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Asian Massage Shop Opens in Sunnyside

Sunny Spa (2011) (Photo: QueensPost)

May 15, 2011 By Christian Murray

Sunny Spa, a new Asian massage shop, has opened on 45-09 40th Street.

The store first came to this site’s attention by the placement of an “adult” classified ad placed by its proprietor on the website (click for link)

When called, the owner of the spa was unable to communicate in English the services she was providing.

In the ad, are pictures of attractive Asian women:


We have ** BEAUTIFUL ** Asian masseuse.

And they all provides (sic) Superb Bodywork try today !

Deep Tissue Swedish & Shiatsu & Hot Towel Treatment

couple massage

Body Scrub


Open Daily 10am – 10pm

Location: 45-09 40th St. sunnyside”

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Sunnyside of Life

Client-thanks for the blow by blow, so to speak. This means I got ripped off when I went there! Yikes-does anything seem LESS sexy and naughty than a rubber glove up the junction and a handy? Still, you’ve put it out there. Your right, it’s not a big deal, and it’s none of anybody’s business. And it is a victimless act. Yet there will be all these people on here who will weigh in on your penis as it pertains to their sensibilities and get ready-way of life. They’ll say it’s a crime-all these so called “good citizens” who cheat on their taxes, jaywalk, spit on the sidewalk, litter and commit any number of other crimes which are more harmful to the collective body of the “neighborhood. But it’s sex and where else to they get to pretend they are better than someone else?


I’ve been there a few times. For about the first 45 minutes of the session it’s an ordinary massage. Then comes the happy ending. A couple of times the massage therapist put on a latex glove and applied some lube to slide a finger up my butt while she got me off. They don’t ask for any extra money, so there’s no soliciting, yet I think it’s fair to tip about thirty or forty for the extras. So there you have it. Big deal. I’m just a regular guy who enjoys a massage and a release in a manner that’s safe and not harming anyone.

Sunnyside of Life

Hey-it’s been 10 months-anyone been “rolled” outside this place yet? The neighborhood still safe? Anyone’s quality of life been compromised? This place been shut down? Thought so. Just read through my posts, man I’m good.

Sunnyside Up

I just stumbled upon this article and wondered what all the hubbub is about… If is a site people cruise to check out escort services and spas services, and the author potentially noticed this listing by reviewing the site, what right do good “Americans” or whatever we are have to judge? Furthermore if the owner of the shop doesn’t speak English, cit’s possibly he or she also didn’t know the site Backpages is associated with illegal dealings.

Furthermore, in case you didn’t know, there’s this thing called going to a spa to relax. Like, you pay someone for a massage for a soothing experience. Sorry if your minds are in the gutter or tainted by bigotry. Some of these local spa places are a little rundown…people of all backgrounds may have different standards for aesthetics/hygiene etc. But deep tissue massage is standard fare on most spa menus, and hiring attractive staff is typical at both lower priced and upscale spas.

Pile of hasty assumptions on this thread! 🙁

Sunnyside of Life

Randall, just stay on your island where you’re nice and safe and don’t worry about my daughters. By the way, do you have any daughters? Are they single?

Sunnyside of Life

Rocky -you have clearly been taking too many punches to the head. The words on the sign out front say SPA. The AD itself invites women, men, couples, etc. to come and enjoy their services. The Sunnyside Times website posted in the headline : MASSAGE SHOP-because who’s going to read an article about another foot rubbing/nail cleaning joint in Queens, much less “inspire” (using that term loosely) 52 comments? Sensationalism, baby. You got hooked-your holier than thou eyes darted right to the naughty bits, didn’t they? And if my daughter chose to leave her own country to seek out work in the biggest city in the world during a recession, without speaking the native language, and having no skill sets to get her that VP job at Morgan Chase, I’d think twice before judging what she does to keep herself from starving and sleeping on the street.


Sunnyside of Life: the very words, “Massage Parlor” have a certain connotation. Try reading about it. Would you want your daughter to work in a “masage parlor?” And, by the way, how do you know who works there? Just asking!

