Food Universe (formerly the Met)

March 22, 2017 Staff Report
The man who followed a woman into her Sunnyside apartment building and slammed her against the wall reportedly grabbed a customer’s buttocks at a nearby supermarket just 10 minutes prior, police said.
The suspect allegedly grabbed a 39-year-old female’s buttocks while she was shopping at Food Universe at 44-07 43rd Avenue at about 12:20 am on Sunday, March 12, according to police. The suspect then fled the location. The police released video footage of the man.
Just 10 minutes later the suspect allegedly followed a 28-year-old woman into her apartment building near 43rd Avenue and 42nd Street, according to police. Inside, he pushed her against the wall and put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. The woman fought him off. The suspect then fled the location and was last seen walking south on 42nd Street.
The individual is described as male Hispanic, approximately 5’5″ tall, with brown eyes and black hair. He was last seen wearing a black jacket, blue pants and black shoes.
next time you put a hand on a lady, i’ll mutilate your bitchass
mutilate? who are you a cartoon character from the 60’s?
That’s me in the video. Ain’t I handsome?
Hey george. How’s Tannersville? What’s it like to be a retired cop that doesn’t know how to turn off the caps lock on his keyboard? Did you vomit when the guy jumped off the El after stabbing his wife?
I will say, though. You sure are a tough guy. Must be from all that abuse you dolled out to perps that didn’t deserve it, right? All that authority you feel you have. I submit you are the coward. Seems like you needed to hide behind a badge, just like every other abusing cop. If you were an abusing cop, but I suspect you were, based on all your tough guy talk. But you might not be. But you remain a coward when you need to yell on an internet forum.
And keep watching the mind numbing sh*t from faux news. You know what “faux” means, right? Yeah, get angry and threaten me. Carry on. . .
George- You did not have to tell us you were s Fox “Faux” News viewer, your limited writing skills had already givien you away. If Bill O’Reily didn’t have money and good attorneys he would have to register as a sex offender. You’ll hate this post because it’s not telling you what you want to hear like Fox News does.
How about lynching people who litter
Observer- if you spit on the floor or jay walk your going too. Plus, how do you propose to pay for housing 80% of the population. Idiot.
Yeah he made a mistake. I will revise Observers weak plan.No prison. Yes that’s correct NO PRISON. TIme for old time execution. Tar and feather,and public hanging.
Unfortunately the law is to be blamed. The time has come for 2 options when coming to crime. First option – 50 years for any crime committed no matter how small or insignificant – with no chance of parole. Second option – life in prison for any life lost. Keep it simple. If this scum (and all scums like him) knew he would be going to prison for 50 years for grabbing a woman, do you think he would have done it??? And here he is caught in the act on video. Case closed.
Observer in Woodside- What would be the cost of your plan?
I screenshotted this guys face in my mind. Please, just please let me catch him :). Shit, I’ll strictly break those fingers…
I dont know northside sunnysider, nobody said its shitty, but it is on the downslide. Ive been here 40 yrs and its a fact, its changed. Pootie is right. If theres undercovers cooping in the neighborhood, its for crime. If theres crime, the place isnt that good. Dont be insulted by construtive criticism. It may help revive the area but i feel its over for this place. The world has changed
I agree, sunnyside had a good run , many years ,now its finished. I feel for the long time residents, the old timers, it was a nice small tight knit community, but hard fact is, its not anymore. You dont have a clue who lives in your building. Forget your street, its not even close to a community anymore. If you are a property owner sell high and go some place thats nice like sunnyside once was and enjoy yourself ,who needs this.
She should’ve grabbed a long bread and bead him with it
just saw an uncover cop sitting in his car on 40th and 43 ave last night. what a waste. and you guys complain about how shitty sunnyside has became. But i lived her for 25 years and it is so much safer than what it used to be. Also i think everyone who post here should all meet up and have a royal rumble. i say we all meet up at the dog park at midnight.
All this crime happens on the north side.
Astoria is better than ss
So is the upper east side
Sunnyside is slipping back to the 1980s. Crack, crime. Too bad, before it was the southside, now, all over. Time to go.
Yep.I just moved to Middle Village after living in Sunnyside for over 10 years. It is actually sad to see the neighborhood go. It doesn’t even have the same calm, neighborhood-y feeling it used to have. Now every time I visit there I can’t wait to get out. Luckily I found in Middle Village what I had in Sunnyside in the past. Calm, green, European, neighborhood-y feel.
By “European” you mean White? Right?
Middle Village, probably the most racist section of NYC. Make America White Again, lead by The Juniper Park Civic Association. Its whiteness is blinding
What’s wrong with whites wanting to be with whites. Blacks stay with blacks. Spanish stay with Spanish. Asian stay with Asian. Muslims stay with Muslims.
