April 10, 2015 By Michael Florio
The posters are still up and the ads still run—as the search continues for a missing rescue dog.
Mary Tyler, a beagle mix, went missing on March 3rd just a day after she was adopted and found a new home in Woodside.
The dog was being walked by her new owner on Queens Blvd. near 61st Street when she was startled by ambulance sirens and broke free from her leash, according to Mayra Mendez, a volunteer with Heavenly Angels Animal Rescue that is leading the search.
When the dog bolted, two men that were walking by went to grab her, which frightened her even more. As she ran the men chased her, attempting to help, which further scared the dog.
Workers in Calvary Cemetery spotted her the day after she ran away, Mendez said. This sighting was confirmed as her leash and harness were found.
“We knew she was in there and started posting fliers all around 58th Street and Laurel Hill,” Mendez said.
Mendez, the owner and a team of volunteers then started hanging up fliers around the neighborhood and most recently placed ads in local newspapers.
A FaceBook page that was originally created to help find Mary Tyler a home has been repurposed and is now titled, LOST: Help Find Mary Tyler and has nearly 700 likes.
There have been other possible sightings although nothing verifiable.
“Every night we go out and put up posters, we talk to dog owners and see if they have spotted her,” Mendez said. “We search local parks and look for potential hiding places in the neighborhood.”
Mary Tyler was named by Heavenly Angels Animal Rescue after Mary Tyler Moore. The rescue group saved the dog from a kill shelter in Tennessee.
Mendez said that the group feels that there is still hope—hence they continue their search and are asking the community for help.
Mendez said that if anyone sees the dog, he/she should not chase her but should call 917-796-9801 immediately. The people who know her can get her.
“She is very skittish and will run away if people call or chase her,” she said.
The poster urges residents to check their garage, shed and backyard for her.

Just curious- how much is the reward?
I hope they find your dog – Fritz.
If it’s “news” you’re looking for may I suggest a newspaper! ..Congratulations on being able to figure out the name..
Duh, thanks Christian Murray. I thought this was something that provided news.
This must be a light news day. Hope the dog is found though. Thanks for the little tidbit that the dog was named after Mary Tyler Moore. I never would have figured that out!
This is exactly the type of story that should be on a local news website. If you want the major earth-shattering events, go read the Times or watch CNN.
Sigmund — I’m with you 100% — to few reports regarding animals, in every dept.
The SP posted a story about a missing dog. That’s important to people in the neighborhood. I suppose you want the ‘important’ national news like who is Kim Kardashian screwing this week or if Justin Bieber got busted for DUI lately.