43-15 46th St. (Photo: QueensPost)
Oct. 16, 2014 By Christian Murray
New York’s annual “Worst Landlord Watch List” was released last week and it included a poorly-run building in Sunnyside and one in Woodside.
The list, released by Public Advocate Letitia James, reported that the third worst building in Queens—in terms of violations—is located at 43-15 46th Street.
The building, which is a 6-story 88-unit complex, has 271 outstanding violations, according to the report. While the building is a coop, it has several renters—although the exact number is not known.
The original landlord, who took the building coop about 25 years ago, rents several units, according to published reports.
The violations, which have been filed with HPD, deal with water leaks, missing smoke detectors, loose bathroom tiles, mold and defective faucets.
The managing agent of the building is Aras Properties, which is located in Cedarhurst. The head officer is Kevin Kane, who could not be reached for comment.
Meanwhile, the landlord who runs a Woodside building has the fifth worst record in Queens, with 223 violations.
The building, located at 39-30 59th Street, is a 6-story 78 unit complex.
The violations include complaint about roaches, defective plastered surfaces, broken stoves, mold and missing smoke detectors.
The owner of the building is Harry Silverstein. Silverstein could not be reached for comment.
Click here for the Worst Landlord List
Click here to look up the violations in any building

43-15 46th Street.
Yeah this is definutely the worst building in queens for sure if not in america.
The management is horrible.
They are constantly harrassing the tenants in the building.
The young female receptionist at Woodside Silver Associates is constantly calling us up.
On my phone asking for sex.
She says she is bisexuals and
We cant get the Building manager to do anything in the building.
He is very very lazy.
He is always harassing the tensnts in this building.
One guy even told me that Jeffrey kolenovic in Apt A10 and freddie in Apt C5 smoke Crack cocaine in the building togther.
Jeffrey smokes cigarettes all the time and he is addicted to cigareetes so its not hard to see why jeffrey could be addicted to Crack or Heroin.
Jeffrey kolenivic had a very crack headhead brother named Medo who used to harass me and my family all the time before jeffey put up cameras.
This medo kolenovic is better off not alive any more as he was a Huuuge lowlife and trouble maker.
So dont RIP Medo. You were one nssty Crazy MF!!!
Medo kolenovic used pal aroound with Midget mike and midget Mike used to give loads of Crack cocaine to Medo and to Jeffrey.
Now jeffrey kolenovic went to Joe Earvalinos apt and was harassing Joe and lying about people.
Jeffrey kolenovic said that one of the tenants was stalking joe in apt E5
But the fact is that Jeffrey kolenovic is a back stabbing little busturd who is very dangerous and should be in jail.
His wife is Bat Shit crazy too.
There is this really nasty kid named Midget mike in Apt F5 and he is spreading all kinds of nasty rumors about people in the building even though little midget mike is a Big lowlife and Drunk and crack head who smokes crack all damidget
Jeffrey kolenovic hires this old retarded black guy named Freddie in apt C 5 to do his dirty work.
Freddie is married to abother blax dude in apr c5 who has a really bad attitude and Freddie has a whole bunch of illegal tenants in his apt too.
Freddie is on Social security disability yet does hard physical labor that Lazy Jeffrey kolenovic should do. Thats very criminal.
This guy jeffrey kolenovic doesnt even pay his taxes. He is a tax cheat.
So i guess the IRS will be coming to investigate harry silverstein
And jeffrey kolenovic and freddie and midget mike.
Midget mike is a really lazy busturf too who used to wok for jeffey until he got fired too as he was always drunk.
Hopefully midget will get evicted soon too and freddie. Im sure the DEA will want to know about his crack dealiing too.
why do these Greedy Slumlords have to screw over the tenants? why doesnt Leticia James make it Automatic Jail time for Slumlordss like Silversein and Prakash?
why did Deblasio take 54000 dollars from Silv ersteinand Prakash is the Question. this was reported in the daily news. even NY1 news came to my building one day to check out our lovely Rust colored drinking Water. it looks like Silverstein put agent Orange in my drinking Water. had it tested by Home Depot. picked up many of their free water kits and found tjhat the level of Undissloved solids in our water is ,43 meaning its 4 times the limit of Heavy metal in our water and its very unsafe to Drink. maybe Foxnews can do a little story about the Big King of the Slums Harry D Silvwrstein.
how about Slumord City!!
they should make a movie about you Slumlords.
YOh yeah says who? Says anonymous. Lol. I am the president. FYI
There are 10 tenants in our asociation.
The Metropolitan Council on Housing has been very helpful with getting the Woodside Tenants Assocation off the ground also. So much thanks to them for their assistance I must say!
