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Woodside Dog Struck Dead by LIRR Train

Photo: iStock

Aug. 30, 2013 Staff Report

A dog was mowed down by a LIRR train in Woodside Friday morning.

The dog was being walked by its owner at the time, according to DNAinfo, but was not on a leash.

The dog was struck by a Penn Station-bound train at about 10 am, according to the MTA.

The owner was issued a summons for trespassing near the train tracks. His name has not been released.

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I love animals more than most people

Here’s an example of why it is important to thoroughly screen prospective pet owners before they are able to take home an animal. Some people just don’t deserve to have pets, they are irresponsible and don’t know how to care for them. A responsible pet owner knows better than to walk their dog with no leash, especially next to a train track! How absurd! What the hell was he doing up on those tracks anyway?! The train tracks in Woodside are slightly elevated with gates running along the side of the tracks so I’m not sure how he was able to get there without the owner trespassing. Stupid punk! A poor, innocent, animal loses his life all because he ended up in the hands of a retarded owner.

To the owner of this deceased dog – i am very sorry that your dog had no choice in choosing his person and ended up with a complete idiot like you. I am sorry that this poor, innocent, and helpless animal overlooked your stupidity, and loved you unconditionally. I am sorry that he felt secure next to you and trusted all the choices you made as pet owner, so much so that he ended up playing on the tracks of the LIRR and got hit by an oncoming train. Hopefully, he didn’t suffer and the death was quick and painless. As for you, stupid idiot, go drink a few beers, smoke a fatty and go play Froggy on the LIE.


Can’t imagine the owner would keep reading through the comments after some of the things that were said at first- I doubt he got all the way down here.

I grew up with dogs and they occasionally would manage to get out, in spite of our efforts to fence them in. Some of them are driven to explore and will take any opportunity to run. This sounds like nothing more than an unfortunate accident. It happens with children, too, and many parent has been devasted when a tragerdy occured because of an oversight.

See you in 2-3 weeks, Anonymous!


Then the owner needs to build or install a fence or a better, more reinforced fence in his/her backyard. Or try the invisible fence. Owning a dog is like having a child, in that responsibility and attention to their well-being, is necessary to ensure their safety. I have a 3 year old child and a 5 year old lab/boxer mix dog and much like I when child proofed my home, I had to puppy proof our house when our now 5 year old dog was a puppy. We all need to be responsible pet owners. An error / accident occurred and the dog lost its life. Sad. For some strange reason I know that some A-hole on here is going to comment on how I compared my dog to my child, because that is the kind of negativity that occurs on this forum, which is why I go on here maybe twice per month. For what it’s worth, if the owner of the now deceased dog is reading this: I am sorry for the loss of your dog.

South Side Johnny

People are so quick with their harsh comments, judging and condemning a situation immediately. It happens over and over- you would think lessons would learned.

Celtic Bark

People can only comment based on information given. It seems the story was hastily published before all the facts were in.


It was a young dog that escaped its back yard. The owner was hurt trying to save the puppy from harm. No one was a heartless idiot. No one deserved anything. It was an accident.

Rick Duro

When it comes to the big/small dog run spaces it really is up to the owner, but folks should use common sense. The small space is really intended for little and elderly dogs.

I have seen plenty of small dogs running w/i the large space and they are doing just fine. But, energetic play from a larger dog (or group) could injure a small puppy or dog.

Common sense: train your little puppy in the ways of a dog run w/i the confines of the small run. If you have a tiny dog understand it could get run over in the larger space.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your particular dog, or breed, is important.

Going to the dog run doesn’t mean that you tune out the world. You are supposed to be an active participant in your dog’s experience there. Otherwise accidents happen and no one is to blame but you.

4 Key Things to Remember: ‘BARK’

Barking-keep excessive barking to a minimum, especially in the early am/eve. We have the ‘2 Bark’ Rule. If your dog barks more than that, go get him/her and shut’em up.

Aggressive dogs do not belong in the dog run. Simple. You should know your dog by now.

Remember to pick up after your dog. Especially w/i the small dog run, as they run into the area with the shrubs and people fail to notice.

Keep an eye on your dog @ all times.

We’ve been open for 2 months and things are going very well, as the dogs settle in and get into a routine. 99% of the folks are doing the right thing w/i the confines of the run. Dog runs are kind of like middle school classrooms, they are going to scrap it out from time to time and get each other sick. Just comes with the territory of any dog run.

Our leaky water ‘box’ has had a work order on it for a month and will get fixed eventually by the Parks Dept. We also will, eventually, be getting a fence around the shrubbery area in the small run.

In the Fall, look for events such as training seminars, adoptathons and something I am working on ‘Sunnyside Seniors Saturday’ where we bring in elderly residents to the run to sit with the dogs. It occurred to me, we bring dogs to them in a group home atmosphere, why not bring them to the dogs on a beautiful sunny Fall day? Lastly, we will be doing some plantings in the greenspace in the fall.



Celtic Bark

While we’re on the subject of dog owners who should know better. I’ve noticed people with very small dogs going into the dog run enclosure reserved for the big dogs. Sooner or later, one of those small dogs is going to get mauled by a big dog. Mark my words.

Celtic Bark

Rest in peace, canine friend. I regret that your life was entrusted to a brainless jackass that never merited the companionship of a dog.


Anyone that walks a dog off leash on the sidewalk, near train tracks, etc is an idiot and shouldn’t be allowed to own a pet. It’s unfortunate that he didn’t get hit.

The bird brain that walked into the dog run w/ lunch (parrot) on his shoulder is just as dumb. Same goes for lady that felt it was ok to come into the run with a bunch of chinese food and her kiddies. Darwinism.


Why do people feel that’s it’s okay to walk their dog sans-leash? Great! You’re dog will stay near you without a leash…until the one time it doesn’t. How stupid do you feel when you’re dog gets hit by a car after taking after walking across a driveway that he is unaware a car is backing out of?

I have two dogs. It take maybe 20 seconds to put a leash on them *both*, AND they have the more complicated harness-type leashes. Is bending over for 20 seconds really avoiding worth violating the law and risking harm to your dog?

Lady Liberty

That poor dog! The owner is indeed an idiot. A hard headed idiot! I’ve seen these idiots and confronted them on occasion reminding them that there is a leash law. Because this owner broke the law, the dog suffered a horrible death. That’s a crime. But these people don’t seem to care about the consequences. I doubt if that owner lost a minute’s sleep over this horrible incident. Tragic. Breaks my heart.


Garcon, reminds me of George from Seinfeld when he brings squirrel to the “talk show”.

I hope owner is crying his guts out, and learns his lesson. I see more and more people letting their dogs walk without a leash. This should be printed and handed to them, along with a picture of the dog (before and after) and let them see what happens if the dog wanders into the street, or decides to jump on someone.


There sure are some stupid pet owners out there – breathtakingly stupid.


A couple of weeks ago, some guy with his pet parrot on his shoulder walks right into the new dog run to give the bird a spray with the hose. One of the dog owners politely tells him it’s a really bad idea to bring a bird into a dog run – (some dogs are instinctive bird hunters.) This moron then just says “it’s ok” with a dopey grin on his face. He’s lucky one of the big dogs didn’t leap up and devour the parrot.

Just thoughts

The owner is a true idiot here indeed. What a complete moron, probably some Sunnyside Garden Transplanted Hipster from the Midwest or South.


poor dog – should have been the guy just for his stupidity – what an idiot! he had a hipster dog run to take him to!


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