St. Raphael’s Rectory, located next to the church at 35-20 Greenpoint Ave. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)
August 1, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A priest at St. Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church was allegedly attacked this morning by a man who was urinating in the church’s parking lot.
Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, 68, was in the rectory next to the 35-20 Greenpoint Ave. church when he saw a man in his 30s “relieving himself” right outside his window at around 7:30 a.m. today.
“I saw him from the kitchen window and knocked on it,” Jecewiz told the Sunnyside Post.
Jecewiz couldn’t clearly see if the man had gone away, and made his way to the rectory’s main entrance to check out the site.
But the man was waiting right at the entrance, and was cursing before allegedly swinging at the priest’s face soon after the door opened.
“He wanted to hit me in the face, but I ducked,” Jecewiz said, adding that the man did manage to get the side of his face. “But I wasn’t hurt or anything like that.”
Jecewiz then phoned police, but not before securing the rectory. He last saw the man, who appeared disoriented and was swinging his arms, making his way to the church’s main entrance on Greenpoint Avenue.
An NYPD spokesperson confirmed that police responded to a 911 call from the site at around 7:21 a.m., but did not take a complaint report down, instead determining the case to be a dispute, according to the final disposition.
The priest, who has been at the church for about 11 years and spoke about the attack in a lighthearted tone, said something like this has never happened to him before.
“We’ve had people relieving themselves in nooks and crannies, but that happens,” he said.
He recalled having to contact police to come to their food pantry at times, where they have sometimes encountered disturbed persons, but nothing compared to this morning’s incident.
Jecewiz said his main concern was the church, as a young teenager opens up the site at around that time, with the elderly usually being the first to come into the parish. Luckily, the church was still locked.
The attack comes at a time when residents of the Blissville neighborhood claim there has been an uptick in crime and that the area’s demeanor has changed because of the three recently-opened homeless shelters.
While Jecewiz is aware of the nearby shelters that have opened, he says he hasn’t seen a change in the area, only noticing that more people have come by the church to ask to use the restroom.
“It’s an urban, gritty area here with a big, busy intersection,” Jecewiz said. “There’s lots of factories and people coming and going.”
“I hope it’s an one-off incident,” he added. “Just one of those New York City things.”

St. Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)
“Punched” but it wasn’t an “assault” worth recording as a crime? So that’s where the magic comes from to allow DeBlasio to report “crime is down”. I wonder if the NYPD would consider their 68 year old mother or father being punched without provocation merely a dispute and not a crime.
Yes it does. In the story its mentioned that there has been problems with other people. He recalled having to contact police to come to their food pantry at times, where they have sometimes encountered disturbed persons,
This is obviously a hate crime but that will be swept under the rug because the victim is a) male, b) white and c) Catholic.
Just like the man punched on the bus yesterday.
Sorry–how is this a hate crime?
If Father Jerry were an Iman, Rabbi or Monk you wouldn’t be asking that question. Take a leak on a mosque, synagogue or temple and then assault the leader of such a place of worship, instant hate crime. Catholic priest, screw it, it’s just a dispute. No crime here, Forgione’s not taking a number on this one. Great job Sergeant whoever you are, you may be a useless hair bag but your boss loves you.
Father Jerry needs to cross over the LIE and check out that side of Blissville. The residents and businesses are experiencing crime from harassment to burglarizing to vandalization to exposing themselves. It’s just the beginning. #wheresjvb?
Seems a lot of the blame for the rise in homelessness lies with Ronald Reagan.
Your obsession with Reagan says much of you. No, Carbie: a lot of it has to do with the ACLU defending people who should be locked up. And we have Mayor See no Evil Deblasio. You are desperate.
T- And obviously so are you.
Still defending Deblasio lol.
1. I don’t think I’ver ever mentioned Reagan here before. I don’t see how that is obsessive.
2. Please explain what you mean about the ACLU. Or is this just ad hominem?
3. Deblasio is not my favorite person. But homelessness did not start with him. That’s the point of what I wrote.
4. Addressing the historical roots of a problem is not desperation.
He thought he was at St. Raphael’s Urinal
I m a St Rachael’s Graduate and a life long Sunnyside Resident..,This is disgusting to say the least.,Anyone ever think,when neighborhoods radically change for the so called good,Crime always increases,,,Why??Because everyone has their Heads up their Asses,and only give a Damn about their so called Diverse,bulls##t selves..Their is no more Cohesive Sunnyside or Woodside…Its gone to The Liberal Idiots and Non Productive Cops and Politicians..What a Shame..Oh well,Times are changing…Enjoy
George, are you one of those people who just sit back, complain and finger-point when you don’t like something, or are you an action person? Nothing happens by just bitching and moaning. It’s like saying “I’m so lonely” yet never leaving the house.
You graduated?
George is not smart!
Sigh: must we bust out the crime stats again? While the assault on Father Jecewiz is horrible, crime in general in the area is down dramatically from even two years ago. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/bureaus/patrol/precincts/108th-precinct.page
Read the article again. The crime stats are useless if the NYPD decides that no crime was committed. It’s not a crime, it’s just a dispute. Right.
Poor Father Jerry. This is what is happening on our side of the Blvd – contaminated with homeless shelters. Why won’t they open one up on 43rd Ave or Skillman Avenue? The building next to Loudoti park is empty you could fit an entire dormitory with 150 beds/bunk style and a few blocks from JVB’s house.
I think DeBlasio should put a shelter on 46th Street where Jimmy lives. We will see how much he likes his new neighbors. Yes, there are people who have fallen on hard times and need a hand, but some are drug-addicted and should be in hospitals or treatment centers with close supervision. They are violent and dangerous.
It has changed, but the liberals are not responsible. Nor are the cops. It is a result of Wall Street Greed, not a liberal phenomenon, Real Estate Greed and politicians’ vulnerability to those who can fund their campaigns.
Sorry, the above comment was in response to George Kelley. To you I say what building is that? Oh, wait, a factory building? Yes, well, that could very well be empty. I hadn’t noticed. It might not have the plumbing, etc., for a shelter. But, it is worth looking into.
I read the whole article waiting for the scapegoating of homeless. And it delivered. Never fails!
Oil beef cracked, another Deblasio Muppet.
I guess since it was only “a dispute” it won’t count toward the recent uptick in quality of life issues in the area.
NYPD proving useless once again
Thank you Mayor de B for allowing people to relieve themselves where ever they wish! You have made the quality of life in this city a joyful experience. I hope people come from far and wide to relieve themselves on YOUR doorstep! What “goes around, comes around”!
Don’t worry: Jimmy Van Bramer is on the case. But seriously, is this because of the homeless shelters/population?
Anyone still think homeless shelters done increase crime? Also no report no compliant, thas one way to keep stats low.
Soooo…no description of the attacker ? And no report = no crime = no punishment = on to the next victim
Nice going, 108th: don’t do anything!
the priest did not want to press charges remember the church is for illegals they harbor them but if it was a legal person charges would have been filed.
“You who are so-called illegal aliens must know that no human being is illegal.” Elie Wiesel