Near 48th Street and 43rd Avenue. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)
Nov. 15, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A rally will be taking place this weekend in protest of the Department of Transportation’s controversial redesign of Skillman and 43rd Avenues.
Queens Street for All, the local group that has continuously pushed back against the redesign and its subsequent implementation, will hold the event at 51st Street and 43rd Avenue, by John Downing Park, at 1 p.m. on Nov. 18.
The group, made up of residents, businesses, and other local groups, claims the rally is a way to bring attention to “the dangers and disruption of business” since the protected bike lanes were installed and other changes were made to the roadways.
The roll-out began in August and went into the fall, and follows Mayor de Blasio’s order for the DOT to go ahead with the redesign after it was voted down by Community Board 2 in June.
Residents and businesses, the group says, have since had to experience traffic congestion and “frequent honking in the once quiet residential community” due to the new roadway design.
Queens Streets for All also claims the roadway redesign has residents increasingly fearing for their safety. They referenced an October incident, where an FDNY fire truck could not turn onto Skillman Avenue due to cars parked in a buffer zone.
While the DOT said the problem in this incident was illegally parked cars, the group says the issue is in the prior two-lane roadway being reduced to one lane since the installation of the protected bike lanes. Illegally parked cars in the prior design, they say, wouldn’t have held up the firetruck.
The group also referenced the Uniformed Firefighters Association statement given to the Queens Chronicle last month, where it said “extended bike lanes” have added significantly to response times and delayed firefighters by crucial minutes as a result.
“We are not waiting for there to be a tragic accident in our community,” said Gary O’Neill, owner of Aubergine Cafe and a Queens Streets for All member.
Apart from FDNY and EMS response times and unspecified concerns of “serious injury” as a result of the redesign, Queens Streets for All also claims businesses have seen their revenues fall since the agency began implementing its plan.
“Many of us have put our life savings into our businesses and are now terrified for the future,” said Dorothy Morehead, a real estate broker, Queens Streets for All member, and who is also on the board of Community Board 2.
Queens Streets for All will also once again demand answers from Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, who they say ignored community concerns when he announced his strong support for the DOT’s full redesign over the summer.
Van Bramer, who appeared to be on the fence about the issue during its eight months of deliberation, said in his July announcement that he regretted not being “clear and forceful” about his support early on.
The Sunday event follows a rally held in July by the group following the mayor’s order to put the redesign through.
The redesign, introduced last year, mainly proved controversial in Sunnyside due the number of parking spaces it would eliminate from the two avenues. Those opposed said the loss would both impact resident quality of life and threaten business along the corridor.

The bike lane has caused significant congestion on Skillman from 49the to Roosevelt. This congestion increases pollution in our streets and homes. Was an Environmental Impact Statement prepared as, I presume, per law?
It’s not the bike lane, it’s the delivery trucks and cars that are double parking that is clogging the road. There are several other parallel roads besides this one, why do drivers get so upset when it’s not the bikes, but it’s fellow drivers that are causing all the mess?!
Make more bike lanes. And eliminate electric bikes.
Remove the Bike Lane. Let’s make Sunnyside great again!
Illegally parked 53 foot truck,enforcement?Hey knuclehead,commerce must continue,we never had these crazy,STUPIDLY designed BIKE lanes before..GET OVER YOUR HATRED FOR CARS,TRUCKS ETC..
As I hopped on my bike to check out the turnout for this bizarrely-named “Safety Rally” (turnout was small), I passed by my neighbors unloading boxes of groceries from their car. I don’t think they had driven one block to go shop on Skillman… Once again, I can’t fathom why the business community here is fighting this. People without cars spend more money in the neighborhood. Parking has been challenging enough for a long time that outsiders don’t drive here. Making our community safer for pedestrians and cyclists will be good for business.
While I know we’re not London, this seems relevant: https://forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2018/11/16/cyclists-spend-40-more-in-londons-shops-than-motorists/
There were far more at the rally than at the bike ride. Stop the fake news.
No there wasn’t. I was there too, and just like Trump, you’re exaggerating the turnout, Iwasthere
I most certainly am not exaggerating, turnout was very good. And keep your insults to yourself, Gerald. You want a fight, go fight #45.
I will be visiting and patronizing this neighborhood more often because of the bike lanes and traffic calming. Keep the bike lanes. Build more.
The people who live here can’t function anymore, but please, enjoy your visitor status.
