Gabby (in red shirt)
Aug. 26, 2016 By Hannah Wulkan
The transgender woman who was hit over the head with a hammer last week in Woodside spoke at a rally yesterday beside local politicians to raise awareness and end violence against trans women.
The rally, held at Woodside Plaza, came in the wake of her August 17 attack, where her assailant yelled, “That’s what you get for being gay,” after attempting to steal her purse and attacking her.
“I am so thankful for all of you here,” the victim, Gaby, said in Spanish, with help from a translator. “I feel a lot of fear.”
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer organized the rally, along with activist groups Make the Road New York and the New York City Anti Violence Project.
“We will never ever accept or tolerate violence against the trans community in Woodside or anywhere in the city of New York,” said Van Bramer. “We are a diverse, and very, very loving community.”
“One attack against the trans community is an attack against every single one of us, we can never allow an attack on the trans community to go unmet without a furious response,” he added.
Van Bramer was joined by Comptroller Scott Stringer, who said, “The sad truth is we’ve had too many of these nights where we’ve had to come together after an attack demanding that the coward who did this gets apprehended and punished.”
He cited the fact that there have been 10 reported incidents of violence against transgender individuals in Queens alone so far in 2016, let alone the more publicized attacks in other boroughs.
“We have to say enough is enough,” Stringer added.
Public Advocate Letitia James spoke of other incidents of violence against trans people that garnered national attention, including Islan Nettles who was beat to death in Harlem in April, and Pearl Love who was attacked on the 4 train in May. She added that 18 members of the trans community have been killed this year in the United States.
“This type of hate has no place in our city, and for the trans community and the LGBT community, and for all marginalized community, we stand together against hate and there are more of us than those who hate,” Public Advocate Letitia James said to the gathered crowd. “Hate always, always, always loses, and love always wins,” she added.
Congressman Joe Crowley said that as someone who was raised in Woodside, “The attack that took place is not representative of the community that I’ve grown up in and lived in.”
Police are still searching for Gaby’s attacker and are investigating the attack as a hate crime. NYPD have released a photo and video of the suspect, and anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Sounds like a mad overpriced customer.
Anthony Weiner wants to know how much Chicks with sticks ?
Its a shame anybody gets attacked at all. Unfortunately theres alot of no good people out there. Hopefully somebody caught This attack on a security camera
again what will it take to convict black people of hate crimes
Elderly woman beaten, set on fire in black-on-white attack
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/08/elderly-woman-beaten-set-on-fire-in-black-on-white-attack/#VRrtisi4fJ1lFhPK.99
Horrific crime…and if it was a black granny and a bunch of white teens it would of been all over the national/international news.
Scott Stringer looks lovely lately.
Very sad news for this happen so close to home. I hope they find this manic and lock him him up. Now can the councilman and the police also look into stopping and preventing all the other illegal activities taking place near Roosevelt Ave/74 st. Such as drugs, muggings, and prostitution. That area has always been well known for for gay and tranz prostitutes. Walk around in the night and you will see what i mean.
Sean, Rocky, Luvu2 , tooties tooters and about 15 other handles are the same stupid jerk.
-Original Sean Here is a list of people who live off the Gov’t:
Joseph Cassano, AIG Financial Products Executive, 1987-2008, HIS BONUS, 2008: $34 million. 2008 the year of the financial collapse, the year Cassano literally put AIG out of business if it weren’t for TARP.
Vikram Pandit, Citigroup CEO, 2007-present
HIS HAUL, 2008: $10.8 million. 2008 the year of the financial collapse, the year Pandt help put Citigroup out of business if it weren’t for TARP.
Robert Rubin, Citigroup Board of Directors, 1999-2009
HIS HAUL, 1999-2009: $124 million. 2008 the year of the financial collpse, the year Rubin help put Citigroup out of business if it weren’t for TARP.
Ken Lewis, Bank of America CEO and President, 2001-2009
HIS HAUL, 2008: $10 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse, the year Lewis help put BOA out of business if it weren’t for TARP.
Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase CEO and President, 2005-present
HIS HAUL, 2008: $19.7 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse.
Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO and Chairman, 2006-present
HIS HAUL, 2008: $42.9 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse.
John G. Stumpf, Wells Fargo CEO, 2007-present
HIS HAUL, 2008: $13.8 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse.
John J. Mack, Morgan Stanley CEO, 2005-2009, and Chairman, 2005-present
HIS HAUL, 2008: $1.2 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse.
John Thain, Merrill Lynch CEO, 2007-2009
HIS HAUL, 2008: $83.1 million. 2008 the year of the year of the financial collapse. All these firms all were put out of business in 2008 by these men.The only reason they didn’t shut their doors was due to the tax payer finance bailout. Sean you’re a Fox informed low wage low performing low IQ bigot.
Too much for me to read man, gotta get back to work. Moving on…
Yes you low information low wage low IQ Fox Watching imbecile. If it takes more than pressing a thumbs up or a thumbs down it’s beyond your comprehension. I’m glad you finally admitt it.
Insults is a sign of stupidity Sean. Great job at proving your stupid.
Haha yea his salary probably is low wage, after all the taxes come out of his paycheck to pay for you to sit on your lazy ass having time to type all this out!
yawns…Now, sashay away.
Don’t forget to put yourself and family on that list #blamefoxnews. Your welcome by the way Dead Beat.
BTL- Do you know how to post using full sentences? What are you responding to?
He’s responding to your mom.
not a peep from de Bozio about making this a hate crime….can’t offend his black wife.
@Original Sean The least you can do is provide a fact or two when you post under your pseudo handle “Da Facts” since you never do it under any of your other alias’. You’re a great example of the manipulation and “dumbing down” of much of the American electorate.
Definition of politics -noun the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
You honestly believe what you are doing and discussing somehow falls into this Oxford Dictionary definition of the word. Hahahaha You’re an idiot.When in actuality his definition falls more in line with the new Fox News Rush Limbaugh chest pounding, banner waving loudest voice in the room fact avoiding spectacle. With the veiled bigotry component of Conservative (white) and Liberal (people of color, union supporting, atheist, LGBT, Libertarian, disabled, pro reproductive freedom) buzzword. Notice you never address any of the points facts and details of my posts. You obviously lack the intelligence to address any of the components of my post regarding “the activities associated with the governance”.You are the poster child of the power of brainwashing, you weak minded imbecile.
#blamefoxnews is a great example of the further dumbing down of Liberal America due to their fantasy world created by their drug use and drug use by parents such as those of #blamefoxnews’s. Types away at his mother’s basement while waiting for his free stuff from Obuma and welfare.
Some idiot liberal is copying my name. Da facts is the facts. People wake up and get out of your fantasy world. Neighborhoods are going down, get your lazy, living off the govt, but hurting, protesting butts up and contribute to real society, so we dont have to have your rights come out of our paychecks.
Sounds like a customer who found out too late what ” she ” was. Prob gave her a 1? yelp review
Transgender Hookers there charge too much for the Hersey Highway.
Sean and #blamefoxnews can’t pay.
Fools be hating on Asian woman whose killer remains at large
Tell jimmy to get off his butt and organize a rally and press conference
-Asian Granny You’re home all day, you organize the rally asking the boyfriend of the victim to turn himself in.
-AG and TT. Are you the person the police are looking for, who murdered this woman?
-David and the person posting who called out this bizarre person obsessively posting about that murdered Korean woman, he suddenly stopped posting when you inquired about the motive behind these strange obsessive posts. I hope this blog sends his posts and e-mail address to the police. He needs looking into.
Van Beamer held rallies re murder Lou rispoli and attack on trans woman but nothing in support of Korean woman brutally murdered whose crime remains unsolved
Gee I wonder why
If the fools who attack my information would attend police council meetings they would know that several murders remain unsolved
@TT, Hey Stupid, the Korean woman was murdered by her boyfriend, the crime was not random or apart of an escalating pattern of similar crimes in the precinct putting other residents living in the precinct at risk. As a matter of fact a suspect was named and fugitive warrant issued relatively quickly in this case. If you were so concerned for the Korean Victim why didn’t you call a rally. you’re obviously trying to politicize something. You sound like you have a contempt of gay and trans gender.
