43-40 40th Street
Oct. 20, By Christian Murray
There have been six burglaries in Sunnyside in the past week, with thieves taking items such as iPhones, iPads, laptops and credit cards, police said.
The burglaries started on Tuesday, Oct. 14, when four apartments on 40th Street (btw. 43rd Ave. and 47th Avenues) were targeted.
The perpetrator started at 8 a.m. when he entered 45-48 40th St. and broke into two apartments, before fleeing with several electronic items, police said. Then at 11:45 a.m., a burglar gained access to an apartment at 43-38 40th St. and stole items such as an iPhone and credit card.
Later that day, a burglar attempted to break into an apartment at 43-34 40th at around 3:30 pm. The victim heard a noise in living room, causing the suspect to flee.
But the thieves were not done. On Wednesday, Oct. 15, a burglar broke into 43-32 40th Street around 4:15pm and fled with several items, police said.
Shortly after the incidents, the police sent in somewhere between 15 and 20 officers to keep tabs on the area and the burglaries ceased. However, while the problem in stopped in the 40s, two burglaries took place in the 50s later in the week.
On Friday, Oct. 17, the police reported burglaries at 41-25 50th Street and 39-72 52 Street.
In addition to the burglaries, two cars in Sunnyside Gardens were tampered with during the week. One had its tires and rims stolen—before being placed on blocks. The other had its window smashed.
Anyone with information on any of these incidents is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS. Furthermore, in the case of the burglaries, if anyone sees anyone suspicious on a fire escape or in a court yard they are asked to call the police.

Keepsunnysidewhite? You can’t even spell correctly. What makes you so qualified to live in Sunnyside? You’re targeting innocent black families as well. I get what you mean with the “ghetto people” but not all blacks are “ghetto” like not all white are white trash. (You wouldn’t know…bc you are on the trash side.) however, it’s not the blacks that make Sunnyside terrible. It’s people like you, white trash. You are a racist. & I’m sure your credit is maxed out…sitting at home hating on the “ghetto people” for living happily while you’re sitting there, talking trash, misspelling words and sipping on that vodka because, that’s all you can do to take away the pain of being an ignorant piece of garbage. & no. I’m not black. But, yes. I am white.
U r a racist pig and might as well put a white sheet over your body and face.
First let me say that I live on 41st street near where the burglaries took place. And let me say that if you have information, you need yo go to the police or something. Dont fall into the it hasnt affected me trap, because thats ridiculous. Having said that, I will check out the activity on 43rd st and 39th st and report.
Now we all know why this is happening. Its the new people. No not hipsters. Im tslking about the influx of ghetto blacks and latinos eho have moved here recently. Its no coincidence the mnute the minute they move in the burglaries go up. I see them everyday somking weed on 40th, loitering near 43rd, causing ruckus at burger king n wendys. And they are either on section 8 because there is no way they can legitimately afford sunnyside rents. The jih is up.
We need to ask our landlords, supers, and especially brokers to refuse to accept any ghetto ppl. It shoildnt be too hard. They usually dont have good credit. So please owners. If a black family wants to rent your apartment. Tell them the place has already been rented.
Lets keep Sunnyside White and Clean
You are incredibly racist. There is no moving in of ghetto people in the neighborhood. These ‘ghetto’ people have lived here for years. Please educate yourself please. Rent in sunny side is increasing. So their is an increase in affluent white populations in sunny side. Please Please educate yourself.
everything in your statement from grammar to observations is completely inaccurate and ignorant. The only truth here is your hatred for other races, which makes you an ignorant, dumb bigot… If anything, you need to move out of NY to somewhere below the Mason Dixon line back in the 1860s. Are you like 80? What are you doing in Queens, the most diverse place in the planet?
As someone who has lived here for over 40 years, I have seen young kids smoking marijuana over the years, young adults drunk in the street after closing time, and many different, obviously mentally ill and homeless folks on the street, in the park and on the benches. Years ago, I knew many of the kids, young adults and homeless. They had roots here. They looked out for the elderly, young moms, others who may have been vulnerable or at risk. There were robberies and burglaries, but not from those who lived here. Sunnyside was a close knit community, where people were proud to live. People worked hard for their businesses, homes, apartments and vehicles. Renters knew each other, businesses knew their customers. Residents looked out for each other. There were beat cops on the avenues. We knew them by name. They knew the troublemakers and kept them in line. People respected one another and the police. Is it the hipsters? I don’t think so. I believe there is just a lack of respect for others and their property. I believe children are raised without respect. This is a societal issue, not a Sunnyside issue.
well said
I completely agree.
