March 17, 2017 Staff Report
A gourmet burger joint located on the border of Sunnyside and Long Island City appears to have closed.
Williamsburger, which opened in 2013 at 36-17 Greenpoint Ave. (near 50th Avenue), is now empty, with its tables, chairs and all other contents gone. The mirrors have come off the wall and the floors appear to have been swept.
The owner of Williamsburger could not be reached for comment, as the number to the restaurant is no longer in service.
Williamsburger, which had a loyal following, operated in a section of the neighborhood that was not known for dining and entertainment. The restaurant was located on the periphery of a manufacturing area, and in the vicinity of St. Raphaels Church.
The establishment was known for offering quality burgers, hot dogs and milkshakes in a laid back and comfortable atmosphere.

Interior (Friday)
I know the restaurant well and loved the flavorful, juicy burgers, sourced from a great NY purveyor. The price is actually pretty general for a quality beef burger. If I wanted to spend $8, I’d go to Burger King (gross). Not to mention, the place was exactly what you want from a neighborhood joint – simple pleasures of good food and drinks and down to earth service that’s not looking to get jerked around by ignorant and cheap customers. The place’s namesake originates in Brooklyn so I’m happy to know the burgers will be back around those parts again, even though I’m sure LIC and Sunnyside regulars will be disappointed. I think it will be better suited in a more central location. It’s a great place for families and offers a casual, chill atmosphere I can see doing well in Brooklyn. I know Queens wants to do it’s own thing and not get sucked into Brooklyn’s shadow, but people gotta get off their butts. Leave the car and take a 15 minute walk to get to dinner. Put in a little added effort to support local businesses. Otherwise you can kiss your neighborhood joints goodbye. And then all you got left are the McDonald’s burgers and dunkin donuts.
I know the restaurant well and loved the vibe. Not only are the burgers flavorful, juicy, and sourced from a quality meat purveyor, but the place was exactly what you want from a neighborhood joint. Simple pleasures of good food and drinks, plus service that’s down to earth and not looking to get jerked around by cheap and ignorant customers. I personally don’t want to pay $8 for a burger. I want a bomb burger and $15 is actually a pretty general price for a quality beef burger. If I wanted to spend $8, I’d go to Burger King (gross). The restaurant’s namesake originates in Brooklyn and though I know the regulars from LIC and sunny side will be sad to see the place go, I’m happy to know this isn’t the end of the road for Williamsburger.
Hahahaha, el loco is still saying he has a wife . Hahaha
$15 hipster burgers may work in Williamsburg, but not Sunnyside. Let’s see how the new Brookside Market (next to Gaslight) prices are.
At one time, the owner indicated that he wanted to relocate to Sunnyside on Skillman Ave. He started in Williamsburg lease ran out rent skyrocketed.
Yes too expensive that’s why I got myg wife Smelly to cook.
Maybe it was the fact that they charged 15$ for a burger.
Dom you need to get a girl
The place had great burgers. I never had an issue with service. I think the location was too out of the way. It would have had far more success had it opened on Queens Boulevard. They also needed to put labels on their bags so people could see take out coming from them.
Maybe if everyone ignores him he’ll go away. This is the 2nd different spelling of his name that i came across. Just do us all a favor, go away
super sad. i was there four or five times, service was ALWAYS super, really nice staff, cozy atmosphere, and the BEST burgers ever. the location really was the worst. i live on skillman ave, and would walk all the way there just to eat. a bit far. good luck to them!
WTF!!!!! The best burger on this side of the Atlantic
ocean is closed. The burgers left my mouth speechless. The poppers were great!! No to mention the SEXY girls that worked there! The owner, a gentleman and a scholar played great music, and it was a great atmosphere after work.
The only thing that sucked was parking. I guess that is why he moved. He needed his own parking lot!!
I wanted to go, but it was always just a bit too out of the way (drove past it a lot). unfortunately I was turned off by yelp reviews over the years that cited surly service and wildly varying quality. So it became less of an imperative.
I thought Williamsburger was awesome. Throughout every regular visit, I never had a problem with the customer service like I’ve previously read. Great burgers and they were always cooked exactly how you requested them. They also offered a great craft beer selection that seemed to always have a consistent array of styles. The problem with the restaurant and the reason I believed it failed was strictly the location. There is absolutely nothing over in that area except for an “interesting” restaurant across the street. The road leads right to the highway and commuters looking to stop in for a quick bite would end up looking for parking for twenty minutes and eventually continue on their planned route in frustration. I’ve heard the business is going to be reopening with the same concept in Williamsburg hopefully in a better location. I wish them luck!
Please stop picking on me. I just want to be loved. My comments are no dumber than 99.9 per cent of the people on this blog. There is one person who has it out for me who is just writing in over and over under different names. At least I give my real name! Elwood Locatelli. You can look it up.
I looked it up. You sir, do not exist.
