NY Times
Nov. 23, 2016 Staff Report
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer visited the Razi School, an Islamic school located at 55-11 Queens Blvd., this morning to reassure students, parents, and faculty that Queens values people of all religions and backgrounds.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, in the week following the Presidential election, there were 51 anti-Muslim hate incidents in the United States, and 206 anti-immigrant incidents. Almost 50 hate incidents were reported in New York State alone.
“This election has brought with it near-unprecedented rates of anti-Muslim hate and bias,” said City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer.
“Children are frightened. It’s important that we all step up on behalf of our friends and neighbors. I’m here at the Razi school today to tell these children that we are here for them and we will keep them safe, and that our Queens values include love for our neighbors of all religions and backgrounds.”

The Muslim college student who said three men assaulted her and called her a terrorist on the New York City subway two weeks ago made up the story, police said Wednesday.
The NYPD said 18-year-old Yasmin Seweid lied about being attacked on an uptown No. 6 train at East 23rd Street on December 1.
Seweid had also told the police that the men appeared drunk as they yelled Donald Trump’s name and tried to take her hijab off her head.
“Get that f****** thing off your head!” she said they shouted.
Days after the report of her attack came out, Seweid disappeared on December 7. Her family reported her missing to Long Island police, and she was found on December 9.
Police said Seweid will be charged with filing a false police report. This was breaking news at 4:00pm today 12/14/16 on 7online –
JVB never visited the Islamic School before this election isn’t it strange that he is now — more inciting of trouble – he should be ashamed of himself –
Queen’s Values? More like…
Posted a comment a few days ago about the difference in the dress code between the boys girls at the Razi school . I guess it did’nt make it past the censors , what a pity.
how many lives must be sacrificed? Another attack in Ohio state. Its coming closer and closer. For gods sake, wake up and see the threat.
-real dude Take a self defense class. Learn a martial art or boxing. Learn to defend yourself. You sound like a fear stricken coward.
Van Beamer go do your job we pay you to do. I know all you city workers don’t bust your ass only rob us our tax dollars but enough is enough. Cut the shit already.
There’s dying small business around here that can use your help, major homeless problems, garbage dumped all over the streets, people getting robbed, the list goes on and on.
And all you can do is go visit a school to tell them they will be ok????
You are absolutely pathetic and I’m so happy people can see what a two faced little phony manipulator you are.
You are wasting our tax dollars on your own behalf because you see your boss DeBlasio doing it so now you are too. Politician see politician do!!!!
People we voted Trump in for a change and a guy to work and get the job done next election vote this little jerkoff out once and for all.
He is just as crooked as Hilary and we are all paying for it.
-Trump Loser Trump is the crooked one. $25 Million payout for his Trump Universith Scam. Trump has admitted in open court to personally hiring illegal alien laborers. The next good slap on his wrist will come from that $18 Million dollar insurance scam on Trumps Florida property. The “really good policy”. Keep up the good work Mr. Van Bramer don’t give into the low information chest pounding imbeciles known as Trump Losers like that jerk on that Delta Flight from Belize to Pennsylvania. Typical trump loud mouth loser.
Obstruct just like the Republicans did to Obama. What goes around comes around. Obstruct obstruct obstruct.
To all the haters:
Even if these American Muslims are anti-gay (and we have no evidence that is the case) isn’t Van Bramer doing the CHRISTIAN thing by turning the other cheek and obeying the Golden Rule?
Ok so he wants to stand by the Muslim community and thus appeal to the highly democratic voters in the neighborhoods he oversees. Nothing with wrong with that. As far as homosexuals and beliefs, many of my close Muslim friends who are living in this country and aboard believe that gay people don’t exist to any great extent in Muslim countries; homosexuality is regarded primarily as a western phenomenon. Thus, a good number do not care but would never support/vote for one based on their beliefs.
He should also attend a public school to address concerns that diverse NYC students may feel in this neighborhood with all this anti-Trump rhetoric.
I’ve never posted here before. Curious as to why no one uses their real names, or posts as Anonymous? Is it required that identifies are hidden? Guess I’ll find out when I click “Post Comment.”
Growing minority groups are very important to NYC. Just do not forget about everyone else who works hard and tries to build a safe life here in NYC. Treat all groups equally as citizens of this country and quit the finger pointing, guilt and shaming tactics that cost the democrats the election this year.
