Photo: QueensPost
Sept. 2, 2012 By Bill Parry
A real estate blockbuster might be in the works that could change the north side of Queens Blvd—and put two neighborhood landmarks in jeopardy.
This week Massey Knakal Real Services of Forest Hills posted an ad that lists the commercial property at the corner of Queens Blvd. and 43rd Street for sale. The property is currently leased by Dime Savings Bank, New Center Cinema, P.J. Horgan’s Tavern, and a local dentist.
The property is being marketed as having development potential, which could mean the end of an era for two long-standing businesses: The New Center Cinema and P.J Horgan’s Tavern.
Mitchell Levine, a sales director at Massey Knakal, said New Center Cinema and Horgan’s don’t have renewal options with their lease. While the listing says that Dime will vacate the property upon sale, Levine said that fact has not been finalized.
Levine did not say how much the property is on the market for.
The owner of the movie theater would not comment on the listing, although he has spent a large sum upgrading the theater to a digital system. The owners at Horgan’s weren’t available for comment.
Horgan’s is an Irish/American bar that’s been operating at this location for nearly forty years.
42-25 Queens Blvd – Setup by on Scribd
Sad to see PJ’s and the cinema go. Obviously they didn’t see it coming with big money invested in the cinema only last year. Article mentions non-renewable lease. Banks suck.
OM, if I were stalking you, you wouldn’t know it.
Mad words? You think that’s mad? You need to toughen up. I’m not attacking you as a person, I’m sure you’re not a bad girl/guy, but even nice people can be misguided/uninformed. For example, you saying that soccer is the predominant sport @ Lodati, jthat’s just one example. Try volleyball, it’s not even close. The fact that you don’t even know that tells me you don’t really have a true grasp of what goes on in the park, regardless of living near it.
Please continue to make these neighborhood contributions you claim, I think that’s great and apologize for questioning your dedication to our ‘hood. I only burst forth in my baritone when people spout nonsense about something like the dog park, because *I know* what I am talking about on the issue having used the park on a daily basis for 10 years. The constant JVB Dog Run comments do a huge disservice to all the wonderful, hardworking, dedicated people that are SUDS. I have said enough of what we have done over the last 10 years, I think you should be able to get it by now.
I am all for you being able to use your ‘oppressed masses’ moniker. Even said so in that thread. More power to the monikered Crew. No need to fear me, stop me on the street and let’s chat:) Unless you are a electric moped rider that uses the sidewalks you should never fear me.
I’m Italian, so do please drop the ‘w’.
In order words, the closest cinema will be in Astoria if the Sunnyside theater closes. That stinks. I don’t like walking there at night.
@ Krissi There is a difference between businesses that serve a local need, grocery stores, banks, pharmacies, beauty parlors, etc., and a consortium of business folks and politicians putting on festivals, events, etc. to attract attention from all around the region.
@ Non de plume Your sarcastic tone signals an inability to express yourself simply and clearly. It is you, not I, who are in need of instruction in the basic principals of living.
@ Anonymous Greed sweeps away that which is worth keeping as well as that which may not be. It is sad.
Despite the opinion of some posters here, I am neither stupid nor communist. I’ve lived here my whole life. It was never a cool place to be, it was just like other neighborhoods. It had stores and businesses that served people in the area. We supported them because we needed them. No one came here from somewhere else to shop. We went to other places, the city, Steinway, Jackson Heights and later Rego Park to shop. It was a quiet safe place.
If any of you think the “buzz” around this place is anything but noise generated by a feeding frenzy of the NYC business community, you are silly. And I don’t hate any of it. I’m wearied by it, I wish it would go away, it has degraded many qualities I loved about my neighborhood, but it does not ignite any hate in me.
Mine is simply another opinion, like it or not. Sorry if you don’t.
no not Horgan’s!!!
@neighborhood eye
People who try to make money also tend to be the same people who provide jobs to other people.
Where does your boss find the money for your paycheck btw?
I’m so sick of the marxist, economic illiteracy that is so common nowadays.
Sunnyside is indeed a neighborhood with homes, as you say, but guess what?
How did those homes get built?
Hint: By people who wanted to make money.
Guess who buys these homes?
Hint: People who hope to make a profit on their investment some day.
Neighborhood Eye
“This place does not exist to make money for you. This neighborhood is “home” to many of us. You want to make a lot of money? Sell your neighborhood, leave mine alone.”
Yes, the Skillman bars are doing Oktoberfest to make money. Yes, the landlowner of this block is selling to make money. Yes, new restaurants are coming to the neighborhood to make money.
