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Violence Prevention Organization Opens Office by Woodside Houses

The grand opening of CCD Woodside held on May 5, 2022 (Photo provided by the office of Councilmember Julie Won)

May 11, 2022 By Czarinna Andres

A non-profit organization that focuses on violence prevention has opened a location near Woodside Houses.

The organization, called Community Capacity Development, held a grand opening event at its new 31-05 51st St. office on Thursday.

The group’s mission is to save lives and promote safe neighborhoods through anti-gun violence and public safety initiatives. The organization has locations in Queensbridge and Jamaica.

The opening of the site in Woodside is viewed as a continuation of the organization’s Human Justice Model that aims to provide a comprehensive community driven strategy for healing, training and leadership development.

K Bain, the founder and executive director of the organization, spoke at the grand opening. He credited elected officials Queens Borough President Donovan Richards and Councilmember Julie Won for their support and attendance. He also recognized the police.

“There is some law enforcement here,” Bain said. “We have to salute them. They have a very difficult job. They put their lives on the line every day.”

However, Bain added, residents should not be dependent on the NYPD.

“They should not be called every time someone has a mental health issue in the community,” Bain said. “We should be the ones who step up and protect our grandmothers and grandmothers and we should be the ones at the schools to make sure our children are entering and leaving properly.”

“This is about the community,” he said. “This is about us, investing in us.”

The organization will offer a range of services, such as human justice and healing training, mentorship, diplomacy & conflict mediation training, recruitment of credible messengers, and violence interruption specialists.

Special attention will be given to address trauma and mental health.

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, who was in attendance, praised Bain and the organization. He also complimented the CCD in a tweet.

“The work that K Bain and CCD do every single day to uplift Queens families is not only influential and inspirational, it’s life-saving,” he said. “Woodside is in great hands with this incredible team of selfless servants and pioneers of peace. Congrats on your new office.”

Councilmember Won also attended and congratulated Bain and CCD on the opening of the new office.

“K Bain and his team have transformed Queensbridge by building up community and serving their neighbors with understanding and compassion,” Won said. “Expanding their reach to more of District 26 is key to helping our communities thrive.”

The Woodside office will aim to address residents’ safety needs and provide resources and support where needed. Special attention will be given to address trauma and mental health.

The ribbon cutting of CCD Woodside held on May 5, 2022 (Photo provided by the office of Councilmember Julie Won)

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Fathers not "baby daddies"

Want to prevent violence in this community? Raise your children in stable family setting with a mother AND father providing decent role models and discipline.

That is the issue nobody wants to discuss. Stop blamining inanimate objects.


Here are the three reasons why…
Single motherhood is subsidized and rewarded by the government.
LBGTQ finds that statement prejudiced against them much like the term husband and wife
It’s racist to hold the black community accountable for their actions because they have been victimized by systemic racism

But the root of the problem is the biggest enabler of these causes – the white liberal.

Gullible Republicans believe in myths fairytales and conspiracy theories

SMH- More unsubstantiated claims just like the debunked rant you posted about abortion and teen pregnancy in another article. You paint everyone with one brush.


Hey buddy, I already retorted to that article you are whining about. Its in the hands of SSP if they will delay my post, censor it, or if you get your panties in a bunch again you will have the article suspended.

But let me break it down for you, real simple. There is a lot of evidence that crime is more prevalent in people who were raised in a single family household, more so, in the black community. Why? People instantly blame poverty and race, but this is debunked by the fact that Asians who are in the same poverty levels at blacks had a substantially less amount of incarcerations. Why? Less incidence of single parenting amongst Asians. Is there a coincidence these centers are in predominantly black areas, Jamaica and Queensbridge? And who was against the nuclear family? BLM. It was on their website. And who runs BLM, gay women. It doesn’t take a genius that BLM and the LBGTQ movements march side by side all the time. They are mutually beneficial to each other. You don’t need empirical evidence to to see that the black community is rarely called out for crime. Just look at the response and coverage to deaths caused by black on black crime compared to deaths caused by police. The outrage over police killing blacks though extremely less frequent than black on black death is more popular because its easier to blame something than blame yourself. Easier for a criminal or parent of that criminal to blame racism then admit their failure as a parent. And who is to blame for this? White liberals, of course. No one has enabled bad behavior and kept black Americans down more than white liberals. Look up Joe Biden’s 1980s policies that he pushed for. And this is the same senile fool people elected in “record” numbers.

As for your sympathizer, white criminals go to jail. Look at the numbers. By the way, the quote is from Thomas Sowell, a black historian who is more educated and uses more real statistics and more common sense than anyone here.

I’m smh

What about poor whites who engage in crime? Oh, you’re a white Republican.

Allow me to retort

Please read original comment. There was no mention of race. Apparently YOU made the association with negative behavior patterns and non white people. Shame.

How many poor

White violent people are in NYC???

Might as well go look for the Easter Bunny!!!??


Nice. Local Politicians should all be wearing masks though at every photo op. Covid is on the rise and so are deaths among the vaccinated.


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