Bill de Blasio
April 19, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
Mayor Bill de Blasio will be coming to Long Island City next week for a town hall meeting to address community concerns.
The town hall meeting will be held on April 27 at 7 p.m. at the Queens Vocational and Technical High School at 37-02 47th Avenue along with Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and State Senator Michael Gianaris.
Though the town hall will have no specific theme, the Mayor will answer questions from constituents on whatever topics they bring up, according to a spokeswoman for de Blasio.
The Mayor is making a visit to the area while there are three extremely controversial projects in the works.
The Sunnyside Yards feasibility study was released earlier this year, which showed that the project could bring up to 24,000 new residential units to the area.
The Brooklyn-Queens Connector, a $2.5 billion streetcar running along the waterfront from Astoria to Sunset Park, is also in the works, though internal documents released by Politico last week show that the project may not be financially viable.
Long Island City is also undergoing a rezoning effort that could bring even more development to the Queens Plaza area, which already has quite a few large developments in the works.
Van Bramer said he was glad the mayor was coming to the neighborhood to speak to residents.
“I’ve been working to get the Mayor to join me for a town hall meeting in our district and I’m pleased that he has accepted my invitation and the schedules allow for this important meeting to take place next Thursday at Queens Vocational High School,” Van Bramer said. “This will be a great opportunity for people in our neighborhoods to raise issues, voice concerns and share their vision for the future directly with the Mayor and his commissioners. This is an important moment for or community.”
The town hall will likely attract hundreds of constituents, according to de Blasio’s spokeswoman, so all hoping to attend are asked to RSVP to TownHallRSVP@cityhall.nyc.gov or to 212-788-4282 by April 25.

this town hall meeting was a joke – people had their hands up to ask questions and JVB knew who to pick on — all of his buddies —
Bill de Blasio looks good lately. He may have slimmed down for the election. He is the peoples mayor. I know you cant not please everyone in our diverse city but I can say the city is much safer, cleaner, and thriving under his administration. I look forward to another term with Bill de Blasio as mayor. I have lived in Sunnyside for over a year and I love it! I tend to ignore the Entitled, Racist, Bigoted, Thugs in Sunnyside and support Bill and his family.
theres almost as much interest in the new veterinary place opening.
prob on account of all the anonymous cowards that post here would never show their face in publc
their pockets are lined very well –
Yep. There’s no way to tell how much there making! It’s not like they make thayre TAXES public. Well, DeBlasio did. But still. They are really shoving there wealth in our faces with they’re golf trips EVERY weekend.
I bet they own stock in the town halls and make a handsome profit off of it. Thier kids too!
Typical JVB and DeBlasio, holding a town hall to listen to, and address their constituents concerns.
If it weren’t for this darn ankle bracelet I would go there and opine and give him a piece of my mind
the guys looks just like my dentist Dr Knepper, I cant get by this. i dont know if I should go or stay home and floss my teeth.
Either way its not a pleasant experience.
Hecle him
not only are you the most hated man on this site – you can’t spell
when are you leaving, I keep asking you this
I would love to see the noisy nagging complaining “aka bitching and moaning” types attend and speak their mind the way they post their rants here.
Same goes with JVB, people keep talking shit on this website, but rarely we see anyone actually do something about it.
I agree with above poster that this mayor has totally been out of touch with people of boros (other than Manhattan), he rarely talks about issues in other boros or do anything about it, some might call these things “micromanaging” but I call that care. So, this townhall meeting might be a good start for him to get in touch with people in Queens and LIC for starters, but I think it has a lot to do with the new buildings around Queensboro Plaza and ex-5 Pointz areas. He should take the train and visit Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Corona and see what kind of mess some of these neighborhoods are in. It feels like 3rd world country in some of those areas.
If I lived in Queens you can bet I would show up
The real tootiestooters is here
Nice try
Dump deblasio
Which 3rd world country have you been to
There he is again, my #1 fan.
Can I be your #2 fan?
Oh I bet you are a Trumpanzee! who thinks Trump speaks for you. He would not spit on you if you were on fire. The White Working Class is there own worst enemy.
World’s worst mayor. Maybe he will be led out in handcuffs while he is speaking. He is a fake who knows nothing about working class people although he claims he caaaaaaaares. He honeymooned in Cuba., HE would fit right in there. He also allowed the homeless problem to fester and grow and subway crime is up. Oh, yeah: welcome to Long Island City!
welcome to sunnyside and woodside and astoria too –