Sunnyside Gardens Park, located at 48-21 39th Ave. (Photo: Queens Post)
May 23, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A jam-packed Memorial Day Fair featuring food, drinks, activities, and live entertainment is heading to Sunnyside this weekend.
The free event will be held at Sunnyside Gardens Park, located at 48-21 39th Ave., from midday to 5 p.m. this Saturday, with a rain date set the following day, May 27.
The fair includes summer food staples like All-American BBQ, cotton candy, and craft ice cream from the Bliss Street Creamery. Beer, wine, and other beverages will also be available.
An array of family friendly activities, including rides and a bouncy house, face painting, and arts and crafts, are also planned for the fair.
In addition, performances from local dance troupes and musical acts will take place through the afternoon.
A number of raffles will also play through the event.
While the event is free, tickets for rides, activities, and refreshments will be available for purchase on site. All proceeds from the event go toward park maintenance.
The Memorial Day fair, a popular event marking the beginning of summer, typically sees hundreds of attendees.
For more information, visit Sunnyside Gardens Park online or follow the event page on Facebook.
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How disrespectful to our troops ! People died so these aholes can party
I served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mexico and I don’t mind if people party on Memorial Day.
Yeah I’ll bet
Where in Mexico?
Behind the Wall
Sorry .”Where the white kids play is kind of a lazy myth” . Live in the Sunnyside Gardens area ( including Berkley and Sunnyside Towers ) and care enough to pay for a membership and your in . Loads of nationalities make up that membership .
Wanna join ? move in the zone
Dont wanna join? -big deal
Hey: here is a new idea – judge people on their personality not their ethnic group. I bet if people did that there would be a lot less trouble in the world. Prejudice by anyone is wrong no matter what group. Sorry, if I upset anyone with that radical idea.
Spend money for maintenance of a private park I can’t go to
Wait for me I’ll be there soon
This should be a fun event. Me and my girlfriend will be there. Stop the complaining everyone.
Now you want to vote jvb out? Where were you at election time ? Just plain dumb you are. So typical of sunnysiders. Complain now that the elections over
Pave it and make it parking.
Maybe the should make it public so all Sunnyside residents can go there…?
Maybe you should leave your doors unlocked so that anyone that wants a place to sleep, eat, bath or go to the bathroom will have a cozy spot.
How could this private park be turned into a public park?
No, paying money so my kids don’t have to watch homeless people crap in the bushes in middle of the public parks is worth every penny. Not having to have people beg for money every 5 minutes is nice.
Lmao. Which park did this happen in? I’ve lived in sunnyside for 30 years and never ever seen anything like this.
You moved to sunnyside because of the diversity yet you take your kids to private parks where everyone is white and you send them to private schools with the white kids. Never in the years I’ve lived here have we ever seen any homeless person shitting in the bushes at any park.
Doughboy Park last year had a crew of homeless using it as a toilet. Garbage everywhere. One homeless couple basically turned a bench into an apartment. And why do you presume I’m white? And my kids go to public schools. Spell assume and stop after the first 3 letters.
Doughboy park is not Sunnyside, it’s Woodside. You’re posting misinformation.
Really 43rd street and 47th Ave.
The state can exercise eminent domain and steal it.
What loser will be hanging around Sunnyside this weekend. I’ll be at the Hamptons with the winners. Yay.
Sunnyside is for winners! Rikki is a loser. If you want I will show you around my Sunnyside and you won’t want to go to the Hamptons. I’ll show you all my favorite hotspots.
The hamptons are so overrated. Have fun being stuck in traffic.