Sunnyside of Life

Time’s Up-you had me at “bitchslapping”. It’s nice to know I’m not alone, especially so close to the Rapture and all. And for all you people who know you don’t like a food without ever trying it-I went ahead and ventured into the spa last night. Greeted by a distinguished, polite and well mannered 40-ish Korean woman dressed in slacks and a long sleeve shirt. Payed $40 for the half hour in cash before the massage. The whole place is like 75 sq. ft. It’s two massage tables separated by a wall that doesn’t even go to the ceiling, and behind it is a couch and TV for the workers to hang out in between customers. They have classical music playing, clean towels, a candy dish in the corner, and a sign that says “please keep your underwear on”. It was like my honeymoon suite, basically. Massage was OK, the lady got nowhere near downtown Broadway, if you all know what I’m sayin’. I’m not an expert, but maybe a 6 out of 10? Either way, all you neighborhood “watchers” can rest easy, I did your heavy lifting. They are legitimate, and your families are safe now. It don’t seem like they are making a go of it, though. So when the ladies are moving out in 6 months or so, Samuello, sunnysider, Raquel and the rest can picket outside w/signs that say “Go back to Korea” or whatever. Maybe the next tenants can squeeze a mosque in there. That should make everyone here more comfortable.

Time's Up

“you are a bigot who like flaunting his ignorance and disregard for the law.”

Wow, way to project Rocky. Not that he needs my help, but Sunnyside of Life has been bitch-slapping all the ignoramuses here who are so quick to slander a business because of what they think may happen there. It’s called a “debate,” and the only bigotry I see is from those who can’t accept the fact that Asian masseuses are not whores.

It’s hilarious that you choose to call him a sexist simply b/c he chose to pick apart the preposterous claims of a commenter who happens to be a woman. I suppose when you can’t win an argument on the merits, the next step is to name-call. Is it more progressive and feminist to simply demure when a woman makes a silly argument? Should men simply refuse to debate women? Is that what equality is?

Again, as I and others pointed-out, women (e.g., my wife) DO visit places like this. And guess what? There are massage parlors throughout the city, especially in Lower Manhattan, midtown, BK Heights, Flushing, Little Neck, etc. On the other hand, I’ve never seen any in Corona, East NY, or the South BX. So, for those who think that the presence of such a place is the sign of a deteriorating neighborhood, then ask yourselves which of the above neighborhoods you’d rather live in.

Just stop. Really. You lost. We’re still neighbors and I have love for all of y’all. But move on to the next topic. You’re making Sunnysiders look silly.

Sunnyside of Life

Rocky-the FIRST poster criticized the spa for not being able to communicate in English-so somebody cares if the workers speak English. Go call them a bigot. And what could they be “fronting” for? Prostitution? Hookers do outcalls now to cutout the overhead, and the Days Inn, the hotels on 38th St and behind St. Rafael’s all charge cheaply for rooms, so it would make no sense for two little Korean women in their 40’s to open a shop, get a sign and everything if they were doing something crooked. You wanna catch a duck? Think like a duck. Otherwise, leave the little geese be.


Sunnyside of Life, you are gloomy: if it looks a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Nobody cares if the workers speak English – we are concerned about whether it is a front for something else which sometimes is the case!

Sunnyside of Life

Rocky Deux-sh-The place has been there at least since Oct. 2010-so what’s a few months to nit pick? I said almost a year. Geez. YOU know nothing about the spa! I can tell how narrow minded, bitter, frustrated and sex obsessed and negative some of the posters are by their words, opinions and assumptions. I’m not a bigot, you fool-I’m protesting against those who criticize this place for not speaking English well, like the first post. I protest the phony, hypocritical and selective cries against illegality, and provided exampled of all the other things right in front of you that by choosing to ignore them, indicates they meet with your tacit approval. I’m not ignorant of the law-but tell me this-what law is being broken, and how do you know?!? Who is this “many of us” that you speak of? When are your meetings, I’d like to attend, if they’re not in secret, that is. When the many of you DO meet, maybe you could actually go in and get a massage and find out for yourself instead of getting your pitchforks and torches out. And why is this store an eyesore, more so than the TV repair shop that had busted appliances in the window, exactly? And as for “people like me” in the neighborhood? I’d bet there’s more of me than there are of you. I’m going in there tonight for a look see, I bet you can’t wait for my next post. Try to contain your excitement. Maybe there’s some Gunsmoke repeats you can watch to pas the time until I get back.


