April 28, 2015 By Christian Murray
A small fire broke out at PJ Horgan’s Tuesday evening.
About 60 firefighters arrived at the 42-17 Queens Blvd bar at about 5:50 pm and brought the fire under control by about 6:20pm, according to the FDNY.
There were no reported injuries.
A spokesman for the FDNY did not know the cause of the fire at the time of publication.
when Horgans gets priced out they should move to skillman and have Ciafone pay to transport the whole contents of the bar over there.
careful now
Oh my god. All this from a little kitchen fire.
it’s true though, that whole corner lot is owned by John Ciafone, who doesn’t have the best reputation around these parts. when the theater closed he said he would keep Horgan’s open because they had an existing lease and were paying market rent, but i bet that’s still nothing compared to what he could get by selling the whole block as one unit to a condo developer.
i’m not saying this fire was suspicious (it’s a restaurant, stuff catches fire sometimes) but i do think eventually this whole lot will be a rite aid with condos on top…just like everywhere else.
If it was suspicious and they were trying to pull a scam, I don’t think a small fire would’ve been the way out.
Yes, soon the people living in those apartments will be on the street. Actually, they were last night as the city’s “Disaster Response” guy stood around waiting for ConEd to deem it safe.
I am actually not wasting any more time posting with a bunch of idiots! I guess you all must work there and know exactly what’s going on!
FYI the Mexican restaurant is a completely separate building.. And do you know the owner of the bank personally and they have told you this information? If you don’t I would suggest you stop spreading rumors. And yes your right thank god you are leaving NY we have enough going on in this city without know it alls like you
I am also happy John Doe is leaving NYC. I think that once he leaves things will return to normal. It’s been a tough 33 years since he came. But it’s finally over. Let’s Go Rangers!
Totally incorrect. The landlord of the movie theater bank, and dentist and Horgans is the same. Yes Horgans will be closing . As soon as the landlord does not renew the lease or will raise the rent to a price that will not be affordable. The only reason he has not broke the lease for Horgans it because he was facing backlash for the closing of the movie theater. He only wanted to fight one battle at a time.
Do you really think he cares?? The dinasours of Sunnyside will give him a hard time no matter what. They hate change. No sense in prolonging the inevitable
Your narrow vision and blanket insults do little to advance your argument. The world is much more than is dreamt of in your philosophy. A little humility is in order for you.
Blah blah blah….,you sound like an a**
Oh please.
People hate change when it’s for the WORSE.
With the real estate developers running wild these past few years, it’s rarely for the better.
he still has 5 years left on his lease the bar
VERY SUSPICIOUS! the owner of the bank is salivating over getting PJ Horgans outta there! the Mexican joint already closed, its only a matter of time before that whole corner gets redeveloped, thank God I’m leaving NYC after 33 years!!
Good bye
How is it suspicious???
That seems REALLY suspicious to me.
You forgot to mention their fish & chips. Also delicious!!!
Their Burgers and Pot Pie!!!!
Best in the neighborhood!