Photo: Office of Jimmy Van Bramer
Aug. 26, 2012 By Christian Murray
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer launched his 3rd Annual Back to School Drive earlier this month to help children from poor families get the school supplies they need.
Residents are being asked to donate school items at the councilman’s district office (47-01 Queens Blvd) or at any of the five libraries throughout District 26, including the Sunnyside and Woodside branches.
The school supplies in demand include: pencils, folders, binders, loose-leaf paper, graphing paper, notebooks, calculators, highlighters, rulers, protractors, glue sticks, crayons, lunchboxes and backpacks.
All donations will go directly to students in need at local schools. The drive will end on Sept. 10.
Last year, residents donated more than 4,000 items to the school drive. Several children at IS 125 were among the recipients.
One Comment
You know, not for nothing but I would love a drive to get some decent after school going on.