A lot of the problems comes from electric bikers disregarding traffic, traveling at speeds faster than normal bycicles. Learn to share the road !
Is this for real? The reconfiguring of the avenues has been a resounding success thus far, and the paint isn’t even dry. If after a year or two the stats surprisingly show otherwise a rally for safety improvements would be in order, but this is just nonsensical garbage and not what this is asking for. Restore a more dangerous configuration claiming greater safety? What alternate reality is this? Everything on the poster makes little sense, is deliberately misleading, or is flatly divorced with reality. Something really ugly is afoot to see something this deliberately and obviously disingenuous.
This is not serious or even remotely newsworthy.
I live on 52nd Street off Skillman Avenue and the traffic frequently backs up down to 39th drive. Shame on you Jimmy Van Bramer!! You turned your back on your constituents! This new road design is a disaster.
You, are a disaster. Put down the packet of smokes and booze and try on a new balaclava and helmet. Lose some weight and read a book, too please. That never hurts.
You, with your Immoral comments, are not only nasty but we’re frick n tired of your morality lessons.
The new road design on Skillman is extremely dangerous for pedestrians and drivers. Someone will get killed.
I don’t mind the bike lanes but the redesign has been pretty awful. Why is Skillman Ave. two lanes of traffic the entire way EXCEPT for where they need that most and they cut that part to one lane? It just does not make sense where the businesses are concentrated and where the firehouse is that there is only one lane of traffic.
I HATE ALL cyclist i dont care if i ever hit one with my car you want to ride on the street than you get what you deserve…***k all cyclist want to say its helping the environment oh wait so does walking…If one ever hits me while im walking and or driving may god have mercy on their soul for the dreadful pain they will receive
Mods, would you please turn this persons identity over to local authorities? Threats of violence towards cyclists will not be tolerated in this community.
Thos person will most certainly leave rhe scene of a fatal collision. Probably has fled a few fender benders too. The protected lane separates me and my loved ones from deadly loonies like this.
Bicyclists need to stop acting so high and mighty. Many are sorely missing basic responsibility. Too many run through red lights and laugh when yelled after. I frequently see a man who has two small children riding with him on his bike in the mornings- probably going to school. He goes through red lights!
Have you ever jaywalked or driven faster than the speed limit?
Two people were killed while riding a motorcycle wrong way down 43rd Ave. The van that they crashed into could not move anywhere because it was in one lane. This was due to the idiocy of the bike lanes. Bike lanes should be on large avenues where people can maneuver around them and not restrict passage on the street that can accommodate three lanes of traffic but now accommodate one. This has become a very dangerous situation. Emergency vehicles cannot get out of 39th Dr. and 52nd St. All you hear is horns blaring on 52nd St. because they cannot enter Skillman Avenue. It’s time to realize that this design Was poorly planned and was rushed through by the bike advocates that work at DOT. Nicole Garcia should be removed as borough commissioner of DOT she has no concern for the people that live in this borough. These bike lanes at accommodate outsiders who do nothing for this Woodside Sunnyside community.
“Two people were killed while riding a motorcycle wrong way down 43rd Ave. The van that they crashed into could not move anywhere because it was in one lane. This was due to the idiocy of the bike lanes.”
Do you know how idiotic this sounds? Riding the wrong way, crashing into a van and then blaming the bike lane because the van couldn’t move out of the way? Is that what you’re saying or am I not understanding you?
Good point, it’s the bike lanes’ fault that a motorcycle was going the wrong way down 43rd Av at high speed
Recently my daughter while driving down Skillman Avenue was broadsided by a bike going through a red light. There was almost $1000 of damage done to her vehicle and the guilty by Khalid just said I’m OK and sped away. No way to identify him, no insurance, no registration, pay no taxes on anything they do, need more enforcement against these criminals. It’s a crime to leave the scene of an accident.
Recently while biking on this road and obeying the laws, a car made a right hand turn on 40th Street without stopping to let me go straight. He banged into the back of my tire and kept going. It’s a crime to leave the scene of an accident.
As a biker who always stays in my lane and obeys the rules of the road, I have seen plenty of my share of drivers who just don’t care, not only for other bikers, but pedestrians and other drivers. Try Queens Blvd during the evening rush, cars go thru red lights constantly and block pedestrian paths.
Everyone here needs to find a new hobby!!!!!
I hear cycling is a good hobby.