@Anonymous. Hey dumbass. “Muslim” is not a race. Go ahead and isolate yourself from the world. The rest of us prefer not to put people and ideas in boxes, separating them to everybody’s detriment.
Anonymous2 The rest of did not ask you to speak for us.
Middle village, it must be so sad and limiting to live in fear
You must be a realtor based on Middle Village or a lot of properties to offer. Get lost. Why are you even following sunnysidepost?
yes, wrong supermarket, probably one of the new anti union ones poping up all over queens!
Too bad she didn’t have a conceal carry permit and shot the dirtbag’s balls off.
She was in the wrong aisle at the wrong supermarket
Are you for real? Man your way of thinking is why society is in the sewer. I cant even comment anymore, smh.
Its this neighborhood, its full of degenerates. Bring on gentrification
From your comment it seems you never generated at all.
The women don’t need to change anything. Men have to be taught that their impulses to assault women are serious crimes that they will be aggressively punished for. When good men decide to focus on and punish the criminal behavior of other men against women rather than focus on the women men victimize, things will change.
When I reported my experiences of sexual assault on this page several years ago commenters attacked me for thinking I was beautiful. How stupid is that? But it is the first thing they did. Blame the criminal not the object of the crime.
Anonymous: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure!!! I’ll save your silly little ideological speech for the next girl who ends up beaten, raped and permanently scarred from these horrible types of crimes.
Too, too stupid to continue an exchange of ideas.
Anonymous- So you’re putting all your money on men and society changing and feel women don’t need to change a thing. So walking around and not paying attention to ones surroundings is fine with you. You’re an idealistic fool who will be victimized again.
You are an extremist, which are much too exhausting to argue with. Think whatever you want, it doesn’t matter.
A friend offered a few pieces of advice to keep women safe: Travel in a group. With friends watching you will be much less likely to give in to your urge to assault or rape women. Only go out in daylight. So if you must travel alone at least other people may see that you are assaulting or raping a woman and can/ stop you. Wear long sleeves and restrictive clothing. If your sleeves hang down below your hands and your pants are hard to open or pull down you will give other people a chance to stop you from touching or raping a woman. Wear a whistle on a chain around your neck. If none of the above work start blowing your whistle to alert yourself to the fact that you are about to assault or rape a woman. If all these fail you are about to become a statistic. You will become a victim of your own failure to protect yourself from being a sex criminal. Self-prevention is the best way to stop sexual assault!
Yet a vast amount of people here are calling Always Be Aware’s comment victim blaming because they suggested protecting themselves. The woman at the grocery store couldn’t do anything, but the woman who let this guy in to her apartment building behind her didn’t protect herself. Yet suggestions on how to do that are ridiculed and labeled patronizing and victim blaming. Poppycock. It’s a bunch of whiny liberals looking for something to be outraged about. Look at the likes and dislikes.
Criminals need to be put in jail.
Great ideas! The problem lies with the criminals not the victims of crime.
I do shop there often late. Would have been a totally different outcome of I seen that. Lucky him
I would be too scared to floor this guy, he would end up suing you and taking everything you own because of lawyers who will defend scum like this. Cops will go along with that “you should have reported it to us” no matter what kind of evidence or footage you have. So unless you can sweet talk him into submission, you really cannot touch anyone unless you are law enforcement or unless you are also being attacked. Maybe you can put your palm against his face and go “NO TOUCHING NO TOUCHING” and see what happens. So your best bet is to follow him from a safe distance, and keep talking to 911.
That is absolutely true. He could of said anything like he saw a bug on her and he tried to get it off or he slipped and accidentally touched her…and then the other person punched me etc. There will be groups that will defend his actions and try to charge you with something or even sue you and try to get more by saying he is handicapped, elderly or a minority.
Both of these women need self defense classes. The first woman needs to close the door behind her, and be aware of everyone around you at all times. 2. She should have kneed the guy in the testicles and gouged his eyes out. I know it’s easy to say, but she looked oblivious.
This woman at the supermarket should have screamed and kicked him all the way to the front door. Followed him outside and screamed some more. Maybe someone (Me, if I were there, or the store manager) would have tackled the guy. Or at least followed him until cops arrived.
I was just at that store and wondered why there was a security guard walking around. If it would have happened when I was there, me and two firefighters who where there would have pummeled this asshole.
Are you serious right now? This is what we call “blame the victim.”
Sure, it’s great for people to take self-defense classes, but it’s not weird for someone to panic or freeze up when they are violated or attacked. It’s a completely normal response. I actually was very impressed by how the woman in the apartment building successfully fought off this intruder, so I don’t think she needs tips from you—who was not in her shoes. She did fine on her own.
