgence after being quiet since the economic downturn
Caryl Schiff, s real estate agent with Cooper Real Estate (47-16 44th St.) said that it used to be so slow that “we hardly left the office.” However,…
Street Name in Recognition of Co-Founder of Woodside on the Move

By Bill Parry A Woodside street was co-named Martin M. Trainor Way on Saturday, as a means to pay tribute to local man who co-founded Woodside on the Move, one of the most respected non-profit groups in the neighborhood. The corner of 58th St.…
Colombian Church Group Goes Red, White & Blue

By Bill Parry A Sunnyside church group with Colombian roots held its annual “Lord of Miracles” procession through the northern section of the neighborhood Saturday. This year’s fiesta, which had about 150 parade goers, had a very different look to it.…
Violent Crime is on the Rise in Sunnyside, Woodside, LIC

Violent crime throughout Police Precinct 108 continues to rise—despite the drop in the precinct’s overall crime rate. Captain Donald Powers, the commanding officer of the 108 precinct (that covers Sunnyside, Woodside & LIC), said that the number of major crimes reported in the precinct this year has dropped 6 percent.…
No. 7 Train Service Disrupted Saturday, Inconveniences Many

Hundreds of Sunnyside and Woodside residents were left stranded this morning after discovering that the No. 7 train had closed in both directions. An MTA worker said that the electricity had gone down on both tracks at about 8:00am and there was no service between Times Square and Flushing– in either direction. …
What is the Ideal Comment System?

Updated: 12:42 pm. What is the best comment system for a site like this– given the audience? Should the system be left as is? All feedback is appreciated.…
New Owner Takes Reins at Skillman Grocery, While 47th Ave. Deli for Sale

By Bill Parry Sunnyside Gardens Farm, a grocery store located at 46-01 Skillman Ave., was recently sold and the new owner took over last week. Mario Cabrera bought the business for an undisclosed amount, ending the five year ownership of Talat Hayat (Sonny).…
Skillman Ave. Restaurants/Bars Unite for Oktoberfest and Flag Festival

By Bill Parry Several bar and restaurant owners have joined forces to organize a pub crawl on Skillman Avenue in recognition of Oktoberfest. This will be the third time in as many years that the group is putting on the event,…
Queens Bld. Building for Sale, Includes Historic Businesses

By Bill Parry A real estate blockbuster might be in the works that could change the north side of Queens Blvd—and put two neighborhood landmarks in jeopardy. This week Massey Knakal Real Services of Forest Hills posted an ad that lists the commercial property at the corner of Queens Blvd.…