June 23, 2015 Staff Report
In 2010, the Woodside branch library was stripped of its Saturday service.
The decrease in service was the result of budget cuts during the Bloomberg administration that saw many Queens Library branches closed on Saturdays. While Woodside closed—some were able to maintain Saturday service—including the Sunnyside branch.
Yesterday, the city council and Mayor de Blasio struck a deal where libraries citywide will be open on Saturdays—including the Woodside branch. The details as to when Saturday service will be restored and the hours each branch will be open will not be available for a number of weeks.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who is the chair of the Cultural Affairs & Libraries committee, had requested an additional $65 million to secure six-day service, increase library hours, add staff, buy books and increase programs.
Van Bramer was able to help negotiate an extra $39 million, which was enough to secure six-day service city wide.
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Woodside library ends Saturday service
This just made my day! Thanks so much JvB!
Att: Christian Murray
Will you please consider getting rid of this silly CAPTCHA commenting system? Not only are the silly pictures annoying, the auto correct keeps correcting things that don’t need correcting, including screen ID.
Sounds exactly like what a robot would say!
I’m all for small, limited government, less spending etc, but I do feel that libraries are of great value, and a good investment of tax dollars.
JVB is the best!
HEY KOOL-AID!!!!! Step away from the glass.
this is great. thanks JVB.
This is long overdue. Parents should be taking advantage of our wonderful library system and make sure their kids are reading. Kids who read grow up to be smarter than kids who don’t read. Staring at a screen all the time is too passive and doesn’t stimulate your brain the way a good book does.