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Van Bramer Regrets Not Being ‘Clear and Forceful’ About Strong Support for Bike Lanes

Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer announcing new traffic signals by P.S.11 (via Jimmy Van Bramer)

July 26, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez

Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer says he’s made some mistakes in the Skillman and 43rd Avenues affair, and took to Twitter to correct the record.

In a series of four tweets published this morning, Van Bramer made especially clear that he backs the Department of Transportation’s redesign of the two avenues, and regretted that he wasn’t “clear and forceful” about his stance earlier.

“Bike lanes save lives,” he said. “They do not destroy neighborhoods. Sunnyside & Woodside are good, strong, healthy places to live. They do not need to be saved from safety enhancements.”

The tweets clarify Van Bramer’s statement made in late June, when he straddled the fence and said, “I don’t believe we can move forward with this DOT plan at this time” while also reiterating his support for a bike lane on 43rd Avenue and on lanes as a whole.

Opponents of the plan, fearful of the effect the loss of 116 parking spaces will have, reluctantly accepted Van Bramer’s June statement, while supporters of the redesign criticized him for not fully standing behind a safety plan he called for.

“Saving lives will always be more important than parking spaces,” he wrote. “The bike lanes will go in, and I support them. I should have been more clear and forceful earlier. I regret that I wasn’t. That mistake is mine and mine alone.”

Van Bramer also spoke to opponents of the bike lanes whom he believes have run a “scorched earth campaign” based on spreading misinformation and stoking fears.

While he was not specific on what type of misinformation was being spread, many opponents of the redesign have continuously expressed distrust in the DOT’s statistics on how many cyclists use the two avenues and the number of accidents that have taken place through the corridor.

“The bike lanes should happen,” Van Bramer said. “It’s the right thing to do. And even if there is a political price to pay for saying so, I should say it. So I am.”

The Council Member’s strong statements come after a rally held yesterday against the city’s plan. The organizers, Queens Streets For All, did not invite Van Bramer to that event, since they believe he did not come out strongly enough against the plan and stood behind Mayor Bill de Blasio too quickly when he ordered it to be done.

It also comes as Van Bramer is gearing up for a likely Queens Borough President run.

“We wish @JimmyVanBramer had been honest with us from the beginning and not wasted all our time pretending he was advocating for us, when it’s now clear to everyone he was lying to us, his constituents!” Queens Streets for All said on Twitter.

They added: “We regret that we trusted @JimmyVanBramer who WE elected! He was supposed to be on our side. He was never on our side and deceived us into thinking he was. Just another politician playing a game with his community, friends and supporters!”

Many, however, applauded Van Bramer for clearing the air.

“Thank you for your #VisionZero leadership!” tweeted Transportation Alternatives.

“It takes a lot for anyone – let alone an elected leader – to admit they made mistakes & were wrong. I applaud CM Van Bramer for his candor today & for his full-throated support of #SaferSkillman, however belated. Queens *desperately* needs leaders willing to lead,” wrote Macartney Morris, chair of Transportation Alternatives’ Queens Activist Committee.

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Gardens Watcher

Now that the bike lanes are up and running on Skillman, I wonder how the bike riders like riding through all the leaves, trash, dog poop and rainwater that collects on their protected curb lane? Not to mention snow and ice to come.


Why does sunnyside post always censor me…??? Thats it im not coming to your Van Bremer supporting websites again…deff never again. You always write stuff to make liberals seem extra possitive and look good. Im tiered of you one sided website. I thought it was usefull…i was wrong. I cant even tell anymore if its a webnews paper or a liberal blog. Shame shame shame.


I don’t think bike lanes are very good because bikes aren’t used as often anymore. Plus many people reside in Skillman and 43rd. As someone who ACTUALLY LIVES ON SKILLMAN. I find it irrelevant and now for the stupidity of people’s bratty complains, I have to pay the cost of it and anybody else who lives there’s that are car owners. And Jimmy Van Bramer doesn’t have to worry about that because he doesn’t live there and he has his own private parking spaces unlike the people who live here. So this is why I think the government is retarded. It’s just all stupid sh*t. Because I don’t even own a bike f*ck will I use that bike lane for????

