July 13, 2018 By Christian Murray
A Sunnyside spa located on 40th Street has been shut down for prostitution.
Sunny Spa, an Asian massage shop located 45-09 40th Street, was closed by the NYPD Thursday by order of Queens County Supreme Court. Two posters have been plastered on the location’s front gate stating that authorities had shut it down.
The NYPD nor the Queens District Attorney’s Office had any information on the closure as of this morning.
The operator of the spa, when called, said: “We are closed. Come back another time.” She hung up when asked why the spa was not open.
The spa gained attention shortly after it opened in 2011 when ads were placed online.
In one ad were pictures of young Asian women. The ad read:
We have ** BEAUTIFUL ** Asian masseuse.
And they all provides (sic) Superb Bodywork try today !
Deep Tissue Swedish & Shiatsu & Hot Towel Treatment
couple massage
Body Scrub
Open Daily 10am – 10pm
Location: 45-09 40th St. sunnyside”

luv u long time
How about an all male massage parlor?
See what happens when you don’t advertise in any of the various publications of the Queens Post newspaper group. The spa’s big mistake was advertising in a media outlet not under the wing of the Queens Post.
Like drugs, why not legalize (or decriminalize), regulate and tax it? Keep the workers safe and healthy to as great an extent as possible… dunno.
Sounds great, except for the huge amounts of human trafficking that spring up around every example of legalized prostitution in the entire world.
The trafficking only happens because other jurisdictions around the legal areas keep it illegal so everything goes to the legal areas. That said, rather than legalization, if you actually listen to consensual sex workers, they’d prefer decriminalization as opposed to legalization. This works in New Zealand which has not seen increases in trafficking. Also Nevada has not seen an increase in human trafficking either.
There is a great deal of human trafficking in New Zealand because of sex work
Obviously some men need an outlet, and I agree with legalization but the workers would need to be vetted, no sex trafficking, and the Health Dept. would definitely have to be involved. Amsterdam have legal Sex Workers in a certain area. Why not do the same, but do it by a river or something. LOL Not in my neighborhood.
Can they do a crack down in flushing too?
U gotta be the one to snitch
Nice handle 🙂
Hey girl, how you doin?
i had a gift card that is worthless now unless their other shops in the neighborhood they run accept it.
How did this place survive this long? Disgusting.
Me -Then don’t go to the place if you think its disgusting….
This is what you get when you boon for business. I wonder who at the 108th went under the covers to investigate this.
I knew a 108 detective that went there on the regular in 2005. Married and all.
Nobody likes a rat”’I know all the things”
The spa opened in 2011, yet you claim the detective went there in 2005. Where did he park the time machine?
Only Marty and Doc know. Gotta search around for a flux capacitor.
I knew something was up when I saw the DeLorean with NYPD parking placard by the hydrant.
They opened in 2011. So….who are you trying to lie to.
Yay, exploited immigrant women right here in our neighborhood! That’s hilarious.
I whops were amazing
Oof, this place got the shaft
Nice handle 🙂
I understand that it was very hard work, but that the tips were big.
you only get shut down when you rub the wrong person the wrong way.
what a bad stroke of luck for these hand masters.
I dont know why the city would want to shut them down. I never heard of them breaking anyone balls.
I’ll be here all day! 🙂
Did they charge extra plus tip, or was it just the tip?
The business had a very unhappy ending