March leaves from Dutch Kills Green
Nov. 16, 2016 By Hannah Wulkan
Demonstrations and protests have dominated cities across the country since the election last week, and now a local politician is getting in on the action.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer will be leading a march across the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower on Saturday to protest against the values that President Elect Donald Trump espouses. The march will begin at 1 pm and will leave from Dutch Kills Green in Queens Plaza.
“We may not be able to reverse the results of this election but we can and should fulfill our obligation to resist all these things which have been explicitly promised and threatened by Trump and Pence,” Van Bramer wrote in a statement.
“Even if Donald Trump occupies the White House these next four years, he will not occupy us. He cannot occupy our hearts and minds and our will to live in a country that aspires to freedom and fairness and equality for all,” he added.
The march on Saturday is the second in two events Van Bramer is hosting in response to the election.
He is also hosting a “Community Speak Out” tonight at Sunnyside Community Services at 6 p.m. to bring together community members and various community and activist organizations to speak about the election results and possible actions to take in response.
Organizations including Planned Parenthood, Woodside on the Move, Make the Road New York, various LGBTQ and immigrant groups, and about a dozen more will gather tonight at the event, and Van Bramer said that he hopes it will connect people with ways to channel their feelings about the election in to action.
“We will come together in Western Queens to share ideas on how to be effective in our resistance. And we’ve brought together some groups representing the people most clearly and directly under assault,” Van Bramer wrote in the statement.
“And on Saturday, we’ll march over the Queensboro Bridge from the place Trump once called home to remind him that diversity makes us stronger. He may have been raised in Queens but he isn’t from here anymore,” he added.
Organizations included in the event tonight are:
-Planned Parenthood of New York City
-Girl Scouts of Greater New York
-Make the Road New York
-Woodside On the Move
-Jacob Riis Center
-Sunnyside Community Services
-Emerald Isle Immigration Center
-Big Reuse
-Catholic Migration Center
-Queens Library
-Fortune Society
-Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
-Muslim Student Association of Aviation High School
-Theater of the Oppressed New York
-Aids Center of Queens County
-The Arab American Family Support Center
-…And possibly more

725 Fifth Avenue
is JVB hiring a bus for next week 1/20/17 to join the protestors?
If the dems would support the working class instead of which bathroom people should use maybe things would be different.
Republicans have passed (RTW) Right To Worrk Legislation in every state they gain control of the governors office and state houses most recent being Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana. Studies have proven this lowers average salaries in those states by thousands annually not to mention the elimination of “benefits” like health care dental and deferred comp. Pence signed RTW legislation for indiana. Do you really believe Republicans are on the side of working people?
Att iboyy: no, you just smell
Let’s hope Jimmy’s crowd behave better than these thuggish, anti-Trump protestors. Don’t expect this story to be reported in the liberal media.
You are cordially invited to join reality.
However, this invitation requires you disengage from the misinformation stream you are connected to and abandon the fantasy land you currently inhabit.
It’s your choice.
A senior adviser to Mayor de Blasio (Lincoln Restler) recently posted a photo on his Facebook page that had his sister holding a sign….
This is not Hillary’s people out there for the most part. It is the ignorant class of children who decided when Bernie, their Messiah, didn’t get the nomination no one else would do. After all, didn’t they have the biggest rallies?
I blame news media and social media for feeding fools fake news, lies and propaganda. I blame voters for no longer knowing the difference between truth and deception and not caring which is which. I blame parents for pampering their little brats into thinking other people will always be out there to fix every problem and clean up every mess for them. When life didn’t give them a trophy for participating the dears just held their breath until someone caved. HOLD YOUR BREATH babies. Now the diaper is stinking and the previous problems will remain and become worse because the the self righteous gullible and the haters of ‘other’ hijacked a clown car to ride to victory. Congratulations. If it weren’t for opiates, alcohol and pot there would be more people protesting. Wait for it…
Protest Trumps Values, Hilarious, Swallow It Up Jimmy.
The Queens Library is a publicly funded entity. It shouldn’t be taking sides in partisan politics, same as churches who risk their tax exempt status when they engage in political activism.
