July 17, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
Almost 20 new trash cans have popped up in Woodside and surrounding neighborhoods, after $10,000 was allocated for their installation.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who allocated the funding, joined the Department of Sanitation and Woodside residents on Friday to announce the installation these new cans; there will be 18 spread throughout his district, in Woodside, Sunnyside, Long Island City and Astoria.
A Department of Sanitation spokesperson said that the $10,000 allocated by Van Bramer went toward the purchase of these trash cans.
According to the Councilman’s office, the new baskets were placed at locations that neighbors identified as priorities.
“Working with the community we were able to secure 18 high-need locations throughout Western Queens that will help keep our commercial corridors and residential litter free,” Van Bramer said in a statement.
The new trash cans are located on the following spots:
Four baskets at Roosevelt Avenue and 61st Street
Three baskets at Woodside Avenue and 61st Street
One basket at Roosevelt Avenue and 62nd Street
One basket at 43RD Avenue and 51st Street
Astoria/Dutch Kills
One basket at Broadway and 48th Street
Two baskets at 36th Avenue and 29th Street
One basket at Greenpoint Avenue and 43rd Street
One basket at Greenpoint Avenue and 44th Street
Long Island City
Two baskets at 44th Drive and 21st Street
Two baskets at 41st Avenue and 21st Street
Can’t wait until the Donald gets elected so he can boot out all theses foreigners that litter all over my streets and than have sanitation put Jimmy Van in his little trash can and dump him in Staten Island.
Wow! Two new trash cans for Sunnyside! Perhaps Mr Van B. could pressure for weekend pickup. They are usually overflowing by Sunday afternoon. What are they overflowing with, exactly? Non-biodegradable plastic bags filled with uncompostable dog waste.
That’s his boyfriend
@luvu2 You have an unhealthy preoccupation with sex. You seem horribly repressed. Twisted, get a grip and go seek some professional help.
Forget JVB who is the Hottie to his left.
@Seth the imposter. .Thank you for the lecture on Mengele…I almost forgot..thus we shall never forget!!
@Seth…could you please at least have the courtesy to refer to your self as Seth Jr..or Seth a…or something along those lines…thank you in advance. ..the REAL SETH
Van bramer loves infanticide
@luvu2 we see you’re up drinking the cool-aide at 1:09 AM… Give it a rest loser.
Mac, it is Kool-Aid, not cool-aide (which would be a rather suave helper). If you are going to bleat out tired old retorts, at least get your spelling right.
p.s. I happen to agree with you about PP, just not with your crass approach to others here on the board.
@angelo it’s a brand naming and it’s geared at weak minded zombies. Do you really want to relinquish control of your native language to mass advertisers trying to sell you things you don’t need and to over consume. So it’s not kool, lite or kit kat here. Traditional English thank you for your concern. Oh by the way it appears to be seeping in on you. Some say brainwashing doesn’t work. Hahaha
Wow luvu2 you’re one obsessive jerk. The issue is about new garbage cans. If you want to obsess over birth control then find an article or forum that is engaged in that topic, We don’t care about your silly crusade we’re talking about garbage cans.
A lot of people support Planned Parenthood, you know. Many of us voted for JVB because we agree with many of his views. That’s how most of our leaders get there.
Sunnyside IS one giant garbage can!
Deport all the damn Latins who make the parks their homes, then the filthy paki cab drivers should be booted right behind them.
Hey maybe we can get more money for training programs in 38 languages of course to train all the monkeys in the neighborhood to throw garbage in the cabs not next to it.
@Joe Moi is probably referring to my post. If he used full sentences and or some degree of detail within his posts he would have to have some knowledge of the subject matter of the topic being discussed. Which time and time, knowledge and ability this guy has proven he just does not have. Thanks for keeping it vague Moi.