We are just getting off the ground as the building never has really had any good tenants association to look out for the I interests
Of the hard working tenants who are being abused by Harry D Silverstein and Eric Silverstein on a daily Basis.
Why doesn’t Eric Silverstein take care of his buildings I wonder?
Oh I guess Anonynouse is actually Eric Silverstein in disguise since he is too chicken to reveal himself online.
Wow. How low can you go dude ?
And we aren’t moving actually unless Eric my man you are willi v to pay for us to move. I’m mean it’s soooo hard find a cheap apt and unless you are willing to finance a nice pad for us to live in we ain’t budging dude.
Actually since you aren’t going to make the tenants behave in apt E10, the Ghiraldo family we will have no choice but to sue you for millions of dollars.
I mean why don’t you kick out this nasty family in apt E10?
They throw bleach onto our doorway and ammonia and raid but spray and chased my wife down the street many times and punched her in the head
And body. 2 old ladies and their son and their brother attack me and my wife on a daily basis.
It’s no wonder you are King of the Queens slumlords.
Are you going to pay for my wife’s medical bills ?
She had to have a cat scan of her head and arm which was bruised up by Maria Ghiraldo and her sister and brother and son.
We’ve gotten the building painted and a new elevator put in and
We help feed any tenants Who need food also in case any one needs food.
So yeah I have achieved a lot for the tenants in the short time I have Been here. Lots of the immigrants who lived in this building used to chew tobacco and then spit out the tar onto the walls. Well I made the slumlord paint the building. I think Harry and Eric should have a green think and make a Garden on the rooftop. As rent stabilized tenants we are entitled to 30 per cent of the rooftop so Harry should fix this nasty food on our building and put In a nice little garden so we can grow our own Organic veg. Yes that would be so nice and maybe a nice salt water pool would be nice too and a day care.
Now fix up the roof ya freaking king of Queens Slumlords
You want a pool and garden move to a condo wait you live of welfare and don’t work guess that’s not happening keep dreaming bud
Shut up fool.
I’m taking you to court soon.
The judge will garnish you and your Momnas wages.
So you will have to pay us forever for harassing us.
You and the landlord will have to pay us a million dollars for all the harassment. Including for all the damages you caused to my door and all the psychology damage.
And all the spraying.
We have photos of that
I have medical bills that I will show to the judge.
And he will issue a judgement against you andFreddie and Jeffrey Kolenovic and Harry Silverstein.
The Slumlord Harry D. Silverstein and his Woodside Silver Associates.
And Zack.
We will sue Zack too.
No one is your friend no one likes you do yourself a favor and move out you are not the president of anything stop lying to yourself
stfu dude. fix your building and give back all the money thst you have stolen from the tenants in overcharges over these years. pretty soon some agencies will be suing you as you have thwse tenants who dont pay their rent and are constantly harassing us.
Me and my friends In the building are tired a out this nasty slumlord Harry silverstein and his. nasty manager who is always smoking in the buikding and causing cancer for himself and his wife and three kids. That’s child abuse I believe. When you smoke and drink alcohol around children that’s a case for ACS I believe. . this super Jeffrey kolenovic comes to my apt with a cigarette in his mouth and is constantly puffing away while he is doing “work” in my apt. I had to complain to the health dept and the buildings dept. That’s a really disgusting and dangerous habit. I think the whole building should file a class action lawsuit against the building honestly. One of the tenants in the. Building said that this slumlord Harry Silverstein had to spend a week In one of his slummy buildings in Brooklyn as a punishment for his lack of maintenance of the buidling.
If anyone has any comments abiug this building or need help getti g repairs In the building let me know. I am the president of the Tenants association. The other major problem is the drug problem In the building. There is a strong smell of pot in the building.
Then there’s the apt E10 always causing problems in the building they tried to. Break our window with a mop.
Maria vargas is the tenant and she a d bee sister constantly harassing us all the time. They go around constantly smoking I the hallways and the stairway and throw garbage around the hallways.
They even stole my bikes seat. They don’t care if they get cancer or give us cancer. The news channel 7 came to their door to investigation this family.