JVB will do anything for media attention. He’s starting to make Chuck Schumer seem camera shy.
Anyway, you spoiled crybabies really need to stop throwing your toys out of your playpen and grow up.
Oil beef hooked :Your post is that of a Trump supporter?? You do know Trump is a publicity nut and an ego maniac? How stupid are you?
I smell angry white racists. Mostly mid 40’s and over. Unhappy in their station. Stuck and need someone to blame. Most can’t spell but get their hate across nonetheless. Sunnyside Post editors must be sitting there reading the comments and wondering what the hell happened. When did this site become a haven for people to boldly speak against diversity, different ethnicities etc. We don’t want diversity = 30+ likes. Tragic.
Jimmy jump off the bridge. We like trump
I still love that the 10-15% of trump voters in Sunnyside account for about 75% of the comments on these pages. It’s an impressive showing- though I do wonder sometimes if it’s basically a few people signing in as different names to make it appear that there’s a larger following.
I worked on the election in Sunnyside (the north side BTW) and saw vote tallies in my district – Clinton won by something like 6 to 1, so yes, the pro-Trump commenters here represent a small minority.
And they clear their cache and cookies, and vote again and again and again. The likes and dislikes don’t reflect the demographic of Sunnyside. Common sense and reason get disliked more than fabrications and hyperbole. Kinda like the people who voted for trump. They celebrate ignorance, superficiality, and inferiority.
Jimmy just lost whatever respect I had for him.
but trump said jimmyz buddies can use ANY restroom in trump tower that they feel comfortable with! Thats not a enough?!
Jimmy – Your heart is in the right place but you need to focus. What is your demand? It’s not enough to say that Trump is , sexist, racist, etc. That’s too ambiguous. Will you demand that he address the tremendous(huge) conflicts of interest he has going into office. For example, it is illegal for a federal employee, like the president, to lease property from the Federal Government, like he has done with the Trump Post Office Hotel. Clearly illegal. How can the President or the Secretary of State have fair dealings with a country where he has investments, hotels, golf courses, necktie factories, etc. How can his cretinous children vet the White House Staff and run his business at the same time? Illegal. Security clearances for them? Crazy. So just make a demand. Divestment? Disclosure? Then, how many New Yorkers would be willing to encircle Trump Tower,when he’s there, lay down in front of the doorway, and be arrested for trespassing in the great tradition of Gandi and Martin Luther King. I doubt the NYPD would rough us up too much, even though the game show host often called for that during his rallies. Eventually the jails and Paddy wagons(racist slur) would be full of hooligans(oops!) more and more citizens would come and the government would be shut down and the President-elect would not be able to go out for dinner. But you need a specific demand that could be adjudicated in court, leading to impeachment. What exactly must he do, or Congress or the Attorney General do? Suggested reading – “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, available easily online.
Good ideas! I will march in your rally too!
Jimmy you are the biggest waste of time I have ever seen in my life. You are just as bad as your boss Deblasio doing anything other than your job. You have sank to a new low but I’m sure you don’t mind. Everyone knows your just doing this to buy votes to keep your little ass in a city cushion job.
God forbid you lose it and have to go take a job as manager at krispy cream.
You have a burrough to run that’s what you get paid for not wiping the tears from these freeloaders of society that want all the government handouts and free tuition.
These idiots don’t deserve free tuition they’re too stupid.
Get back to work JVB because next we are voting you out once and for all.
We won you losers we won stop crying go get a job and cut the shit.
Why Trump ? Is he the only real estate developer that hasn’t lined Van Bramer’s pockets ?
Jimmy, dont become a COMPLETE clown.
he is one already –
I have a feeling that most of these comments are being written by one person under different names. One fat, ignorant fool in his mother’s basement. Trump doesn’t care about you.
Why, because you dont agree? Perhaps it hurts your feelings? Awww, its ok, im sure you can find a college or university near you that offers counseling for butthurts like yoursef.
How did the Girl Scouts become a tool of JVB?? They were at the meeting in support of the middle school as well.