Though, to be fair, pissing and moaning is also popular.
Get your facts straight, I went to high school in Manhattan
The stupidest thing they ever did was this. Such a disaster and traffic is WORST
Bicycles. motorized bicycles, motorized scooters should be registered, insured and have a license plate for identification purposes. Just as other vehicles. Share the road, share the responsibilities. When one commits a violation, no matter what they are riding, share a ticket! Require bikes to pay at a metered spot as well, not locked to a fence, or pole.
Cool. While we’re doing that, let’s also have drivers cover the true costs of their road use. They can also pay market value for the real estate they occupy when parked on the streets. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/10/driving-true-costs/412237/
What if people can’t afford to do this ? Then they cannot ride their bycicles ? Go back to school and come back with your answer.
I would argue the worst thing “they” ever did on the roads & traffic issue was to allow people to park their cars on the street for free.
No one should be entitled to take up public space with their private property like all the free parkers do.
When we, as a society, made that mistake, we created this entitled attitude for those who use cars.
Now, those entitled car owners are angry over losing a privilege they never should have had.
I guess there are legitimate concerns about safety. Some cyclists act like a-holes, it’s true.
But I’ve seen way, way more dangerous behavior from drivers than from cyclists.
There were always going to be some growing pains with the change and problems may need to be addressed. But in my experience, the lanes have been good.
And I don’t cycle.
The bike lanes have worked out better than I expected as a skeptic
My only complaint, (aside from fire fighters ability to respond being hindered), is that I was almost hit hard by a bike going the wrong way. Busy looking for oncoming bike traffic where I expect it, a guy blowing past, (not even offering a gesture of acknowledgment as I yelled at him), almost got me. If 1 of my 2 toddlers were with me, as they usually are, it would have been a very serious outcome. Why are bikes not being treated as vehicles for the ability to identify in case of an accident? I’m fine to share the road, but all using the roads should be subject to rules and fines, to encourage safety. No matter what side of the debate you’re on, this should just be common damn sense.
LiLi, Your asking that people in New York show some level of common sense and follow the rules. When has that ever happened?
Sad but true. Many of the bikers are also pedestrians, as well as drivers, (though they tend to want you to believe all they would never lower themselves to car ownership), and so they too are subject to the actions of irresponsible riders along with ZERO accountability and enforcement. It’s in everyone’s best interests to shape this shit show up.
Bikes are not treated like cars because they are not cars. Bike accidents on very rare occasions kill people. Cars kill people every day. Bike riders need protection from cars, not the other way around. Should we ask you to register your stroller (assuming you still use one with your kids)? I’ve been hit by one of those as a pedestrian before.
What a joke. My kids walk, and by your insensitive comment I can tell you’re a nut. Had I been hit I may have just suffered a broken leg, a small child would have been knocked down hard, risking head and God knows whatever other injury. I’m sick of EXTREMISTS that operate off pure emotion and no common sense.
PS. Anyone who really is selfish enough to give this very fair and sober statement a thumbs down is arrogant and is happy to comply with persistent irresponsibility, which can easily affect themselves or one of their loved ones as well. If you can’t be rational about a matter that affects all of our daily lives, perhaps go live in a cave.
Delivery trucks small and large that deliver to the supermarkets, meals on wheels, ordinary motorists , police vehicles, emergency vehicles, FDNY LADDER 163, emergency first responders, school buses sanitation and garbage trucks NYPD…all stay in your lane and make way for the small handful of privileged hobby cyclists most of whom live in Brooklyn and are all well educated organized and adept at using social media to make the false claim that the redesign in our neighborhood is about safety. CB 2 voted against this because they had the pulse of the community. The elected official promised to back the neighborhood then sided with the outsider progressives who refer to our neighbors who disagree with them as angry seniors fossils and deplorables. We are coming into 2019 ….not 1920…… hobby cyclists should not control our streets
My wife rides to work in Midtown. Not a hobby. Oh by the way, we live in Sunnyside.
So do I. Lots of people in this community ride into Manhattan but too many drivers checking their phones while driving to notice. lol
Yes, too many bicycle riders ARE texting, or on their phones! If they were identifiable, they could be ticketed. I was nearly hit by a bicycle, riding the wrong way, while rider was looking at phone. NOT the first time! I was crossing properly and nearly fell back. Rider flipped the finger at me and took off! Next time, large umbrella or walking stick through spokes! Elderly people have to protect themselves on Skillman when walking these days! WE DO NOT BOUNCE! Elders must stick together, since NONE of our politicians seems to care!
