Photo: QueensPost
Sept. 15, 2011 Staff Report
TD Bank is opening a retail branch on the corner of 41st Street and Queens Blvd.
The owner of Moon Candy & Grocery said he his closing his store at the end of September, at which time the bank will take control of the property.
The Veterans’ clinic is also relocating to make way for the bank.
A. I am SO happy that dump of a store is disappearing. There are a number of unsavory characters hanging out there at night I have to walk by to get to my apartment and I have often smelled their marijuana smoke as they chat and walk in and out of the store. As mentioned, a bank will at the very least maintain the property and provide a disincentive for loitering since there are sure to be security cameras.
B. Why do people keep refering to Sunnyside as a town? It’s not a town, it’s a neighborhood. Did you forget that you’re part of New York City?
Queens is the new Brooklyn . . you really are nuts and you don’t make a positive contribution to any discussion. You continue to prove that you are obsessed with sexual identity. You also seem to hate your neighbors. Not nice. I wish we had better stores so we did not have to travel outside the immediate area to shop, but this seems to continue to be the case. I remember when we had decent clothing stores but the rents were raised too high so they left. Sad. I was reading about Master Billiards – why doesnt’ the Board of Ed take the entire space and use it for P.S. 150 or P.S. 199? I believe that P.S. 199 rents space from St. Raphael school.
Mike Novak you have an excellent idea. I would like to approach a bank and ask if they are interested in becomming an incubator for new business to develope in our town. I realize that it is super expensive for any new business to open its doors with the huge invetment that most busines really do not have a long shelf life. Plus rents are so high here to start with. It would be great to put together a program for all business to start a incubator program so business could benefit from them plus a mentoring programto work together as a team effort. i think that would be a great idea.
Its not up the landlord to “find something nice for that primo space”. They set the rent and whoever ponys up the cash gets the space. No retailer in their right mind would take on a lease in Sunnyside because of the lack of parking and the fickle nature of the residents. Why don’t all you dislikers get together, draw up a business plan, raise the capital and open a business that you all like instead of carping on about the situation?
Thank God! I live at the end of that street and that little store is an eyesore and a dump. Any replacement is better than what is there now!
Melissa: The bank is not taking the space away. It is just a matter of economics principle. You pay more rent, you get the space from the landlord. If you were the landlord, would you rent to a small deli or a big bank? I am sure the doctor will find a place near the old office. Otherwise, the doctor will loose the patients.
Oh — ha! I didn’t read the next post which informed me that the clinic *has* found a new space. Yay! Happy to know my favorite doc will still be close by
No one mentioned the closing of the Veterans’ clinic, which also happens to be my primary care physician’s office. Dr. Zuckman is a great doctor and he serves so many local vets, elderly patients, and families — he has yet to find a suitable alternative location nearby.
I hate to see another bank, regardless of how good a bank they are, take space away from such a vital and necessary service. Do people need banks more than doctors?
I’m not sure that I follow your logic (or, lack thereof), Queens/Brooklyn/Manhattan…
Are you saying that all “yuppies” (whatever they may be) are devoid of “homophobic” or “racist” notions? Or are you saying that “homophobic racists” are all poor? Or, is it your position that poor people become “homophobic racists” by virtue of their economic status?
I’m willing to concede that your heart is in the right place if it is your hope that there will one day be a time when people are judged by the “content of their character” and not, as my hero ML King,jr famously said, superficialities like sexual orientation or skin color ( or religion, or whether or not you like the Smurfs…or whatever). But, I would suggest to you that when you make comments like the one above, which is really an almost incoherent emotional outburst, you not only lower the intellectual level of this forum, you exacerbate the very tensions that moved you, emotionally, to begin with.
Up your game, Queens/Brooklyn/Manhattan. Separate the facts from the feelings; and, give us the facts, please.
I am happy that another bank is coming. First off, that means that the community is financially doing okay. No banks will come to a depressed neighborhood. In addition, banks are generally well-maintained.
Really, I appreciate any new business that keeps a well-maintained storefront in Sunnyside.
Why so many negative comments? When a bank is moving it is because of growing businesses and money. I think it is a good sign.
I am trying to see if we can get a bank on skillman ave . we have a few emply stores and it would be great convience for the senior and store owners not to have to walk up to the blvd in hot weather and bad snow conditons..maybe it will call td bank and see what they think of the idea.
I’m glad to see that hole of a store go away. It was disgusting. A bank could be a sign of too much gentrification, but anything (other than a pawn shop) is an improvement on that eye sore
Another sterile and bland corporate presence in the neighborhood.
I’m thrilled.
this is old news. LL gave tenants 90 day notice of 9/30 eviction. Not exactly timely (in terms of when it was known.) Yes it’s just happening now although rumors of court action was pending as well just two days ago
I think it’s a shame. After the fire of 2003, right after the blackout, the corner where CVS now stands on the South side of QB and 41st, we lost a 24 hour bodega, dry cleaner, travel agent, what else? some other small shop or two. What did we get in return? A cvs, which seems quite popular and some condos above it. The bodega that will be replaced by TD bank has served many of us for manyyears. It’s not pretty but it serves a function. Nobody will care in a few years but these banks and big chains just chip away at identity.
At least it’s not another pharmacy.
As a long time TD Bank customer (well initially Bank of Commerce and now TD Bank), I think this is good news. TD banks are very friendly, customer service is top notch, and they pay for a full time NYC police officer in every branch. One bit of trivia: TD Banks are always located on corners. Anyway, this saves me a trip over to Steinway Street or to Elmhurst down Queens Blvd.
Roxy – I’m not sure whether or not you’re being facetious (that’s the internet for ya), but the “TD” stands for “Toronto Dominion.”
Let the gentrification begin. First banks will begin replacing everything. Then when everyone is priced out of their rent stabilized apartments, the yuppies will come in and then hopefully all the homophobic racists in this hood will leave.
I was told that TD stood for “Tough” and “Dirty.” Glad to hear that it’s people friendly. Wonder why HSBC has yet to enter Sunnyside?
That is great news….it is one one the most people friendly banks in town. glad to have it here. probably will not open till winter anyway. mabe it will force the other banks to have more servies than they have right now. competion works in special ways.
another great story by sunnyside post…. keep them comming
im sure complaints about too many banks will come rolling in, but i’m glad to hear about this for two reasons: TD is one of the few large banks not in the area, and lets be honest, it’s not exactly replacing a beautiful, well-maintained, unique store that will be a loss for the area.
Haha, are banks the new nail salons in Sunnyside? Two Chases, two Dimes, Cap One, the Taxi Credit Union, TD Bank, Bank of America, First Federal (whatever that bank is called on 46th St).