I love how no one stays on the topic . How it ends up a different subject debate all the time. Also how everyones right and everyone else is wrong. Then they list their ” facts”. What a bunch of keyboard crazies
This guy mac is really a frustrated guy. In need of a hobby. Maybe a female friend but i dont see it. Maybe a good puzzle, or a easy bake oven
Oh boy mac- you are delusional
1-Obamacare is a mess with skyrocketing payments. It’s a disaster ” you can keep your doctor” …. Which he knew at the time was a lie. 2- He was thousands of miles away, he risked nothing. And he several chances before hand to get him, but was gun shy. Afterwards he increased money to the country that was knowingly hiding him 3- it was inevitable, Obama loves “revolutionaries” 4- sure, a idea that was long overdue 5- Fiat becoming largest stockholder of Chrysler is a good thing? And second tier for new workers is a slippery slope.. He stabilized it, but 23 billion will new be paid back. Over 3 million people were employed in 2005, less then 2 million in 2015. He did great things for sure for auto industry, but he didn’t single handily save it. 6 The Paris Agreement only works if actually followed. Being against pollution isn’t an extraordinary idea. 7 – we are still in Iraq/Afghanistan, and now fighting the “JV” team in Syria( how many lines in the sand?). Egypt is a mess, Turkey is turning to China/Russia and Iran nuclear power has enormously increased. And let’s not talk about how he stoked the fires of racial tension/hate. Better then Bush , but highly overrated
@Fan of doughboy, The gov’t doesn’t set premium prices the free market and corporations do. We see your knowledge of basiic market principals is lacking just like everything else you post. 20 million people with health insurance purchased in a free market forum. Where there used to be none. No more turning away participants with pre existing conditions is the furthest thing from a mess. Insurance is not cheap son. Grow up.
Calling people ” son” and then telling them to grow up? And hiding behind “Anonymous.” Obamacare is a disaster, take off your blondes. Deductibles have skyrocketed and a ” free market” forum, fancy term , is that what MSNBC has on their website of denying reality. Wasn’t it supposed to be a ” neutral deficit” program. 1.2 trillion deficit later……sooner or later that tabs gotta get paid
Doughboy fan -Where were you in the 90’s and early 2000’s when plan premiums went up 35% annually? Do yourself a favor and do a little research and turn off Fox News and MSNBC. Insuance companies make a fortune by denying access. Insurance based healthcare especially employer based, is the most expensive form of a health care system. That’s why everybody in the modern world except the Swiss have moved away from that type of system. Mac is right insurance is expensive. If that’s the type of system Americans want then just live with it.
-anonymous aka pearl cream, Spartacus and lucky7- Some more repressed feelings slip out. You love Trump. Hahaha Get help. Oh by the way Trump publicly admitted to hiring illegal aliens personally to demolish the old Bon Wit Teller Dept. Store. The hallmark of a master con artist is when suckers and pigeons like you cheer him on
@Anonymous (Pearl Cream, Spartacus) The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed and signed into law on November 6, 1986 By Ronald Reagan. The purpose of this legislation was to amend, revise, and reform/re-assess the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is a three-country accord negotiated by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States that entered into force in January 1994. Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney initiated of the draft North American Free Trade Agreement in October 1992.
President Obama Accomplishments (All With Republican Obstructionists in control House and Senate)
1. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is considered to be his greatest domestic achievement. The goal was to provide affordable health insurance for millions without coverage.
2. He authorized the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He announced the terrorist leader’s death in a live speech to the country saying, “Last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice.”
3. Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. and Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.
4. He urged states in 2013 to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then 18 states and Washington, D.C. have responded.
5. He helped stimulate the auto industry after the financial crisis. Chrysler and GM have created 250,000 jobs since then.
6. President Obama was one of the key leaders that fought for the Paris Agreement. It created a comprehensive framework to reduce global climate change.
7.He jumpstarted the economy during the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the wake of the global recession, Obama signed the Recovery Act, which cut taxes and saved millions of jobs.
Donald Trump will not help the average working man or raise average salaries his vice president has passed legislation that has turned his home state of Indiana into a Right to work for less state. Pence is one of 21 Republican Governors who sued to block Labor Department’s Overtime Rule.
Consensus the worst president was George W Bush on whose watch there were 2,996 people killed and more than 6,000 others wounded on American soil and straddled American tax payers with the Iraq war which according to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.
America never stopped being great so you shut up you ignorant imbecile.
hahahahaha, He has accomplished NOTHING.
-Johnny nothing is listed in several outline bullets. Hahaha Typical Fox News BS just keep repeating something makes it come true.
You are a senile old racist. Just because your life is a failure don’t blame it on Muslims. I’d love to see your son come home with one of those lovely young ladies with the head scarves in the picture.
Lol.majority of them don’t date outiwde their faith.
