Lin Family (Photo: QueensPost)
July 29, 2012 Staff Report
The Lin Family of Midwood, Brooklyn, are putting the final touches on their Yogurberry store at 44-01 Queens Blvd. in time for the grand opening on Monday, July 30, two weeks ahead of schedule.
The family operation will celebrate with 15% off frozen yogurt for the entire first week. Daughter Vivian says that “Everyone stops by to wish us well.” With such a short amount of time before opening, the family is eager to put together a staff to work the counter. “We’re looking for two or three, maybe even four people,” Vivian added.

Photo: QueensPost
Hey, Are you hiring a job now? if yes just email me. Is there any number that i could call you or contact you. Thank you.
@Rachel it’s not about the cost or the weight of the cup it’s about giving people an easy to access choice. Most of the people there didn’t even realize a smaller option was available and when requested they tried to discourage. I heard one patron say oh wow I didn’t realize they had medium cups in reference to the small cup. She thought hers was large and they pointed out it hers was a medium even though it was huge. The cashier said that you have to request small cups as they don’t put them out. If a place is self serve they should make a variety of options easily accessible.
The reality is that if you give people a huge container they are more likely to take more than they ordinarily woul. If they consume too much that’s not good and if they trash it then that’s wasteful.
It’s very nice that they added the small size due to customer requests and I give them credit for that. Now I just hope people will eat responsibly.
Steven, I beg to differ. I’ve been there every day since the opening. The employees (who are very friendly and helpful btw) explained to me that when they opened, they did not intend to carry small cups but since many people requested it, they got it for the second day of opening. I don’t think they’re trying to hide the small cups, they’re displayed behind the counter! Maybe they didn’t have a cup dispenser the size of it? Idk. But the smaller cups are not ideal because some people who might not know how to use the machines will get it all over themselves. I’ve seen it happen. Also, it’s harder to put on toppings (for people who want them). When you pay, they take away the weight of the cup so you’re not paying for it so I don’t see the problem with the bigger cups.
Very disappointed on my first visit. They hide the small size cups behind the counter and most people didn’t realize there was a choice in sizes so wond up using the gigantic cups and buying more (they sell it by weight).
If you request a smaller size they try to talk you out if it. If you insist they relent, but who wants to deal with thatneverytime especially with self service!
Really sleazy sales gimmick.
There better be a bench there! I want to eat my “Yo-ga-be-ry” outside!
I definitely prefer the self-serve style yogurt shops to the behind the counter ones that used to be in the neighborhood. Very excited to try this.
Yo-ga-be-ry. Not that difficult. Yogurt, as a word, is not so pleasant, but teaming it up with the friendly-sound “berry” works for me. Can’t see how you would call it repulsive.
I went today and I totally dig it. It’s self serve so you have to watch yourself or you will pay more than you intended. They have a bunch of flavors..plain, chocolate, mango, pineapple, coconut, peach, and a few more I don’t remember. Then you can put fruit or other stuff on it…and then you pay…49 cents an ounce. It’s not too sweet…just the right amount of tang (similar to pinkberry). I’ll def be back!
This place looks legit! I’ll certainly be stopping by…
No T in the middle….it is a really bad name that does not sound good or roll off the tongue BUT it is a Franchise so you can’t change it. The yogurt sounds good so I will stop by.
Donny, I assume the woman in the middle is their daughter, Vivian, who is gorgeous and might get guys to stop in just to say hi to her! Lol….good luck w/ the biz!
isnt there a t in the middle?? if not thats one of the most replusive food names in NYC
Donny you should be ashamed of yourself!
I guess I should too because I’m totally on the same page.
i’ll definitely give it a try.
Whoa, who is the hottie in the middle!?!? I’ll work a second job just to be next to that!
Maybe their yogurt will be good