So, you are saying that the owner of White Castle, PJ Horgans, the movie theatre, every bodega, grocery store and so on and so forth and so on that has been here for many many years came to Sunnyside with OUT the intention of making money?
They don’t want to sell more and make a better living for their families? That this is a brand new idea brought in by business owners only in the past few years?
I’m not trying to be facetious here, I honestly am asking where this anger is coming from. Business is not a new thing.
I too tend to type in a newYork accent.
@86gets where did you get your advanced degree?
Preschool Teacher you can’t let people bully you, stick to your guns! did I stop when I got criticized preaching about yuppies and hipsters and their negative effect on Sunnyside? NO! I held my ground because I knew I was right.
I don’t enjoy posting here anymore. Bunch of Internet bullies who whine and complain and don’t do anything for anyone. I’m outa here. (Oooh, sorry for the colloquial expression, Prof. 86 Mets.)
The neighborhood has turned into a piggy bank for greedy people, politicians, business owners, real estate developers all incuded. Just heard the business owners on Skillman are holding a pub crawl to put Sunnyside on the map.
This place does not exist to make money for you. This neighborhood is “home” to many of us. You want to make a lot of money? Sell your neighborhood, leave mine alone.
@ Preschool Teacher
It’s “lewd” not “lude.’
Where did you get you teaching degree?
Ruben and the rest of you, you’re all a bunch of buzzkills!!! Nothing pleases you!!! Enough with Mr. Van Bramer!! All he does is try to improve the quality of life in this town!! I walked past the park on Skillman Av. Friday night at 9pm. I found 2 (not so young) couples humping on the benches!! Puleeeez! I would much rather see people walking their dogs than this lude behavior!!
And oh yeah, I remember the round ticket booth and the sign that said “Home of Proven Hits.” I also remember the best Pina Coladas for $1.50 at Horgan’s served by Mal, the Irish waitress who worked there for many years.
Save pj Horgans and save our local little business’s
I spent a great deal of my teenage years at the Sunnyside Center, and PJ Horgan’s. These local businesses may not be thriving now, but there were lines around the corner of 43rd Street to get into the Center, and if you wanted a booth at PJ’s, you might have to sit at the bar for a while.
Yes, the neighborhood has changed, and no, this resident does not want to see a shiny new building on the boulevard of small businesses.
Perhaps we could leave politics out of it, and attempt to help these businesses retain their place in out beloved neighborhood.
Down Memory Lane…
Any of the other old-timers here remember The Village Green from the 1950s-early 60s? It was an attractive hamburger restaurant but mostly a soda fountain place with ice cream sodas and malted milks–right next door to the Center Cinema–which was a nice art-deco one-screen theater in those days. The Village Green was the special place to go before or after a movie date! There was a period when the Center specialized in “adult” content movies-but never really porn. It did have family appropriate films sometimes. The family movie places were The Bliss and The Sunnyside as Sunnyside Small town… says. Every week they placed a small poster above the mailboxes in all the local residential buildings announcing that week’s double feature at each of the two cinemas.
Marilyn S.
Losing the fabric of our small town
My parents moved here from long island city in 1954 so many changes for the best and many losses too
The sunnyside community swimming pool at 51 street Celtic Park field Sunnyside Theatre @ 50 Street Bliss Theatre @ 45 Street Century Theatre @ 42nd Street. Lowery and Licity and 43 Street Bowling Alleys and Sunnyside Gardens Arena i bet im missing more and not to forget the loss of pathmark too and have seen so much money spent on redoing Torsney/Lodati playground and Noonan Playground 3 times in 25 years i hope they finally get it right this time
The property for sale was the original site of Sunnyside savings and loan founded by some of our sunnyside business owners yes they put back into the community The Sunnyside Center Movie Theatre and PJ Horgans although may have lost some of their original shine bust sill here today How can we save our movie Theatre and PJ S Maybe a Sunnyside Community Council or Sunnyside Landmark Commission
JVB is a camera loving slut. What has he really done. Goia had his name on trashcans and Jvb helps with a big litter box for dogs to take crap in. so much of a step up ay ?How many jobs has JVB brought to the residents of this area? All we get is bikelanes, neighborhood gentrifying hipsters and money grubbing developers who want to insert their ugly sterile steel buildings here. OM can say whatever..as long as its not defamatory. Jvb is on a pit stop to the state senate.
Although change is very impotant.. but it makes this town significat is the consistncy of our buisness..we are intelligent people and it is a shame that some of our property owners are taking advanctage of a market… this is just opinion….
Any way lets have some good things happen in our town…like a brand new boys and girls club that is going to be housed in Ps 199 and in St thereas church so our kids will have some great afterschool programs for 5 days a week…. everyone check out ps 199 all our parents and kids it is stating oct 8 I think.. that is right we have a boys and girls club in our town .. remember when you went to a boys and girls club when you were a kid… now you can send your kids now….
