Photo: Jimmy Van Bramer (Facebook)
Jan. 22, 2015 By Christian Murray
When he’s asked the tough questions, he typically doesn’t duck for cover.
What are your thoughts on 5 Pointz? Private property, he responds.
What do you think of building on the Sunnyside Yards? Absolutely not.
Do you believe in term limits for community board members? Yes.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who darts from event-to-event, isn’t known for hedging his bets. Instead he is direct, fast on his feet, and very self assured.
It’s this self confidence that leads him to release an annual self assessment—or report card—every January. It is a rare concept, as most council members don’t do it.
“I like people to know what I’ve been doing,” Van Bramer often says, adding that people should know what their council person does. “I don’t want anyone asking: ‘Who is he? What does he do?”
The 15-page report states in large font: “16,554 and counting” referring to the number of constituent cases Van Bramer and his staff have handled over the past five years. Furthermore, it said that in 2014, he served on six committees—including as chair of Cultural Affairs and Libraries-and had a “95.3% attendance record.”
Van Bramer said that he has laid the groundwork for a number of Sunnyside/Woodside projects that will come to fruition this year.
The $1. 3 million revamp of Thomas P. Noonan Park—located at the intersection of Greenpoint Avenue and 43rd Street– is expected to be completed by summer; a new elementary school in Woodside will be opening in September; and further traffic safety measures are about to go into effect.
The ribbon cutting at Thomas P. Noonan Park will come at a time when several other park developments are in the works. The Parks Department is currently drafting preliminary plans for a $2.2 million upgrade to Big Bush Park (behind the Big Six Towers) as well as the $500,000 revamp of Hart Playground on 37th Ave. in Woodside.
Furthermore, a $500,000 upgrade to Windmuller park is coming that will cover the cost of building a new skateboard area, as well as fixing the band shell area that has been damaged by skateboarders performing their stunts.
However, Van Bramer said that there has been one park project that has been delayed; the dog run at Doughboy Park, which is adjacent to PS 11.
Van Bramer, who allocated $250,000 for the dog run in 2012, said that it is behind schedule due to the construction of a school annex at PS 11, which is located at 54-24 Skillman Avenue. He said that the contractor may need that the space where the dog run will go while construction takes place.
Van Bramer takes pride in his quest to bring more classroom space—such as the the PS 11 annex– to the area.
“We have the first new school in 60 years coming to Woodside,” Van Bramer said, referring to PS 339 (located at 39-01 57th Street), which is scheduled to open in September with the capacity to serve 470 students.
Meanwhile in Sunnyside, PS 343 (The Walter McCaffrey Campus) opened at 45-45 42nd St in September, which can cater to 434 students. In addition, construction of a 600-seat building at IS 125 (46-02 47 Ave.) is in the works, which is likely to lead to the removal of the trailers that are currently spread across the school grounds.
“I will continue to build schools…and invest in parks,” Van Bramer said.
Van Bramer secured $4.5 million in funding last year for the renovation and expansion of Thalia Spanish Theatre, which is located at 41-17 Greenpoint Avenue. The funds will double the theater’s seating capacity from 75 to 150.
That section of Greenpoint Avenue in the past few years has been an area filled with vacancies. However, with the upgrade of the supermarket on the strip, the arrival of other businesses and the impending revamp of Thalia that section of Greenpoint Ave. is showing signs of improvement.
Van Bramer said that the Sunnyside business district is on the upsurge in general. “There are very few vacant stores,” he said. He said that the acquisition—and likely development—of several parcels of property on Queens Blvd is largely the result of a booming real estate market coupled with Sunnyside being viewed as a vibrant and safe neighborhood.
Meanwhile, a Woodside street cleaning program that involves two workers cleaning Roosevelt (51st to 61st Streets) and Woodside Avenues will continue.
In addition, the graffiti cleanup program—where streets such as Broadway, Skillman Ave, 43rd Ave., Roosevelt Ave. and Woodside Ave. are cleaned monthly–has also been funded for this year.

Photo: Jimmy Van Bramer (Facebook)
Van Bramer said that he has been working on many transportation issues since he has been in office—with the greatest number of constituent cases he and his staff have had to deal with being transportation concerns.