You people sound like the biggest bunch of babies and morons
if you do not feel safe then move
or go back to the Midwest where you felt safe
this is queens it’s nyc
you clowns do not realize how much safer the streets are today
then when i was growing up here
unreal deserved to get robbed
How about having another press conference for the little boy in the suit. So he can tell us all everything’s ok.
what I want to know is how come JVB’s house gets broken in and then there is a very robust response from the police include a MOBILE DETECTIVE LAB sent into the neighborhood (according to an earlier post on this blog website). When the other houses are getting robbed, and everyone knows who’s doing it and even giving the information publicly on this web site, nothing seems to be done at all by the police. I’m starting to think the cops are looking after this little thug and his gang of retard followers who are going round causing all the trouble ????
I love your name
I just saw some activity on 43rd ave and 43rd street, what happened there? Some cop car was rushing (it was an SUV).
OMG Really
I think there should be more police around our area so there would be more chances to prevent burglaries.
Did everyone see the cops around the neighborhood today? I saw 4.. on foot!
But really, do our building landlords or supers have any obligations to have the roof alarmed? Or the fire escapes?
I mean, I keep an eye out, and my fire escape window has a bar, but…
I would like to start a discussion on here about the gentrification of sunny side. This article is trying very hard to make very particular people in sunny side criminal. The people who have been living in this community for years. If you are a newcomer in queens you neither have the right to justify the over surveillance of our communities. You also do not have the right to say that because people are smoking marijuana we have a right to police them. People in the sunny side neighborhood have always been democratic and this new discourse on robberies is problematic. I’m sorry but if you have not been living in this neighborhood for more than 2 years you have no right to make the people who have been living here for longer criminal.
Lenny, I welcome a discussion. You say that this article is trying hard to make a “very particular people” criminal. Which people? What language specifically?
Why is the length of time an individual has lived in a community relevant to their safety (and the strength of their property rights)? Police protection should be afforded newcomers and lifers alike. It is a dangerous game to say that the police should treat newcomers differently (consider, for example, refugees).
People have the “right” to say what they want. In this case, to say that people who are doing an illegal activity (smoking marijuana) should be “policed” just makes sense. Whether you believe marijuana should be illegal is not the point of this article nor of this discussion.
What is the connection between democracy and this “new discourse” you are criticizing? Essentially, you use a lot of vague words to obscure a real problem. You misunderstand or misrepresent this article. It does not seek to “make the people … criminal.” People who are guilty of crimes, the perpetrators described above, are criminals. This is a fact.
Hello Sundeep K.
I am talking about the vague language used in describing perpetrators and their acts. Instead of a having an in-depth discussion about how places got robbed instead this article attempts to be very vague. Now, that has justified people in the comments saying things like “it is the brown children” or the “youngsters” who sit on cars who must be obviously causing these robberies. Which is both false and misleading.
Now, why is the length of time an individual has live in a community relevant? For a couple of reasons. I have noticed that the new comers in sunny side I more concerned with having more police in the neighborhood. Now who will the police actually surveil? Not the predominately white middle class people that are moving into the area. But instead the “marijuana smokers” or the people who have lived in the neighborhood for many years. It is obvious that some of the newcomers in the area are attempting to surveil their own homes from such criminals. Now if you lived in this area lets say 6 to 7 years ago. You would not that there was no need for an increase in cops. It the ‘gentrifiers’ who actually cause more crime because now that they ‘call’ for more police, the police have something to look for.
I am not saying that newcomers should be treated differently. It is just that newcomers are transforming the community. And I as a person who has lived in sunny side for 20 years believe that I have more credibility than any new comer because growing up in this neighborhood there was never a need for more cops.
Now, you are saying that people smoking marijuana in their homes should be policied. Okay. I bet many people in the sunny side gardens are smoking pot. However, because they live in the predominately white community of sunny side they will not get as policed as those say on 40th street because those ‘criminals’ who live on 40th street do not have the privilege to smoke weed in their rich homes. If you want to police for marijuana, also police the sunny side gardens.
Now, your argument about people just simply being ‘criminals’. Is not a fact. Instead, because this article is vague that means that we can just simply over police without a just cause. When will we find the criminals that broke into these cars and homes? Why is there no update on the situation?
Police the rich doped up kids on 46th street between skillman and 39th and I promise you will find criminal activity including armed robbery and burglary
it’s breaking the law which makes ‘them’ criminal … doesn’t matter where they are from – that’s pretty much a fundamental precept of a civilized society whether you’re a democratic or republican…..