Sunnyside of Life – get your facts straight! You have an anger management problem also. The “spa” has not been there for a year – a tv repair place was there. And you know NOTHING about the lives of the people who post here but we know something about you – you are a bigot who like flaunting his ignorance and disregard for the law. There are many of us who wonder what the real story is about this “spa” which has some fishy advertising. We have enough eyesores in the ‘hood – and people like you who are fast to defend them. Get a life, man.

Sunnyside of Life

Balboa, have Mickey cut your eye again so you can see. As per your post, you are a veteran of bus terminals and porn theatre districts, so you should know how tame this place must be. I said Raquel’s words reminded me of antiquated, narrow-minded busy bodies who would impose their views and take away the livelihoods of someone they have never met based on facts they do not have. And her comments reflect my assessment, or vice versa. I stand by that 100 percent. I have 0 problem with women talking back, front or any other way. Raquel could be a man-and I’d have said the same thing. Except for asking for a photo. ;o) You’re obviously a chivalry junkie, and you feel like you gotta come to a woman’s defense-well how about the innocent until proven guilty women who work at the spa? You’d have them and their families go without based on Raquel’s uneducated guess about “what goes on in there”? This little spa has been open for close to a year without it negatively affecting your lives, but someone notices it, and this pure and clean soul immediately thinks the worst (or sexiest) thing possible and can’t wait to tell on them! It’s the end of Sunnyside civility and a threat to your genteel existence? What’s someone going to do, go there, enjoy a visit, step out of there and start a crime wave? That’s just as likely to happen with the barbershops, gyro joint or fortune teller that are only a few feet away. This is plain and simple someone -more than one!- doesn’t like something based on their morals, and protesting it, suggesting signs, closing it down, they don’t even speak English in there, I’m afraid to walk around there, they are lowlifes, losers, lets start a petition,etc. You are all like the townsfolk in “Footloose” for (your particular deity her)’s sake! I’ll get Kevin Bacon out here and he’ll dance all over your factories and make you realize how close-minded you all are being, as well as presumptive. Keep it coming, I can spank you guys all day long.

Rocky Balboa

Sparky and Sunnside of Life – do you know what you are talking about? Stop insulting Raquel – you seem to have problems with women who talk back. Times Square pre Giuliani was an awful and dangerous place and I hated walking around there to go to the theater. I remember what the Port Authority was like also. It is much improved. Maybe you guys want to go back to the bad old days but those of us who are sane do not!!!!! We do not want an increase in criminal activity and Giuliani was right about the “broken window” theory. Maybe you guys are comfortable with the criminal element but the rest of us are not! Now you two should open your eyes and look around.


You are a total wuss!! At 17 I got two 40oz of beer and hung out with all the crack heads in Time Square at 2am in the morning. I didn’t get robbed, beat, nothing. I had some of the most interesting conversations of my life. By the way Gulianai was cheating on his wife with multiple women while people like you let him set your moral compass. Sheep?


Raquel: you’ll be glad to know that in the New York Asian handjob/massage scene, the women are almost all over 30 years of age.

Sunnyside of Life

Raquel-it’s not sex, what goes on in there. It’s bodyrubbing. Massaging. Think of it as “bodily fluid co-ercement”, if that makes you feel better. It’s rubbing the body. Not sex-not if you’ve ever had any. Body. Rub. That’s what they are advertising, but you know better and can prove it, right? Because why? You remember Times Square? You sound like you remember Prohibition! What was someone as pure and good as you obviously are/were doing in a den of iniquity like Times Square pre-Giuliani-taking names? I picture you like those ladies on “Boardwalk Empire”, The Temperance League of Women”, outraged that someone is doing something that goes against your idea of what life should be like and how all people should act, and you’re going to be the one to tell people to act and think just like you, or else. What’s the “euphemism” for that, again, hmmm? Are you a law enforcement official? Call 311 or stop a cop on the street and get it shut down, I dare you. in three sentences or less, the officer in question will dismiss your accusation as unfounded and file your face along with the thousands of others they see all the time who focus their attention and efforts on the truly pointless and waste their time.


Even if it between “consenting adults” it is illegal if it is on certain parts of the body and, if that is what is happening, you know that many of the young women involved are underage and are here illegally and are being forced to work in the “sex trade” as is it is euphemistically called nowadays. The site is very small. It is difficult to believe that it is a “spa” but I could be wrong. I remember when Time Square was awful.

