Oct. 5, 2016 Staff Report
Police are searching for a man who allegedly attacked and robbed a woman on a Woodside street last week.
The victim, 23, was walked near Woodside Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue at approximately 11:30 pm Saturday, October 1, when the suspect came up behind her with a hatchet, then dragged her to the ground and stole her purse.
He then fled north on 64th Street.
The suspect is described as a 25 to 30 year old white Hispanic man, 5 feet 6 inches tall, and weighing about 145 pounds with a light complexion. He was last seen wearing black shoes with red laces, a black cap, and a black jacket.
Police have released a video of the suspect, and anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.
It probably was your cousin
You made the mets lose , bill
im not into racial profiling but from my time on this site ive learned that if iyou’re a subway masterbator – youre likely an overweight black male; a groper – youre likely hispanic male; a drunk santa – you’re likely an overweight white man.
Must be arrund
I know this block. My cousin saw the attack and said he saw a hammer not a hatchet. He also said that the guy looked either Puerto Rican or Dominican. I didn’t hear the initial attack but I heard a girl crying hysterically after. 6 cop cars and an ambulance rolled up on the block then they started questioning the girl and friends/family(?) that were with her after the attack. The cop asked if he was hispanic and then mentioned was he Mexican and she said yes, I didn’t expect her to be able to tell the difference since she’s non-hispanic and also just went through something traumatic. There is a building on 64th St and Broadway that has a lot of people that resemble this person could be someone from there since he ran down 64th St. past Roosevelt Ave.
Nice if your cousin to help
It takes a village
Or a 35 million $ bailout
He just needed transportation money to the Homeless Hotel shelter.
And thanks for that BIll!
You made the mets lose , bill
Hispanic guy again? WTF!?
What’s a white hispanic man? Either he’s white or he’s hispanic. Are they somehow saying he’s biracial?
He was possibly either Puerto Rican or Dominican. Some of them are very light skinned.
A white hispanic male is a Hispanic man with a fair complexion. Hard to imagine those people exist, isn’t it?
They could’ve said light Hispanic male.
A white Hispanic is a person who’s family is from Latin America but of European decent. A Black Hispanic is a person of African descent but their family is from Latin America. If you lived in Latin America the census for those countries obviously don’t have Hispanic but use black, white and mixed heritage…some even use indigenous for persons of the original inhabitants. Ex. Puerto Rico is 75% white which would mean they have ancestry From Europe and did not mix. Check out wikipedia and you will find more interesting facts…
I wish they would say exactly where this happened it would be helpful to all in this area
64th Street in between Woodside & Roosevelt Ave.
This is right on 64st between Woodside Ave. And Roosevelt Ave. It’s on the middle of that block.
39-55 64th st woodsidr
-anonymous You really need to take a remedial reading class.
Implement a well maintained concealed carry law with a mandated annual 20 hours of training and issues like these will start to disappear. Why allow predatory individuals to take advantage of innocent people? Think about how much worse this particular incident could have been.
Riiiiight…that’s just what we need. Idiots pulling guns on the subway because they feel threatened by you accidentally stepping on their sneakers during rush hour. What we do need is the NYPD doing more foot and patrols so there’s a higher police presence on the streets.
Idiots are already pulling guns on the subway, and everywhere else. I just dont get how you liberal minded people cant see that! You guys are so blinded that you cant even see the reality! Tell this crap to the girl who was dragged to the ground, and lucky to be alive. She will tell you to shove it! Whining about gun control, human rights and racism wont fix crap. If this happened to you, im sure you wouldnt care about any of your whinny issues. You would be fearing for your life. THAT is the reality. These criminals need to be dealt with…period.
A carry town is a polite town.
-defenseful You’re a moron who can’t use facts, details or statistics to debate an issue instead it must be set to a ‘buzzword’ containg jingle or slogan. Move to one of many gun toting “autopias” in Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana Texas or South Carolina…all which have much higher crime rates than NY. Grow up stupid life is not all myths, movies and video games.
-Larry You are the one who sounds like an idiot. The cops always find dead gang bangers with guns on them. You idiots never take the element of surprise into account in your feeble assessment.