Democrat* lets not mix up the two now…
I’ve lived in Sunnyside for over 5 years and the past 2 years I have felt pretty unsafe living in the area. I’ve had 2 Attempted break-ins while i was home and once a man came to my door at 9pm on a Friday night claiming he was from the census bureau but wouldn’t show himself as i just had the door cracked with the chain on. I stalled that guy for about 40 minutes while my friend called the police, eventually the man left and the police arrived and hour and 40 minutes later. as for the 2 attempted break ins, someone managed to unlock my bottom lock but couldn’t get past the other locks i had and gave up and the other was from my fire escape where the person tried to push my air conditioner out of my window by opening those accordion sides some A/Cs have. When i woke up from the noise, i screamed pretty loudly and saw that it was open and i guess the person managed to leave pretty quickly. it was about 2am when that happened the police showed up pretty quickly for that but then kind of made fun of me, and laughed at me for being so scared and suggested that it was probably my cat that did it or a squirrel on the outside(i live on the 4th floor) then they just started looking and commenting on some of the art and old vinyl records i have hanging in my living room. needless to say i have absolutely no faith in the police in the area. As well as sometimes I have trouble sleeping fearing it will happen again.
I told you ALL that Sunnyside was going downhill. I told you a lot of the stores in Sunnyside are drug fronts and you mocked me. I told you the homeless were an issue. I told you the politicians cared more about the beautification than the functionality of this neighborhood.
You hipsters ruined a good town .
Hipsters are responsible for the homeless and drug store fronts? Please stop breathing.
In a way yes. It was Hipsters giving money to squirts the change bum back when I told you all what he was doing. It’s you guys who were not shopping in the neighborhood and supporting local business. it was you guys who drove rent prices up convinced that it was a good deal and it was you guys who got people thinking there was money here in Sunnyside when Sunnyside has always been Middle class working families and its you guys that brought over the drug demand , I never smelled more weed around Sunnyside than the past 2 years.
We also brought some class and creativity to the neighborhood. You can thanks us for the lovely wine bars and cafes as an alternative to sketchy bodegas where bunches of lowlives hang out. And it’s not middle class, plenty of ppl with money in the area.
you reek of racism, The only bodegas are on the south side so you’re clearly referring to the latinos in that area and there you are calling working class people “low lives” What makes you say that? Do you see them doing something?
Have you actually walked around Sunnyside? Notice how many stores have closed up shop and haven’t found replacements? It’s like I said, you’re in this little ignorant bubble . I was the first one to complain about the flood of hipsters, the ones not bothering to know their neighbor, the ones not saying hello or good day or holding the door when they see you coming. People like you have done nothing but bring Sunnyside down with your pretentiousness and ignorance.
Those “lovely” wine bars don’t suit us, they suit you. And you have the arrogance to think because you find them necessary, everyone else does too. Go jump in the East River, why don’t you?
Anon-You are an arrogant racist, but then, that is redundant.
SP16, bodegas don’t only exist on the south side. Clearly you don’t know the north side of the Boulevard at all. The 24 hour bodega on 43rd Ave and 42nd Street used to be a place I felt safe shopping at late at night. No more. Now a crowd of men hang out in front and inside the store at all hours of the night, some of them drinking from paper bags and I have been harassed by one or two in the past. I no longer feel safe walking in there or even past the store. I actually cross the street to the other side of 43rd Avenue in order to avoid them and walk an extra 2 blocks to the Met Foods on the same street.
you prejudiced knucklehead
i gave the police a full description of the perp and his plate number on his piece of shut Honda Civic. I hope they bust these assholes.
For the glass breaking incident. I have a hunch these are all related.
Great Job Columbo!
I know who this is. He lives on 39st and 50th ave that building that’s in the corner. The front of the building is on greenpoint ave the back is on 50th ave. he is part of the group that they are speaking of on 43st. You can go find his car parked around there. . If we are speaking of the same piece of shit two door Honda civic that you can hear for two blocks aways
Since you know who he is, why not report him and turn him?
Because he personally hasn’t done anything to me .. I was just informing the person I know where he lives so they can catch him sooner
Brilliant. So according to a significant number of people here, the recent upsurge in crime is due to the new influx of people in Sunnyside; they are not community-minded enough and since they don’t care much for anything other than the latest Apple product, their vigilance is somewhat lacking. However you and I’m addressing you here, “Anon”, purportedly have information that you could hand over to the police but you’re not going to do that are you? You’re not because this crime wave hasn’t affected you personally. If that’s community-minded then I don’t know what all the whinging is about.
Another RAT!!!