Sunnyside of Life

Lucky Lu- there may be some rubbing & tugging going on-that’s not the point-get your mind off of penises you cannot control. Any “illegal” activity occurs between two consenting adults. No one is getting hurt-unless they’re into it, I’m assuming. The difference between one person legally rubbing some of the body for a fee and illegally rubbing other parts of the body for a fee is just silly at the core of the argument. If you don’t see it, you’re not in the room, and no one is televising it, posting it on the Internet or making it available to children, or at schools or churches, restaurants, bars, other jobsites, etc., what is the real problem that anyone could have with it-IF it is “allegedly” occurring? Have you been in there to state “since they are illegal”, and “should be shut down”? You can see through walls? Or maybe you’re just a competitor trying to “covertly” eliminate a business rival.
If something is covertly being advertised, you can assume the ladies are doing so in deference to those who would be outraged by someone touching someone else’s man parts. But deference isn’t good enough. Flying under the radar isn’t good enough. Having a sign that says “spa” is too much for you. You’d prefer they don’t exist-well, I’d prefer that people don’t call for protesting a business that goes out of it’s way to be discreet out of respect for it’s neighborhood AND clientele, but we can’t have everything now, can we? Live and let live. The hotels on QB-every one of them from the Days Inn to the one right next to McDonalds on 37th St-have hookers in them-they actually have sex, not give incidental handjobs, but you feel safe walking by them after your spin class late at night, right? Guess what- the strip club regulars aren’t interested in you or the other people walking by. They are interested in themselves and being stimulated. And there is always an undercover “5-0” present at and around these places, so n’er do wells in the know stay shy-so your fears are unfounded. Now- tips vs. wages-one call to this place and you can find out it’s $50 for 1/2 hour and $60 for one hour- if they split the fee 50-50 with the owner, they’re still making approx. $25 per hour, tax free, just like thousands of other Irish bartenders and waitresses. And that’s more than I make per hour take home, so more power to them. And just because there’s injustice in the sex industry-it doesn’t mean you should be calling for a place you’ve never been to or know any actual thing about to be closed. Or that in doing so, you’re preventing some crime from being prevented. THAT’s naive.

Proud of growing up in Woodside

Changed name title from woodside 101 to “Proud of growing up in Woodside” as that name has been already used in other comments

Woodside 101

I agree with you Sunnyside of Life, no one in the neighborhood cares of drug transactions, illegal activities, bodegas selling rolling papers C’mon are people that ignorant not to know your own neighborhood store is selling you out? It’s a shame to see the neighborhood being taken away of its once essence of a community, now all you have is these out of town people moving into the neighborhoods with their freaking Starbucks Late’s and other BS ideoligies because they cant cut the rent in Manhattan so in turn they try to live “Manhattan” in our neighborhoods. I’m sick of seeing “Out of Town” people acting as if they are an elite class in my neighborhood, we live on the same block, what makes you better than any other person, GTFOOH!!! So what if a parlor provides extra services who cares, when you watch TV you change the channel for what you dont wan to see right? Keep it moving if the establishment bothers you that much. I remember the Old Times Square when it was fun as a “Sleazy” district. That’s what made NYC unique, we have unique identities that no other state can have.

Blvd of Life

Aren’t there more important things to worry about than what consenting adults do behind closed doors? Who does it hurt?

Nevermind that there is no proof anyway, only wild speculation. Well done, witch-hunters!

Lucky Lu

As a woman who has been to several “Asian massage parlors,” I can tell you that many are very legitimate massage salons and nothing more. The employees range from young women to women in their 60s. The purpose of the visit is massage only and no “happy ending.” These legitimate places tend to only cater to women or couples, with some limited services for men. I have been told by these establishments that typically when they have a male client, they limit the massage to a “face down” massage (i.e. back and back of legs only) specifically to counter any man’s assumption that there will be any happy ending.