Does she ride by herself or does she car pool? The big problem I see every day are single occupant vehicles heading into the city. That’s what causes traffic & delays. Can’t wait for congestion pricing, maybe I’ll finally be able to cross the street without dodging impatient drivers.
Obviously many people care.
You may not want to acknowledge them from your soap box (or perhaps they’re invisible to you) but the lanes are heavily used by delivery workers. They were on the lane during the snow storm last night. Why? Because their bikes are clearly their main mode of transportation. I was very thankful for the lane during the storm because it makes the road safer for both drivers and cyclists.
NYPD police vehicles, emergency vehicles, FDNY LADDER 163, emergency first responders, sanitation and garbage trucks…all allowed to use the bike lane to bypass traffic
You clearly do not live in the neighborhood and are clueless
1) the constucted barriers prevent this
2) the parked cars prevent this
3) the size of fire trucks prevents them from turning easily onto the avenue, let alone be able to use the bike lane lane because of the parked cars
Well. Since it’s snowing and the bike lanes are not plowable, do we get points for running over cyclists? Double points when they blow the red lights as they usually do?
Did you deliberately leave off the zero? It’s Death Race 2000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2GEKV1dOgY
Looks like Skillman and 43rd before the bike lanes…
Great, we have a least a dozen folks in the hood who support running over and killing people. Mayberry in NYC this is not!
The fact that over 20 people “liked” a comment about hitting cyclists. That right there shows you how truly repulsive some people are in Sunnyside. At least stick to arguments – real or fake – that don’t condone violence.
Does anyone else see the cruel irony that the anti-street safety commenters need to click on recaptcha’s of bikes, traffic lights, crosswalks, and cars until they disappear in order to post? Why so sad? LOL
Queens Streets For Parking. That’s what these people are about all about, and nothing more. They have absolutely no concern for peoples safety, and have come up with a Trump style campaign of false facts and reality to push their NIMBY agenda.
From what I’ve seen, all the businesses that were packed on Skillman and 43rd are still packed.
Also, traffic is a lot slower which, in my view, is a good thing because both Skillman and 43rd felt like raceways a lot of times.
TO: Carbie Barbie
Your observation is flat out wrong.
Go ask our local business people.
Do you drive???
I doubt it
Skillman and 43rd Avenues are now dangerous obstacle courses
Hi BR.
Maybe my observations are wrong, but that’s not my sense. All the restaurants and bars are still popping.
As for driving, I don’t own a car. I walk the neighborhood. And traffic is a lot slower, so that’s why I like it.
I still wanna know who drives to Aubergine.
Its owner?
The irony is that years ago somebody literally drove a car INTO aubergine.
This is just sad and pathetic. Pat Dorfman, Gary O’neil, and Manny Gomez keep making the same baseless claims over and over again hoping for different results. Guess what, the bike lanes aren’t going anywhere!!! Gary O’neil is loosing business because he keeps getting up and lying about the efficacy of bike lanes while keeping a bike friendly business sticker in his window. People know a bigot when they see one, and like me, they take their wallets elsewhere.
Bike lanes gotta go. I don’t object to bikes or bike lanes but common sense is required and no sense common or otherwise was used to design this mess. Hello bikers. Obey the rules of the road. Pedestrians are not speed bumps.
Hello drivers, obey the rules of the road!
To: JG
You are an ignorant moron.
Calling Gary O’Nell a bigot goes beyond the pale
Take your wallet where you live you don’t live in this community. those bike lanes are dangerous and no one is riding in them. Where sre the 1400 bikes the liars from DOT said use the bike lanes. Maybe 10% of that On a good day.It’s time for the government to respect the wishes of this community not outsiders
Sorry gman, I’ve lived her for 14 years. I love this “outsiders” you and your compatriots keep parroting. Do you think you live in the New York city version of the Ozarks? I’ve been to the Ozarks. The locals are smarter there, by the way.
Lots of bikers stop in the shops…why isn’t that part of the conversation? Plenty of people use the bike lanes……get out of you car and look.
The people didn’t want this and the Mayor and his pet Van Bramer went against the will of the People. Moreover, this bike lane stemmed from the death of a cyclists who died after going through a red light! It was a ploy! The vast minority use the bike lanes. The vast majority drive cars! Its going to be a beautiful day when these get reversed.