Why has no one invoked the JVB burglary response program?
you’re right that’s what we need now :
not tweedledee and tweedledum – the pair currently assigned to the neighbourhood
I hope the police are reading this
That group of teenagers you speak of on 43st between queens blvd and greenpoint are the main reason for these robberies and also the drug distribution in the area. How do I know this? My son has told me who all these people are , they grew up together went to the same school, park etc. luckily for me my son chose the right path by not following his childhood friends footsteps , but he tells me what they have become. Drug sellers, robbers and its just sad because you know these kids if you have lived in the neighborhood for years. Why would they corrupt the neighborhood they grew up in? My son has also told me that they are getting close to the teens that live on 43ave , skillman ave 39ave and some have even started selling drugs! If we were to get the cops involved we would be more than happy to give anonymous tips, but of course there won’t be no evidence but our words, but I know if the cops were to get involved and quietly stand watch of that block they’ll find all the evidence they need ! Please be safe and take care neighbors
It’s the house on 45-35 43 street the main one name is Jonathan his the distributer and his little group there are rumors that him and his little group were the ones involved in the pharmacy’s on 43 street and grocery store robberies in Skillman av
Go to the police with this info!
The Cops need to read this…
Everything they need to know is on this blog…
This site owner should do something about this instead of just posting ads all the time and not being involved in threads or comments.
Site Owner, can we have our own community board where we can post whatever we want instead of being limited to comment to whatever you get to post?
Isn’t that under discussions??
Yes that’s exactly who it is .. Just didn’t want to be the one to say names. He lives in the basment of the house, if you go thru the back where the houses park their cars is where you will see his little gang hanging outside his basment door. They are always there smoking weed and Ive also been told that’s where the merchandise (drugs) is stored
this is amazing. Are the cops round here really so dense and useless ? Everything they need to know is right here. Cops??? Anything to say for yourself??
They are loud and loiter all around 43rd and they rev their stupid can cars and play loud music. My previous roommate lives on 43rd across their house (he lives next to new school) and he can see them at very odd hours, I am surprised people who live on that side never done or said anything about it.
I’ve seen one of the teenagers working at Lentini’s pizza on 43rd ave near 44th street. He was either working there or just hanging out behind the counter eating pizza.
What does this have to do with anything
There are nummy rich kids on 46 th between skillman and 39th who did an armed robbery of a drug dealer and I’m certain arranged my burglary. They hide behind their indifferent parents . The police should check them out and reopen older crime cases
Rich kids. Lol. U don’t know what your talking about…and fuck that asshole that was robbed. He deserved it.
You were involved weren’t you? You showed your true colors
You got good neighbors. Some of my neighbors know young kids are smoking pot and drinking late at night but don’t want to call the police. They’re renters so they don’t care. The property owners don’t have the time or whatever.
Anon…your statement “They’re renters so they don’t care” is bullshit. I’m a renter. The vast majority of NYC are renters. And guess what, we care. My apartment was robbed during the day a couple of years ago…i lived in a house. Not one of the homeowners (who were at home all day) on my block saw/heard anything (even though they jimmied the front door open). Does that mean those homeowners didn’t care? Of course not…people are afraid to take action. Renter or owner, no one wants to live in a crime ridden neighborhood.We all need to be more vigilant about our surroundings and maybe get to know (gasp!) our neighbors a little better.
there are lots of good neighbors in Sunnyside. noone should put their personal safety in jeopardy, but it is up to all of us to keep vigilant, take photos with your cell phone if you see something happening, call the police right away, take down all relevant info like vehicle plates and descriptions of the perpetrators…….. these petty criminals will eventually give up if they know they are in a proactive community…..
I know a lot of others have said it, and up to now, I have not wanted to admit it but this neighborhood has really taken a turn for the worse in the couple of years I have lived here. It’s hard to justify paying the kind of rent that this area commands and getting increasing crime rates and vandalism in return. Not to mention the revolving door of failed businesses and vacant store fronts. We are moving out of Sunnyside altogether next month and I really couldn’t be any happier about it.
Et tu, Brutus? Where are you headed?
Great response,touché
52 Street Subway area has got out off control with bums and drunks just lying around all day, local parks have been taken over by weirdos and freaks.
I agree with you. this is my train stop. Last weekend one of the bums exposed himself to me! Something has to be done.
OMG so gross and disgusting….
The bums are also taking over the benches in the front of Skillman park. They have a a shopping cart filled with junk they leave next to the tree in the corner all the way on the left side where the swings are.
Call 311 when you see this to have them removed. Just don’t blog about it, jeez. Not the kind of sight of like to see walking my dog or my kid.
311? What? They will never come, they don’t even respond when you call 911 for homeless loitering in front of your house, you think 311 will help, that’s a joke. They don’t even come by to ticket cars that are illegally parked and that’s a revenue source, they’ll never do anything about the drunk bums in parks. I’ve seen a bum multiple times pee or take a shit in between cars or at certain parts of the buildings on both sides of the blvd. They should collect these drunk bums like they collect stray dogs. Yes, it’s harsh, but there is a difference between homeless person and drunk bums of sunnyside..