Looking at this parlor’s advertising, it certainly doesn’t look legit. If you’re looking for a massage, then the age/weight/ethnicity, etc. of the masseuse should not be an issue. They are covertly advertising for illegal services and I think it would be naive of anyone to think otherwise. Since they are illegal services, they are an illegal business and should be shut down. However, it’s not even the idea of prostitution itself that is the only concern here, but rather the riff raff that tend to hang around such places (just check out similiar spots and the outside of some of the local strip clubs – the reason I fear walking down Queens Blvd or 43rd St. from the YMCA at night, having to pass close to the strip club on one of the side streets). Illegal businesses like this tend to spawn other illegal activity (these places are also frequently used as money laundering facilities). Furthermore, even in cases where women are willing participants in such businesses, they are often left recieving only the tips in such businesses rather than being paid wages. There is indeed much coercion in this industry, including threats of immigration proceedings, holding their passports and general exhtortion of these women by forcing them to pay back money spent on their travel to the US. If you think such a place is a simple exchange of money for sex, you are sadly mistaken and for that reason alone is worth having that place shut down.

Sunnyside of Life

How about all the businesses in “our” neighborhood that take cash only, and pay their illegal immigrant employees off the books so no one pays taxes? That’s illegal, right? Where is the outrage? And that’s just the IRISH BARS I’m talking about! There are stacks of porn easily viewable at child’s eye levels in the same stores where they sell CANDY to kids, in every newsstand from 39th ST to 46th St. THAT’S SLEAZY-where is the outrage? The same candy stores sell intoxicating inhalants, condoms and health risky high energy drinks unregulated by the FDA (oooh, there’s the law being broken-can you hear it?) and rolling papers and hash pipes, etc.-kids even work in some of them! But you don’t care. Someone-not you, obviously-is getting sexual satisfaction(allegedly) in private, and your pure hearts (and dirty minds) can’t stop thinking about it! It’s the sex, not the illegality of it that bothers you Polly Purebreads, but you cloak it in legal righteousness and moral superiority. “Our” neighborhood. You bought into a coop, you own what’s BEHIND the door, not outside it! Get laid, you monkeys!


One shop now another 25 say by the end of the year. This area will become the sleazy area of what times square was 25 years ago.


4 years later and this shop is still going strong. I do not see the other 25 that you mentioned.

Sunnyside of Life

What a waste of time for all you holier than thou people! If you are a man, and you go in, and you get a happy ending-are you going to out the place and incriminate yourself? If you come out and say nothing’s going on, who’ll believe you? If you are a woman, and you go in, and you get a massage, your chances of getting offered your own version of a happy ending are slim to none. Are you going to come out of there and state that they have massage tables, oil, hot towels and there’s nothing “wrong” going on? That’s what you should be assuming first rather than proposing a boycott with signs! Puritanical, self righteous hypocrites, all! Guilty until proven innocent, terming a place you’ve never been in “sleazy”, “shady”, “illegal”, and assuming that people are going to get “rolled” out front! Hilarious! Raquel, it’s too bad that happy ending joints for women do not exist, because if they did, I’d treat your tightly wound self to one, then you would not have to “just imagine”! And then, being relaxed, you could focus on more important things than what someone else is doing. Like yourself.


“A little bit sleazy, yes.” Also illegal. Let’s see if we get any “reports” about what is going on there. I doubt that women will go inside.


Folks, this is what people in the know call a “KMP”, or “Korean massage parlor”. It’s not a whorehouse, but men will go there in expectation of a, shall i say, helping hand or manual release from their built up stress.

It’s a little bit sleazy, yes.

Old timer

How many of you who “know” what goes on in spas have ever been to one? I am a regular at Asian-owned and -operated spas, and have never once gotten a mythical “happy ending.” Do places like that exist? Of course they do, but not every downscale, inexpensive spa is a hotbed of prostitution! Show some enlightenment and tolerance, Sunnysiders. That’s what New York is about.

And if it is the sort of a place that offers happy endings, maybe some of you prudes would benefit from getting one!

Old timer

I don’t remember people complaining about the strip clubs in the neighborhood. ANd I mean neighborhood, not queens plaza

Time's Up

“And unless you get in there and get a massage for yourself, the crime is only occurring in your dirty little hypocritical minds.”

Word. Thanks for writing what I was subconsciously suspecting. It does seem like those who are so appalled by this place are the ones who have the weird prurient thoughts.

Some just need to get a life. I hope those who are advocating that the gov. investigate this place don’t consider themselves to be conservative.