While many of these issues have dealt with the No. 7 train and the MTA (which are overseen by the state), he hears from constituents about stop signs and dangerous driving.
He said that he advocated for the 25 mph speed limit and slow zones within Sunnyside and Woodside. The slow zone in Sunnyside (south of Queens Blvd) is complete—with the Woodside (which includes northern Sunnyside) expected to be completed within the first half of this year.
“People are concerned about the safety of their kids and families,” Van Bramer said, who put in an application with the Department of Transportation for the two slow zones.
Van Bramer takes great pride in his strong support of Vision Zero—including his push for launching arterial slow zones on Northern and Queens Blvd. Furthermore, he received citywide attention for his “Justice for Hit and Run Victims Act,” which recently went into effect that imposes a hefty civil penalty on drivers who flee the scene of an accident.
Van Bramer, who was named Majority Leader at the beginning of last year, also said that the position allows him to be a better advocate for the district. For instance, he said, he was in a better position to be able to reach out to the administration to let it be known that the Pepsi sign in Long Island City should not lose its place on the “Landmarks Preservation calendar.”
Van Bramer is politically ambitious and does not hide it. He said that he will definitely run for city council again in 2017.
He would not comment if he has speakership goals in mind—or whether a city-wide office would come after that.
“The council speakership was determined over a period of a few weeks [in December 2013] so it is way too far away to start thinking about that,” Van Bramer said. “And then another four years after that…anything could happen by then.”
For Van Bramer’s report card, please click here:
Why doesn’t he care about how the realtor at 5pointz is trying to use that name? http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/stop-gm-realty-from-trademar
The 43rd Street park is “expected” to re-open in the summer? There ought to be an investigation into why it has taken so long, including closure for the entire summer of last year.
It is interesting that he is against developing Sunnyside Yards, but for upzoning Queens Brough Plaza. See this article in the WSJ.
He also does not mention the cash that he took from the owner of 5pointz:
6% of all his campaign contributions! Sunnyside is going to be looking at a wall of LIC condos..
JVB is a genius.
Wish I had thought of this when I was a kid at school – just issue my own report card!
It would have saved me from a lot of problems with my parents.
Having said that, I think he’s doing a good job basically.
The streets are chaos. I applause these slow zones. What can we do to get cyclists to stop riding on the sidewalk or go the wrong way??? It’s a danger and a nuisance to children, pets, the elderly. Completely disrespectful and illegal. But of course, there are never consequences in New York for reckless behavior on the streets.
Chaos? Okay… that seems a little over the top, but I guess you’re trying to make a point. I see far fewer bike riders behaving like this than I did 2-3 years ago, and when I do see it, they are either guys delivering food or a kid on a bicycle, frequently without a helmet. To imply that there are many cyclists riding the wrong way or on the sidewalk to the point where there in an omnipresent danger is really an exaggeration, but this is nothing new. The real and present danger that we should be concerned about comers from motor vehicles.
To get cyclists off the sidewalk/going the right way – make it safe for them to use the street too. Slow zones/Vision Zero are very helpful in that regard, but too much of the bike infrastructure here is either shared space with cars (few people are actually comfortable riding like that even at slower speeds) or too limited to encourage proper use.
The most effective ways to slow down cars involve creating narrower driving lanes and “side friction” (trees, parked cars, stuff in general closer to the street). Most of our traffic lanes are built to long-haul truck standards (read: wide), when long-haul trucks could and should be more limited to which streets they can use (they also cause the most damage to streets and make us spend lots of money to replace them more frequently). Limit the trucks to fewer streets, narrow the lanes on the other streets by pushing the parking further from the curb, and create more protected bike lanes: slower cars, safer bicycling lanes, safer pedestrians, lower maintenance costs.
You both make very valid points. For the record, I am an avid cyclist and commute to work in the city by bike almost every day. So I am in NO way anti-bike. But I do follow the rules, and wish others would do so. It’s frustrating because it seems that everyone on the streets – cars and cyclists – are just selfish and disrespectful! It doesn’t have to be this way!