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Woodside driver is dead, passenger critically injured, after going through red light on Skillman Ave. and hitting truck

Skillman/Queens Blvd

June 24, 2017 By Jason Cohen

A Woodside man is dead and a woman critically injured after he drove his car through a red light and collided with a truck this morning on Skillman Avenue.

Steven Narvaez, 28, of Woodside, was driving a 2013 Toyota Corolla westbound on Skillman Avenue at around 6:00 am when he struck an 18-wheel municipal waste truck when he blew through a red light at the intersection of Queens Blvd, according to police.

Narvaez’s vehicle came to a rest under the trailer section of the truck.

Upon arrival, officers found Narvaez unconscious and unresponsive, with severe body trauma, and a 17-year-old female passenger with trauma about her body. EMS responded and pronounced him dead at the scene and transported the woman to Elmhurst General Hospital, where she remains in critical condition.

The truck operator remained on the scene and did not sustain any injuries. There were no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.

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Truth matters

Anon I wouldn’t be surprised if we are friends. We are totally on the sam page you and I. I will not pity this losers life.


let me get this straight you set up a go to me fund for $10,000.00 when is costs less then $2,000.00 for a cremation and where is the other $8,000.00 going — what about the poor girl that was hurt in this accident — and now a new page is on the Sunnyside Post regarding this — just terrible –


This is our family and for you nosy shits get your facts together before one judging and making any comments no matter what happen we lost a son friend brother and uncle and tragically at that…. as for the young girl just pray for her stop asking questions and pray for both families.. if this was anyone else’s family you would want respect so do that instead of talking shit… it can happen to anyone no matter what…


Believe it or not some of us have a heart! Asking for the status of the girl is not talking shit. She is 17 years old, she went through a horrific accident and all you care about is that your friend who caused the accident died. You guys want to act like she is not important. I’ve seen it on Instagram where you all ignore the questions about her. That is unfair to her and her family. I bet if it had been her driving and caused the accident and he would have passed you would be all over her status because you would most likely see dollar signs. People are going to talk so get over it none of us are saints and dying does not erase your bad deeds. Plus you guys have gone as far as to create a gofundme for $10,000.00 to ship him to Colombia but he is being cremated! Lets ask for money but forget about the innocent life. You guys are a disgrace!

Bulimic Panda

You really think you deserve answers? Asking about someone in a comment section of a website … along with all your dumb speculation and inferences is 100% trashy. Do unto others my friend.


I never said I deserved answers I was simply responding to the Medina post. And to be more specific the comment of how “nosy ppl need to get the facts”. First, we have every right to ask questions. The platform doesn’t matter, comment sections, texting posting on social media. You or whom ever has every right to answer/not answer/ignore them. They want to set us straight then give the facts. They dnt wanna provide info that is pefectly fine and I respect that BUT they can’t have it both ways. If they are going to say get the facts be prepared for more questions. You can’t say get the facts straight and then tell them to stop talking shit when they do ask. They can always keep quiet and let ppl talk/question all they want or provide the facts and really shut them up. No need to get all defensive. This shit happen its sad and unfortunate. People are curious by nature. Again, if it bothers them, they can keep it moving focus on what important or set the record straight. And in my opinion, it’s not dumb speculation and trashy if we can see it. The go fund me is set with info about buring him in Colombia. The mass for his cremation is set for July 15. Ppl have asked if the girl is okay ppl dnt even acknowledge the question. Except for the comment about praying for her. My comment about them seeing dollar signs might be out of line but it’s my opinion and I have every right to state it they are trying to raise $10,000.00 for a funeral/burial that dosn’t look like will happen so take that hie you want… I wouldn’t do to others what I wouldnt want done to me. I sure hope you take your own advice.


your family should be praying and giving the money to the poor girl that was in the car with him — her family did not set up a go to me fund just yours – how strange –


Yes, he was either lit up on drugs or that was a suicide mission. Nobody in their right mind speeds up and drives straight into a tractor trailer like that


Talk in the neighborhood is this guy is a pill and heroin dealer well known in the neighborhood. Maybe people can stop complaining about speed bumps and lights. The guy was probably lit up on his own product


Is there a decent hospital anywhere in Queens? It seems like Mt. Sinai and Elmhurt are both death traps. I have insurance. If something happens, where do I go if I actually want to live?


I have had Uber take me to NorthShore University Hospital on the boarder of Great Neck & Manhasset.

The Instigator

The car is now on full display next to the police station on Vernon blvd in LIC. Not sure its something I want to look at on my way home to the train station every day given someone died in there. Why couldn’t they move it somewhere secluded?

Save the Robots

I passed it yesterday. If more people saw it they might think twice about blowing through lights.


Dangerous driving is a real problem in Sunnyside. We need better enforcement (or simply any enforcement) and better street design. Unfortunately, there are many strong voices in opposition to changing the status quo and the NYPD isn’t held accountable. So people will continue to get hurt. Just doesn’t make sense to me.

Tea Lady

More speed bumps are needed all around Sunnyside. And in particular on Skillman Ave.

Southside Johnny

Speed bumps are such a passive and lazy response to a real problem: too many irresponsible drivers driving around our neighborhood selfishly and dangerously. How about strict enforcement of existing traffic laws? I recall a big fuss a couple years ago when the speed limit was going to be 20 MPH in a residential area. Are our streets safer as a result or are cars & trucks still racing around as if they owned Sunnyside? There should be stop signs and traffic lights everywhere so cars have to continually slow down. If you want to drive fast, head over to the expressway but in this neighborhood, slow down!

Southside Johnny

A 28-year-old guy with a 17-year-old girlfriend. I hope he just picked her up and wasn’t just taking her home.

dino marino

how do you know she wasn’t his girlfriend I know people that know him and say she was

Silent majority

You sure about that? Where is a 28 year old and a 17 year old going at 6 am. You have to do better then that.

James H

The people driving this make and model car are always speeding,racing,and blowing lights and stop signs and finally this is what happens. Sad but true.


I am sure you don’t know the facts of this incident. you need to see the video. Stop jumping to conclusion.


This is a terrible intersection! I have complained to DOT, 108th precinct, 311 and Councilmember Van Bramer’s office on numerous occasion stating that sooner or later someone will be killed here. There should be a traffic cop there at all times. It becomes like the Wild West there on a daily basis!


The guy didn’t stop for the red light. There’s video footage at some other websites- the driver was going too fast and he wasn’t watching the road. Can’t imagine why a traffic cop would be needed.


Cannot find video footage of driver speeding or of the crash itself. Please post link to video.


I saw it on CBS news website. A huge truck was in the middle of the intersection, not moving because of traffic and this Toyota drove into it, right in the middle. From the hood down went under the truck, from the hood up hit the truck.

Southside Johnny

All the driver had to do was stop at a red light. He plowed into a huge truck because he was going too fast and wasn’t watching the road. There’s video footage on other websites if you’re confused as to what happened here. Don’t really think we need a traffic cop at this intersection at 6 AM on a Saturday.


There are cops there all the time, but only there to issue tickets to vehicles “blocking the box”. That’s all the traffic cops care about, writing tickets. At 6AM, not much going on, cop will not be standing there at 6am slowing down speeders. This accident is not something a cop can prevent.
Check youtube, there are videos of this intersection people recorded while cops write tickets near non-stop when someone causes a gridlock there, which they should, but they should educate people to STOP causing gridlocks in the first place and writing tickets won’t help.


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