Sunnyside of Life

Backpage is NOT an adult website, there is an adult section, and this is listed under “body rubs”, like hundreds of other businesses in Woodside,Sunnyside, Maspeth, etc.-that have the nerve to be open until 10pm. Do they post under “escorts”? No. Do they offer to provide illegal services? No. Are there pink neon signs, or suggestive female silhouettes in the window? No. Is “body rubbing/massage” legal? Yes. Could the wording be due to the fact that English is their second language, like at least 50% of the businesses in the “neighborhood”? Hmm-hmmm. Open your own business and mind it, then, everybody. The woman in the picture is not behind those doors-you can’t claim to be savvy or street wise-“I know what goes on in there” (and if so, how does a righteous person know?) and naive enough to think the picture represents the women inside. And unless you get in there and get a massage for yourself, the crime is only occurring in your dirty little hypocritical minds.


They are not bothering anyone. Leave them alone… I live a block away, and there are many more problems than this place… They are not hurting anyone and they are providing a service to many…


“Deep body massage” – I can imagine! It does sound suspicious. Unless they have Redken hair products or nail polish in the window, I would be very suspicious. The precinct will preach about how “they can’t do anything” blahblahblah. When and if people start getting rolled on that street, the police will act. Or is somebody runs out screaming that his wallet was stolen. Would any woman go in there for a “massage”?


Adult website advertising; it’s just advertising and sex sells. Do you really want an ugly, fat, old broad rubbing you down? I don’t know of any other age group who talk about going to get massages, can afford massages or have stressful enough lives to want one, so where else would you put this ad BUT the adult section.

and if it is a shady place, maybe thats what you uptight people in this neighborhood need.


@Time’s UP – No, you wouldn’t report the barbershops on the south of QB unless you had legitimate reasons to question the actual business. What makes a business questionable?

–Advertizing on adult websites
–Emphasizing **BEAUTIFUL** Asian girls
–Covered windows
–Unlikely business hours (10PM for a massage?)

Pure Spa and Salon, a legitimate spa, certainly isn’t advertizing under the “adult/enterainment” section.

Look, I’m not interested in starting the crusade, I was merely pointing out that if people in the neighborhood want to complain, they should start with 311 or JVB. If the parlor turns out to be ask sketchy as it looks, then it will eventually be shut down.

Time's Up

Wow. I am truly baffled.

I kind of understood the objections to the pawn shop. But for the love of God, this is a massage parlor.

I know what a whorehouse looks like (don’t ask), and this ain’t it. For starters, whorehouses don’t prominently advertise. Nor do they imply that women are welcome.

This past Saturday, I happened to be in a place that looked 10x as shady, in Flushing. I was with my wife. She got a foot massage.

“Call Jimmy Van Bramer’s office and 311 and report it. It certainly doesn’t look like a legitimate business”

Report it to whom? What’s the complaint? Is this what we want our government spending its resources on?

What about the barbershops that cater to the 13 – 35 male set that populate south QB? They tend to attract riffraff. Should we try to shut them down too?


Call Jimmy Van Bramer’s office and 311 and report it. It certainly doesn’t look like a legitimate business…I’m sure it won’t take much to get it shut down.


Except for retail space on both QB corners, 40th Street between Queens Boulevard and 47th Avenue is strictly residential on both sides of the block. Isn’t there a city law preventing sex-oriented businesses from operating in such surroundings? Of course, it would have to be proved that Sunny Spa is sex-oriented, but its advertising makes that plain.


Uggh… how do we get things like this out of our neighborhood? Don’t we have local cops who care???


If you don’t want this business in your neighborhood, demonstrate outside and take photos during peak hours. The “customers” will disappear.


Look on the bright side. The local pharmacies will make a mint on increased penicillin sales.

43rd @ 43rd

Innocent until proven guilty.

However it’s all too apparent Sunnyside is taking a turn for the worst – pawn shops, “spas”, “restaurants” selling drugs, “adult” ad-cards covering our sidewalks…

Meanwhile legitimate businesses are going out of business.


Unfortunately I live on the street where this new “spa” is and it seems only men go in there. The windows shades are always down, obviously there is something going on in there and it’s definitely not your regular spa.


Can we start a petition to get them out, everyone knows what is going on in there, how could they let them open a shop like this in our neighborhood. Like we did not have enough lowlifes & losers moving into the area, we will have to deal with this now?


Another business that is not meant to be opened in our area. Why not deeper in lic by queens plaza where there is less home ownership and kids walking around.

Do the license people see where they are doing business?

In my opinion we need them to move out


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