I’m very sorry you were the victim of this sex crime. I hope you reported it to the police.
You’re right, i saw a bum attempting to do number 2 in the park by the station. ..in broad daylight!
OK so here’s some vital information…. speaking as the guy who got his car window smashed in – not so unusual when you live in the boroughs and street park. However, this was 4pm on a sunday afternoon while neighbors were out gardening, walking their dog, coming and going to the local park, etc. The criminals pulled up in their car, got out, smashed the window and starting looking inside for something to steal. One neighbor yelled at them and as the criminals went back to their car and fled, the neighbor got a good description of them and the vehicle registration. We waited 40 minutes for the police to show up. When they did eventually trundle up, they seemed pretty uninterested and did not exactly inspire much confidence. It’s pretty distressing to live in a nice neighborhood where criminals act with impunity due to the apathy of the local police. I’m lucky to have brave and vigilant neighbors, I think we need to look out for each other and have realistic expectations of what the local police are really capable of.
. I have always provided you with thorough knowledge of all that is Sunnyside and I will do so again.
. the way these people are getting into apartments is by going to the roof and then coming down the fire escape. Which means they are gaining access into the buildings somehow . So..Don’t let people in. Those people doing surveys and claiming to be from “con edison” . Don’t open your door to them. If someone rings, don’t just open the lobby door thinking its a package.
Now for the landlords responsibility. Each roof is supposed to be alarmed. My building went off TWICE and I immediately knew there was someone in the roof and I waited for some punk to make my day. Where was the Super? It was after 5 and we can never find him after 5. So the roof alarm just kept going and going and going till like 8pm. Which tells me the Super isn’t around to see who was coming in and out . he SHOULD be walking around and making his presence felt, all of the Supers should.
This is why this is happening. You guys are all in this bubble thinking Sunnyside is so great. This neighborhood sucks for a bunch of reasons, one mainly being that there is no sense of community. Right now..the Queensbridge projects are safer than Sunnyside is..that is a FACT.
He’s a super not a security guard. Wtf are you smoking? He’s supposed to know who comes in and out? Make rounds? LOL
I come and go all hours of day and night. This neighborhood is perfectly safe, let’s stop with all the purse clutching because a few people couldn’t be bothered to lock their fire escape windows out a few beaters get their toys jacked underneath the pitch black train overpass.
you’ve heard about the broken windows theory, right?
A super IS security dumbass, Do you work with property management? if you don’t then stfu, cuz I know what I’m talking about. When a Super doesn’t make his presence felt the building is a target. Those buildings that got robbed didn’t have alarms on their roofs and thats how they got robbed. I know for my building the Super is never around, But the building I work for in Manhattan? The super is always out and you see him. He knows what is going on and if the alarm in the roof goes off the police get called immediately.
Secondly, just saying the neighborhood is perfectly safe makes you officially a dumbass. Even in the safest of neighborhoods nobody says that. You are a fool to think it is .
Thirdly. People had their stuff locked up you ignorant goober. Your last sentence doesn’t even make any sense.
Congratulations on being a fcking doorman in Manhattan …LOL. Please move there permanently. Oh that’s right, clinging on to that rent stab apt while bitching about all us entitled hipsters using up your neighborhood. Grow up.
I’d rather my super spend his time fixing shit instead of stopping and frisking my guests. I don’t need to work in property management to know to lock my door.
you just showed how ignorant and stupid you are. Let me explain again in stupid terms so you can understand. I said the building I work in, I SEE the workers work. When something goes wrong they respond quickly. The building I live in the super is never around. The buildings that got robbed..the super is never around. It’s common sense you idiot. When nobody is around the thieves are going to hit..which they did. And as has been stated multiple times, people had their stuff locked and were still hit.
So why don’t you stay home all day and wander your building to make your presence known sunnyside posthatesme16. I think your the idiot
Grace you are wrong! The Super’s job is not to ensure the safety and security of all tenants. It is to fix shit that breaks. If your buildings super is so horrible its because you live in a horrible (CHEAP) building. If you were not you could just complain to your landlord and the super would be replaced. Your landlord does not care because he knows you will not move out. If your were paying market rent in a market rent building I am sure your super would be doing his job or he would be fired.
I agree with you for once, Supers in sunnyside are like kings, they don’t do sh*t, they have porters who take the garbage out and super is just a fat ass sitting and doing nothing. Supers are supposed to be responsible for all that’s going on around the building, yes they are not doormans but they are responsible for safety and security of all tenants, that’s why he gets to live for free and have all perks like free cable, free gas, and all other crap that they must be getting nowadays and when you try to find one, where is he? Good luck.