Anne Marie

JVB Calculations & Manipulation Round 2 – Take photos outside all of the restaurants on Skillman Avenue & 43 Avenue and post on Facebook page to highlight what a good friend he is to all of the businesses in the area after the bike lanes. It is amazing that there is an expectation that we do not understand the ongoing chess board game JVB is playing with Sunnysiders.


Protected bike lanes will encourage more people to bike and help us to be a little more active and healthy. I’m looking forward to them.

Hello Kitty

Let’s think of who will use the bike lanes? Probably gentrifying fixie bike hipsters and delivery bikes. Do they obey the rules? Mostlikely no. Who else rides bikes? Shared riders like citibike? Well, the nearest citibikes are in LIC, and not all can consider shared bikes as an affordable option. So, are the car-owning working families of Sunnyside worth to be at cost for the bike lanes? Nope!

charles castro

I’ll be for the bike lanes when bicyclist pay their fare share of the bill, how is it that we motorist who get taxed til no end have to foot the bill for bike lanes that are in many cases seldom used? Vision Zero, my a$$. How and why is is vision zero a one sided approach, why only summons motorist? Why is it that Bike riders ride with impunity, breaking every single law every single day all day. They are supposed to stop for red lights, stop signs, drive in the same direction as traffic, not to ride on side walks, extend the right to pedestrians. You want safety , make them obey the law as well. Make them register their bike, and pay for those bike lanes that are so costly and seldom used. This Van Bramer is the same guy who wants to put tolls on all the outer bridge crossings in NYC, that means Williamsburg, Bklyn bridge, Manhattan bridge, Pulaski, kosciuszko , Greenpoint Ave just to name a few. Why ? His husband, yep husband works with the company slated to handle the toll collecting and accounting aspect once they make it private. I believe it’s called Move NY. Sounds like a Sheldon Silver move to me.

John O'Reilly

How much should they pay?

I don’t own a car and my taxes pay for free parking on the street, can I get a rebate?


No. But bikers are so damn nasty to people who own cars, I too have fallen to the place where I wish them the highest fees possible. I want them to know that if they want the entire world to change NOW for them because they are so important, so superior, so unbelievably au courant and hip, emissaries of a beautiful zero carbon emitting world in which the old, the disabled, the inattentive, the weak, sick or just timid folks of this current evil world no longer exist. They piss me off like no one else I know. Up until I was involved in this farcical simulacrum of democracy I felt people on bike were kind of rude and selfish but otherwise they didn’t bother me much. I used to love to ride bikes, even into the city, way before anyone made any room for us anywhere. We just had to wend our way as safely and carefully as possible. We rode alone or in little groups, on the quietest streets we could find, and nobody bothered us and we didn’t bother them. This politicalization of bikes is ugly as hell. They demonize others. Their behavior in meetings and online is despicable. Their characterization of those who are not out on the far out edges of society, as they are, is poisonous and unwarranted. They declare war and then blame the locals for defending themselves. And our local representative is one of them. He’s done a lot of positive things for the neighborhood but they are all in service of the population that is coming here. As one of the bikers said they only have to wait twenty years before I and many of my neighbors will be dead and they can take over as they wish they could now. Sorry for existing, bud.

Jimmy's Conscience

“I should have been more clear and forceful earlier. I regret that I wasn’t. That mistake is mine and mine alone.”
What I should have said is “I’m a gutless useless punk and term limits are forcing me to run for higher office. I tried to dump this on CB 2. When that didn’t work, I took both sides of the issue. When that didn’t work, I went crawling back to Bill and said I supported bike lanes all along”


“I should have been more clear and forceful earlier. I regret that I wasn’t. That mistake is mine and mine alone.”
What I should have said is “I’m a gutless useless punk and term limits are forcing me to run for higher office. I tried to dump this on CB 2. When that didn’t work, I took both sides of the issue. When that didn’t work, I went crawling back to Bill and said I supported bike lanes all along”

WG39th St

Under JVB ‘s watch what have we gotten in sunnyside and LIC? More congestion, More hotels and lies from JVB. DiBlasio will reward him. Under his watch we got hotels coverted to Homeless Shelters theres been an uptick of break ins in the neighborhood and our new neighbors smoking weed and they stroll by our homes. At the Town Hall Meeting in Aprl 2017 at Queens Vocarional HS, I specifically asked the mayor about the costs of housing the homeless in local hotels, JVB covered the microphone he and the Mayor giggled and then the Mayor gave me a 7 second answer and said next question. JVB knew all along that that the Cityview, Best Western,Fairfield and a host of others Homeless Shelters were coming. When confronted months later he claims he did not know. New shelters coon line within thefew months to this neighborhood. The gray building on 39th St & 50th Ave already signed and sealed to become a permanent homeless shelter with the commercial space underneath to become a drug counseling site just one block from PS 199.