The girl scouts have been subverted. They are supporters of Planned Parenthood. I will no longer buy their cookies although I think they are going to the protesters’ thighs.
Guys, let them protest and rant. Its their rights as citizens to let their voices be heard. Soon winter and the snows will come. Their soft, whinny asses will then be back inside jerking off to unusual material, gluten free donuts and realizing that nobody really cares 🙂
Would this have happened if Trump Lost and Clinton Won NOOOO!!!! If it did, democrats would be the firsts ones bashing the protests. This millennial attitude of having never lost anything and no idea how to handle it so let’s have a do-over election in December said. I did not vote for Trump, but the way the young Clinton people are reacting is disappointing. Canceling midterms at colleges and counseling, etc. Society is really going downhill. I think we should all protest if DeBlasio gets reelected. For that I will march against.
The only people filled with hate are the mostly white ones who voted for Trump. Please attend this rally!!
No wonder this IDIOT City got 9-11. I grew up here and it has just gotten worse year after year one Party City. There is more diversity of politics in Havana
Protest are fine if done responsible. Going on and on will get you no where. If you feel you were wronged talk to your congressman and local representatives. Remember we all live in the same country. The electoral is part of the Constitution. If you don’t like you have 2 choices. A: Act responsibly to get it changed or B: Move to a different country. There is no way to change the out come now. Protesting now is only hurting your cause. The USA is not coming to a end but merely a new beginning. Everything can change in 4 years!
They are probably being paid to show up/; or they are incapable of finding jobs. Look how Van Bramer spews out hatred – all in the name of “tolerance”.
Yeah, an idealistic Reublican who sits and post to a neighborhood blog all day long under multiple posting handles is the one with a job. Hahaha you’re such a fool only you’re incapable of fooling anyone.
If it effect my commute to or from work that day imma bust everyone’s ass involved!
The only think jimmy can lead is a parade or march
Later he will give foot massages
I have heard that ‘Winning is easy, governing is hard”. This is a time of change in that Republicans now control (or will control) all three branches of government. While they have been vocal critics of the past 8 years, what accomplishments will they have that improve the lives of their supporters? I would love to be proven wrong, but both parties pay far too much attention to the agenda of the rich. DJT’s tax policy reduces taxes on the rich, eliminates the estate tax and raises income taxes for most of the middle class. Trickle down economics? Even George Bush senior called this ‘Voodoo’ economics. It is particularly hypocritical of the right to call from calm when they called Obama the anti-christ and the devil incarnate.
“Cutting Taxes” does not mean the Boss hires more people, it means he buys his wife a Mercedes and his daughter an Audi as he cuts employee wages.
How about a national, organized INCOME TAX REVOLT ; Vowing to withhold income tax payments until Trump releases his income tax information.
Good idea, be sure to refuse the “earned” income tax credit too. That’ll show them.
Trump lived in a love bubble of his own creation, tossing red meat to red necks. We will continue to march!
The ignored issue since the election is Hillary and Obama not telling their clan to stop rioting! They are the ones causing problems. And any reports about Trump supporters inciting problems are probably most likely false. As was the case of the Muslim college student last week who claimed she was attacked and robbed by a Trump supporter and then admitted she lied. Those types of lies are the more likely scenarios that are happening across the nation. Especially with the proven fact (as reported by the Washington Post) that Hillary’s team paid people to incite violence at Trump rallies. That is what should be reported!
Go on and delude yourself (Trump and his racists, sexists, anti-immigrant and anti gay, etc. followers) that these protests are not a grassroots uprising, because I’m wide awake and I’ll let everyone know we’re not going away and our voices will be heard.
Yay!! Good for you Natasha, good for you! Nobody really cares yay!! Trump says hi
Go back to Russia, Natasha. You are a sore loser.
natasha I can hear your crying, I smell your diaper and dare I say I feel your pain. Yet still don’t give a damn.
-life According to the rules of popular conservatism set forth by book The Loudest Voice In The Room. 29 Likes 42 Dislikes. You lose!