Does jimmy know that his favorite special interest group planned parenthood illegally traffics in dead baby body parts ? Yes let’s talk about trash cans! Like so many libs jimmy is morally bankrupt
@luvu2 keep drinking the Fox cool aide. The video you’re speaking of is a hoax just like the ACORN video,faux voter intimidate videos and the doctored video of Shirley Sherrod. Margaret Sanger should canonized a saint. Planned parenthood is a great organization and has a proven track record of making people’s lives better through helping people take control of their reproductive system.when planned parenthood came into existence in 1800’s there were millions of throw away children in the streets of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. But facts truth and history don’t matter to chest pounding blowhards like you. Hypocrites like you are the first to line up for the medical benefits being derived by the legal practice of recycling discarded tissue which is done without a profit margin.
Dr mengele
@luvu2. Mengele received doctorates in anthropology and medicine from Munich University and began a career as a researcher. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. Initially assigned as a battalion medical officer at the start of World War II, he transferred to the concentration camp service in early 1943 and was assigned to Auschwitz. There he saw the opportunity to conduct genetic research on human subjects. His subsequent experiments, focusing primarily on twins, had no regard for the health or safety of the victims.[2][3] Mengele was also a member of the team of doctors assigned to do “selections”: new arrivals deemed able to work were admitted into the camp, and those deemed unfit for labor were immediately killed in the gas chambers. Mengele left Auschwitz on 17 January 1945, shortly before the arrival of the liberating Red Army troops.
You have hit the trifecta of being utterly inaccurate and misinformed, obnoxious, and irrelevant all in a single post. Truly you are a renaissance man of idiocy.
Whose post are you responding to Moi? Do you know how to communicate using complete sentences? Which statements are you deeming inaccurate? It looks as if your knowledge of history is as lacking as your command of the English language. Congratulations you’re a rounded idiot “Renaissance man”,
Come on now Tyler – that’s no way to talk Seth.
why don’t you spend the money cleaning up the garbage that hangs out in the parks and in the train station pissing all over the place and making our community look like we are ghetto.
Seth: Is it our “third world neighbors” that flick their cigs all over the sidewalks outside of our Wood/Sunnyside pubs ? Namely, Globe, Kettle, and most on the Qns Blvd pub row.
I see homeowners flicking their cigs right from their rickety porches. There’s a lot of trash in Sunnyside, a lot of it is of the “white” variety.
Well then by all means, if you don’t like the neighborhood. Get the fuck out!
The pubs are at fault for not providing butt disposal posts/cans for the smokers who have to smoke outside their premises, as they do in other countries. As for the people who chuck butts from their porches…. well, that’s a whole other story….
@seth You idiot many third world peasants are illiterate in their native language as well English.
Seriously? We lost 2 garbage cans on my block during all the snowstorms this past winter (no idea where the they went, btw) and the only 2 he got for LIC aren’t going to replace them. The least he could have done was take the old garbage cans that have now been replaced by super fancy ones located outside of the Vernon/Jackson stop on the 7 train and replace our missing ones. (I’m way more angry about this than I should be).
It would really be beneficial if the cans had instructions in some third world languages. I believe some of our neighbors don’t understand what these cans are intended for..
@Rikki More pearls of wisdom from a nitwit. Do a little research you have a computer. Industrial trash cans start near $500.00 a can wholesale. If they’re blast resistant they can run into the thousands. The other people who comment here are right you’re a total fool.
JVB needs to schedule more pickups for these cans. Between people illegally dumping household garbage and cleaning out there vehicles into these cans they fill up quickly and spill trash into the street. That is exactly why we had them removed from 47th and 49th streets at 43rd avenue.
The cans don’t spill garbage into the street you idiot people do!!!..Civilized people realize when a can is full the garbage doesn’t go on the sidewalk. .Education is the answer here…We must focus on educating our third world neighbors so they may assimilate
Little baskets on the hillside … Little baskets made of ticky tacky …
As long as the Dept of Sanitation can clean them, that could be a good thing.
no the cans are $99 and the administrative costs are $401 each
So the cans cost $500.00 each???????