Photo: QueensPost
March 26, 2014 By Christian Murray
The rash of residential burglaries that has plagued Sunnyside in recent months has largely subsided.
The north side of Sunnyside was subject to 16 burglaries in December and remained stubbornly high at the beginning of the year.
However, in the past month, there were just two burglaries reported on the north side of Queens Blvd, with one on 43rd Street (bet. Skillman and 43rd Ave.) and the other on the Woodside border at 53rd Street (between Skillman and 43rd Ave.), according to Captain Brian Hennessy, commander of police precinct 108.
There were no burglaries reported in Sunnyside Gardens, which was a hotspot last summer until an arrest was made in August.
Meanwhile, on the south side of Queens Blvd, Captain Hennessy said the number was two. The burglary rate in this section of Sunnyside/Woodside has been fairly constant in the past year– experiencing no significant uptick.
Hennessy said he couldn’t say for sure what was behind the decrease—other than saying it was a confluence of factors. “We have had a big presence there,” he said. Furthermore, “We have arrested burglary recidivists on other crimes,” he said, which may play a part.
Hennessy said some of the burglars have also started to target houses/apartments around 69th and 70th Streets, as well as on the Woodside/Maspeth border. There has been an increase in activity in these areas.
Hennessy said that the number of reported crimes in the precinct (which covers Sunnyside, Woodside & LIC) dropped 7% in the past month, compared to the same period a year ago. There have been no murders this year.
Did Dave’s Bagels close?
Is Dave’s Bagels closed?
Sunnyside on up again baby!!
“significant decline” seems misleading. “reported burglaries” went down would be more accurate.
Was this written for the Onion?
@kramdens I know UNLESS it s a very IMPORTANT person in our hood!
no kidding, it must be raise and bonus time at
the 108, sure Chief!! numbers are down in Sunnyside!!
You want the police to actually engage in the menial task of taking reports?
They don’t even tape off a crime scene when a local resident is fatally bludgeoned over the head on the street.
At Roxy I couldn’t agree more with you. What about all the incidents when the cops don’t take reports??? Anyone who believes the statistics of the 108th precinct or any precinct are easily fooled.
I’ve just heard of an apartment break-in and robbery THIS MORNING in a building on 45th Street near 47th Avenue, so don’t trust statistics!
Any arrests? Nope! How many unsolved cases?
*gun toting (autocorrect screwed up)
“Hennessy said he couldn’t say for sure what was behind the decrease—”
Maybe because they busted that gone toting drug dealing gansta and his crew dispersed since they have nowhere to get their weed and drugs and guns. Good job Hennessey, keep busting these low lifes and chase them away from the neighborhood.
Also did they install any new cameras in the area?
Nothing left to steal…
I’ll be more impressed if it stays this low in the dog days of summer.
So basically 108 has stopped actually filling reports now…
I think this has more to do with this atrocious winter we have been having this year.
A few years ago we had a similar rash of burglaries, then when the 108th got involved they waned. These guys are not dumb, they just moved on to another ‘hood and will be back…
“Hennessy said he couldn’t say for sure what was behind the decrease”
So the decline in Sunnyside burglaries is due to the burglars either moving on to target another neighborhood or vacationing somewhere warm thanks to what they stole without being caught.
But definitely not because of anyone being arrested or anything having to do with the police making headway in solving any of those cases?
Oh boy ….
Oh goodie
Thank you Old Man Winter.
Drop in unsolved burglaries, Open unsolved random murders… BUT some dude selling pot was caught. …Yeaaaaa.
Tickets issued for the most minor infractions to local residents and arrests of innocent residents increased sharply. Ask for the cops to actually do their jobs and catch bad guys? LOL!