Photo: iStock
Sept. 17, 2015 By Christian Murray
The NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign today issued its 17th annual “State of the Subways” Report Card, and rated the 7 as the best of 19 subway lines.
The 7 was ranked number one for the eighth time that Straphangers has been putting out the reports.
Straphangers, a transit interest group, evaluates subway lines on six measures of service: the number of breakdowns, car cleanliness, the number of seats available, the amount of scheduled service, the actual regularity of service and the quality of announcements in subway cars.
“The 7 ranked highest because it was the best in the system on frequency of service and subway car cleanliness,” according to the Straphangers report. It also performed above average on two other measures: “delays caused by mechanical breakdowns and seat availability at the most crowded point during rush hour.”
The line, however, performed below average on regularity of service and subway car announcements.
The report card was based on an extensive review of 2014 transit data.
“Passengers on the top lines – such as the 1, 6, 7, E, J/Z, and L – hands down get a much better ride for their MetroCard than those on its worst, such as the 5, B, C, M or R,” said Gene Russianoff, Campaign attorney. “Disparities abound. Some lines stink; others just need work.”
Russianoff said, “The 5 and the B have been ‘bottom feeders’ for most of their modern careers.” The 5 has been rated worst a total of three times in seventeen years – 2000, 2003 and 2015. The B rated worst in 1997, 1999 and 2015.
In a separate study, the CBC ranked the No. 7 train has having the worst stations–structurally–in the system.
Its study, released Tuesday, noted that 37 percent of the 618 structural components — such as stairs, platform edges and ventilators — in its 21 stations failed to meet the MTA’s safety and performance standards in August.
In contrast, the 6 is in the best condition, according to the report; its 38 stations have only 15 percent of their 1,288 components are not in good repair.

i don’t think straphangers are voting here. never even received a request or a poll. my guess is that made up/fudged this like much of their other books.
The “spat of construction” started in 1995, it has no real end date just a start date for the next job.
I’ve lived here for 6 years; the current weekend issues due to construction have been maybe 2 of those years. And even then it hasn’t been horrible. You take train to Woodside and transfer. I work on the weekends and have had to do that regularly and it isn’t that bad. 6 and A/C/E are ten times worse.
Having lived all over the city, considering the huge ridership that the 7 has I’d agree that its the best. I’m not including the current spat of construction work, but even then it isn’t THAT bad comparably. The westside trains are dirty. N/W are always broken. 6 is slow. L is awful. G I’m surprised isn’t voted worst.
I mean, its like which line is the shiniest turd. But I still think the 7 in comparison is not the worst by any measure.
And one more thing : the winter is coming so for the next 20 weekends no 7 trains between 34 street and queens plaza 🙂
Yes and the pigs fly! Russianoff Is trying to fool people to move in Guadalajara, aka queens because as we all now when you move in a new neighborhood the most important thing is the subway . His friends real estate developers from the area paid him to say the 7 line is the best . Is the best if you don’t use it .
If I had to ride the number 7 on the way to fight Apollo Creed, I would be in big trouble.
The straphangers are obviously hitting the crack pipe. It takes two, three, four trains at the 40th Street platform before you can even get on in the morning because of the over crowding. The stations are always strewn with litter. Shall we mention the amount of garbage between the tracks at all stations? Weekend service is spotty at best because of all the track repairs throughout the year. Raise your hand people if you were late to work because of signal malfunctions or had to go to 61st Street and get on a train back because they’ve skipped your stop. How many times has a man rubbed up against you inappropriately Ladies? Stinky homeless people and loud mariachi bands trying to shake you down for your cash. And you don’t see many Transit Cops wandering around. The 7 train is the best in the City? Riiiiiight.
Just go to 7Train Blues on Facebook for the truth. Then go on Twitter and send your pics of what is really happening on the 7 train to @grussianoff and @straphangers and flood them with a wave of truth!
‘Nuff Said…Drops Mic.
A little too kewl, Ty.
Splendid news indeed. Perhaps today, my sweetheart and I will take a train ride into the city. Glad to support the MTA and the fine work they do.
Funny that they announced this yesterday when the 7 was not running. Was waiting at Queens Plaza and it was announced that a train would be coming. After 10 minutes they said actually nothing was coming. Had to run for a very over crowded bus that stopped at 39th Street and was going no further. Then had to sprint to get my kids picked up from school. Thank you #7 train.
You get beautiful views from the 7. Better than riding through a dark tunnel.
I know it runs late and full but think of the bright side.
If I pay for service I’m expecting it to be on time and efficient. I’m not paying for views of the city skyline.
Alright!!!!! Great news!!!!! Another selling point for neighborhood! Hope those rents and property prices keep going up baby!! BOOM!!!
This has to be a joke! Only yesterday afternoon, it took me nearly an hour to get to Sunnyside from Manhattan due to a “track problem” at the Fifth
Avenue/Bryant Park stop. Also, during rush hours, there has been pandemonium at the Times Square station because crowds pile up due to the opening of the new 11th Avenue station. All Queens bound trains can now only use one track, and there can no longer be separation for expresses and locals.
dont start with the comments, dont make me write another song about you haterz!!!
How bad are the other lines if the 7 is the best?
well everything is relative. the 7 is far from perfect, so if you only ride the 7, you’d think it was terrible. but try telling that to someone who rides the 6 or the C every day.
Well, the people who ride it find it awful.
This is going to get the best comments! I can’t wait.
This is a joke constant signal trouble overcrowded trains while catering to the U.S. Open crowd. Those of us who ride at lease five days a week are taken for granted
that’s because you ride it during rush hours, who’s fault is that? maybe you should look for a job out in kew gardens and have a seat everyday reverse commuting
Are you still at that same dunkin donuts, rikki?