Well I know a building in Sunnyside where any package left by UPS or FEDEX by the tenants door dissapear thanks to the Super of the building. One day my friend order a Shirt in orange color, the package never came and days after that incident we catch the super waring same shirt of the same color brand new.
Wait until my super
Wait until my Super finds out he should be fighting crime after unclogging my toilet…
The Super!! Its not the Supers job to monitor who comes and goes in your building. That would be a Doorman. Oh wait, you would have to move to a more expensive apartment to have a Doorman.
The super fixes things that are broken and clean up the building. His job is not to patrol the building and make his presence felt……..that would be a night watchman. Are you willing to pay more rent for that?
No point in arguing with Ruben the guys a fcking moron. To much time spent playing volleyball at lodati park
If the police see someone suspicious what are they to do?.Thanks to the Mayor who was loudly applauded at the Parade for All, the police are powerless to stop and frisk..Welcome to Sunnyside and the Bill Diblasio train wreck of an administration. .
Obviously you haven’t been a victim of stop and frisk, you’re ither a female, a old person, or a white person,(excuse the ignorance) stop and frisk in woodside mainly focused o black, or latino males, ever since 2005 I used to get stopped at least 9 times a month, and that was just on a good month …..fyi I never been arrested, I’m a hard worker….
What do you mean “VICTIM”? Look and dress like a decent person and you won’t get stopped or frisked. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
How does a decent person dress exactly? Like a normal person? What’s normal? Your comment is probably the most reductive thing I’ve ever read on here.
I know black professionals (even lawyers) that were stopped and frisked for only walking in predominantly white neighborhoods… and because they have been oppressed all their lives by cops, they just follow protocol instead of raising hell. There has to be a balance. Good policing doesn’t have to mean violating constitutional rights of dubbed suspects purely based on the color of their skin and type of clothing. Stop and frisk was a good thing until it was abused.
it seems like sunnyside is improving and getting worse at the same time.
All this started happening when all these outsiders started moving in to this neighborhood. Bunch of snotty people that think they own sunnyside. Whom every is doing this know exactly what they are doing. They are professionals. Real people from sunnyside are not that smart and shifty. Plus 108 knows all the local crimanals. It’s def an outsider that found there new home here.
So you think the kind of person that breaks into houses can a) afford to live in sunnyside and b) is going to start robbing on his own doorstep?! Get real. Its more likely that the influx of wealthier people moving into the area has made sunnyside a bit of a gold mine for criminals coming in from poorer neighborhoods.
Oh like there aren’t any poor people living in Sunnyside,every establishment has a sign saying they take benefit cards,and when I see mother’s with 3 kids and a baby using the card they MUST be rich people posing as poor.
You people are hysterical,it couldn’t possibly be poor teens from the neighborhood who are the perpetrators. And let us not forget to blame the “Hipsters” again for everything. This is better than watching Comedy Central.
Sunnyside always had these problems. I lived here in my teens and it was worse then. My siblings got held at gun point coming out of the elementary school and were only saved by a neighbor that yelled at the gunman in which point, the kids ran for their lives home. After that, we moved out. It’s Sunnyside, and I’m surprised at everyone’s surprise and their blaming of outsiders. Police enforcement has to get better, such as prioritizing serious crimes over non-violent activity, such as a violations/parking tickets.
Shut up herb
Yes its the Hipsters!! always blame the hipsters! Please…………………….
do you know what a hipster is??! can we not have one story where hipsters and those moving into the area with money are not moaned about?!
Its a joke BECAUSE of all the moaning about hipsters!! I happen to be one
Its because you are the Hipster. Go back to brooklyn herb
A few years ago a neighbor’s house was burglarized while she slept. The police took fingerprints. She was recently contacted by the police to ask if a certain person was ever in her house legally and she said she didn’t know anyone by that name. The suspect was identified by his fingerprints on another charge–now he will be charged in her burglary.
My car has been broken into twice in the past two years. Last year when it happened, officers told me that since I didnt have full coverage, theres no point of filing a report. Happened again two months ago and I didnt even bother reporting it. The lazy cops arent going to do anything anyways. The avenue after 50th where the bqe overpass is has cars broken into on a constant basis between 39-44th st
Hope Police will do something before this Thugs & Thieves Move further:-)
Thank god i am stayin woodside near by Six tower… Our house is protected by six Tower Security police.. they keep on eye 24 hrs our 59th street.. If we see lil suspicious we call them & they will take care.. Watch out with this Thugs & Thieves my sunnyside neighbours:-)
Mel, don’t waste your time on scams like dropcam. Just get a $100 to $150 Foscam HD and hook it up to your router, that’s all you need to do, it just records to your local computer or to an SD card inside the camera, there are many different versions just look for the 720p with MicroSD slot. It’s a little more expensive but it’s much better than dropcam.