I love trump. Get rid of illegals, ban Muslims. Trumps already doing the job obama should be doing. Hes trying to keep carrier and almost 2000 employees here in the usa instead of going to mexico. Sunnyside people are so stupid, especially the people that post here and think they are intelligent,like mac, blamefox news,the jerk at the Berkley,el loco, ect. All clowns. Obama was the worst since carter. Hes on vacation more than he was in office. All of you shut up, f the illegals and the muslims, let our new president do his job. Make america, America again, its becoming a 3rd world country. Let the man do his thing, if you dont like it vote him out in 4yrs. SHUT UP
That is the opposite of what Republicans did for Obama.
Jvb- enough already. The children are frightened,come on. Your coming off like a sour person. I liked you, im losing respect for you by the day. You sound like a baby.
many many people have lost alot of respect for JVB already they are tired of him and done with him
Let me know when Trump supporters hijack a few planes and brutally murder 3000 New Yorkers in one morning. Then I might have some sympathy for these whiners.
Hey Jimmy:
Make sure that you lecture them about not being prejudiced towards anyone else also. 2 sides to the coin.
Dear Jimmy I need a safe space too since you rile up people against trump voters
Please share your crayons and hot chocolate
We want puppies also
And rainbows
Your repressed preoccupation and obsession are shinning through, Get some counseling.
Jimmy is getting more irrelevant by the day.
I care little for Trump personally but JVB’s histronics since the election have been an unrelenting parade of self-aggrandizement and pandering to simpering PC nonsense. Frankly his activities and pronouncements have been so over the top it makes it a bit hard to actually take him seriously.
The constant rhetoric around his self-styled “Queens Values” rings hollow and decidedly opportunistic for votes through fear mongering in his own way with some groups in our area’s diverse electorate.
I sense less a healthy appreciation for Free Speech in JVB’s nebulous “Queens values” and more pandering to his own political agenda. All that’s missing in the photo is him covering the kids’s ears and yelling “safe space”.
Can he get back to him doing his day job beyond just photo oping himself incessantly in what we can only assume may be a bid to invent an issue that will burnish his profile in time to be a potential NYC mayoral candidate?
David , with all due respect my point was that when three *Catholic schools in JVB’s district were being closed and hundreds of parents held informational meetings – he was no where to be seen. Oh yes *97% graduation rate.
I wonder if Jimmy bothered to ask the students and their teachers if they were in favor of gay marriage. He probably would not like the answer.
-Hugh Jorgensen It’s called being a professional. What are you naive enough to believe a Republican surgeon couldn’t or wouldn’t operate on a Democrat or a lawyer who is a Democrat couldn’t fairly represent a Republican client? Are you gullible enough to believe JVB doesn’t already know the political and social leanings of conservative Muslims? Thank you for the no vslue added post.
The fact is he is visiting them as an elected official. They welcomed his visit, please note. They were not interested in his personal life. When a legislator visits religious institutions, he is not required to agree with them, nor they with him. The visit is not about theology. It is about safety and anti-discrimination.
Where was Van Bramer when all the Catholic schools were closed , no photo ops there.First a public meeting , then a march over the bridge and now avist to an Islamic school – this man has no shame. This is nothing more than pure transparent political pandering .
Celticparker- Complain to the archdiocese about their business decision to sell off their real estate assets and make billions of dollars. Catholic Church is a well managed business. Grow up.
Hey David the Archdiocese does not cover Brooklyn & Queens. The schools that closed in the area have been rented to the Board of Ed. They have not made billions of dollars. You must be an uninformed NY1 idiot.
@fubblamefoxnews You couldn’t be more wrong..again.. The Diocese of Brooklyn is a diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S. state of New York. It is headquartered in Brooklyn and its territory encompasses the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The Bishop of Brooklyn presides from both the Cathedral Basilica of St. James and the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph. All “archdiocese” are “diocese”. An archdiocese is presided over by an archbishop whose see may have or have had importance due to size or historical significance. The archbishop may have metropolitan authority over any other suffragan bishops and their dioceses within his ecclesiastical province.
@fublamefoxnews You’re wrong yet again… A developer paid $13.8 million in 2011 for St. Vincent de Paul Church in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn turned it into the Spire Lofts, a 40-unit apartment house. A former Pentecostal church in the Greenpoint section was converted into three apartments, each renting for about $100,000 a year. Wood-beamed ceilings and peaked windows remind residents of the building’s ecclesiastical roots.
Several other such projects are in the works. The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Brooklyn probably will be torn down, and St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in the same borough will be converted into apartments, with a triplex in the steeple. I wish Christian Murray would rein in the misinformation posted by the same individual over and over again on this site.