Mr. Novak,
Is associating Mr. Van Bramer’s name with the dog park a bad thing? He seems to be quite proud of it and has done much to broadcast same. The use of pseudonyms is a honored tradition in american culture dating to the colonists speaking against the crown. I’m not sure what the use of actual names on here will accomplish except to enable you and the other Loyalists to hunt me down.
Also if I see any dog owner take their dog out of the dog park without a leash and come close and approach me and my kids I’m calling the cops
I agree with OM and I don’t like the dog park alright ( start barking at me now) van Bramer is doing nothing but turning this neighborhood into the village… I want my old sunnyside back…
@Mike Novak.
As a member of JVB’s palace guards, perhaps OM is worried that someone like you might hold a vendetta against him for daring to say something critical about your object of worship. Why not just deal with the substance (or lack thereof) of his comments instead of trying to “out” him? It seems like a veiled threat on your part in my opinion.
If you are going to say anything bad about Jimmy Van Bramer at least have the balls to use you rreal name. Hiding behind a anonymous moniker whist throwing stones is the act of a coward.
Jimmy has done more good for ALL the people of his district than any of his predecessors in the the last 25 years.
If you want to carp and snipe, then at least man up and use your real name.
Yeah I remember the original ticket booth. Also remember we were not allowed to go to the Center. Naughty movies were shown there ..
Bet you remember the PAL dances in the 43rd St park too ….
I’m starting to feel like you are stalking me. Please stop. You don’t know me personally and I don’t know you personally, so your mad words about me are baseless and unbecoming to the personal image you like to portray. I have never attacked you personally. I have lived in Sunnyside for 25 years and have made many contributions to the neighborhood. However, unlike some, I choose not to sing my own praises publicly.
Mr. Durow’s angry words directed to me personally presents a good example as to why the Sunnyside Post should continue to allow anonymous comments, in the finest traditions of public comment dating to pre-Revolutionary War days. Otherwise, I would be in fear of Mr. Durow and his pack of hounds.
PJ Horgan’s is a cosy spot and their food is very good. I’ll be sad to see it go.
awww, I first made out with a girl in that theater. That being said,
I’ll be HAPPY! to see that movie theater go. Not only was it a terrible kiss but then she went around telling people I was the one who couldn’t kiss when it was HER! I had to grab someone of lower quality looks just to prove her wrong and clear my name.
Also and I guess more importantly, that theater SUCKS. I have seen bootlegs better than that theaters movies and this is a fact. Last time I went there the projectionist kept moving the screen. I counted 7 times till someone yelled at him to stop touching it.
tear it down.
The Center Movie Theater and a bank on the corner have been there since at least 1955!
Marilyn S.
“Dog Lover…” wrote
“I teach my kids to embrace change, no matter what it may be.”
No matter what it may be? Really?
Change isn’t always for the better. In fact, history shows us that change can often be disastrous. Your sentiment reminds me of the following quote:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
My first job at 16 years old was in that booth at the Center Theater..:) Guess everthing changes, miss the old days…
I was just thinking that this neighborhood needs more ugly, glass and steel, high-rise office buildings to block out the sun.
it would suck to see the movie theater go. sure it’s horrible nowadays, but it has been here since i moved into the neighborhood nearly 2 decades ago and it was probably here long before that.
OM, enough already. We understand your misguided point of view. You’ve been beating it to death for weeks now.
You need new material, you’ve become stale.
Perhaps you are a cat owner? Bird guy? Maybe a hermit crab, or perhaps a closet full of pet rocks and chia pets! Yea, that’s it!
Quit yer griping and DO something w/i the community. All talk and no action.
Sad to see PJ Horgan’s departure, but life is filled with change and it is hardly the fault of the imminent dog run. I grew up in Sunnyside and this will be sad, but change is inevitable. I teach my kids to embrace change, no matter what it may be. It is a lesson for them to learn now, while they are young. We change Presidents, we change jobs, our CEO’s change, we change homes, we change our underwear…CHANGE. You are either ride the wave of change & learn to enjoy the ride OR you fight against the tide, while often being miserable and harboring resentments…
By the way – do all my fellow Sunnyside residents who grew up here remember the little round booth that sat outside of the Center movie theater that the ticket person used to sit in? Ahh the memories…Well, they CHANGED that too. 🙂
Can’t wait to move to the countryside.
Save the movie theater! Save Hill Valley!
great Rezoning JOB
Another property owner trying to cash in on rising property values generated by the imminent arrival of the Van Bramer Dog Park.