Love the bike lanes

Love the bike lanes !! this will be a great place form my dog to do it’s bussines . I hope they paint them green so my dog will thing it’s grass ..

Sunnyside luver

Van Bramer: Those bike lanes will come in handy for all your back peddling! Deeply disappointed in you as a politician. You are NOT representing the vast majority of your constituents. Typical career-driven politician.


Very well said! In 2021 he can use the bike lane on Skillman Avenue towards Manhattan instead of the bike lane on 43 Avenue towards the Kew Gardens offices of the Queens Borough President to go to work. When I voted for him in his first term, I never expect he would become this type of politician and personality. So many have seen the change the moment he won his second term reelection. His misleading behavior on this issue just made it the most tangible and public to so many more Sunnysiders.


I agree Jimmy you were not honest nor did you represent your constituents who were against bike lanes on skillman and 43rd ave After returning from Manhattan for dinner, I had to drive around Sunnyside for two hours looking for a parking space- before bike lanes! Paying $6000(yr plus in taxes is outrageous. Maybe time to sell to the bikers that you represent who dtive THROUGH our neighborhood to work while the rest of us trek 3 blocks uphill to the bus to go to work!

Gardens Watcher

And there you have itfolks. Uber for all. That was the Strategy all along, right A?


Bicycles should be registered, insured, licensed, and marked with a VISIBLE identification! Bike riders should FOLLOW the rules of the road. Share roads, share the responsibilities.


Hows about if someone hits you with a cricket bat every time you cross the street against the light? Oh yeah, we can paint a number on your forehead to identify you.


Over half of the people at the Queens Streets For Parking Rally will be dead by the time Jimmy runs for reelection, so I don’t think this will affect him much.


Sunny’s Side, Greg, and Greg, So sorry, have I upset the wittle townie wownies?


I don’t care about the bike lanes either way, but JVB has really lost credibility here by flip flopping. Take a position and stick with it, Jimmy. You have embarrassed yourself

The Price is Wrong

He always had this position and only wavered because the manufactured outrage convinced him Patricia had an army. The bumbling rally on Wednesday night that proved she didn’t served to immediately and decisively isolate her politically, albeit several months late. This subsequent statement should come as no surprise and any further action by this Sunnyside Chamber splinter group will dig them deeper and deeper. It’s a pity how low our business leaders had already sunk prior to this issue which utterly defeated them.


So you think the opposition are bubbling idiots but they were able to convince an astute three term city councilman that the community was really against the DOT plan. Either the Sunnyside Chamber are not bumbling idiots, and the majority of the community really opposes the DOT plan or JVB is a complete idiot. So which is it, is the Chamber of Commerce a wily group of evil doers that tricked our earnest but simpleminded councilman, or is our councilman a disingenuous term limited politician seeking higher office? Did your hero waver in fear or a craven attempt to try to play both sides?

The price is wrong

Option A: the chamber are bumbling idiots. Read my post in the article/advertisement of the rally.


Answer: Carefully crafted wording to play both sides after many months. Then, once called out, tries to act like he misspoke. JVB will hold a protest and press conference if anyone else did that but him.

John O'Reilly

Interesting that Councilmember Van Bramer criticizes those who oppose the current incarnation of the DOT’s bike lane proposal for engaging in a “scorched earth campaign” when this entire episode started with the irrational over reaction to the awful, horrific death of a bicyclist riding at 3 AM struck in an intersection by a car operated by an unlicensed drunk driver who ran a red light. Nothing about the DOT proposal would prevent this tragedy from happening again. But facts and clear thinking have no place in this debate, it’s all explained by the filling sentence: “It also comes as Van Bramer is gearing up for a likely Queens Borough President run.” Take a look at the number of out of district TA folk who contributed to the Councilmember’s 2017 campaign when he ran virtually unopposed and unless you are on that list, you’ll realize why your voice doesn’t matter any more. Toss in the recent involvement of Uber and Lyft in the motorized bike industry, and their need to have “official bike lanes” for people to use their services, and the reasons for the Councilmember’s recent epiphany become clearer. People, there’s absolutely no reason to believe that pay for play, which is prevalent throughout municipal government, has no application to Sunnyside politics and unless you are in that game, you have no chance.