Tell me again how the majority of north siders drive.
Are we talking 51% small majority? 66% solid majority? 80+% vast majority?
Please cite evidence that the vast majority drive cars.
It will be rather hard for him to do so, since the census data shows that 49% of households don’t even own a car, let alone use them. 70.7% of folks use mass transit to commute. This whole protest is based on the fallacy that these people believe they are somehow the “norm.” They simply cannot wrap their heads around the idea that a whole lot of people live their lives differently.
** Car ownership: https://datausa.io/profile/geo/sunnyside-%26-woodside-puma-ny/#num_vehicles
** Commuting type: https://datausa.io/profile/geo/sunnyside-%26-woodside-puma-ny/#mode_transport
Please cute your source for “the vast majority drive cars.”
Cite, I meant cite! But cute is cute.
2017 Census figures on vehicle ownership in Sunnyside/Woodside show half of households do not have cars:
Occupied housing units 52,482
No vehicles available 49.7%
1 vehicle available 43.2%
2 vehicles available 6.4%
3 or more vehicles available 0.7%
If you refine it to the census tracts that cover the north side you’ll see it’s actually a lot less. 60.8% of northside households have no car and 12.5% drive to work. 73.6% take public transit.
So to answer the original question here it completely refuting the OP: the vast majority of us DO NOT drive. The vast majority get to work by other means. Most of us do not own a car.
Case. Closed. Done. Goodbye queens streets for the few! Nice try! 12.5% cigar!
Many people in Woodside and Sunnyside who don’t have cars use car services, Uber, Lyft, etc. There are many people who are seniors, disabled/handicapped who must use car services and access-a-ride for transportation. You are not counting these residents in your statistics.
I check under my bed for bike lanes before I go to bed at night
Shut up, I am the real Juana Juana and I will be attending this rally
…..and laughing at these idiots
I’m the real Juana Juana and the fake one is a doofus
fully support rally & all the legitimate concerns but unfortunately doubt it will do anything
No it isn’t. That mess can be fixed in a day.
Will be ripped out after the Winter Snows close the Avenues.Been cycling these Acenues to Manhattan for years and the existing bike lanes were perfect .
Enough already. Glad Dorthy will be termed out, 8 years cant come soon enough.
These people are so dumb it’s not even funny. First of all, your organization’s name makes no sense & completely contradicts the idea of the redesign (which is literally a redesign for all). Second, the problem is ILLEGALLY PARKED CARS. Once again. I.L.L.E.G.A.L.L.Y P.A.R.K.E.D C.A.R.S. As a driver i find the time to look for a spot that will not impede on the flow of traffic. I even pay 25cents for 2 minutes just to not be that guy & as a pedestrian i wait for the damn light. It’s not a hard concept.
You should be rallying for lack of enforcement. Example, an illegal 53′ truck was parked in the bike lane & crosswalk today to unload. 108 passed was right next to it & passed by like it was nothing.
& as far as revenues…. F***K off
change your business plans. All the pubs plus Alcove & Dawa are forever full
PJ horgans is doing great, Sanger hall’s been doing better & getting there
The Market is filled everyday, Aubergine has the same foot traffic & doing great, even though their coffee sucks.
The problem is not illegally parked cars. It’s that there is one lane of traffic where there should be two. Also odd and random “no parking” spots that do not improve visibility and take away from RESIDENT car owners in our neighborhood, increasing congesting and reducing air quality as RESIDENT drivers are forced to circle the neighborhood searching for parking.
This isn’t a car suburb Resident. Move to California.
This is a car nation JB, like it or not. Move to Amsterdam if you want a bike-centric city.
They still have cars parked on the streets there too. Boo Hoo.
It absolutely is not. Cars have only been around about 100 years. Bikes have been around twice as long. And you and car have no more right to the streets than me and my bike do.
I’m sure it’s not intentional but these free-parking activists have a real knack for timing. They held their first rally on the day school zone speed cameras expired, and had the gall to protest a plan that keeps our children and seniors safer.
Now they’re doing it all again announcing, on the day of the dead no less, an anti-safety plan rally to be held on the World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims.
You literally cannot make this stuff up! Looking forward to the bah humbug Christmas rally!
