Queen of Angels Parish Center
Feb. 8, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
A local group of animal lovers will be giving away free pet supplies at a “pet pantry” event this weekend.
The Sunnyside United Dog Society will host a “Pet Pantry” event on Sunday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Queen of Angels Parish Center at 44-04 Skillman Avenue, offering local pet owners some free supplies to care for their pets.
All of the items up for grabs, including high-end dog and cat food, collars, leashes, grooming tools, pet carriers, and more, were donated by a local pet store that went out of business last month.
Super Doggy Wonder Kitty, a 10-year institution in Sunnyside that closed its doors at 43-04 43rd Avenue last month, donated all of its leftover merchandise to SUDS following its closing, and asked the organization to put the supplies to good use.

Photo: 2009
“They felt that they were taking some nasty lemons and making some lemonade,” said SUDS member and organizer Jeannette Remak. “It was a way for them give back to the community that had been so good to them for ten years.”
The goods at the Pet Pantry will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, Remak said, and encouraged those looking to get some pet supplies to come as early as possible, as she expects that the merchandise will go quickly. The only requirement, she said, was that people bring their own bags to carry the merchandise home.
“We’re not asking for donations or anything, we’re just giving stuff out to people who really need it, and maybe relieving the burden so they don’t need to pay for food for a week, or helping those who cant afford a harness, or something like that,” Remak said.
SUDS also has several other ongoing projects it is working on, Remak said. Once the weather improves, the group will be holding several adoption events in the spring.
The group also recently published a book detailing its history in Sunnyside and the lobbying that went in to getting a new dog run for the community, as well as commemorating important members and supporters of the group, both human and canine.
All profits from the book go towards acquiring trauma kits for the 36 Port Authority police dogs throughout the city, which help protect the travel hubs are the city. Though both NYPD and MTA dogs are all equipped with trauma kits, PA dogs are not, and the $176 kits can save a dogs life if it gets injured on the job.
So far the group has bought five trauma kits for the PA dogs, and is looking to get 31 more, so all the PA dogs are protected, Remak said.

Rd thx for the info, i was just wondering why it didnt go to charities first. Btw, dont listen to el shithead.
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I was kind of disappointed that when I arrived, everything had been taken by members of the congregation who had been given early access to the give-away. Anyone who read about the event on the Sunnyside Post and shlepped through the slush and rain to the event wasted their time. Still, I am glad that members of the community were able to benefit from the generosity of Super Doggy Wonder Kitty. I am sad that they are no longer in business as they were very nice.
Just to let you know. The wish of the owners of SDWK was to do it this way. We were ready to provide for shelters but the owners wanted it to go to the people of the neighborhood.If anything was left over, it would have gone to shelters. I am sorry for those that shlepped in that weather, trust me, we had problems just trying to get there! And we were local!! We did get food and supplies to seniors / and those who needed some help caring for their pets, that was really what the owners of SDWK wanted. We complied with their wishes. We gave to 12 shelters to correct Rick this past Christmas and they had boxes and boxes of goodies. The photos are posted on the SUDS FB page and that was all donations from good people.
Why can’t they give away food for poor people. People before dogs RD.
Oh, el loco….. I’m starting to believe what people say about’cha, that you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic. SDWK never carried human food for us to give away. It’s time for you to help out in the neighborhood that has given you so much, organize a food bank for hungry Sunnysiders. Less talk, more action, it’s how shit gets done.
Why isnt this stuff given to a shelter or a pet rescue? Why is it going to the public , its not a good way to disperse a charitable donation. Most people who are pet owners have this stuff and are just looking to get something free. Its like giving away food from the thanksgiving food drive to working people, and not the needy.
All of the items we received from SDWK were offered to rescue groups first. Leftovers were then doled out on Sunday. Each holiday season we help out local rescue orgs, I believe 10 different rescue groups got supplies via SUDS this December.
Jeannette is one of Sunnyside’s greatest advocates for animals. We are lucky to have her!!!
Human trash is a yuuuuuge problem in our neighborhood. Garbage everywhere. Old food scraps, cigarette butts, car parts, tires, plastics, etc. Instead of whining online get out there and make a difference. Lazy.
Wouldn’t it be nice if some of those dog owners learned how to properly clean up after their pets…Dog shit is a big problem in Sunnyside…Some people actually clean up after their dogs and then proceed to toss the bags to the curb..That action is really not very considerate or thoughtful when there are garbage cans available…Don’t be an animal clean up your dog shit!!
I don’t understand why so many people don’t mind covering their neighborhood with shit. I have a dog and pick up after him diligently. That makes me even more angry at people who don’t. Lazy, ignorant piles of garbage. Probably the same entitled people on these discussion groups who think the whole community should revolve around them and their precious cars.
This made me LoL! I’d never get a dog for this reason. I don’t pick up dog shit, period. The cost of ownership plus this is not worth it. But what did you expect? Everyone living on top of each other, and every other fool wanting dogs…what could go wrong?
Good luck finding a parking space by Queen of Angels on Sunday. Ugh.