Category: Uncategorized

Van Bramer plans march across Queensboro Bridge to protest Trump’s values

November 16, By Hannah Wulkan

Demonstrations and protests have dominated cities across the country since the election last week, and now a local politician is getting in on the action.

Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer will be leading a march across the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower on Saturday to protest against the values that President Elect Donald Trump espouses.…

Thief walks out of Queens Blvd play center with a safe, cops have photos

November 16, Staff Report

The police have released photos of a man wanted in connection with a burglary that took place at a children’s play studio on Queens Boulevard last month.

Sabrina’s, which offers children’s parties and play space at 52-07 Queens Blvd, …

Van Bramer aims to soothe fears following Trump victory, organizes community forum

November 11, By Hannah Wulkan

For all those looking to take action against hate following the election on Tuesday, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer is hosting two events to facilitate community action and support.

Van Bramer is holding a Community Speak Out next Wednesday as a way for community members to learn how to get involved and support their minority neighbors,…

Sunnyside Artists to host Craft Fair this Sunday

November 10, By Hannah Wulkan

Sunnyside residents will have a chance to get a jump-start on holiday shopping at the Sunnyside Artists Craft Fair this weekend.

For the seventh year running, the Sunnyside Artists are hosting the annual Holiday Craft Fair at the Queen of Angels Parish on Sunday from 10 a.m.…

Sunnyside organization working to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease

November 10, By Hannah Wulkan

A local Sunnyside group is working to raise awareness for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers this month.

Sunnyside Community Services kicked off Alzheimer’s and Caregivers Awareness Month last week, which is also celebrated nationally,…

French Restaurant Opens on Skillman Avenue

November 10, By Hannah Wulkan

A taste of traditional France has made its way in to the neighborhood.

Côté Soleil, meaning Sunnyside in French, opened up at the beginning of October at 50-12 Skillman Avenue, with owner Vincent Caro bringing years of experience as a French chef to his new restaurant.…

100 dogs come out for Woodside’s annual pet parade

November 9, By Hannah Wulkan

Dogs paraded through Woodside in style this past weekend, celebrating Halloween with costumes ranging from the political to the adorable.

More than 100 people and their dogs came out to the fifth annual “Woofside Pet Parade” hosted by Woodside on the Move on Saturday,…

Pub Quiz/fundraiser for Sunnyside Community Garden at Claret Wine Bar tonight

November 9, By Hannah Wulkan

Local residents will have a chance to help the Sunnyside Community Garden tonight while also showing off their trivia prowess.

The Community Garden members are hosting a pub quiz fundraiser at Claret Wine Bar (46-02 Skillman Ave.) Wednesday night at 7 p.m.…