Sunnysider,didnt you just condridict yourself?
@Larry You may want to take a remedial reading class. hahaha What Sunnysider pointed out in his post is packing a gun didn’t do the dead gang bangers any good as you just attested in your Fox News fueled idiocy posted above. Dude you sound like a total idiot.
@Larry Statistics provided by the CDC and FBI. Idiots with guns murdered 13,286 people, wounded 26,819 many maimed in 2015 alone.There was 22,000 suicides with a firearm and 43 people shot by toddlers in the last year alone. Assault weapons that can mow down hundreds of people in seconds without even seeing the whites of their eyes, sold to anyone who wants one even when that person intends to kill you, your family and neighbors.The evidence shows that there are fewer than even 3,000 Defensive Use of a Gun annually. In comparison, there are about 30,000 gun deaths annually, and many more injuries and shattered lives. The costs of gun ownership unequivocally outweigh the benefits.
You guys think looking at statistics and calculations will explain the streets and reality. Im black, but damn, you people really have no Idea. Go into the hoods and learn a lesson. These laws do leave the innocent folk defenseless. My daddy always had a gun and we learnt to use em real young. This country has changes since I was a kid. Too much damn freedom for people who know no better. Our problem is not guns, its the people who use them. Yall need to wake up. We used to always have guns, never had any problem like today.
-Larry Gun owners are 6 times more likely to die violent death according to AMA and FBI statistics. Fact. Yes its a nice dream to see a punk like this get a nice surprise and get what he deserves. Also according to AMA and FBI statistics a gun in a home is exponentially more likely to be used on a member of the family or in a suicide then as means of self defense. The laws are not leaving people defenseless that statement is absurd. Taking precautions and being aware of your surroundings are best ways to avoid becoming a victim. This is also a fact.
I think the point here is being defenseless. Sure if people want to attack and kill they will find the means to do so, gun or not. Criminals will get what they want, laws mean nothing to them. If you are robbed, jumped, held at gun point, dragged on the street and have no means to at least defend yourself, then that just pretty much sucks. The gun is simply a tool for intimidating to get what you want. Its not about the guns. If the intent is to kill then that would have already happened in the first place. If a robber holds up a deli for the cash, and the clerk pulls out a nice smith and wesson, their ass is running right back out. If people think guns are the issue, then outlaw them all together. Thats never going to happen because there is too much money involved. Cops train with them, military does also, security does as well, why is that? Well, just incase they need to defend themselves or their interests.
And you think the NYPD aren’t pulling guns on innocent people either? LOL
@cowboy queen Do a little research before you shoot your naive mouth off. Conceal carry states have the highest crime in the nation. It’s a myth a gun is going to save you. A gun is exponentially more likely to be used, according to FBI, CDC and other various law enforcement agencies, on a member of the family, suicide or the harming of a child. Fact!
Carry states have higher crime in black neighborhoods. People are afraid to say this. Peoplle have always had guns, if guns are not accessible, they will use knives etc. People will think twice before they attack someone they know is packing heat. Period! This is how America used to be. Crime is bad because of immigration. Not because of guns. People have different ways of life and different values, this doesnt all mix as a hapoy country as liberals will dream. Just doesnt work. Argue all you want, its the truth.
@Larry Explain Alaska to us. Open Carry without any restrictions. Highest violent crime rate in nation according to FBI and very few “black neighborhoods”.
Crimes there are not gun related, I grew up in Alaska. People here are not so smart
-trifka Go back and re-read my post stupid. It specifically said the FBI ” according to the FBI” not the people of “here”. I guess I could say something about Alaska’s poor education system as well.
highest crime rate based on what, a population of 10? lol get real.
Geez man haha, I really dont know what to say.
I wish you would Retired from Being Stupid.
A hatchet!? This is utter madness.
You “Liberals” are so stupid. You’re so blind to see that you’re controlled via the media and that all these people you believe in really only care about getting reelected. They know how to take advantage/make a good sale to caring/soft spotted people. They do not care about you and never will unless you reserve your right to overthrow them and take it to the streets… which you’ll never have the heart to do.