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Two Big Sunnyside Events to Take Place Saturday

Photo: QueensPost

June 14, 2013 By Christian Murray

There are two big events taking place in Sunnyside this weekend.

All Saints Episcopal Church in Sunnyside is holding its annual Strawberry Fair on Saturday, June 15 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on 46th Street between Queens Boulevard and 43rd Avenue.

There will be bargain items for sale, an international luncheon, hot dogs & burgers as well as a puppet show for kids.

Meanwhile, the Sunnyside Flag Day Parade, organized by the Kiwanis Club of Sunnyside and Woodside, is set to take place on June 15 at 11 a.m.

The Flag Day Parade will begin from the corner of Greenpoint Avenue and 41st Street. The participants—which will include the Sunnyside Drum Corps, a variety of marching bands, community groups and local school students—will head east along Greenpoint Avenue to 48th Street.

The parade will be followed by a service for fallen veterans at Sabba Park, located at the corner of Queens Boulevard and 49th Street.

Photo: QueensPost

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O’Shea, why don’t you sponsor an event in your living room? You seem like a very happy, tolerant person!

Native NYer

Where were the strawberries? A few years back there were strawberries. This time, none, nada, zip. To the organizers: Please run to Met Foods and get a few boxes.


Would you attend an event sponsored by the west borough baptists church? oh they’re not involved, the event just takes place in the back yard of the place they worship weekly, but feel free to buy the strawberries


I attended both activities today and they were lovely, filled with children and adults of myriad races, ethnicities and backgrounds, enjoying the beautiful day and each other. Feel free to organize whatever types of events you want but why bash the ones that exist? I greatly appreciate that the Episcopal church put on an event for the community, and the other churches that open their doors.


Queen of Angels was generous enough to provide a venue for the art fair. It was open to anybody of any religion or no religion. All kinds of artists were there, there was no preaching or religious promotion whatsoever. Yet some permanent malcontents have a problem with this instead of appreciating that a local church is helping out the wider community.


Would you go to a bake sale that took place in a Muslim temple known to have ties to radicals? Where does the money go and what does it support?


The Flag Day event was nice- plenty of young people, very multi-cultural, everyone seemed happy. The Strawberry Festival was also pleasant- except for some of the vendors selling commercial merchandise. Same junk at every street fair- but there were plenty of regular people selling second-hand stuff. I saw no evidence whatsoever of church involvement-except they were selling food. No pushing religion, though. All churches are part of the community- we are lucky to have them. The highlight was these young kids playing violin music. Very sweet. True, no strawberries present anywhere!



The Celtic Park co-op board meeting was held in the auditorium at St Teresa’s. 2 weeks ago. I guarantee you it was not a religious event by any stretch of the imagination. And I have yet to see a parade where flags were not waved.

Why are you and O’shea so bitter? Mommy and daddy didn’t buy you a pony?


Marching with a flag = political.

hosting an event inside a church = Religious

plain and simple.


I’d like to attend an event in Sunnyside that isn’t in a church. There have to be other venues that can host events. If it’s a deterrent for me, it’s also one for others.

Davy the greek

The should get Nina Hartley to be grand marshal. Then everyone would come and watch.


That’s my stand. Political parties marching on flag day is hypocrisy at its finest- especially at this time. Sunnyside republicans? This is the shot one may take a bullet for?


Oshea I am a liberal and absolutely disagree with your comments. This country is built on freedom of speech and belief and no one should discourage that. If we ever had a one party system, our country couldn’t function. An appropriate balance is necessary

Mr. E

Hey O’Shea,

So you want to see people whose political opinions are different than yours burned to death like medieval heretics? Lovely. Enough with the hateful remarks. Let me guess, you’re one of those liberals that preach “tolerance” and “inclusion” but don’t practice it.


This weekend sounds like a fun one. I really can’t wait for the Sunnyside Flag Day Parade this Sunday.


Kinda political… when you have the old decrepit sunnyside republicans marching.
Personally, all republicans excluding a few libertarians should be f—ed and burned.

Dorothy Morehead

Neither of these events is political or religious. Last week’s events were an art fair and a BBQ pub crawl.

Mr. E

I’ve been to the Strawberry Fair in the past and have yet to see anybody selling strawberries.


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