You don’t have any friends in the building everyone hates you are not the president of anything stop lying to yourself just do us all a favor and leave no one can stand you
Ok Eric Silverstien spawn of the King of Queens Slumlord why don’t you just stop harassing me online. Don’t you know it’s a crime to harass people online ? I have many friend in the building
hey Eric silverstein why dont you stfu. you ruthless POS!! you overchaRGE everyone in this building.
it smells so bad. im not surprised you have not packed this building with more lowlifes than there are alrready in your greedy quest to get even richer than you already are.
lets hope you dont pack this place with all the syrian refugees that are flowing into america. why cant you get some quality tenants?
about half the tenanrts in this building cause all kinds of triuble. recently The cops told me that there was a robberies in the building even though you have put cameras outside of everyones doors and you have the DVR. why is that?
why didnt you give the Super the DVR?
well they cant solve the crimes in the building without the DVR
so youy need to give the dvr to Jeffrey so they can find out who is doing all the robberies and larcenies in the building.
gheesh!! talk about an uncaring ASlumlord!!
btw if anyone wants to join up with the Woodside Tenants Association just call us. 7188036454
There is no woodside tenants association get a job or go get some help you live in a make believe world
This didi kolenovic and her drunk crazy drug addiction are always harassing us in the building. I even told St Vincent’s hospital. Randy prince and shitina Chamberlain the social workers who owns my apt and my friends apt and they said they would do something a out this situation. Didi kolenovic is using and abusing disabled people like us. She should go live in her car full-time And leave us all alone. Even her momma is tired about her. Thankfully the super and his family are in Bosnia now so we get a break from. All this harassnent. This place is like a soap opera honestly. Me and my family are sick and tired of this building so we are looking for a new apt. So if anyone has an apt let us know. Call us
Update: this sister of Jeffrey kolenovic who lives in her old beat up van part-time and in my friends apt with her nasty violent blind CAT, which
Attacked my wife and scratched her hand and tried to attack me but my friend Joe saved me by slapping the CAT in the bead with a Pillow
This guy should be banned from this building and my wife wants to sue this cat and bee mother, didi kolenovic. Cats are good though for the apt as we have so many mice and rats. My lil doggy likes to chase after the mice in my apt also and caught a mouse and a other died in her water bowl. Nasty mice. This didi hangs out In front of our building yells and screams at us all the time and yells at Joey too. Joey is too nice to this woman. Even her brother Jefrey kolenovic doesnt want to help her.
My wife was In the basement of this woodside building and the idiot super hired a guy from. Afghanistan who mixes ammonia with bleach which is toxic and he almosf killed my wife and 2 indians who were In the laundry room last week. So now she is going to sue fermin and Jeff kolenovic and Harry Silverstein for damage to her nose and throat. And mental anguish too. She had to go to the doctor and still has a sore throat and her eyes and nose weere burning and
She will talk to her lawyer about this matter so wtf is wrong with this building ? Can we get some good services ? Why is jeffreys still the super? He works in Manhattan and is barely In the building. We need a full time super.
Lots of nasty rats and mice and cocker roaches are in the building and the super Jeffrey kolonic and Harry Silverstein don’t give a rats ass about it. On 9/11/2012 Jeffrey kolonovic the superintendent put Drano in the above tenants tub and the pipe burst through my ceiling and I went into the bathroom and got the Drano in my eyes. This is the second time that this fool Jeffrey kolonovic has gotten drano into my eyes. I had to go to the eye hospital to wash out the Drano. I intend to sue these idiots.
Yeah. I live in the Woodside building of this landlord and it is a true horror story of a place! A lot of the violations are for my apartment. It’s sooooo disgusting. The superintendent, Jeffrey kolonovic, and his crazy family manage the building and the idiot installed a shower head full of Drano and when I turned on the shower to wash myself I got the Drano all over my body and now My eyes and other parts of my body is permanently scarred thanks to this stupid idiot Jeffrey kolonovic. I called the cops but they declined to arrest him. His sister lives in the building and is an ex con. Dee dee kolonovic attacked her sister and was arrested and then she and Jeffrey’s father went to live in my friend joes apartment E5 and then falsely accused him pulling a knife on her even though he gave her 4 months free rent. She probably did this in order to get section 8 benefits as she said she is seeking an order of protection against Joe.
This is a mooslime Serbian family that Harry Silverstein employs as superintendent of 39-30 59th street Woodside that escaped from the Bosnian war and this is the kind of scum the Harry Silverstein is employing at 39-30 59th street. Harry Silversten and Jeffrey kolonovic should be in jail.
Yeah the truth hurts doesn’t it? This landlord Harry Silverstein is too much.
He needs to take care of his building and stfu.
Thank god for my beautiful apartment on 39th Place. My land lord rocks and any fixes we need, he’s always here in a second. Its a two family walk up, excellent condition!!! And I LOVE SUNNYSIDE!
reading this makes me glad i live in LIC
The violations are not related to the rent-regulated status. Buildings are purchased after due diligence, including determining if a building is covered by RSL. Unregulated buildings cost more; regulated ones cost less. Most owners of rent regulated buildings have done handsomely, particularly those who have have gamed (cheated) the laws that are there to protect tenants. In other words, they have bought cheaply but gained windfall profits at the expense of long-term community members. One can get pretty good research on profits from the RGB website.
