41-26 44th Street is the house next to the new development (QueensPost)
July 13, 2018 By Christian Murray
The owners of a two-story house on 44th Street have filed permits to demolish the building.
The house, located at 41-26 44th Street, is owned by Stella and Charlie Chen who purchased the property in May for $1,495,000, according to property records.
The Chens have yet to file building plans for the site. However, they are likely to build a sizable development, since the house is located next to a nine-story, 17-unit building that was completed in 2015.
The site of the 17-unit build had been occupied by a two-story house prior to development.
The Chens could not be reached for comment.
Another one
I don’t understand how this is news
Anonymous- It’s the root cause of the diminishing quality of life that is plaguing our neighborhood. Over development and over crowding.
Nobody likes me I’m a dumb dumb stupid head
There goes the neighborhood… again.
should throw a raging party in there before it gets demo’d
These building permits need to be denied until the building of new infrastructure and or the expansion of existing infrastructure is completed. This over development is going to destroy property values and destroy our neighborhood. Who wants to live in a place where you can’t get around or get to work? We need a little urban planning..
We don’t need infrastructure, we have bike lanes.
How the hell did the tear down a 2 story house and built a 9 story building?
Oh and this guy always parked his car like that (or whoever he was renting the parking space to) I know there were complaints by some of the tenants of adjacent building multiple times, but somehow nothing was done. How are you allowed to park like that sticking out halfway into sidewalk?
More of these large buildings mean more and more people, overcrowding, sketchy tenants (because big landlords don’t care about tenants as long as they pay) and more pollution/less green space. As much as I hate sunnyside gardens houses conditions, I am glad that area is at least landmarked and nobody is allowed to tear down the houses to build large building like these.
Half of the death star is about to lose its view.
This is good.
These single family homes are completely unaffordable.
What planet do you come from to come up with a thought like that? If you think any new developments in this neighborhood are really affordable, you should look beyond the label to understand how corrupt the idea is.
The boroughs will continue to rise in value. You can’t find a house under $700k anywhere in queens in a semi decent neighborhood. So forget Sunnyside being affordable anymore