Photo: QueensPost
April 28, 2014 By Christian Murray
A nine-story building consisting of 17 units is about to be constructed at 41-28 44th Street. And there are signs that other development could be on its way too.
The planned 9- story building, which will be located between 43rd Avenue and Skillman Avenue, is going to be very 81 feet tall, according to filings with the Department of Buildings.
The property was a 2-story home until recently. However, Vincent Romano, the owner of Janten Development, recently demolished the building and construction is about to begin on the new building.
Ramono said the units are likely to be rentals and was not sure when they would be completed.
Ramono said that he owned other property and was familiar with the neighborhood. He did not disclose where they were.
However, a study of property records revealed that Ramono’s company Janten bought three two-family homes on Skillman Avenue last year. They are located at 43-10, 43-12, 43-14 Skillman Avenue. Based on zoning maps, they are in a different zone and can be built to a maximum height of 33 feet.
Not to worry 2 out of the 3 nun’s houses got sold. The developer only has one left and its attached so cant be knocked down.
Well said South Side Johnny.
Its seems like many on this blog forget that the “old buildings”they covet were once a “new development”. I am sure some of the character in the neigborhood changed when their pre-war buildings were built. I am sure the famers here were upset about the overcrowding and loss of farmland when the pre-wars were constructed.
Hey blah- just because something is old, doesn’t mean it’s better, either. Our population is growing, and we need taller buildings with parking garages built underneath to accommodate everyone. We’ve lost so much real estate to the cemeteries and to the highways, the expressways, and to the boulevards, we can’t build horizontally, we have to go vertical. I’ll bet it’s a nice view from the 9th floor!
Time marches on.
I have been living in Sunnyside for 35 years , all that is being developed is making Sunnyside overcrowded . I am sad when I looked at my neighbor hood and see all these new faces,people who don’t say good morning , help the elderly cross the street , hold the doors , run into you because the are so busy with their gadgets . Sunnyside is losing its charm and becoming very unsafe
Old six story buildings have so much fine detail. Granted, the plumbing is old but the parquet floors are made of real wood. Some of the living rooms are sunken, archways abound. The ceilings are 8 or 9 feet. I have had friends who live in luxury apartments in NYC gasp when they see the inside of our old apartments. There is so much to see and admire. I have seen new apartments and I do admire the granite countertops and new appliances but if you live in an old co-op you can upgrade to a newer kitchen and bath. The old apartments are enviable.
@ActionJackson (April 28, 2014 • 4:08 pm)
Of course he will. That’s what all developers do. That’s why there’s an ultramodern building on 41st Street that really looks misplaced.
I actually looked at those apts too, years ago. I totally agree those bedrooms were horribly small!
I don’t mind general new development though. Some buildings (particularly on my side of hte Blvd) are in awful disrepair. Some landlords don’t give a shiat.
NewtoSunnyside hasnt a clue. Just because a bldg is new doesnt make it better. The monstronsity on 44th st, next door to the bldg in the article, was poorly designed. I remember checking it out with my wife and laughing @ the possibility of a group of morons agreeing to make bedrooms that small. I’ll take the generous space in my bldg and the confidence that I know it was built to last.
More overcrowding
This was discussed at the end of Mad Men last Sunday, the closing scene “If 6 Was 9”, a real gem from long ago. About the former nuns’ residence, I hope someone gets the wall to talk before the houses are knocked down.
New to SunnySide- The old buildings well made & and low stories means light for all.The new buildings are made by developrs out for a quick buck.
It will be just as high as the 9-story building on 43rd St. 9 is the new 6.
@Crane — Yes….Sunnyside has character. Low-Rise brick facade buildings and homes is what makes it appealing to many. And @NewToSunnyside, A 9-story box isn’t what i call progress. I call it greed.
dont we have zoning laws to protect us? higher bldgs mean more people and a strain on already overburdened resources
@JOR and Hoof Hearted
Well said.
Why is everyone so negative about Newer apartments being built in Sunnyside?? I would rather live in something built in this century than 100 years ago. Most of the buildings in the neighborhood are falling apart. Progress is a good thing
Maybe wrong but I think the nuns old houses do not have zoning for same hi building.
Quick, run and take pictures of street scapes that have sunlight on them. That way when in about five years the Sunnyside Post runs a feature, “Remember When Sunnyside Had Sun On The Streets?”, there will be fotos to look at. Thank you elected City officials of doing a fine job of protecting and preserving the public trust and vision of Sunnyside’s future. With the big new building going up on 43rd St. and this new nine story building, and the potential of future tall buildings, the impact on public services will be very noticeable, not the least of which is the dog park in Lodati Park which will start to look like a canine 7 train.
Ok, hipsta. I know you want to buy a condo on the 10th floor of that building where you can have a latte and listen to some hip hop.
why not make it an even 10?! Who the hell wants to get on an elevator with only nine buttons? Will there be some retail space down on 1? This place could use a good cafe where I can pop open my mac book pro and get that cool apple screen glow across my face.
How many stories is the ugly POS on the left of that spot? Who would live there? Terraces are sure to fall down soon, and they are only big enough to stand and piss from anyway
This is horrible. What happened to only going 6 floors? I live across the street from this space, I guess I will be dealing with construction for the next year.
9 floors 9 parking spots.
Crane- you’ll miss thd crappy old buildings soon enough. I hope you and hipsta thugg enjoy the new Sunnyside.
Great. I look forward to new and progressive people moving to this neighborhood. Hope they have bicycles and not cars, because there’s no longer any room to park on the street.
Hooray! More oversized buildings for the neighborhood.
But at least the Community Board is ruling over the food vendors with an iron fist.
Can you take me higher?
Squeeze it right in there!
Character of the neighborhood? Sunnyside had a character?
There are tons of different buildings, not to mention ugly red bricks with no distinguishing factor other than different window frame colors, different doors, different lights, there is only one rule in sunnyside, it is sunnyside gardens where you cannot change anything without some nasty old person complaining and reporting you, while rest of the “gardens” fall apart.
This developer will destroy the character of the neighborhood with his ugly apartment buildings dropped in the middle of nowhere.
Bring it!!!
9 stories?! 81 feet tall?! Vincent Romano, you picked the wrong neighborhood for a proposed building like that! That kind of building can go in Long Island City.
More hipsters coming! Achhhh. Rejoice hipsta thugg.
@a.bidge – just look for…ripmeoff.com – im sure u fit the bill of the ones that want apts built overnite!
Great news, about time, a new apartment with electrics that work, and walls/floors without holes, where can I sign up for one…?!
It’s not the normal 81 feet tall?