PS: Should we send the bill to NYPD 108th for our cameras?
I think residents should buy a drop cam (around $195) and have them out facing the streets, then we can catch the thieves! It runs on your internet and if you want to record, I think its like an extra $180 for the year. I have one for my house and its great!
There are people who pose as bums and sit around sunnyside (I am not talking about our regulars, but there are others) and there are also group of people walking around sunnyside, loud at night, I don’t know if this is a way to get attention to a certain area while others rob other areas. I already installed 3 cameras around my house, and set them to detect motion, it’s very easy and cheap, it may not stop them from walking around your house but at least you will know who these people are.
I also agree with the weed smell, it’s disgusting.
Here is another tip, I go to white castle pretty often and I walk around 43rd street up to library and back, and there is a group of kids, almost always hanging out around one of the driveways on 43rd, I saw them chasing some boys, and couple of times they were sitting on top of random cars, I wonder if these kids are responsible for any of these disturbance in our area. Cops in Sunnyside do nothing but stop cars, I totally agree, and they don’t really do anything unless it’s a revenue source, although they don’t usually stop speeders but they just stop some random crimes that are not easy to fight like broken headlamp or taillamp, etc.. Anyway, if cops don’t watch out for us, we have to watch out for each other and ourselves. Cameras, better door locks and baseball bats.
If we can get a group discount on changing the locks, that would be good too.
Here’s a tip, you’d sooner die from eating White Dungeon than smoking pot. We all are sooner to die from second hand smoke or direct smoke inhalation from tobacco than from marijuana, also you’d sooner die from a drunk driver than anyone just smoking pot and let’s not add the ever present threat of being a plain old jerk.Get over the dadamnot comments already it’s so corny. It’s the year 2014,.tobacco and alcohol should be illegal not marijuana.
Just know burglars follow and monitor nice beautiful neighborhoods such as Sunnyside. Get off your soap boxes. Lock your doors, get full coverage be aware of your surroundings and make sure your lanlord, Super or Property Mngmt secure the grounds properly. Don’t allow strangers into your building even if it’s just to be polite. Be aware. Simple.
Another idiot.
Sunnyside is a nice neighborhood, but this place has reeked criminal mischief for years (so I am not surprise that there’s burglaries). The Cops (other than a few quiet ones) like to portray themselves as bad asses (influenced by movies, I suppose) instead of doing their job as protectors of the community, since after all, we pay their salaries — pooled all together from our taxes! Like many Sunnysiders, I am a law abiding citizen and have only witnessed them ticketing and quick towing my car (yes, cops, not transit officers) and unreasonably and without a warrant searched my home … and whenever I’ve needed their help, they refuse to write a report (a drunk assaulted and damaged my car). They try their hardest at convincing you that nothing would come of things by their involvement (no paperwork please). I have to say, I am very disappointed at the police force here (and this was during Bloomberg’s time, so it’s not a liberal or conservative issue – STOP POLITICIZING THIS! It’s a cop problem (some are detached/jaded/untrusting). I’ve never experienced that confusion in enforcement in any other neighborhood, and Sunnyside has a heavy police presence (including under cover/unmarked cars). You would think that they would be chasing criminals and protecting the innocent and be trained to tell the difference between the two.
i do not understand we never had any of this robbery before i been living in sunnyside for more than 19 years i never heard any robbery or something as but now i feel like am living in unsafe neighborhood we most look for our sunnyside to be came like before and good like to catch the bed people ,
I got lost in this sentence about 4 words in
it’s stream of consciousness
Residents should be on the look out for suspicious people. I saw a young teen loitering in front of my building a few weekends ago. I did not recognize him and he look like he had a bag of snacks like he had been hanging out there for a while. He wasn’t doing anything wrong but something just did not sit right and my first gut reaction was that he was scoping out the building.
Probably was scoping the place out. Its gotten worse with young people coming from outside the neighborhood. Used to have old neighbors watching people who didn’t belong in the neighborhood. Problem is that people ignore commotion and don’t want to call the police when young guys hang around smoking pot and drinking late at night.
Stop and frisk that kid!
Snacks are a tall tale sign of criminal activity
Standing in front of your building eating snacks? Clearly he was a deranged criminal. You should have performed a citizen’s arrest on sight.
Good luck solving the crime! You would be better off hiring your own private investigator – if you can afford it – than counting on the 108th. Burglary is difficult to solve unless the burglar left his DNA and they know to wear gloves.