Q of A, the Bishop of Brooklyn answers to Rome not Manhattan no matter what Wiki tells you. St Vincent de Paul was not one of the schools addressed in Celtiparker’s post, and the churches you mentioned are not Roman Catholic so I fail to understand why you even mentioned them. Step away from the Kool-Aid.
-fublamefoxnews Q of A’s posts are obvious. You’re trying to split hairs but lack the talent. Q pointed out multiple high profile Church sales in Brooklyn Diocese you denied. St. Vicent De Paul doesn’t have to be one the schools or churches mentioned in Celtic Parker’s post it is an example of a multi million dollar win fall for the Catholic Church. What Q is also pointing out is the Catholic Church is not alone. Take a remedial reading class.
JVB is using the DeBlasio playbook — DeBlasio tried to surround himself with the blacks and JVB is trying to surround himself with the spanish, asians and muslim in order for him (JVB) to be their hero and spokes person which will end up with potential votes
Anonymous- Large number of the people who live in Van Bramer’s district are Asian, Muslim and Spanish. How dare he speak for the people of his district.,,Are you for real?
I saw a handful of the groups you mentioned above at his Trump Protest which was highly publicized. I guess they had more important things to do or could care less.
But they’re not the only people. There are other ethnic groups he could focus on as well, to be fair. And Trump is not against immigration, he’s against ILLEGAL immigration! What don’t you get about that???? Turn off CNN and stop reading that crap for news, the NY Times.
Your wasting your breath sweety, these are liberals. Its like asking a cat to sit.
Exactly Qnsgirl !
Anything to further his political career.
Diane- What you don’t do things to further your own career? I guess you’ll stay fry girl forever.
Oh since I don’t agree with him,you resort to insults. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a democrat.
@Diane You never answered the question?
Yes Diane, an elected Gov’t official meeting with his constituents in a school in his district is totally opportunistic. Hahaha
Is this really such cynicism or is it failure to understand basic civics?
In a democracy, elected representatives are supposed to address the concerns of their constituents.
That is literally what democracy is for.
Yes,all of them not just what
will get him the most publicity.
How does talking to the people in this school hurt his other constituents?
This is very upsetting that the Muslim adults and even children are facing additional hate. I feel so bad for the racism going on. It’s like Trump winning is giving people permission to be prejudice. All prejudice is wrong. Good for Jimmy for standing up for them. We all need to stand up for what’s right now. Love is not a color. Not all Muslims are terrorists. And even the ones who are, are still human. Let’s not demonize each other now. Hate is not the answer to hate. Let’s try not to respond in kind as we stand up for our neighbors.
Someone has been on the sauce
Yea I wonder how much support religious groups like this school lend to the gay community. So you boycott an Irish parade until you are allowed to march in it with the gay flag and the mayor speaks up against Chick Fill A based on the CEO’s religious beliefs/comments but you put all that aside when it comes to certain religious groups and minorities. I am sure Van Bramer did it for the right reasons but I can also understand some of the comments on this board. Did he ask to take a picture with the LGBT club in that school who might fear even more for being Muslim and gay? Oh wait there probably isn’t allowed to be one….
Good point about the Saint Patrick’s Day parade. Jimmy Van Bramer and other gay activists have been protesting for years for openly gay groups to march in it. Will he now protest to have openly gay groups march in the annual Muslim day parade? If not, why the double standard?
Your question is irrelevant. JVB visited the school as a City Councilman and a leader in our community. If he weren’t gay, would you have a comment?
Apparently, all of his actions are not determined by his sexuality. Would you prefer that your Councilman *exclusively* works on behalf of the gay community just because he is gay or that he continues to support rights for and promotes better understanding of all sorts of people in this city?
You might consider muslim terrorists human, I don’t. It’ seems people are forgetting the lessons of 9-11 and slipping back into their politically correct fantasyland.
Crystal Wolfe stop smoking that Crystal Meth
oh god stop it already, this guys is becoming pathetic. How long is this ‘Tears for Hillary’ tour gping to last?
As long as fools like MAC exist it will continue
You do realize most people in the country dislike Hillary slightly less than they dislike Trump and that’s why she got more votes than him, right?
Even Chuck Schumer is noticing van Bramer’s post-election media attention whoring and thinking, WTF?
Keep reading those right wing rags you weak minded Republican cheerleader. You’re an easily manipulated sap who honestly believes politics is a spectator sport. You’re a pathetic spoiled little boy who has never served. In my day you were considered a spoiled disrespectful brat.
The JVB pity party continues.