I went there once ….
Only modestly impressed
I ask the Cook, who was the
owner filling in.
I asked to have the bacon
He refused
Customer Service ?
… yeah right.
I wish them well.
Find a better location and
try cooking the bacon
What moron complains about anything bacon related???
Maybe you should go try to find a brain in DA HEIGHTS!!!
Williamsburger you guys will be missed my family and I came there every Sunday and we loved the food and the girls were awesome.
I was a regular. Sorry to see them go. Best burger place in LIC. We def need more places like it in the neighborhood. I will be going to the new location I hear it will be in East Williamsburg area.
Good Luck!
I blame the Russians for this.
I can say this place will be missed. Excellent burgers etc…and if the owner or wait staff gave you a hard time you were probably being and have continued to be an asshole. Def not the best location but I hear it’s moving to a better spot & should get the business it deserves. Good luck to them.
Back when they first opened, I was a regular. Soon after I had an unpleasant encounter with the owner while ordering takeout. Never went back. Hopefully wherever he went he changes his attitude or gets some help, and hopefully a new business takes its place, especially with the businesses that will *fingers crossed* move into the new mixed use building on 39th. It could really activate that area in a positive direction.
this place is Awesome!
High quality beef and they cook it just they way you want. The breads for buns are fancy and top of the line. Ask for extra toasted. Very creative and juicy burger combos. Salads,sandwiches, fries and shakes…you can’t forget a shake! They have seasonal shake flavors and they are all super yummy!
Service sucked so ha ha goodbye
20 people is a breeze , too slow if your a pro
The burgers and shakes were awesome. And they always gave me the extra shake in the silver cup. Led Zeppelin posters on the wall and good music. What more could you want? The location not very good, thats the only problem.
I hope they bring in a Trader Joe’s or a book store!
Sure, or another apartment building for hipsters!
Or a craft beer bar that only sells IPA’s.
I loved that place!! Great burgers,dogs,sides and even pirogies. I enjoyed eating there,and a cocktail now and then. I believe the owner was a local guy trying to do something cool for his neighborhood. Sorry to see it closed
It looks like it will be moving back to Williamsburg onto Graham avenue. The owner is a really nice guy and a Sunnyside resident!
I enjoyed it when I went, but the walk from transit was just too far. If I’d had a car, maybe it would have been different. Better luck next time!
A absolutely horrible location didnt help, no foot traffic, no parking. Horrible place for a restaurant
Way too far for me. Besides, I’d be afraid to walk those streets at night. Especially when I make excellent burgers at home. They are the best, evar. Spectacular. Believe me. No one can rival my burgers. *thumbs up*
So stupid – there is less crime near this location then anywhere else in this hood.
I can tell you why it went under…bad service. There were about 20 of us who wanted to order lunch from there last June and the guy who answered the phone was annoyed that he had to tell us the specials, then said he won’t deliver it, we were up the block. Told him that we would pick it up and he literally said, ” ummm this is too big of an order and it will take a long time.” We said we’d go elsewhere. Seems they didn’t want any business
It’s not like 20 people is as easy as your making it sound I’ live up the block and was a regular customer they did an awesome job and served only quality, you sound like some entitled hipster that is crying because you didn’t get to cut in line. Yeah your the reason they closed do you feel good about yourself now?
Jennifer… It’s a shame the $8 You spent there couldn’t keep them afloat.
Calling everyone who makes more than $9/hr is a bit desperate.
*calling everyone who makes more than $9/hr a hipster is a bit desperate.
Hmmm I make $12/hr. Im not a hipster. By making that comment you just proved you are hipster who is making Queens un bearable.
Jennifer can’t you even spell your name correctly.
How are you going to tell someone how to spell their own name? What if she spells her name with one n?
But anyways, they had good burgers and milkshakes ??
Just saw this, yes 20 people ordering is that easy of an order. It was a burger joint that we called 2hours ahead of the time we would pick the order up! BTW, I am far from an entitled hipster! I have lived here in Sunnyside my entire 56 years and what the hell do you mean “cutting in line??” If they wanted customers they would have made sure to take the order but they were too lazy and apparently didn’t need the clients. Yep, THAT is why they are closed!
From what I understand, it’s going back to Williamsburg and I’ll be visiting when it does. It’s a good ol’ Burger joint with great burgers, COLD beer, good music and really awesome shakes. Nothing bad can be written about the place except that parking sucks and the place was away from the busy Queens Blvd and upper Greenpoint Ave areas. Cheers and Thanks Williamsburger…if you don’t have one, get a Facebook page so we can follow your new place!
The fact that you eat at a place called “williamsburger” when you live in the food capital of the world, queens new york….. Makes all of you hipsters. Boo ya. Mic drop.
I guess it does appear to be closed for good, judging by the photo and the disconnected phone. Great observation Einstein, a regular sherlock holmes this reporter is
They could be renovating.