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Woman Enraged After Being Bumped on 7 train, Pulls Hair and Throws Punches, Police Say

Suspect (NYPD)

Suspect (NYPD)

Dec. 23, 2015 Staff Report

A woman on the No. 7 train pulled the hair of a fellow passenger and punched the female rider in the face after the victim bumped into her, according to police.

The victim was on board the Manhattan-bound 7 train at 9:15 am Monday when she accidentally bumped into the suspect while taking a seat at Queensboro Plaza.

The suspect sitting next to the victim got into an argument with the woman and then pulled the victim’s hair and continuously punched her in the face, head, shoulder and back causing her to have a dislocated right shoulder, according to police.

The suspect then fled the train at either the Vernon Blvd/Jackson Avenue subway station or Hunters Point station, police said.

The suspect is described as a female Asian, approximately 5’4” tall and 120 lbs.

A photo of the suspect was taken by the victim.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to called NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-Tips


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Yeah you are a real POS. That’s for sure dude. Maybe head back over the border before the real Don deports you!


i would probably do a hard prison sentence for what i would do in retaliation if someone started punching/hurting me or my family like that. mental illness or not, there is always a price to pay for their actions. god and the public will excuse you, but i wont. think twice before you mess with someone that you dont know.


She looks like the woman who went completely ballistic on a young woman a couple of weeks ago on the 7. She was screaming at her like nothing I’ve seen before on a train, and I’ve seen plenty. The poor girl finally lost it and screamed back and moved to the other end of the train as the other kept shrieking obscenities.

Anonymous visitor

I would’ve done the same thing! People on the 7 are disgusting with the pushing and shoving. Everyone is in a hurry we get it, everyone needs to get somewhere we get it. But if the train is PACKED it doesn’t mean “hey look there’s more room! Let me shove myself in there” So many times I wanted to punch people because of their lack of common sense. I don’t want to be leaning on someone’s ass nor smell someone’s breath at 8am. People should have the courtesy of waiting for the next train or at least yelling excuse me! So their chances of being punched are slim.

El loco

That’s what riding the 7 train does to you. If this woman is reading this right now – which I highly doubt lets get together. Hey 72 on Christmas. What the “f.”


I sat by this woman a few days ago! She looked normal but stunk and kept hacking and coughing without covering her mouth. She was taking up twice as much room as necessary and giving everyone dirty looks. I must note I stayed seated next to her for about 30 seconds before I realized she was crazy and stood up.

Anonymous visitor

So she is mentally ill and perhaps homeless. That does not make one a “skank,” an ugly word one poster used. She needs help. Someone should certainly have restrained her, if they were able to, and waited for police. Very sad to see someone savaged by others who don’t know the facts.

Anonymous visitor

I hope this skank sees this and trys that with me BITCH…If your reading this your are a nasty skank….things like that happen deal with it

El loco

Yeh you’re real tough. Why don’t you give your name and put up a picture. Chicken. That woman would kick your butt.

Tyler Durden

Hmmm…’Suspect’ looks pretty peaceful in this photo. I can’t help but wonder why such a clear, focused picture of her was taken before the altercation. Perhaps she was enticed? Another note, if she bumped into her while taking a seat, that would mean that this photo was taken before the altercation. This article reports that the woman bumped into suspect who became angry, violence ensued and suspect fled. Very strange.


Yea the “victim” prob said some harsh stuff or bumped into her pretty hard in order to get punched that hard. I don’t believe the full story. I would to hear accusers side


A 120 pound woman dislocated someone’s shoulder? That’s crazy. And seriously, no one stepped in to stop her?


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