41st Avenue and 69th Street
Sept. 21, 2016 Staff Report
A 30-year-old woman who was walking along 69th Street in the early hours Tuesday was sexually attacked by a 23-year-old man, according to police.
The victim had exited the 65th Street train station and was walking along 69th Street when a man approached her from behind and grabbed her neck.
The suspect directed the victim not to scream, but she did scream and struggled with the alleged perpetrator, according to police. During the struggle the man bit her on the cheek and threw her to the ground where he sexually assaulted her with his hand and bit her on her thigh.
Sergeant Christopher Miro and Detective Everett Newman, who are both assigned to the Special Victims Division’s Night Watch responded and interviewed the Asian victim. Upon completion of the interview the victim was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital where a sexual evidence collection kit was prepared.
The investigators responded to the vicinity of 41 Avenue and 69 Street to canvass for video evidence and possible witnesses when they observed another Asian female also walking along 69 Street with a man following her in close proximity.
As the two investigators drove along 69 Street, the female attempted to cross over to the other side of the street when the man ran up to her and grabbed her by her waist and threw her down to the ground where he simultaneously sexually assaulted the 27 year-old female with his hand.
Both Sergeant Miro and Detective Newman jumped out of their unmarked police car and grabbed the suspect, who resisted by pulling away from the officers and punched them. The officers were able to apprehend the struggling suspect without further incident.
The suspect, H. Flores-Guerra Luis, was arrested for attempted rape and for assaulting a police officer in regards to the second incident. The investigation is ongoing.
I’m just now reading or even hearing about this happening and especially considering it happens around my way. I’m a Greek American Man and I don’t roll with that behavior, but if I were a Hispanic- American Male , I’m sure I’d think the same way. Only issue here with it being a Hispanic Suspect is due to the layout of its surrounding areas. Up and down that Roosevelt Avenue is a swarm of those nightclubs and bars playing Hispanic sounding music,taco trucks. Lol. These guys are getting boozed up. It’s 2017,another summer, that happened last summer. So ,we know statistically that the “attempted-rape/rape” rates boost up during this season. Ladies, stay safe and be careful.
cut the d..k off the MF low life!!!!
Thank De Blasio for setting up all them homeless shelters in the vicinity. I don’t see any homeless shelters popping up where he lives.
Let that disgusting scum bag rot away in jail for the rest of his life.
What do you expect ? They do love you a long time.
I think its about time that the authorities stop playing with these rapists and other criminals and make an example of them. They should be hung in public and let “Mrs. Bobbit” take care of them in the only way she knows how – yeah – cut it all off!!! That should take care of all rapists and the jails would be less crowded.
Illegal mexican day laborers helped destroy woodside,j.heights,corona, but lets face it woodside , jackson heights,and corona got ruined in the 70s and 80s due to colombian drug people moving here and making it their home base of operation. Hurt south side of woodside/sunnyside too.
Ms. Abby, I am sorry you had to encounter that type of behavior. Please, it is not just Hispanic men that do this horrible things. Men of all color, shape, size, and ethnicity will / have attacked women. Rape is about power and control; these men want to exert their power to dominate women. Rape and sexual assault are the mechanism they use to punish women. Some men even think the women deserved it. Please to all the women out there; take a self defense course and learn how to run real fast. When I was about 6 months pregnant, 2 white men followed me in a van, they were calling to me with the van side door open, they pulled over, and tried to get me in the van. Soon as I could get away, I ran so fast that I have no idea where that power came from. That was in Astoria. Ladies, please be safe out there.