No arrests
-Asian granny Is your post a question or a declaration?
Tooties -People are attacking your misinformation idiocy and weak attempt at manipulation and politicizing. You sound like an hysterical misinformed easily incited blowhard.
Kinda like you Sean.
Joe Crowley just admitted this — Congressman Joe Crowley said that as someone who was raised in Woodside, “The attack that took place is not representative of the community that I’ve grown up in and lived in.” So in theory he really does not live in either Jackson Heights or Woodside anymore — just Virginia
i hope the sunnyside post keeps up to date with this……
because it is a test of whether a black perp will ever get charged and convicted of any hate crime in america.
you have all the elements of a great story. a hammer attack on a tras, a gay married political representative, a mayor with a black wife.
there should be no excuse for a lot of added time behind bars for a hate crime….but the perp is black.
One dislike on this post was the perp.
10 dislikes on your post was the Perps relatives.
Normally I find the Sunnyside Post’s trolls funny, but today they’re just bitter trolls.
A Korean woman was muedered a couple of years ago
She was supporting her kids
No rallies organized by jimmy or the despicable Dannie dromm
This happened Memorial Day weekend I believe
Not one word from jimmy or the police
-luvu2 now tootsie
You need to learn how to do a simple google search you fool…
Disturbing news out of New York… In Queens, a mother who disappeared last week was found dead inside the trunk of her own car: Missing Mother of 3 Found Strangled in Trunk of Her Own Car, Sources Say.
42-year-old Young Joo Byun, a former missionary and mother of three, was discovered strangled in a plastic garbage bag inside the trunk of her blue Honda Civic parked in Woodside. The Chief Medical Examiner’s Office says she died of compression to the neck and chest, and ruled her death a homicide.
Byun had been missing since last Friday after leaving her nightshift job:
Byun was last seen about 4:30 a.m. Friday when she left her nightshift job at a food-supply warehouse on 55th Avenue, near 44th Street, in Maspeth, cops and coworkers said. She had lots of baked goods in her car, leading cops to suspect that she was going to meet someone, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Tuesday.
Authorities were looking for a man Byun was dating recently and wanted to question him, sources said.
Hey fool
What does that have to do with anything ?
Crime unsolved but you be hating on Asian women like the fool you are
Tooties tooters, To quote the article “a rally yesterday beside local politicians to raise awareness and end violence against trans women.”. You’re the one who sounds like “you be hating on”. The cops know who killed the poor Korean Victim so I fail to see what a rally to bring awareness to an on going and increasingly common occurrence of a particular type of crime in nature and specific target has to do with a crime, as horrible as it was, of personal nature as between lovers and (or) family members What’s preventing you from putting together a rally on an issue you feel deep convictions about? Mike is right you sound like a fool. I’d like to add ignorant and hateful to that.
Murder of Korean woman is unsolved
Reading is fundamental fool
Hey tooties tooters: You’re really going out of your way to mock this woman’s death.As if you’re taunting the authorities. I think Christian Murray the owner of this blog should give the police your IP address. There is something very wrong with your taunting and mocking posts concerning this murder victim. You sound like a psycho serial perp.
Who the hell cares if its a hate crime or not, who the hell cares if your gay or not! Gays bring to much attention to yourselves. Your human, just like everyone else. why do you need special treatment. Point is, there was an attack, and we dont need that crap in our neighborhood, period.
There seems to be a special, venemous hatred some people have against people with gender differences. It is primitive. The hatred comes from deep dark places in the human soul. It is worse than regular crime and its damages go very deep into its victims.
No, its when is too much. A soldier defending our country gets his limbs blown off, but Jenner gets the courage award for coming out as a woman. Wtf is this country coming to??
