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March 10, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
A window at a local Sunnyside bar was smashed early this morning in an apparent act of vandalism.
A window at Bar 43, a popular Sunnyside bar at 43-06 43rd Street, was smashed around 5:10 a.m. this morning, surveillance video from outside the establishment showed.
Bar owner Nick Murphy said he discovered the vandalism when he went to open the bar this afternoon, finding a window that had been painted for Saint Patrick’s Day smashed.
Upon reviewing the surveillance tapes, Murphy said that it looked as though the vandal had thrown a skateboard through the window, which they then picked up again as they walked by.
Though it is impossible to see the vandal’s face in the video, Murphy said they were fairly distinctive, with brown hair in a ponytail, carrying what looked like a helmet in their left hand, and wearing a white jacket and black pants with keys hanging out of the pocket.
“I’ll be keeping a close eye on anyone who walks by with a skateboard now, I’ll tell you that,” Murphy said.
He said that only the one window was damaged, and though he had called a repairman to fix it, he was unsure how much the repair would cost.
He has not yet alerted the police to the incident, given that the vandal’s face is not visible in the surveillance video.
This area is getting worse at night. I hear from late night workers coming home and being robbed.. all kinds are out here now.
I love Bar 43
Im not out late, but bar 43 is good, never had an issue there. I dont believe in bashing businesses but there is a place mentioned where i saw the owners start with a customer, and the owners were the intoxicated ones so id avoid that place.
I went to that place once it was enough! I know spend my money at the Lowery across the street. Bar 43, Jack’s Fire Dept. and the McGuiness bar only attract the RIFF RAFF.
And you’ll spend a lot of money there. One beer is $8. A glass! 12 fluid ounces! 8 bucks!! Oy!
And put me with the riff raff. I’ll take a Jack’s $4 Radeberger over some crafty beer. And the company suits me. I just don’t socialize cuz, ya know, they’re riff raff.
cant afford a decent camera or two plus some outside lighting……..good luck finding him
Bar 43 is great for football season, nice in the spring too,to sit outside
Just buy a shutter!
Hows the floor? If he was dropped on his head must have destroyed it
leave my son alone! he was dropped on his head at a very young age. We are doing the best we can
I dont like el loco either. Hes not funny, hes an idiot. Good 4 u. Shut him up
Yes i have been upset when my favorite bar is closed but I have never damaged property or hurt someone over it. Perhaps, they traveled on skateboard during the cold weather only to find out the place is closed. Their behavior is very upsetting.
Maybe the suspect spotted or tripped over the skateboard and got annoyed. So they tossed it towards the store. Its very mean spirited. I doubt if the skateboard belonged to them they would use it to smash the window unless they have something against the bar, St Patricks Day or Irish people. It also looked like a woman holding a shopping bag. If surveillance cameras do not deter these crimes then I can only conclude people have serious mental issues.
Shut up el loco you baby. Nobody threatened or wants to harm you or your family. I was happy you and your family escaped the smart car fire. Problem with you is you open your mouth, then cant take the repercussions. If you cant take the heat, get out of the smart car. Your a typical keyboard bully, stand up to the bully ,and the bully folds just like you just did. Btw i go to bar 43, and support the place ,they run one of the best bars in the area, great place to hang out in. First im attacking you, then im a window breaker, then im a horrible person. Meanwhile you shoot your big mouth off every time someone comments, shut your mouth if you dont want it back. Your a pussy
It is you’re not your,
Did she smash the leprechaun? I think it should be labeled as a hate crime!
The painting probably made the skateboard guy mad. Looks a little like jvb. Same ears
I hope he breaks his neck on that dumb ass skateboard. Or runs over el loco
What dumb ass doesn’t report it.
the same dumbass who doesnt wanna deal w/ a police report or insurance and can get a cheap replacement window…why report if nothing is gonna be done?
Thanks for the support guys I have reported the crime to the 108 hopefully we get the guy before he causes more damage.
I think the person who has been viciously criticizing me on this blog recently did it. This person is mean spirited and probably homely. This person is just bitter at the world. Anyone who would criticize El loco, wife Ellie and brother Al is a horrible person. El loco brings joy and humour to the good people of Sunnyside. Why would anyone want to hurt him and his family? Why?
quit talk about yourself on this site, its getting really freakin old. if people had enough of you just accept it.
I for one say thank You El Loco!
It’s like people don’t know the internet is for mocking others and making fun of bad situations.
If the perp gets a really good lawyer, he’ll probably skate.
I’ll only tell you who it is if you let me have every hour a happy hour.
720 rules
Some people are just garbage. Why destroy somebodys business for no reason. Owning a bar is long hours and its so much harder than people think. I hope the little prick gets caught by someone who knows the owner and the guy breaks that skateboard over his head.
Did he just threaten anyone with a skateboard?
this owner should be reporting this regardless if you can see the person — it is a crime —
maybe he did not want to report this because of insurance purposes too —
It looks like a female.
An outraged art critic, I’d wager. That painting was an eyesore.
Nice that you endorse vandalism, Hoodoo Youdoo. Obviously you don’t own a property being so cavalier about the act. And had a misspent youth not knowing the simple laws of society
How is this not a hate crime against the Irish Americans?
If it was a drawing of a certain religious symbol or someone of a certain color it would be considered a hate crime! Reverse racism does exist.
WoW you’re a dick, I hope someone hits u