Let’s stop lying to ourselves, there’s a reason for everything that happens “the butterfly effect” reminds you of something? I’m not a racist… Or I wasn’t until I came to this country but being here for a couple of years it’s easy to see why/how certain nationalities can be profiled as the low end of society. I mean sure it’s undeniably true that no matter of the tree type there’s a few bad apples but when you talk about specific ones… Holly jumping shitballs!!! Look at black for example… none of their leaders have the frigging balls to say it out loud that if they would change their behavior in society 99% percent of this issues would go away in a very short period of time( it’s called conformity assholes and a society has rules/laws and a civilized society it’s just that and not a big national gang where you wanna do whatever the heck you want but once you’re caught or step out of bounce you play the race card). Now going down to Mehico…I understand you can’t respect the culture, the people and way of life in this country but at least learn the frigging language( sorry Asians but this shit applies to you too) it’s a simple way of showing some respect when you come in ones house and shit on their floor… At least have the decency to be able to say… Can I have some toilet paper while at it?!!! Now there’s so many things to talk about but the conclusion is “change comes from within oneself”
It’s all a vicious cycle and no matter what the regular joe says and thinks, the leaders will lead this country exactly in the direction they want. But since that’s in no way under our control let’s go back to our daily shit( about 50% are already upset cause I wrote shit at this point… Anyone noticed the pussyfication of this country lately?!!!) and I’m sure there are at least 25% of grammar specialists just waiting behind the bush for someone to miss one letter just so they can rant about it in a 5 minute nonsense, then there are the ones that don’t like to deal with the truth upfront, then the ones that say things they don’t even believe in, then the ones that just want to put their frustrations out there in a public forum and so on. At this point I realize this message is rethorically intended mostly to myself…go figure
I live in woodside am not Asian and had creepy men follow me
The constitution needs to be updated. The world has changed. Double standard/white racists Thats what all you guys say when you have nothing else to back up your argument. How about that, whites are the majority. Funny, i see a president of color, i see the music industry,tv shows, alot of people of color there too. Minority my butt, the people of color went from the back of the bus to the front of the line. There are more latins than Caucasian s right now in queens. Stop crying and get a job, you do have the advantage to check the minority box that helps you get a better chance of obtaining that job before a white guy. Stop crying
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
How exactly are you going to change the constitution? I’ll also remind you that the reason you have white privilege is because it was earned on the back of minorities and the poor. White privilege is defined by the fact that this country is a white patriarchal majority.
It is a nice pipe dream and marketing tool to suggest this country is the land of opportunity open to all, Beacon on the hill, but the reality is quite different. Exemplified by your comment. It reflects the true nature of society and communities. Different folk are NOT accepted with warts and all. Double standards are publicly accepted – as long as the white majority is maintained. Yeah, that’s your argument.
if you have an open community, how can you justify discrimination and prejudice? If you want to be able to pick and choose, then don’t f*cking say this is america, land of the free, and willing to receive your poor, sick etc. Call it what it is. Stop with the hypocrisy.
Yes, this country is/was a white patriarchal majority. White privileges were created after the white europeans colonized…if you want to keep going back through history. Again, that is not racism, just history. Guess what, Africa is a black patriarchal majority, how dare them. All over the world different classes of people are not accepted in different societies, get over it. Its been since the beginning of time.This is not a racial matter, it is the liberal way of thinking that is too afraid of pushing law and order. Turn your chair over and sit on the flat side this time.
Also speak english. Just because this country let so many latins into this country i shouldnt have to listen to it on the phone or have it propped up first if i have to read instructions on something. The country did do it for anyone else. Whats next, i make a phone call and it says press1 for spanish, press 2 for Chinese,press 3 for indian, press 4 for yiddish, oh yeah we almost forgot press 5 for english.
More double standards, eh? You want “land of the free” and a country protected by the constitution, because America is the land of opportunity and the beacon on the hill. Wait. As long as white people are the majority and are the center of society? Make america white again, right? Closet bigotry.
You must be typing this while eating your gluten free muffin eh?
Build the damn wall and get rid of this crap. Is it racist if its true? Fact is, its sure as hell not whites doin this crap in our neighborhood. Its not asians. America is so worried about racial profiling that we cant even prevent a damn rape. This isnt a damn third world country. Liberals are bringing this country down with all this political correctness. Transgender bathrooms, racial profiling, criminals getting away with crimes, cops cant do their job, terrorist not being labeled as radical islamists when they are clearly blowing the shit out of people. WTF is going on with this country. Sure people will find away around the wall, just as if someone really wants to break into a house with locked doors, they will try. Point is, the wall is there, and you cant simply walk through a wall. 65 other countries have a wall protecting their borders. Its not new liberals, and its not unheard of.
Get the license plate #
One thing trump is right about, we get criminal s and rapists.
Wow, so fucking happy they captured this fucking coward. I’m not no cop or anything but best believe if i see some cowardly bullshit act like this I will beat this asshole down till the cops arrive. ALSO, WHERE THE HELL IS THIS KIDS MUGSHOT?!?!