John, There is no conspiracy here. The DOT’s strategic plan, which has been up for at least two years, specifically states their goal to connect East River bridges to outer borough bike lanes. And yes, that includes bike sharing. Why do you hate bicycles so much? Something that is beneficial for everyone. Why not spend your time railing about the Koch brothers and their big money effort to kill public transportation projects around the country? If you are who I think you are, you are a pretty sturdy old dude. Maybe you should get out and give these youngsters a run for their money in the new bike lanes. You might like it.


Because a good majority of bike riders don’t follow the laws that were created to make it safer for them. Plus how many bike riders are really out there? I lived in Sunnyside for 18 years and there weren’t that many bicyclists so why the need? I find it sketchy that they are pushing for these bike lanes but there does not appear to be a big demand for them.

John O'Reilly

The DOT Annual Bicycle report shows that less than a half percent (0.005%) of the population of Queens self reports as commuting by bicycle. The same DOT reports that commuting by bicycle to Manhattan over the East River bridges actually declined in 2017 vs 2016. The numbers show what our eyes tell us: hardly anyone commutes by bicycle in Queens.


A small fraction commute by car as well. Let’s just get rid of streets entirely.

Sassy Lassy

I’m flattered that someone keeps stealing my changing screen names. Imitation is the truest form of flattery. To bad it comes from such a dummy!

Did you try Friday?

You showed up on Thursday for a rally on Wednesday? Show’s the intelligence levels of the little old bitties opposing the bike lane.


Get ready for an uphill battle for QBP. Staying on the sidelines until it’s safe is not the type of leader I want in office.


Perfectly said. Sunnyside voters have to be very vocal and get that word out during QBP election time. Most Sunnyside voters need to publicly back another Democrat competing against JVB before the primary. That will make a very bold statement to Queens, after his three terms we do not have confidence in his leadership in the Borough of Queens.

Tania Lambert

Ready to kick JVB and BDB’s asses in the voting booth for stealing precious parking spaces and shoving bike lanes down our throats. Sunnyside is a residential community where the family car gets a workout. It is not a luxury. My car transports me along with my children, or grandchildren, or aunts and uncles to the beach, the wedding, the funeral, the mall or Costco here in Queens. We need more parking, not less, and we were blind-sided.


Looks like Queens Streets For All is off to a rollicking good start. Maybe they can try stopping bike lanes in Tulsa next. Sorry, just can’t help myself…

u mean he’s not blaming the president?!

he was too busy bashing trump 27/7 to pay attention locally.


Van Bramer may have polar positions on most issues and be in a different party than Trump, but he has exactly the same political motives and personality traits for which he forms protests against in a leader, yet, he does not see them in himself. These three more years can not go fast enough. He is also damaging any ambitions of anyone in his staff taking his place after term limits.


Transportation Alternatives were probably going to kick his husband off of the board. They expect results for their bribes.


There is always a self-serving and politically calculated motive to every one of the Councilman’s actions. Remember, he wishes to move higher up in politics in 2021 which is beyond Sunnyside. His comments and positioning on this issue has spotlighted the fact that in his third term, what he says and writes for the next three years can not be trusted for face value.

Oil beef hooked

Bribes?! HAHHA. The big rich bicycle lobby.

Go dodge some chemtrails pal.


Thank God we won’t have to see that weasel of a TA leader anymore! JVB, well, how he thinks he can show his face around his neighborhood anymore is beyond me. Shame on you. Disgusting, disgusting betrayal.


Actually, he is so arrogant since his second term that he does not really care what anyone really thinks. Sunnyside voters are just pawns in his political chess game. I may agree or disagree with his real position on the bike lanes which isn’t the main concern, but it is the manipulation, dishonest and misleading comments on the issue and selling out Community Board 2 which makes him untrustworthy on any future neighborhood or city issues for the next three years which is of the most concern. Again, we try to deflect by saying the people opposed were given misleading information. I am only reading his own spoken and written statements over these many months to make this judgment, not taking a pro or con side about the bike lanes. His many months of misleading behavior is so much bigger than this one issue for the next three years. The only reason for his statements today is because he realizes Sunnysiders are finally aware and needs to attempt to manipulate us once again. I would have respected his position, even if it was opposed to mine, if it was truthful.