People cant let this go because blacks can no longer get handouts and free housing, hispanics can no longer cause crimes in corona. Jackson heights and woodside. Liberals are dumbfounded because now there is a block in their pansy ass, hipocritical fantasy world. Millenials are just young and ignorant and need life experiences. Not everyone can have their way in this country. If you dont like it, then go back to where you immigrated from. Follow the rules, learn the language, adjust to the ways, or get the f*** out.
You have been duped by a man who represents the 1% and thinks people like Putin and Kim Jong Un are ‘good leaders’. He is unfit to lead this great country (and yes, my ancestors have been here since the 1700s).
It’s really surprising to me how many of you protesters can’t realize that you caused this, yourselves. The Trump presidency I mean. Judging by the comments above, and all these rallies most of you haven’t even a learned a lesson from this.
People have a right to voice their concerns for their country, and Trump and his supporters can lump it if they don’t like it!
Hillary supporters can do the same. Bye.
Two simple things to remember:
1. Hillary Clinton is the one to blame for her campaign. Nobody else.
2. The reason people are angry about the outcome of this election is because the mainstream press has portrayed Trump unfairly from the beginning. They have created a phantom image that has scared people to death. Now, they’re looking around trying to figure out whom to blame for the protests.
-Connie what does a pg like you know about main stream press? You get your news from Fox, rush Limbaugh, NY Post, Glenn Beck, O’rielly and Hannity. They made the dead beat out to be a saint.
I love how Trump’s America loves playing the “woah is me I’m white card”. It’s so cute.
Good to see that the media continues its bitterness and bias.
But, maybe the country isn’t the big echo chamber that the media thought it was.
Strike. Protest. Get mad, stay mad, fight back.
Oh yea, and it doesn’t help that a man who visited Obama more than 300 times in the Oval Office happened to be caught on tape a few weeks ago boasting of promoting phony protests and inciting violence. The Internet never forgets, darlings. 😀
-unim We see you’re a fox informed imbecile.,You know the rules, just keep saying it and that will make it true.
Organizations including Planned Parenthood, Woodside on the Move, Make the Road New York, various LGBTQ and immigrant groups,… Look at this list! INS should be there to round up of the “bad hombres” that will show up.Im sure that a few of the subways gropers will be in atternadence as well.
Calm down. He hasn’t done anything yet.
Well actually he appointed a freaking nazi as his top advisor. Nice start.
The Alt-right did not elect Trump the citizens of this country did. Democrats are so silly that even after losing the election they try to separate the citizens of this country by labeling them. What happened to stronger together? You lost because you marginalized a majority of the population. So you want to recover from that loss by perpetuating the same actions. It is true there is no cure.
You lost because you marginalized a majority of the population
Clinton lost because America doesn’t want diversity and multiculturalism, and elected an unqualified opportunist, racist, misogynist, and narcissist as an act of defiance. This is something the United States should be proud of?
Stronger together? Trump ran a campaign of divisiveness and now preaches togetherness? He can go to hell.
Clinton lost because she is a beatch
Wrong. We marginalized the slow witted and under-educated. Like Gore before her, Hillary has won the popular vote.
I am not for trump or the horse he rode in on. So big deal. He won so let him take his shot. If he does well, good for the country. If not we will run him off like we ran off Nixon. We have survived several sorry presidents before. We will do it again. Go back to sleep.
well we should have ran out Obama after 4 years in office because from day one he never did a thing and the last 4 years was worse then ever —
Sorry attempt at intellectual dishonesty. Majority of protesters are HS students who were let out of their classes by school principals because teachers unions are always in the back pocket of DNC. Manhattan protests are mostly NYU idiots who are so young and inexperienced that they will join any radical noise they hear- it is fun to be out and meet progressive girls in a process. Once all that HS/Sophomore crowd reaches adulthood and start applying for their first job they quickly learn that 2-party system have sold their future to India and China and Trump is not to blame for that.
I’ve actually participated in a protest. The crowd was very mixed. Older people, middle aged folks, college age kids, 20 somethings, people with their children — from babies to teenagers.