Want to hang out some day?
These robberies have been happening for a while now. Back in August, my friend on 41st Street and Greenpoint Ave was robbed along with a few other apts on his street…. This sounds like the same group of people
“…two cars in Sunnyside Gardens were tampered with..”
I’d say they were a bit more than just “tampered with.”
This articule is very vague and it’s rhetoric is potentially problematic. Is it a group of people committing the crimes or just one? 15-20 cops to investigate the situation? Why are our communities become overly policied? Sunnyside used to never be like that.
Here is a liberal and a liberal’s stance for you all to see. When he/she/it becomes a victim then he/she/it will want the police and complain about the lack of police. We are now getting the police that NY’ers want under the DeBlasio administration. They’re better off just taking a report and moving on. You people don’t want pro-active policing so now deal with re-active policing.
The 108 pct are busy stopping cars. And illegally searching vehicles. and harassing anyone that doesn’t look like a hipster . So thieves have plenty of time to burglarized
Yep. Its TICKET TIME in Sunnyside. This week it was where 43rd Ave and Skillman meet. They sat there and watched the traffic snarlfest at the intersection under the train, and when someone would bail and make the left….BANG!!!! $$$$$$$
The officers in the unmarked cars are usually engrossed w their smartphones
That precint 108 never have been good for nothing. When you report any crime there they look at you like they are better than you. One day i call them to report somebody hit my car and the 2 cops take like one hour to come and refuse to write the report saying no damage was done.
Great work by the burglars. Get the cops to focus on one area and then move to another area where they know there will not be a cop in sight.
Cameras should be forced and required in all buildings.
Cameras in every building? What would the American CRIMINALS Liberty Union (ACLU) say? It takes the becoming a victim of a crime for even liberals to scream for cameras and police.
Not only breaking and entering, also when we walk through 43rd avenue bet. 47 street all tge way down 40th street there is a strong smell to marihuana. I always say that drugs, teenagers, and robbery goes together.
Well ur stupid and ignorant…i smoke weed i never robbed or stole a day in my life.
And you are stupid and ignorant to be smoking weed …..Come see me when you are old and cannot breath, Trust me it will happen …Then think about all you smoked back when you were an IDIOT.
Ummm..there’s plenty of old people who STILL smoke weed. On top of that, the same can be said for smoking cigs, drinking , eating too much red meat…or anything. So really..you’re just a judgmental ignorant cop.
Ridiculous. As a “Cop” how many only potted (no other substance)drivers did you arrest following a car crash? How many violent acts by a stoned perp? How many times did you chase a robber under the influence of marijuana..I’m sure not enough times to write such a small minded comment. Also, get your facts straight, ppl develop or die from tobacco related respiratory complications 99% more often than marijuana smoke.
F… tha police.
You can’t even spell marijuana you dummy shut up
The term for Marijuana, originally spelled variously as “marihuana”, “mariguana”, etc., originated in Mexican Spanish. In NY penal code, the actual spelling used is MARIHUANA. She spelled it correctly.
please include more details on how the burglars are entering the apartments
With an electric impact driver it can take around a minute to get all 4 wheels off assuming they are experienced, work in teams, and don’t care about damage to the vehicle chassis caused by resting it on 4 blocks.
They broke my car window too at 37th avenue between 58 and 59 street
THAT’S WHY YOU HAVE FULL GLASS COVERAGE….all you need to use it once every 7-10 years and it pays for itself.
why the dislikes, i had a back window busted for no reason on a station wagon with heater wires in them over $600…i paid zero….
Rikki, I didn’t dislike the comment, but it comes across as pretty jarring when someone writes in all caps. It’s a little like using too loud a voice in conversation with someone.
Also the Truth….wellllll….aren’t you Special?
Sudeep… when did that happen ? did you report to the police ? even if it seems like it’s not worth it, you should report it to the police because otherwise they won’t know what is going on in the neighborhood. The more we all take the trouble to report things to the police, even seemingly trivial things, the more likely they are to do something about it such as extra patrols and police presence, which IMHO is the only thing that will really work.
Fire escapes- over the roof and down the fire escapes– ours is actually in the front of the building too. (my apartment was one of them). also—three of them were actually between 40th street– between queens blvd and 43 ave.
How did no one see the car’s tires being stolen? Doesn’t it take at least a little while to do that?
are they entering the apartments thru fire escapes or front doors? your reporting is vague
They are not trying to reveal all the info so they can obviously catch the perpetrators.
Please explain how describing the method of entry could possibly hinder the effort to catch the burglars? Are you implying they read the blog, will change their methods thereby making themselves imperceptible to the NYPD? Because that is pretty ridiculous.