Does this man realize that in many Islamic countries, homosexuals such as himself face the death penalty simply for being homosexual? They are hung or thrown off the tops of buildings. Women have no rights at all.
As far as fear and reassurances goes, what is JVB doing to reassure people that Islamic fundamentalist terror attacks such as 9-11, the recent attacks in Europe, the gay nightclub massacre in Orlando, San Bernadino, Brussels airport…the list goes on, won’t happen again? That’s real hatred. Political correctness will get far more people hurt and killed than a few loudmouth Trump voters.
These false associations have nothing to do with serving these Americans schoolchildren.
ok ok ok…i’ll start the joke…a gay guy walks into an islamic school where they teach how being gay is the worst thing in the world. omg, this just writes itself!
Matthew Shepherd and many other homesexuals have been and are killed for their sexuality here in the United States. Please refer to the spate of killing so transgendered people in the last few years.
To state that women have no rights at all is categorically false. Women can vote in:
the former Soviet Republics
among others.
I don’t especially like political correct stuff either. But I like ignorance even less.
The right to vote doesn’t mean much when women can be legally raped, or not allowed in public without a headscarf or burka or if they can be killed by a male relative in a so-called “honor killing” under shar’ia law. If you want to deny that brutal treatment of women (and homosexuals) isn’t a feature in Islamic countries (granted, the severity varies from country to country as you rightly point out) but it is not uncommon.
The original poster stated that women have no rights. He is factually wrong. That was my point. Your points stand and I agree.
In certain islamic countries, the execution of gays is carried out by the government and sanctioned by their laws. It is mainstream, not some random act by, rogue, bigoted knuckleheads. When someone like Matthew Sheppard is killed here, it is a crime and the murders face punishment by the law. That’s quite a difference.
Matthew Shepherd was killed over meth. Look it up, stop spreading fake news
The majority of hate crimes are committed against Jews
Will little jimmy visit a synagogue to assure the congregation that he stands with them ?
Mr. Van Bramer has visited our synagogue on 43rd avenue many times.
Does he announce I am a proud gay man?
Maybe he should go to a mosque and announce that
-Spartacus Your preoccupation with Mr. Van Bramer’s orientation is obviously something you can’t seem to work out maybe you should seek professional help.
Now that would be a gutsy move.
-Sunnysider You make a great observation here regarding this poster who goes by lucky7, Spartacus, Pearl cream oil beef hooked an Rocky, always has gay references and associations in his posts like under lucky7 he claims he is a six figure gay guy. He calls himself Spartacus a movie with gladiators.his post always mention rainbows and on and on. There is definitely some unhealthy preoccupation.
Probably looking for donations to his campaign I’m sure.
The majority of hate crimes are committed against Jews Cite sources and supporting data or your comment is moot and inflammatory.
Besides, why does it matter if Bramer visited a synagogue or not? The issue is Islamic hate, and trump’s call for deportation and a ban on immigration from muslim countries, not the jewish one. But you want to make this about antisemitism.
Look it up and you’ll see. The facts are there.
Yes. There has been a spike in anti muslim crimes since trump was elected. Hundreds of reported incidences.
-Rocky Or whatever tag you’re going by these days..Do you normally have trouble distinquishing between issues and dialogue discussed by tax paying constituents of Van Bramers, an official and representative of “local” city Gov’t which the individuals at the Razi School help fund with tax dollars and the Federal Gov’t who are orchestrating the war on terror with Islamic fundermebtalist. Again you show yourself as an uninformed chest pounding blowhard. I am no fan of radical Islamist but at least I turned out for the fight unlike a punk like you. All you do is distort facts and try to deny govt services to tax paying citizens. You’re an uninformed punk too afraid to afraid to bring the fight to the terrorists.
MAC looks in mirror and sees a punk
Oil, beef, hooked- you’re post is off focus and erratic. Mr. Van Bramer is doing exactly what an elected local official should be doing when there have been 51 anti-Muslim hate incidents in the United States, and 206 anti-immigrant incidents. Almost 50 hate incidents were reported in New York State alone.
Wait. What does misogyny and sexism in other country’s have to do with anything? We’re talking about here, in Queens. Further, there are more people gilled by gun violence in the us than any terrorist attack. Over the past TEN years, there have been 29 deaths associated with jihadist terrorist attacks. Deaths as a result of gun violence are 132, 349.
All you represent is fear, paranoia, histrionics, and exaggeration. The intention with your post is deflect the fact that a trump administration will go down as one of the most outwardly and open racist/ sexist in modern history. White nationalism is just a dog whistle for approved racism, and pointing to islam or islamic countries and screaming “racist misogynistic terrorist” makes you just look like a fool.