Nov. 30, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
The fourth annual Santathon will bring good cheer and charity to Sunnyside’s neighborhood bars this weekend.
Santathon is a pub crawl for charity presented by Sunnyside’s Boulevard Bars, a group of nine bars and restaurants on and around Queens Boulevard. Participants – typically costumed as Santa or other North Pole characters – are required to purchase a $10 wristband, which will entitle them to $4 and $5 drink specials at the Boulevard Bars; all proceeds from the wristbands will go towards buying toys for local kids in need this holiday season.
This year’s event will take place Dec. 5 starting at 3 p.m.
The participating establishments are Jack’s Fire Dept., Bar 43, the Courtyard Ale House, Maggie Mae’s, the Gaslight, Arriba Arriba, Sidetracks, Molly Blooms and McGuinness’s Saloon. These locations will also be collecting new and unwrapped toy donations from now until Dec. 21.

“The gifts are always abundant from all the people who participate,” Brian McGowan, owner of Jack’s Fire Dept., said. “Everybody’s in a very good mood around this time of year.”
Over the past three years, Santathon has raised more than $20,000 in monetary and toy donations, according to a release from Sunnyside’s Boulevard Bars.
“It’s pretty fun to see everybody in the spirit, dressing up,” McGowan added. “It’s just a fun day to get around to the other bars you might not have a chance throughout the year to [visit].”
More information is available on the Sunnyside’s Boulevard Bars Facebook page.

Any updates on how the Santacon went?
That was not an accurate description of the purpose nor the truth about santathons the bars included in these runs are truly reputable and those that participate in the most part are local people who were brought up to respect and they are very dedicated too this event which they enjoy with people known to each other its for charity. As well to enjoy I’ve enjoyed participation and met nothing but great people who were truly festive fun and into the event for the right reasons. Sorry to have missed this year. