Oct. 29, 2016 By Christian Murray
A Sunnyside/Woodside child care facility was burglarized overnight Wednesday by a thief who stole $300 in cash plus checks, according to police.
Sabrina’s Play Studio, which offers parties and play space at 52-07 Queens Blvd, was broken into between 7:00 pm Wednesday and 8:00 am Thursday, according to police. The funds were stolen from the register and a safety box.
The police received the report at around 10 am Thursday. A police spokesman had no details as to the status of the investigation.
The owner of the facility closed the facility down on Thursday, based on a Facebook posting, but has since reopened.
Neither are you, and you call yourself common sense.
NYC is supposed to be mostly liberal. It seems to me that Trump has won sunnyside. Shame. It appears Sunnyside isn’t so bright after all.
The reason Trump has won Sunnyside is because of Liberalism.
I thought Archie Bunker was a fictional character. I guess not. Too many narrow minded, hate filled people posting here.
I wonder how many parents will continue to use this daycare with a homeless shelter down the block and now a robbery.
A lot. Will still use the play studio, obviously you don’t use it ,or you would know that. Ms positive parent
Gullible people you are. Of course its the homeless shelter. The places are filled with criminals
Is that you Yoda?
so they got away with only $300. cant do anything with checks. the bank will freeze the account immediately once informed.
Building looks fairly new..Why no security system? They must have surveillance video..very odd.
It had surveillance
Stop being so naive . Your not getting poor homeless people, your getting theives,drug addicts,and /or people straight out of jail. Get real, who else do you think did it.
I know, right? Who else could it be? There was zero crime before the shelter. The only people who steal are homeless people.
“The only people who steal are homeless people.” Wha? Are you like 10 years old? I think you might even be mentally disabled.
Pay attention jackass. I was responding to the person who said “who else do you think did it”.
Seeing that you can’t recognize blatantly obvious sarcasm, I’m assuming you are the one who is mentally disabled.
agreed if they were just poor homeless and screened to be law abiding, there wouldn’t be such community resistance.
How dare any of you jump to those conclusion. You smear people without any evidence. Shame on you.
If you or someone you love gets robbed in the area make sure you tell the police not to take under consideration that you have a homeless shelter in the area and not to bother looking at statistics with the crimes involved within NYC shelters.
Wow what a coincidence,right next to the homeless shelter . Im stunned!
The thief was waiting in the cemetery across the street
What a coincidence, this is right across the street from the welfare Quality Inn Hotel on Queens Blvd!
Wow, that’s really low. While I’m also not a fan of this “hoteling program”, I do suggest that you volunteer sometime and meet the faces of these people who need help. The homeless are humans too and to assume this was done by a one of them with ZERO evidence is really shameful.
the bums in the shelter dont have to work. they can commit crimes all they want. they can be lazy and never work a day in their life. just dont come to my area and destroy the life that i worked very hard to build for me and my family.
youre disgusting and clearly you know nothing about the struggles of the less fortunate. hope you get your ignorant head outta your ass or at the very least, keep your fcking mouth shut