Pat Dorfman, you say you voted for JVB, the candidate who openly supported Vision Zero and bike lanes. So what’s the problem?


I’ll bet Pat Dorfman will continue to vote for Jimmy and his Dem ilk. She could not bring herself to vote for a Republican. She also thinks that Cathy Nolan, Sheldon Silver’s cheerleader, is God’s gift.


That’s funny, she sure wasn’t opposed to using a Trump style campaign of alternate facts, outright lies, and bullying. One would think she was a Republican.


Greg, you have earned the title of “Spewer in Chief.” Congratulations. Go tell your Mom, she’ll be proud of you.


Now that the bike lanes are going in on Skillman/43rd, let’s get lanes on Northern. After all, the NIMBY’s have said over and over again how dangerous it is.


Yep, I’m looking forward to all those “Pro-Northern Blvd bike lane rallies” organized by the people who have been using that as an excuse to block these.


Bikers have to advocate for themselves, as we advocated for the peace and safety of our neighborhood. No one is going to do your job for you. Get to work.


I didn’t ask anyone to do my job for me. I’m suggesting that all the people saying we shouldn’t do the safety improvements here, but on Northern Blvd. back up their own words. Either that, or admit they didn’t really mean it.

And btw, I already “got to work.” That’s why our neighborhood will now be safer for everybody, despite the misguided opposition.


WHAT A JOKE. this guy is no longer trustworthy and not that he was before. A majority of the people he represents were not in favor of the bike lane. Parking gets harder and harder . He let’s more and more developers add buildings ( which I’m ok with ) but takes away 116 parking spots. This guy is lost.


I think the voters of Sunnyside need to publicly support and campaign for whomever the challenging Democratic candidate for Queens Borough President might be in the Democratic Primary in 2021. Whomever is considering running, start courting Sunnyside voters now.

Children at the helm

Word is that the Communist mayor offered treat to desperate Van Bramer of standing next to DoT Trottenberg at news conference asking for speed cameras.

All New Yorkers love the speed cameras.

He was offered and he accepted in return for his ludicrous apology for daring to care about the community. He needs Jackson Heights to win BP. Dromm folded first. Our neighborhood is the casualty.


He regrets that he got caught double-talking. What a phony this guy is. He flip flops at his convenience. That he supported the crazy actress from Sex and the City is all you need to know. He’s looking for a walk-on part in her next film: “Sex and the City – Jimmy and Miranda Bike Together”.

make MAGA again

What’s wrong with electing a washed up tv star with no political experience for governor? It worked for the presidency.


Van Bramer is doing his own damage control on his future endeavor to be the next Queens Borough President. THIS IS ALL ABOUT HIM! He had months to be clear and vocal throughout the whole process. He is beginning to sound like Trump with the comments about Putin and then backtracking when the fall out takes place because Sunnyside voters are bright and are publicly demonstrating without Van Bramer being invited for his photo-op. His tweets are written proof. This has been a very long, public processed and many opportunities to voice his opinion. A clear decision was made by him. He picked his own Queens Borough President bid and Mayor deBlasio over his own voters. Remember, his tweet the day the Mayor stated the bike lanes were happening. He supported the Mayor’s decision over Community Board. Many Sunnyside voters will not support him for Queens Borough President or any of his staff being elected to office within our Council District. We need a new direction in Sunnyside’s City Council representation in the 2021 election.


Let’s see … the petition has like 300 signatures, less than 100 come to the rally. He won his last election by 14,000 votes … I think he’ll be fine.

Lionel Q Devereaux

Who got to Van Bramer and made him flip flop? Skillman Avenue is a residential street that does not need bike lanes. Let’s not forget what perpetuated this fiasco…a bicycle rider was hit by a DRUNK driver, and the knee jerk reaction from our elected “leaders” was to install bike lanes. I don’t want Skillman Avenue to turn into Vernon Boulevard. Do you?