And don’t be so sure someone would have rushed to the aide of the woman in the supermarket because someone groped her. These kinds of things happen all the time and are often ignored or downplayed. Plus, how was she supposed to know this guy was about to go attack someone?
Honestly this comment is so patronizing and offensive I don’t know where to begin.
First of all, you have reading comprehension issues, you self-righteous asshole. Let me repeat what I said :
I know it’s easy to say, but she looked oblivious.
Because she was, by letting a stranger into the vestibule. Do you do that? How many people here don’t care who follows them into their apartment building? Call a spade a spade. It was the first thing my wife said when watching the video.
I was in no way blaming the victim. These women did nothing wrong to prompt an attack, but victim blaming suggests they did. Only one of the two victims enabled it by not being aware. I simply suggested that some training and preparedness might be in order for assholes like this.
Secondly, you sound like a bleeding heart liberal with a raw nerve ending ready to pounce even though there is nothing to pounce on. Because you find oppression where there is none. And I’m a liberal. I’d also suggest that you’d be surprised how many people would have come to her aid had she screamed in the grocery store. Instances of good samaritans happen every day. I would have tackled the guy had I heard her scream or saw it happen. Guaranteed.
You give liberalism a bad rap. This is why conservatives rile against PC.
Always be aware:. You’re absolutely correct, the victim appears oblivious. She did a wonderful job jumping into action. Somebody made a similar observation on the original article to this crime on the SP and this guy made the same complaint. He never heard the term an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You need to be aware especially after midnight. Fact plain and simple.
Agreed.Thanks. But notice how many likes and dislikes. It’s as though liberals need to find something to be outraged about and ignore being pragmatic and responsible. “Victim Blaming” is a buzzword for liberals, even when it doesn’t exist. And I emphasize I am a liberal, but not in the bleeding heart type that finds racism/sexism in a dustball. I’m just not obsessed with or ruled by “politically correct.” Which is different than outright racism or sexism.
Arguing about men’s sexism and physiology is another matter entirely.
What more could the first woman have done to prevent the crime besides have eyes in the back of her head?
First of all, you have reading comprehension issues, you self-righteous asshole. Let
Why you so angry? Whats with the name calling? All the more reason to have to sign on via Facebook or other social media platform rather then just some screen name. Ok tough guy?
I experienced many such assaults and when I made a fuss people looked at me as if I were crazy and causing a scene. Unless they actually see it happening people don’t want to get involved. I guarantee it.
Men need to learn to stop themselves. Men need to pressure each other into stopping themselves. Men need to take responsibility for their own uncivilized behavior and develop ways to change it. That is the ounce of prevention we need.
Anonymous- if that is your definition of prevention then expect many more such experiences. I guess you feel you have absolutely no responsibility what so ever for your very own safety. Good luck with that one.
The answer is simple. We must require men to wear blinders and manacles in public so they are physically restrained from seeing and touching women who have not consented. They can get seeing eye dogs to help them get around. Then everyone will be safe from sexual assault.
We all need to get involved and respond whenever we see this predatory conduct. Today it’s your neighbor being subjected to this abuse, tomorrow it’s your daughter, sister, wife or mother. We need to make these predators know they are going to be, at best, called out, shamed and ridiculed and maybe even detained and arrested.
They should be arrested, prosecuted and punished. They are sex criminals! Violating a woman’s body is criminal assault. That man has practiced his technique, he stalks his victims and executes his plan. It is premeditated behavior that will hurt someone physically, psychologically and socially for years if not for the rest of her life. It does not compare to being a jerk. Call out shame and ridicule a guy who picks his nose. Jail a guy who touches women against their wills.
The woman was violated inside the supermarket..She must have yelled or screamed and nobody working there responded?..The little monster walked right out and on to his next victim..Horrible!
Things like this have happened to me many times over the years and let me tell you, I never screamed. You’re more shocked than anything and you kind of freeze up. Even if she had told store staff, they couldn’t have done anything about it. Best scenario would have been to call the police. Luckily the woman who was attacked in her building was not more severely harmed or violated.
That’s horrible. I guess some women are just too proud to scream or too scared that the bastard might react worse. I think this is a proof that a simple taser (are tasers legal in NY) or a pepper spray with coloring agent (so he can be spotted easily) should be in every woman’s purse.
The lack of reporting or proper response lead to another woman being attacked, it could have been a lot worse. I hope they find this piece of scum soon.
They only respond if you steal a loaf of bread from them
ye, apparently we have a bunch of p******s. Everyone wants to act tough till something serious actually goes down. Shit, hope I catch this motherfcr