Get a job
How do you know I have no job?
Asking questions are genuinely nice thing if you are not understanding something fully, but this paragraph gives
pleasant understanding even.
I have lived all over Sunnyside for the past 15 years and I have had some love/hate relationships with some building, but nothing has been more worst then residing in Woodside ( the border of Sunnyside 48th st). The address of 47-10 48th avenue( right next to a dominican restaurant) is owned by Hassan Haghanegi. Stay away unless you want to throw out all of your things due to bedbugs and have everything be infested with mice and roached. It was so horrible, he does nothing for the building and expects rent w the condition that it is in. Its deplorable and I hope something is done about this slumlord. Then forget about the illegal rooms being rented by God knows who. Ridiculous.
48th Avenue and the Sunnyside/Woodside border area has some of the worst run buildings I’ve ever seen. I’m ashamed I live over there some times.
And just about everyone knows that I work in RE but I have absolutely no problems with the city going after these crap landlords. I’ve personally made complaints to the city about the awful state some of these buildings are in. The city leaves a ticket for the building and that’s pretty much all that ends up happening. The city just doesn’t care about this part of town.
wow really your the one that brought the bugs i rember you …frsh out the shelter with bugs crawling on your shoulder
If this really is a Cooperative building, I don’t understand how it landed on a “Worst Landlords” list. Cooperatives don’t have landlords.Those most responsible for running such a building are the Board of Directors and the Cooperative’s shareholders themselves (who elect the Board). The managing agent has a contract with the Cooperative to perform services such as collection of maintenance and the day-to-day operations of the building. If the managing agency is doing an unsatisfactory job, the Cooperative has every right to cancel the contract and hire a new company. If conditions are as bad as reported here, something may be rotten in the Cooperative’s organization itself. Some buildings when they go coop sell apartments illegally to investors who never live there but rent them out at prices double or triple the maintenance. Has the matter been reported to the State District Attorney’s Office, which has some jurisdiction over cooperatives?
Are there any lists like this for NYC brokers?
The building has barely over three violations per unit. Many, many bldgs. have much higher ratios.
Trust me, I know.
Add sunnyhill gardens 51st street and 52nd street to the top of the list. It’s coop and the managing agent Tribor management closed up over night after being accused of missing over a million in the reserve account. The board of directors all changed and jumped ship as well. The managing agent is married to the super and he’s still working for the building. He’s a real low life too. This building is in real bad financial hole because of the board of directors and the super Noel.
is the new management company better? i was looking to buy in sunnyhill gardens.
I agree with everything written except for the guy missing Sunnyside Pizza. So overrated.
What’s the rating?
You get what you paid for. Buy cheap get cheap. Pay low rent get cheap housing.
The building is kept clean and repairs are done you have to blame the owner of the building of 4333/15 you can not blame the board the do everything to keep it maintained
a lot of the buildings in sunnyside are pure shit. the landlords are always eager for the first of the month, but when repairs need to be made, they’re nowhere to be found.
so move
Ja. Harry silverstimein and his mini me Eric Silverstein are pure dirtbags. Why arent they in jail yet? Their manager jeffrey kolenovic is a real dirtbag too. He professes to be oh so religous. But he is a damn hypocrite. He gonna go to Hell. But he thinks he is gettin 72 virgins. Lol.
I can’t wait to be bought out and my building turn co-op. I’ll be outta here with a big ol middle finger at Sunnyside.
But I will miss Sunnyside Pizza.
Not gonna leave anytime soon huh, too bad
I bet every one of those violations are from a rent controlled or rent stabilized tenant paying 1/10 of what the fair market rent should be. It is impossible to have it both ways. You can’t have a such low rents in an aging building and expect it to be properly maintained. If you were paying market rent you would just move to a better apartment if things were so horrible. They don’t move because they will never get the sweet deal they have again. So instead they stay and lodge complaint after complaint!
The law is the law. Buck up and pay for the repairs, cheapskate!
To Anonymous visitor: If it were not for rent stabilization, many people could not afford to rent an apartment. It is impossible for retired people on fixed incomes to just pick up and move to another apartment. Do you really think that people (either retired or insecure in their low-paying job) can afford to pay over $2,000 a month for a one-bedroom apartment? It is not that easy, my friend.