People of all ages, families, etc. all LOVE the redesign. 50 angry seniors will not roll back progress and certainly do not represent our community or the best interests of anyone here but the 10% of our area who drive. Give it up. We are all onto your ruse.
You fail to comprehend a great deal people state over and over and over again.
Repeating falsehoods doesn’t make them true. Lying is essentially the point of the rally and why it is such an exercise in futility. It’s over, they lost. Time to go home. Certainly not time to double down and lie harder. Some people think too much of themselves. They do not represent the community. We love our safer streets and especially love that these twits can’t change a thing about them.
Our city councilman should take a good look outside on 43rd Avenue and skillman Avenue where its snowing and how it affects the traffic, people trying to park and how the sanitation will be able to move the snow. Jimmy don’t keep telling people how you love Sunnyside and Woodside if you did you would of fought the great mayor about putting in these horrible bikecycle lanes.
First snowstorm hit early, but that’s no excuse for not having a plan for how to clear snow from the bike lanes. Why aren’t the TA folks clamoring for this?
Honest question: Does anyone know where those stats of “18% small business losses” and “44% more parking spaces” came from? Most of the other things on that list are conjecture or purely subjective opinions, but I’m curious about the actual numbers they presented.
No, it’s just pulled out of a hat. This whole effort has been dishonest from the start and everyone knows it. But the real moonshot here is that they’re trying to bill this as a SAFETY rally.
These redesigns, every last one, have been controversial since day one. The one incontrovertible fact about them has always been that they’re uniformly SAFER.
This is very similar to the epic freak out on Queens Boulevard where Ben’s Best tried to blame parking loss and when that didn’t work he started saying the redesign was LESS safe. At that point it was farce, and so is this.
Step out of your point of view and try some empathy, people. There is one lane of traffic where there should be two. Another problem is odd and random “no parking” spots that do not improve visibility and take parking away from resident car owners in our neighborhood, increasing congesting and reducing air quality as resident drivers are forced to circle the neighborhood searching for parking. The new traffic light on 54th and Skillman is a huge mistake. How come there is a turn lane for 48th Street and not for 54th? One gaff after another.
“Should be two lanes” “should be two lanes”. Where does this line of thinking come from? Is it like positive and negative charges attract, some fundamental law of the universe I wasn’t hip to?
Anybody wondering which side is basing arguments on emotions rather than facts, look no further than the fact that my simple request for more information got ZERO answers and 14 downvotes (so far).
I know lots of people on both sides will automatically downvote anybody they disagree with, but why do it because someone asked for a source on YOUR numbers? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What a bunch of losers.
I respect people’s right to voice their opinion, but I wish organizations would stop with the misleading names. “Americans for Prosperity” is really just for the already-rich. “Pro-life” is really just anti-abortion, but ignores all the other stuff. And in this case, “Queens Streets for All” is really just for keeping the car-focused status quo.
This redesign has repeatedly been shown to improve safety for bikes, pedestrians, AND cars. That’s who “all” should be referring to.
This is so embarrassing for our community. Good luck!
The same people making the same complaints. Yawn.
I think the bike lanes are great. If we can actually get cars to not double park and cyclists to stop at red lights then we might achieve utopia.
Let’s all admit: parking was already an issue in Sunnyside and now with the bike lane redesign it became worse. Literally the cars are parked in the middle of the streets. The cars are easily scratched, mirrors are hit by other cars. I was putting my son in the car the other day, which was legally parked and turned to put my 3-year-old daughter and saw the bike was riding right onto her. I immediately grabbed her and pushed myself to the car. The redesign made it unsafe for residents and drivers and lots of parking spots are lost as a result of the redesign.
You live in a mass transit oriented community. You do not need a car. Cars are a luxury here. Pay for a garage, ride the subway, or move to Long Island where you can drive from parking lot to parking lot. Even prior to the redesign, Skillman and 43 Ave should have been entirely 1 hour loading zone only.
Anonymous, you are an idiot. You need someone o sit your thoughts before you speak them.
“You do not need a car.”
Sorry Uberite, you don’t get to decide that for ANYBODY.
I’m sorry you had that experience, but maybe you shouldn’tve let your 3-year-old daughter stand in a bike lane midblock. Riders have a duty of due care not to hit people if it can be avoided, but do have right-of-way in a protected bike lane.
Getting kids into cars is complicated by the design, yeah. I guess you’ll just have to hold her hand and guide her in while you open the door with the other hand, choosing a moment when nobody is coming.