Photo: QueensPost
Feb. 17, 2011 By Christian Murray
A tattoo parlor opened in Sunnyside yesterday, the second such establishment to do so in the past 18 months.
The parlor, located at 42-16 Greenpoint Ave., is owned and operated by Brian Lynch.
Lynch, who specializes in traditional American tattoos, said this is his first shop and he has spent recent years perfecting his art in parlors throughout New York and California.
In December 2009, Sunnyside Tattoo Studio, located at 39-24A Queens Blvd., opened its doors.
LoL You people are insane! There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with tattooing to begin with. It doesn’t attract any type of bad people to the neighborhood. A lot of AMAZING people are tattooed. Open your mind up a little bit. A lot of people use tattooing as a source of religious or spiritual expressionism, a way to cope with a difficult time in their life, a way to express individuality. STOP BEING SO CLOSE MINDED AND JUDGEMENTAL!
I was recently in this shop and its great. Everyone is friendly and i was brain all the best. P.S i love my tattoo
they could atleast say an adress or something on the internet it doesnt even show were it is on the map
I actually enjoy the idea of a tattoo shop. People are overreacting saying an establishment like this encourages their children to want a tattoo, but with all the figures in the media/pop-culture, they’ll probably be asking for one regardless. I’m extremely excited to see this business succeed and look forward to getting a new tattoo there rather than hiking all the way to Manhattan.
Tattoo shops: I think of tattoo artists and pop culture
Pawn shops: I think of scam artists and urban blight
Pawnshops – aren’t people afraid of stolen items being fenced there? That is one of my concerns about the pawnshops – that they indirectly or directly encourage criminality especially among the young and stupid.
good luck brian
This place will most likely be out of business before I get home from work, dudes. Its detractors can breathe a sigh of relief.
I think it is against the law to tattoo anybody under the age of 18. Some places in the Village have been busted for doing that. You are supposed to ask for an i.d.
Omigod.. pawn shops.. tattoo parlors… call in the vice squad!!
Brian, best of luck with your new space.
I am Brian from the new tattoo palour on greenpoint ave.. I appreciate everyones concerns and opinions about my store.
I am in the business of rendering a service to the community for the small group of people who choose to have their bodies decorated in some way or another. I choose to pursue my profession with intelligence and skill, wishing not to offend anyone, but instead, with my love of mankind, to do what good I can before I die. I will not tattoo anyone under the age of 18. I am also very clean and friendly. Please stop in if you have any questions for me, I will be happy to answer.
Atom is an x
In my opinion it would be great if a business opened up that caters to the needs of our entire town rather than a smaller needs of our neighborhood. I am not a marketing wizard but the less people that need the business they will not be in business unless they draw from othe areas and not ours. But less all wish them luck for we do not want to see their store with a for rent sign on the window
oh no! not tattoos! what’s next? rock and roll? women in pants?!?! what has sunnyside become?
Thank you Aileen mahmoodi for correcting my spelling. I appreciate that. I think all business in our area are looking for that great spot to develope their business. We are in dire need of new business in our town. I wonder if we did a survey what kind of business would be the top five in our town. I for one would not walk into a tatoo store but that does not mean other people would not.
@sunnysider i think you should learn how to spell tattoo before you start talking about what direction you want this town to start heading.
it really does show how much bullshit attention you people pay to this neighborhood. there was a tattoo parlor there 7 years ago and no harm was done. its not like this is a shady neighborhood, im pretty sure the business owner(s) are aware that they are located across the street from a park and 4 blocks away from a school. they wont be tattooing anyone under the age of 18 so dont worry your little heads about it.
I guess we would rather have a business than an empty store front. Maybe toatoos are better than many years ago, but they are permentnet and sometimes kids do not thing about it they just do things, But I guess we have to give them a chance and see what happens Are they doing safe and clean work. I hope no one get sick from their needles
Landlords will rent to whomever pays them.
What’s wrong with tattoos?
They are way less dangerous than prejudice.
I think the woman is nicknamed “The Bombshell” (I am thinking of the one who broke up Sandra’s marriage to Jesse James). She was really covered with tatoos. I don’t think she would be hired by a lawfirm.
There’s all that space available where the Master’s Billiards used to be.
Maybe there will be a combination tattoo parlor/pawn shop going in there.
Tattoos are trendy. THis place looks clean and decent. I don’t think its worth thinking about.
Raquel, the woman you’re referring to is Kat Von D … a famous tattoo artist. It really depends on your profession.
I’ve read that many employees don’t like to hire people (in certain professions) who have lots of visible tatoos. Any thoughts on that? One little discrete tatoo might be ok but when it gets to be like that woman who was going out with Sandra Bullock’s husband . . . it gets out of hand.
I’m with Krissi! Tattoos don’t equivalent drugs and prostitution folks! Good luck, Brian!
” The tattoo parlor is right across children’s park”
OH NO! It’s totally been proven that kids who play near tattoo parlors grow up to be hookers. What a valid, not at all completely irrational and borderline retarded concern!
I don’t think the presence of a tattoo parlor is going to encourage kids to get tattoos—if they want one, they’re going to get one, here or the East Village or wherever. I’ve successfully reached adulthood without any ink, and it’s not due to lack of exposure to tattoo parlors. Let’s give the kids some more credit.
Having said all that, I would have preferred a restaurant or something I’d actually visit. Can’t support local business when there’s no appeal.
Having a few of my own, I don’t mind tattoo parlors at all! At least we can try to attract a more creative type of outlet. Tattoos are no longer for the ratty crowd, nowadays 1 in 3 americans ages 18-40 have them. Pretty mainstream. Obviously, I would have prefered a cafe or shoe store, but I’d much rather this than another 99 cent store or pawn shop. I’m also hoping a Carvel or mom and pop ice cream store opens (not a yogurt shop). I’m not a fan of going all the way to teh 60s for some decent ice cream!
Good luck Brian!
We have such classy stores! Parts of the West Village have been uglified by this junk.
There was a tattoo parlor on that same street several years ago. I remember the owner handing out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
thank the landlords for letting stores like this open. you know the old saying money talks.
Don, better than nothing? Come on. Would it still be better if it was a whorehouse? I totally agree with sunnysider. I really hate the pawnshop that replaced our little coffee shop at the corner that had been there fore as long as I can remember.
The town is turning into something I don’t want to see. Hip looking cheap way-upper west side ghetto city. The tattoo parlor is right across children’s park. Anyway, it is open already, and I don’t know how much Brian is expecting to make, but I am guessing it won’t last long, unless he has side businesses running from the establishment.
I guess it’s better than nothing
Are we moving away from traditioal type of businesses in our town. I wonder whether parents are going to want their kids to have a tatoo be put onn their bodies. We are geting strange business opening up. Now we have 2 tatoo places now we have 2 pawn shops where is all this leading too. What directoon is our town heading.