Capt. Donald Powers (Photo: NYPD)
Sept. 29, 2012 By Christian Murray
Violent crime throughout Police Precinct 108 continues to rise—despite the drop in the precinct’s overall crime rate.
Captain Donald Powers, the commanding officer of the 108 precinct (that covers Sunnyside, Woodside & LIC), said that the number of major crimes reported in the precinct this year has dropped 6 percent. For the year through Sept. 23, 869 major crimes have been reported, compared to 924 for the same period a year ago.
“Our crime numbers are excellent,” Powers said, adding, “We are having an excellent year.”
However, the 108 Precinct’s numbers are deceptive since they are based on seven major crime categories—three that don’t involve violence. For the year to date, violent crimes are way up. There have been 2 murders, 13 rapes, 141 robberies and 93 felony assaults—compared to this time last year when there were 0 murders, 6 rapes, 111 robberies and 80 felony assaults.
The big drop off, which has led to the decline in the crime rate, has been in the number of reported burglaries, grand larcenies and stolen autos. There have been 182 burglaries reported this year, down from 203 for the same period last year; 324 grand larcenies, compared to 381 for the same period a year ago; and 114 stolen autos, a drastic decline from 143 reported at this time a year ago.
Powers partially explained what was behind the uptick in violent crime. He said that random timing played a role – with the two murders this year occurring within the past month. He said that in 2011, two murders were committed in October.
The first murder this year occurred on August 26 when two homeless men got into a fight at 69th Street and Woodside Ave. and one fatally stabbed the other with a shard of glass. The other murder was the highly-publicized case where a Sunnyside man fatally stabbed his wife and then jumped from the elevated tracks at the 40th Street station to his death.
Meanwhile, in other publicized cases, Powers said the man riding a BMX bike late at night who forcibly touched a woman in Woodside has yet to be apprehended.
Powers said that a recent incident—caught on YouTube– of a man being knocked out by a bouncer at a nightclub on Greenpoint Ave. is unlikely to lead to any charges being brought. Powers said the victim does not want to make a criminal complaint.
Additionally, burglars continue to target Sunnyside Gardens. In the past month, two burglaries—and one attempted burglary—were reported in the Gardens.
I wonder how much the statistics are fudged. I have heard of felonies being reported as misdemeanors.
@doc: Yup! ooOOoo sassy momma! What’s the craic? You’re ignorance of the word is hilarious.
Fascist? Your name says it all. Jackass.
I did not apologize in the post above because I never said anything I was sorry for,
that being said, I saw that Bum who yells for change get a free slice of pizza today. not the crappy pizza but the delicious Pizza from Sunnyside Pizza. He stood outside making everyone else uncomfortable until he was given a slice of that delicious cheesy and crispy goodness.
Enablers! you feed them they will never go away! There is a difference between homeless and a BUM and that guy is a bum. There’s a legit homeless guy who hangs around under the train whom I give money to, he budgets it and never bothers anybody.
if you find that offensive wait till that CHAAAANGE guy spits while you walk passed him. Good Luck hippies! think of me when you do! muahahhaha
@Not Ruben: We already have a gangster law enforcements. They’re call the NYPD; a fascist fraternity.
JG and his thugs, on the other hand, always got their man. You obviously haven’t been around too long.
Blame it on the yuppiesssss saw two bums just now outside pink icingggg
Yup. Kill All Criminals. No repeat offenders.
@Craic Dealer cool story bro. How do you know they killed the right person or the woman was telling the truth. Oh you don’t…yeah we need some gangster law enforcement hahahahahahaha
Wonder why John Gotti’s neighbor hood had 0 crime and was the safest?? Because the neighborhood watch was insanely awesome! The NYPD NEVER went into Howard Beach or Mulberry Street. They had it on lock down.
In the 1980’s a woman was beat up, dragged and raped in her apt. on Mulberry Street. A bunch of his thugs interviewed her and a bunch of witnesses. 48 hours later the guy was shot dead in the street in china town.
Although very violent, it does sends a proper message to people who want to commit crimes in neighborhoods. “More along, not this neighborhood.” NYPD are just statisticians with quotas.
I apologize for all my racist comments. I’m just trying to troll people because I have no life. I will be a good boy from now on
I have always felt that the neighborhood was safe. Crime happens, we live amongst millions, there are always going to be a few ne’erdowells and visigoths.
OM: Please get it right if you are going to continue your cyber love affair with the dog run. It’s the JVB/Helen Marshall Dog Run.
I peesinnaly think we stop the negativity on this website. If u hav something to say then go to the local community meetings and stand up and state your case. Forget about posting all ur negative thoughts on this website and other sites and just DO something about ur community! I hav yet to see any 1 of u people at a community meeting. Stand up and b heard!
Great, with this news, the hipsters and yuppies will look at me with even more suspicion. (no way that gruff looking Latino can afford to live in this building?? he must want my dog food money! )
hide yo kids hide yo wife.
Who cares about the crime rates, what’s more important is the results of “investigation”s, have they caught the criminals?
Let’s get the Van Bramer Dog Park completed ASAP and that’ll drive the bums outta here.
But if you park your car one nanosecond past the alternate side time, there’ll be a pair of meter maids appearing out of thin air to write a ticket.
OUr neighborhoods have never felt safer. Why is there a need to sensationalize crime. It seems we’re just reporting more crimes and playing an active part in our community.