Probably why many retired people move to Florida or elsewhere when they retire. They realize they can’t afford to live here (or on Park Avenue) anymore. I’m all for helping people when they have a financial problem, but the rent stabilization system needs to be overhauled.
I agree the system needs an overhaul. people who can afford more never leave because the rent is less than the cost to heat the apartment. I know I can’t afford to live in NYC once I retire. No one has the right to demand that on someone else’s dime!
smitty there was nothing wrong with rs before the housing bubble hit…..rents were a little out of wack but not bad.
once prices started rising landlord found out how to double or triple rents legally and those citizen advocates were stupefied on how to stop them
there was no incentive to just paint an apartment and raise the rent $50….in fact it was the opposite incentive put $3000 viking stoves bamboo floors high end fixtures new electrical sub zero refridge all in a 6th floor walk up and raise the rent $400 a month forever
then the key…..find the worst tenants to rent to those who wont stay long because you could jack up the rent 20% on each vacancy even if its less than a year. 20% compounded a few times and bingo a $1500 1 bedroom all legal
You do realize these RS buildings are approaching 100 years old and many needs hundreds of thousands of dollars in upgrades. How should this be paid for Rikki? Its impossible to pay for it with people paying practically the same rents they were paying 20, 30 or 40 plus years ago. That’s the problem
then sell the building to someone who has the money to fix it up…….
all upgrades are added to everyone’s rent MCI costs…plus landlors get real estate rebates or each RS apartment only full rent apartments pay full taxes
Rikki, I don’t own a rent stabilized building and I wouldn’t buy one. Who in there right mind wants a building full of complaining moochers! I am just someone with common sense who see’s what everyone else is turning a blind eye to…………….the RS can’t survive much longer and its time is long past due. Enjoy your cheap apartment…….is it really worth all the complaining
you are an idiot no one is mooching…a building is sold by it rent roll…….a lower rent means a lower priced building..its that simple……rent stabilization is no different then an easement on your property…….if you want it removed. you have to pay to do so.
the idea is to make money 20 years in the future when the rent stabilized people move out or to florida and you can spend $20,000 or more on each apartment to get the rent high enough so it will be a free market rent
but the problem is scuumy people like you want to do illegal things to get people out quicker……..and people fight back by withholding the rent
its not that difficult to understand…..its a long term investment and if you dont like those terms DON’T BUY THE BUILDING
PLEASE! Show us a cite where any of these Big Landlords are LOSING MONEY! You are just a shill for the greedy, gouging landlords who cry poverty while driving Porches.
“site” not “cite,” “Porsches” not “Porches”
Do you get paid for your job?
I blame the chamber of commerce. If they knew what they were doing they would know these landlords.
What is the CoC supposed to do about landlords? They’re not a gov’t body.
I lived there in the 1982 for several years when it was a rental. It was fine then.
Moved when it became a CoOp. Strange that it went down hill. Building should of become even better maintained.
“should have” not “should of”
If somebody had 271 unpaid parking tickets, they’d have their car clamped. How does a landlord get away with this crap?
Whatever, this isn’t a big deal like someone’s car, this is just where people live!
@broker you are the prpblem. you should be disgusted with yourself. stop stealing the hard earned Tenasnts money. and you dont report the bedbug prob? maybe you would enjoy bedbugs in your apt? i doubt it. so why not fix your bedbug problem? my neighbors here at 39-30 59th street in apt E10 have Bedbugs too and harry d. silverstein doesnt care. these rich jewsh slumlords should be ashamed of themselves. bronstein is a jewish name too.
why do they have to be so rotten to their fellow human beings? dont thery have any common decency? after all no one can take their money with them so why not give the tenants a break? lets say free rent for christmas. ? after all the Supers of many buidings get free rent AND christmas bonuses at christmas time. and why did Deballsio accept 54000 dollars from these Slumlords? he needs to give the goddamn dirty money back to these Slumlords like Harry D Silverstein! what? this is grounds for dismissal from his Mayorship! what more scandals will we have to deal with from Deballsio?
Shut up move out the building scum
If you are aware that a building has bed bugs please add them to the bed bug registry that you can find on line. It is helpful for those of us who check when looking to rent in certain buildings.
My building has 7 violations….I suddenly feel proud though when clicking those links. There are buildings in this city with 400, 500, or 600 violations or more. Give thanks if you’re not living in any of those.
Add 47-21 41st Street to the list as well. Management company is Bronstein Properties and they also have a history of not disclosing bedbug infestations in the building.
Hey i remt bronstein properties. I dont disclose any issues either and i get big fat 15% of the annual rent commission lol
“With arms wide open…”