Suspect (NYPD)
Sept. 11, 2012 By Christian Murray
A man on a BMX bike approached a woman, smacked her in the face and told her he would keep beating her if she failed to perform a sex act, police said.
The incident occurred on Saturday, Aug. 25, at 3:30 am, in the vicinity of 39th Ave. and 61st Street. The man pedaled off from the scene, police said.
The woman was taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where she was treated for a broken nose.
The perpetrator was described as a male, Hispanic, approximately 20-25 years old, and about 5’ 5” to 5’ 9”.
Police are asking the public to call 718-520-9277 for tips.
oh Herbie you one of those “U Mad” type of guys huh. Bet you play Call of Duty on Xbox too.
Oh Ruben, u mad?
SPLC – a bunch of fools.
Screw you Herbie , you saying my recommendation for a possible victim to protect themselves is worse than some idiot blaming the VICTIM? What twisted sensibilities . Typical conservative.
clearly you do not understand what the term “bless your heart” means. This is why you are making stupid assumptions about comments on this site.
@ not her fault
Jesus Christ!!! More power to you kid. You addressed this issue succinctly. What we need is a voluntary neighborhood car service for women who need it. This is less taxing than a neighborhood watch.
@not her fault: F-ing Christ. Insane you had to deal with that. A better community watch needs to happen.
When the economy crashed in 2008, I had to pay bills, so I wasn’t too proud to take a job in a cafe on Queens Blvd. I lived way on the south side, in a sketchy location, because even with roommates, the job wouldn’t pay for an apartment in a safer area. And the manager routinely made me open and close, meaning I was constantly walking through that dangerous location at 1-4 am. The manager knew where I was walking and when, and he didn’t care, even though I was a 21-year-old woman. Quitting was not an option because unemployment was so high. If I wanted to get paid and support myself, that was what I had to do.
Women who are out at this time in sketchy locations aren’t usually doing it for pleasure strolls. They are out of options.
Once I got mugged but threw my wallet and got away. Once I was chased for a few blocks by 5 men who were yelling about raping me, but I escaped. Nothing worse ever happened, and when the economy picked up I got a good office job again (and a safer apartment on the north side). But I still have sympathy for people in that position. I know it was just luck I escaped. I don’t know what I could have done differently. My heart goes out to her and to all the victims of the scum in our streets.
Both parties are at fault.
See, victim blaming.
@Scott: You’ll be number one on SPLC watch list because you’re already assuming everyone here is white.
So based on the Sunnyside Post comments, (a) carry a gun/taser/pepper spray because no one is going to help you, (b) when being raped, attack the taint with a knife because of ‘scientific fact’, (c) at 39th Ave and 61st St, you need to be Dwayne Johnson-esque otherwise you can be attacked, and (d) a Hispanic man should be forcibly castrated.
Well done, Sunnyside Post. Southern Poverty Law Center is going to start monitoring this site.
whoever is moderating the comments does a poor job in relation to Ruben. Do we really need instructions on how to “attack the taint”. It does nothing for the site.
OppressedMasses- there are many ways to attack the taint..it’s a scientific fact that all assaults stop when the taint is attacked.
I agree with Pomme, while it does take some common sense to avoid an area that is likely to attract the criminal element , the girl might not have had a choice . It’s not like she was just hanging out I’m sure there was reason to her being there at that time. She shouldn’t HAVE to deal with some slap happy hick biker.
the second that biker got close the girl should have taken that as aggression and attacked.
all in favor of a volunteer night patrol say aye.
i’d gladly donate 50 flashlights and offer an evening a week to keep the neighborhood under watch.
no vigilanteism – just a direct line to the 108, please.
I hope someone catches this Hispanic man and cuts his balls off….
@Ruben Wouldn’t you have to be laying on your back and looking up to aim for the taint?
The person who is raped is NEVER at fault. Rapists are always looking for a justification – you were out too late, looked at me funny, were too pretty, shouldn’t have tempted me, skirt was too short, really wanted it, pissed me off, I was horny, no one understands me, my girlfriend jut dumped me, I felt angry, I felt bored, you were there and so was I.
What justification is there for forcing sex on any person? None.
@Long-time Resident
Put your red pen away, Miss.
@ O’Shea
My point was quite the opposite. I constantly ask my girlfriend to keep her wits about her if she’s out alone at night no matter the block. Some areas at night should simply be avoided and that block by the overpass is one of them. This incident wouldn’t have happened if she was able to defend herself or had taken a safer path at that time of night.
Both parties are at fault. Did she deserve it? Of course not, but you can’t wait for someone to do something barbaric in order to reprimand them. Prevent it by taking measures beforehand to be prepared in such a situation–or make efforts to avoid it all together.
The guy broke her nose? Must have packed a wallop and the guy is strong and vicious.
I keep telling ya’ll “A carry town is a polite town.” The police-state can not protect you unless there are Nazi style road blocks. That guy would have thought twice about preying on a defensible woman carrying.
I mean just look at what happened. Police come and record and draw what happened. Then the police tell THE PEOPLE what happened and to look out. Then A PERSON spots him and calls 911. The best police is NOT nypd it you and your neighbors in Neighborhood Watch.
Bless your heart. So you don’t have any female relatives?
Still do not understand why tasers are illegal in ny.
its not the ladies fault, and by the way if it was it doesn’t matter we as willing and able men have to protect the women and children of our respected area
I don’t mean to victim bash but I lived one block away from there for a long time and it’s just common sense.
No, what you meant to do was victim-blame. Hear that ladies, it’s your fault if you’re assaulted!
Well we know who the one person was who saw “the Rundown” w/Dwayne Johnson, now let’s post this guys face EVERYWHERE!
If I lived down by 39th and 61st and had to be out by 3:30am I would be walking like Dwayne Johnson in the Rundown. with a big ass block of wood and I would aim it at the general direction of anybody who comes within 20 feet of me, especially a biker.
ya people need to start carrying stuff on you! pepper spray, screw drivers, hell , carve a shiv out of a tooth brush if you have to and aim for the eyes or taint. Don’t let these animals have any control or power.
Oh? By the “you’re going to get raped and murdered” abandoned Korean Church and playground? Next to the LIRR overpass? Maybe you shouldn’t be on that side of the block at 3:30am without pepper spray or a knife.
I don’t mean to victim bash but I lived one block away from there for a long time and it’s just common sense.
Sick. Sick. Sick.