Demosthenes Chrysan

It already has bike lanes, they’re just moving them over a few feet. It’s not a big deal. I’m over it

Native New Yorker

You don’t want Skillman Ave to turn into Vernon Blvd? Care to elaborate? What do you mean by that?


“Who got to Van Bramer”
Either Warren Wilhelm (AKA Duh-Blasio) or JVB’s husband Dan, take your pick.

Demosthenes Chrysan

No one is trying to remove bike lanes. What we don’t need are protected ones at the expense of our neighborhood. And if safety is real concern we should require cyclist to wear helmets, buy insurance, not wear earbuds and ensure they follow all traffic regulations. #epicfail

Native New Yorker

Riiiight! Do all the other things that don’t inconvenience you but not the one thing that’s been demonstrated to work.

God forbid you spend an extra minute looking for parking. ?


Why are bicycle riders so against registering, licensing, insuring and displaying an identifying tag? Why are they so against following the rules of the road? They want to share the road, but not the responsibilities.

Sorry to Disappoint You

JVB folded when O-C beat Crowley. Whichever way the wind blows he follows. That’s why he’s supporting that washed-up TV hasbeen for gov: Fear of being left behind (which he certainly will be). I’m ambivalent about the bike lanes, but I wouldn’t vote for him for hall monitor now or in the future due to how he bungled this situation.

Oil Beef Hooked

A larger majority of Sunnyside residents support safer bike lanes. It’s simple as that. There’s some people that are upset about parking that are making flyers, but they’re a small faction. Everything will be fine.


Van Bramer a gross phony
Libs wake up
He is owned by De Blasio and is a flip flipper

M casey

I think he’s taken a lot of grief from a bunch of busybodies. He has clearly stated his position. Just because he came to the meetings and heard people out, doesn’t mean he was on one side vs another.

Either way, it’s elected officials to job to do what’s right for their district. Residents want safe streets.

Sunnyside res

This could actually work since the TA folk do not live in this district!


I am a “TA Folk” and I live in this district. You would be more credible if you weren’t making facts up out of thin air.


He puttered around on this issue for months, threw it on CB2’s plate, and then threw CB2 under the bus when they didn’t vote his way. He also threw firefighters under the same bus (everyone knows this will increase response time).

JVB, you own the whole community an apology. A real leader would never have let this fiasco become the mess it became.

Native New Yorker

Why would bike lanes slow down FDNY response times? Will the fire trucks need to circle the block for parking?

You know what slows down response times? Double-parked vehicles in the bike lane.


Ever see an FDNY fire truck try to make a turn onto a narrow Street (like Skillman or 43rd Avenue) with possibly one moving lane? They are usually wide turns. The FDNY trucks will now be trying to turn into narrow streets with a curbside protected bike lane next to a parked cars lane protecting the protected bike lane and then maybe the moving lane – that’s a very tight turn, not a wide turn to accommodate the size of a fire truck. Good luck if your house is on fire or just had a heart attack!


Do you have data supporting your claim about the fire trucks? If “everybody knows it,” then it should be easily verifiable.


1. I support the bike lanes. I bike to work everyday. But that doesn’t mean that all of the concerns are invalid.

2. I don’t applaud JVB at all. He let the CB take the brunt of the criticism by taking an advisory stand on this project while he and his staff danced around the issue.

3. Say what you want about the CB. Ive got lots of thoughts. Many of them are grumps and cranks who don’t support anything. But at the least those who show up spend time and effort. JVB basically made fun of them as “scorched earth” on Twitter.

4. JVB will never be BP. Matt W will never be Councilmember. Go ask JVb’s colleagues what they think of him.

5. Jimmy—your regrets are cheap. You have a staff, power, and a bully pulpit. Instead of working to heal the community, you chose to disparage others.

6. I’m still glad he came out in favor (eventually). We need bike lanes.

Conceit Got the better of me

Well said. It’s a shame. I thought he was a leader. Not so. He lost my vote and many others. Many people can’t stand him now, no matter what their stance was on the lanes.

Fan of doughboy park

Enough about these dumb bike lanes. It’s no big deal. By this time next year they’ll be installed and no one will even remember the folks that are losing their minds over nothing.


and tens of businesses on skillman will close because there is not enough bikers to buy stuff to compensate for the loss of people who buy lots of stuff to put in their cars


I think its hysterical that anyone thinks that people DRIVE to the stores in Sunnyside.


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