The government has to do something with the immigrants that come here now, all immigrants not just Mexicans. This county is to lax about this, it seems like we get way more criminals than hard working honest people who would be an asset to the country. Change the thinking from a century ago, its outdated, we’re trillions in debt, we cant take your tired ,your poor, your hungry. Its time to screen these immigrants a little more closely.
I am glad one is finally arrested and his name made public. This needs to happen more and this vermin must be jailed. There are so many people in jail for petty crimes while the true criminals are at large repeating their acts.
I just went to check out these intersections. 69th/37th’s NE corner seems to have a unlocked long driveway which has weeds growing up a few feet, giving cover. 69th/41th’s NE corner (up to Woodside Ave really) has no lighting fixtures, creating long shadows on the sidewalk from across the street, again giving cover. In fact, the family on the 3rd floor is using their own light from their balcony to shine down on the sidewalk. There’s also a construction lot which can be easily accessed. Be careful, and let’s help our local officials identify and address these problem areas sooner than later!
The reason we needed to know the victims were Asian women, is the same reason we need to know the “perp” is Hispanic
Great police work.
unfortunately i have lived in this disgusting neighborhood for 12 years, those apartment complexes right by the 65th st station are horrible and full of drug dealers and all other kinds of shit..each and every day i see drug dealers doing their thing right out in the open for all to see at all times of the day..it’s always the same pieces of shit and last summer the police were around a lot arresting them, this summer? nothing…
i want to make a comment but actually I cant thnk of anything that wont come off as racist. Thats one of the biggest problems I face as a white guy, I cant speak my mind! Its not easy being white!!
Not easy being white? Seriously? Did you just play the discriminated white guy card? Next you’ll be contesting and disputing the existence of “white privilege” right?
If you want to comment, just make sure you don’t make wide sweeping generalizations based on anecdotal evidence. Most people here seem to think every hispanic is here illegally, a drug dealer, rapist, or a lazy malcontent. I understand the concept of cleaning out the riff raff, but throwing out the baby with the bathwater isn’t the solution. It just reeks of racial cleansing, whether it’s intended or not.
“White privilege” LMAO? “Wide sweeping generalizations based on anecdotal evidence” kettle , call pot, he needs a wake up call. There is only one privilege in this country, it’s a green ($$$$) privilege.
Anonymous=levelheaded guy. How many personalities do you have?there is medical help for you
You’re and idiot, wake up.
That was for small headed guy, by the way…
this is nothing new..i live around that area and those apartment buildings by the 65th st station are full of drug dealers and all around crap…i see drug deals all the time right out in the open..last summer the cops were around a lot and i saw them arresting many, this year nothing and it’s the same pieces of shit all the time
Why are these day laborers allowed to just stand around. Why isnt something done to get rid of them. Even a protest has to keep moving or its considered loitering. Their probably all illegals. Damn, im really glad i dont live here anymore.
True. Alot of queens went downhill in the late 80’s. That part of woodside, 46st and 48ave , 72 & Roosevelt it was the crack epidemic
this area went down hill over 30 years ago and this is the truth –
Kudos to the NYPD for picking up this dirtbag, hope he rots in prison. @ Phil don’t worry he’ll already be a bitch for a plenty of dudes. Trump is popular for morons, plan and simple.
We dont need a wall. About 8-10 yrs ago Across from the park on woodside ave & 69st there was a bar. The guy that owned the bar had a red caddy, a suit on everyday and a bent nose. He talked to one of the day laborers once, and the guy told his friends lets go. They never came back to that side of the street. I dont know what he said or did but it worked. I asked him one day, what did you say to them that made them leave. He just smiled and said if you talk nice to people they tend to listen. Too bad he sold.
Goddamn S*ics roaming the streets attacking women. Come to my house Pedro, I’ll make you my b*tch.
Ta ta ta tee tee tee.
And people wonder why Trump is so popular among American citizens and immigrants who are here LEGALLY. Got that? LEGALLY.
-oil beef, hooked Trump and his like minded business associates are the very reason these guys are here you gullible fool.
Can you make a comment without insulting people? No, actually you can’t. it’s too hard because the only way you can justify or make yourself superior is to cut others’ down at the knees. Childish and immature.
Oh Mother’s a Trump supporter. Haha
Who the fuck said anything about these rapists being here legally? Last time we checked, Brock Turner is here legally and got right off the hook for raping someone. Race has nothing to do with it and legal status in this country has even less to do with it.
Is there a picture of this luis. My daughter who is Philippine, was being followed not to long ago early September when she got of on 61st woodside station
Who gives a fuck that she is Philippine. Racist dick face
It clearly says that the victims were asian. You’re the dick face for assuming he’s being racist by calling out the nationality of his DAUGHTER, he isn’t even taking about the victims or the actual rapists.
I live 2 blocks away from that area, every morning I walk to the 69th station being cat called by these drunk men that hang out at the triangle. The have no remorse even though I walk with my 5 year old son. What annoys me the most is I always see a church van dropping off food as if they’re in dyer need of assistance. Drastic things like this have to happen in order for there to be a change. It is so unfortunate that these women had to go through this.
The same happens to my girlfriend. This has to stop.
I’ve called to try to get a cop car to pass by as I live near the triangle and don’t feel safe and am sick of picking up the trash they leave on my doorstep. 311 was helpful but once they forwarded me to 911 I was made to feel foolish for calling. Something has to give.
“The suspect, H. Flores-Guerra Luis,…”
Castrate the son of a bitch.
I say the same thing. I agree whole heartily.
I hope they find the bastards. It’s not really sunnyside, but these people walk around all neighborhoods.
The 2nd suspect is probably named luis guerra -flores h.
Get rid of the day laborers. They are on 69st from broadway all the way down to queens blvd. Im sure someone will say im racist but its a fact. Deport them. This didnt happen before they started this joke of a shape up hall, this part of woodside is ruined
Its when they get drunk and lay around tje place is the problem
Yes they are all rapists, because you obviously know each and every one of them.
She did not say they were all rapists. BUT, if there is no way of finding out which are and which aren’t ( I doubt they’ll raise their hands if asked) I’d rather over react than under reaction. BTW I wonder how many of them are illegally in the US!
Oh yea Sue Elen, why don’t we just jump on the bandwagon and generalize that they’re all rapists? While we’re at it why keep letting white rapists off the hook and generalizing latinos and blacks? Who’s talking about their legality in the US anyway? Who the hell are you to generalize on an entire group of working men? They’re not all rapists and they’re not all illegal. Get the fuck off your high horse.
Maybe you should come off your high horse.
It is ridiculous that they can stand out side your house and see the going on’s of what you do. When you leave when you come home
Who lives in your home. Its very disturbing.
Build that wall.
What is wrong with these hispanic men? Every week is a story about them assualting women or little girls. Its disgusting!!! How dare they!!
its all men not just hispanic stop it you sound like a bigot last i check the ones getting off constantly are WHITE
If you look in jackson heights post its always hispanic men. In corona, jackson heights and woodside its always hispanics targeting women. Get the facts straight
Thank you ! Shouldn’t blame all Hispanic men for this.
Racism at its best
Build that wall!!!
That’s not the point.
Why do we need to know that the victims were Asian? Especially if there is a suspect in custody already…
Lighten up Frances!
What’s wrong with that? I am an Asian and becouse of so many different nationalities. ….so….is that racist again? Don’t start that shit.
The point of the matter in my viewpoint is that ANY women regardless of race should be able to walk around freely w/o being a target of sexual assault. A WOMEN was targeted first and foremost!!! That could be ANY women regardless of race or ethnicity. And it was… except in this case the article narrowed it down to an “Asian” women. Nothing wrong with that but be mindful that an attack of this magnitude affects all women of all races. #SpreadLove
Unfortunately its a natural male instinct.
Which runs through all male mammals.
Woman need to be careful and need to use commonsense.
Sounds as if asian woman are being targeted.knowing that is a good thing to be extra careful.
Cause it might not be the same suspect from the 1st incident,& they may be targeting Asian women
More so than anything, they’re including that information incase the attacker is targeting – whether you’re Caucasian, Black, Asian etc, it doesn’t matter – I think most people will want as much information on this as possible. It’s only to make the public extra vigilant.
You’re a douche
You must be white saying that shit. STFU and worry about women are constantly going through this. Moron
Why do you need to feel some type of way that she was asian? How about be more concerned that this is happening? You must be a white person. dumb ass
Same reason we need to know the suspect was probably an illegal mexican.
Interesting!!! That VERY same question popped into my head!!!
It’s good to know if Asian women are being targeted by this guy or any others.