The Bulimic Panda is back from the grave after a diagnosis of Herpatitis Double D. Please pray for me. Transgender people deserve compassion not violence. I pray that they’re safe and also cease to mutilate their gentiles. G-d loves all of us and Bulimic Panda loves all of you soooo much. G-d bless
our Irish drunken crime infested Sunnyside. Amen.
Just for the record, this is being _investigated_ as a hate crime (it is not being called a hate crime now by the police). Given what the assailant said (her assailant yelled, “That’s what you get for being gay,” after attempting to steal her purse and attacking her), it sounds like one but it is actually complicated to prove that something is a hate crime. Despicable, in any case.
again i’ll say this is the CASE ….. you have all the elements to prove black privilege when he gets off with a slap on the wrist. no hate crime..yeah right.
The people disliking these last few comments, are the same ones who change their profile pictures when a mass killing happens, because they are “helping”
It also brings JVB out cause it was a gay victim but he’s never out if it’s a straight white person. And you all know I’m telling the truth too no denying it.
There is a lot if transgender prostitution around Roosevelt Ave late at night. It would not surprise me if these women got robbed for cash more often then we know. I transgender person was curb stomped in Jackson Heights a year or two ago. You are not looking at the whole issue here if you are only treating this as a hate crime. Many people in the neighborhood would not recognize Woodside late at night.
Exactly, try boarding the 7 train in Jackson Heights on 82nd late night to early morning, and see the transgenders being good citizens
Next stop on the 7 Train 74th and Roosevelt….. Transgender prostitution. All aboard !!!
Ya mean da Transgender Hookers. I know I’m a regular customer.
Women of all kinds are subject to attack by men all day every day. I’m sorry it takes a transgendered woman to get the attention of our politicians, but I am 100% behind catching the sick human being who did this. He deserves punishment and education.
Why did the person add “NOT” to his sign?
It says no.
same thing is written down in the bottom left corner.
JVB organizes a rally for a trans right away, but he won’t rally against the Quality Inn hotel being turned into a homeless shelter in our neighborhood !
Let’s also not forget that the DiBlasio administration now allows public urination, drinking in the streets and all other petty and “broken window” crimes so it’s free reign in the streets of NYC at the moment.
-43rd street resident i’m no fan of D’iblasio but you buddy are horribly misinformed.. Read up on the proposal before spouting your idiocy and fear mongering. Police would still retain the option of actually arresting offenders. Nobody is changing “broken windows policing” just how its processed and administrated by various agencies involved.If passed, the new laws would encourage police not to arrest violators of the other laws. Instead, cops would usually give out civil summonses. Recipients would then be ordered to appear in a court managed by New York City’s Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings.
A New York Daily News analysis shows the seven offenses that would be sent to one of the city’s administrative civil courts under the plan account for roughly 2.7 million, or 42%, of the summonses issued by the NYPD between 2001 and June 2014. They also account for more than 510,000 open arrest warrants, according to the analysis of data provided by the state Office of Court Administration.
Leave it to Fox News to turn out its army of idiots to shout down a fiscally conservative and a more efficient and productive use of city police, judicial and administrative resources.
Police would still retain the option of actually arresting offenders.
“We have been supportive of having a civil option for the police,” NYPD spokesman Stephen P. Davis told the Times. “Where appropriate, the civil option is probably going to be the go-to option,” he said, but police want to retain discretion to arrest.
A New York Daily News analysis shows the seven offenses that would be sent to one of the city’s administrative civil courts under the Mark-Viverito plan account for roughly 2.7 million, or 42%, of the summonses issued by the NYPD between 2001 and June 2014. They also account for more than 510,000 open arrest warrants, according to the analysis of data provided by the state Office of Court Administration.
Leave it to Fox News to turn out its army of idiots to shout down a fiscally conservative and a more efficient and productive use of city police, judicial and administrative resources.
