7 train with broken glass (Twitter: @TripleG_RTO)
Sept. 14, 2020 By Christian Murray
A vandal smashed more than a dozen windows on a subway car on the 7 line in Queens Friday night.
MTA police found 18 broken windows at around 11:40 p.m. as the subway car pulled into the 61st Street-Woodside station.
More than 500 windows have been smashed since May, according to the MTA, resulting in more than $350,000 worth of damage.
The 7 train has been the main target. For instance, on Aug. 19, police discovered 39 smashed windows on a 7 train at the Vernon Blvd.–Jackson Avenue station in Long Island City. A crew of MTA workers also found a cracked window on a conductor’s cab on a 7 train at the Flushing terminal that same day.
The cars on the 2 and 3 trains have also been vandalized, although not to the same extent.
The agency is reportedly running out of spare windows to replace them all and the manufacturer can’t keep pace with demand.
The MTA announced last month a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of what is believed to be a serial vandal. It released footage of a suspect on Aug. 18
Patrick Foye, the MTA chair, said last month he hopes that prosecutors put the perpetrator in prison, which will send a message that this will not be tolerated. He said the MTA will also pursue civil litigation against the vandal in an attempt to recover the costs associated with replacing the smashed windows.
We’re still looking for this guy, wanted for damaging several subway cars- Someone knows who he is- Call @NYPDTips at 800-577-TIPS with any info (for Spanish: 888-57-PISTA) Remember, you can remain anonymous #YourSubwaysYourCall https://t.co/4cXBIsNcm2
— NYPD Transit (@NYPDTransit) August 18, 2020
Most guys will hit 1-2-3, then go to 7 and set up camp. All right, you could start out with a little 1, a 2, a 1-2-3, 3, 5, a 4, a 3-2, 2, a 2-4-6, 2-4-6, 4, 2, 2, 4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7, 7… 7… 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7! 7!
Monica dear :Your comment does not make sense ?
Am I missing something ?
Monica Geller is a character from “Friends,” and she is quoting a very funny famous scene from one of the episodes.
$10,000 dollar reward just for information leading to his arrest. Somebody must have seen this guy on the 7 train. You can remain anonymous, so report him, collect your reward and end this crap.
Why are we allowing the lunatics to take over the asylum.
Instead of giving a thug like this 5 years in jail at great expense to taxpayers, why not
50 lashes. It’s much cheaper and I think more effective, less chance they raffend
And others might think twice or even 50 times. I know the Communist/Socialist
Division of the democrat party would be upset but who cares what JVB and his ilk think anymore. Not only are they useless they are dangerous for our safety and well-being. It’s time to run them out of town.
Thank You Mayor Deblasio. Bail Reform, letting all prisoners out of rikers, defunding police, filling the NY hotels with all the homeless from other states, handing all our money to your wife, and the list goes on. Thank you Mayor Deblasio for Destroying New York City
Maybe this will now stop since the MTA starts issuing $50 fines for not wearing mask today. I assume cops will be giving out fines and they will be more of them on the subway. The fine is a ploy to put more cops on the subways without upsetting the protesters by saying its covid 19 related.
The vandal KNOWS the police force is not around and will not stop him unless he is caught in the act. Cops are only doing something when they see a crime in progress and nothing to deter crime. get rid of the police commissioner and give the billion that was cut to the community groups to hire private security guards. Our local politicians dont care anymore unless its a hate crime involving a white person and a minority.
Here’s a brilliant idea: Defund The Police
Just cover the windows with a trash bag. thats what we do when we cant afford to fix a car or home window. saves money until he is caught or finds riding the subway with smashed windows is too cold in the winter.
“Maybe they’re stressed…” ???
The cops guarding the graffiti in front of trump tower should be reallocated to patrol subway trains
Oscar I agree with you .
Why is this person doing this !! I hope he gets caught soon ?
Cameras, cameras, cameras, between attempted rapes on the middle of the platforms, muggings, pushings, too much stuff happens, need to put more cameras everywhere. it won’t deter much, at first, but at least you’d be able to catch the monsters!
probably a yankees fan who hates the mets and the 7 train
A peaceful smashing ?
This is LAWLESS CITY, no safety for citizens paying higher taxes…only vandalism, destruction, crime and garbage. This is the Bill De Blasio way… thank you mayor!
Vandalism, looting and rioting are very much in vogue these days with the tacit support of democrat party leadership.
You voted for this.
Trumper – Maybe you should read Putin’s playbook. Gain control through compromising high level officials, a campaign of misinformation to influence elections and to stir civil unrest. Just ask Ukraine.
Yeah, putins peple are smashing windows and putins people stop police from catching the criminals. We’ve been saying police in NY needs to be more effective, but they butchered NYPD with “can’t touch this” nonsense. NYPD is also kinda weak, get cameras on every police officer and make the law clear. “POLICE STOP” he didn’t stop “WARNING 1” didn’t stop “SHOOT!”. That’s it. I cannot believe they can defend someone who does not heed the warning and reach for gun. How many of those folks ever mourn when police officer is shot? Shame on everyone.
Guest- Pickup a history book and see how “outside agitators” work.
@Guest- Putins people? Nobody said anything about “Putin’s People”, whatever that may be..Putin operates in the shadows as history has shown. “Putin’s people” are put in position of power like a president who is compromised (4 known Russian spies in one campaign is unprecedented), Putin’s people are rarely running in the streets. Then Putin uses money and a good propaganda network (Fox News) of like minded people (usually with same goals for money and power). Once these pieces are in place their power and influence is used to undermine the educational systems, historical and cultural institutions and easily corrupted democratic political process that is in place ( like rumors of unfounded voter fraud). Now they get the gullible populace to vote against their own best interest like policies that keep their wages low, citizenry safe from criminal victimization, environment safe and financial stability just to name a few. Now your targeted population believe they have an “informed” say in their affairs and welcome these changes and intrusions and in many cases cheer it on. This civil unrest is National not just in NYC. That’s why Putin helps support the NRA.
You mean the same Ukraine that gave Hunter Biden an 8 million dollar no-show job at Burisma when his dad threatened to withdraw US foreign aid?
Ukraine didn’t give anyone a job not even in your fake conspiracy theory. Hahaha get it straight. But that would be the same Ukraine. If you got a “Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree” from Yale you too could apply your skills in the international arena instead spending your day posting to a neighborhood blog. Stop being so jealous of other people’s success instead of working on your short comings.
Now you’re repeating information told to Trump illegally after he threatened to withdraw US foreign aid.
Aren’t you supposed to be pretending he “didn’t” do that?