I suspect the crowds participating on the weekends and in the evenings are different than those who are participating during the week.
Im going to go protest also. I got a damned D on my final. My teacher said to try harder next time. Shes not being sensitive to my feelings.
Shut up, a$$hole. You are obviously jealous of unions.
No, Trump only admitted in open court to personally hiring illegal immigrants to demolish the old Bon Wit Teller. Trump has given many speeches praising the federal work visa program, “if we can’t find the talent here we’ll go and get it”. As soon as Trump created his clothing line he set up shop in Pakistan. You’re horribly misinformed.
“Our diversity makes us strong.” Except if you are a Republican, voted for Trump, and don’t agree with Little Jimmy Van Bramer. Then we don’t like “diversity”.
Thanks for the commentary Pearl. Stronger together in the Breitbart world of white power do you mean?
Dear pina
You lost
@Pearl Being a low wage Republican just makes you a stupid racist with no money. Who wants a loser like that around?
You can lead the trip to the toilet with pina.
50 dislikes to 42 likes. Rules of popular conservatism as set out in the book loudest voice in the room, you lose.
Remind to never donate to the groups that are “marching across the bridge. Woodside on the Move should be ashamed of itself.
Actually, Woodside on the Move is not reported to be taking part in the march but rather in the Community Speak Out. The Speak Out is an opportunity for organizations who serve women, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ individuals, and other targets of hate to share ideas on how to better serve the community. And no, I am not affiliated with Woodside on the Move; I just read the article.
when was the last time JVB has been to a Mosque – NEVER –
Here’s what you bigots will never understand. Liberals are not pro Muslim or pro anything other than pro humanity. We don’t view people by their skin color, religious beliefs, gender identity, or sexual preference. We view everyone as a human. Worthy of safe, happy, self realizing lives.
Says your high yoga teacher
Get a life!
Well that is one opinion.
I’m of the opinion that people who oppose many of the values the new president elect espoused are free to say so in any way they choose to.
It makes me very unhappy that a lifelong sexual predator has been elected to the White House. I’m eager to tell as many people as will listen.
Oh, do you mean Bill Clinton, the “lifelong sexual predator”?
He’s just like Trump only women welcomed his advances and have never accused him of rape. Just repeating what you hear on your right wing media again, Rocky. You’re such a weak minded imbecile.
Do you have a job bfn?
“women welcomed his advances”. Like you?
Do your homework. Bill Clinton WAS accused of rape and sexual harassment numerous times. But he’s a democrat so that makes it ok for liberals.
Do your homework stupid. Clinton was never accused of rape.reublican the party of the stupid as said by Booby Jindal Republican Gov. of LA.
A Predator? Get to da choppa!
Oh for Pete’s sake! Jimmy Van Brahmer is getting as bad as Al Sharpton! This is so stupid, the one thing this does is gets Jimmy some more publicity and name recognition so he can further his career!
Then don’t go…you’re very caustic anyway!
If by caustic you mean realistic and practical, then yes I Am. Marches like this serves one purpose to give the hipsters marchinh a chance to be self-congratulatory and to pat like minded people on the back and “qualify” their opinions.
I don’t think that’s what Anonymous meant by “caustic”
He is our president elect, but he said too many hurtful and viscous things. He also had masses cheering his words, people are frightened of Trump. Don’t be obtuse.
how are they frightened of Trump because he talk about people being illegal –
Irrational people are frightened of Trump. We shouldn’t indulge irrational people. We’ve had to the ugly, ignorant rhetoric of the Left for the last 7 years and the vote for Trump was less about voting for him and more about voting against ignorant, violent, hating people like yourself
“We’ve had to endure the ugly…”
Okay Capamer, you can’t use words like Obtuse with the Trump Crowd they may think it’s a Fish. (:
Donald Trump has hit a nerve in this country; upset people and the protesters are upset about the way he ran his campaign. He encouraged people to protest if they did not like the outcome and that is exactly what they are doing. As long as they are peaceful, they have my support.
Dear jimmy
You lost
Now go clean up Roosevelt avenue
this is a joke –