#blamefoxnews another liberal village idiot. Another Bum. This is why liberal hoods smell like piss. Smh
Da facts- your post is so ignorant and makes absolutely no sense. Wow are you in third grade? Your ability to discuss the facts of #blames post really came shining through on this post you ignorant imbecile. Hahaha Liberal neighborhoods smell like piss? Liberal Neighborhoods like Forest Hills Gardens, Jamaica Estates, Douglaston, Sunnyside Gardens, Greenwhich village, Brooklyn Heights, Riverdale, Park Slope Upper East Side Upper West Side tc etc. all liberal progressive strongholds for very long times. Get an education you ridiculous tool. FYI incidents of public urination diidn’t increase with the passage of this fiscally responsible and resource efficient bill. Fact!! I know truth facts and history obviously don’t matter to an uneducated jerk like you.
da facts, You just surrendered and lost the fdebate with that post. I’m sure your parents are proud…
Some of us work Angela. We don’t sit on our fat liberal ass waiting for free stuff like you do all day while being a internet warrior. That was a comment not a debate Brainless.
Da Facts- Angela’s right you’re an idiot. LOL Go back and re-read Angelas’ posts they don’t appear to be on the “Liberal” side of the spectrum. Here is the definition to the word comment com·ment
1. a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction to.
Your comment is the “remark” and “reaction” to a debate or discussion over the above article. The article is considered “subject matter” thus making a “talking point”. Your comment makes up one of many comments which add up to or equal to a discussion or a debate about subject matter. You’re not a very bright or educated boy are you? Which “free stuff” are you getting from the Gov’t you mentally challenged imbecile? You’re eligible. What you’ll get will never equal what individual CEO’s for Banks, Brokerages and Insurance companies have gotten and will continue to get. But from the look of your posts under this handle and the others you use, you’ll never notice the difference, you’re way too stupid. I’ll be at the Copper Kettle tonight if you’d like more of an education.
The person posting with the tag “Da Facts” is a great example of the manipulation and “dumbing down” of much of the American electorate. Definition of politics -noun the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. This clown believes what he is doing and discussing somehow falls into this Oxford Dictionary definition of the word. When in actuality his definition falls more in line with the new Fox News Rush Limbaugh chest pounding, banner waving loudest voice in the room fact avoiding spectacle. With the veiled racism component of Conservative (white) and Liberal (people of color, union supporting, atheist, LGBT, Libertarian, disabled, pro reproductive freedom) buzzword. Ask this clown a “liberal” neighborhood is and see what he names. Notice he did not address any of the points of my post except the urine itself. This person obviously lacks the intelligence to address any of the components of my post regarding “the activities associated with the governance” in the form of administrative practices of our local government but this clown actually believes he is engaging in a political discussion. The power of brainwashing.
……….Picks up the weed right after posting.
Doesn’t take you much effort to cut and paste does it Basement dweller ?
-Slob Limbaugh fan. I ran a number of google searches, deep internet searches and even Invisible web site searches, the person you’re responding to is the originator of said data. No data in the above form and (or)context exist on the web. You just made a fool of yourself…again. Get an education son.Also get away from the computer and other electronic media, you’ve allowed people like Rush Limbaugh to turn you into a mindless fool without any self respect or regard for the truth.
Retired from the job passes the blunt to #blamefoxnews.
@blame How dare you post any sort of truth fact or history when responding to some uniformed commenters ignorance?!?! Hahahaha 43rd street resident comes from the Roger Ailes created world of “popular conservatism.” No truth fact or history for this fool just the illusion that his stupidity is popular and he is fine. Hahaha so many idiots like this naive jerk out there then people wonder why this country is in the shape it is.
Sounds like it was a mugging and the perp blurted out a comment about being gay. If this had been a straight, white person, we would not be hearing about it. Anything involving a “transgender” gets all the attention these days. Regardless, I hope that catch the vermin who did this.
Exactly, these crimes happen often, but you only hear in the media when its black, gay, or musslim, because that is whats catching attention these days. Segregation is happening more by singling out people that you are actually trying to say are equal.
wow had to have been someone that knew her . because to me she looks very much a woman and she should be proud ,and not show that racist pig she is scared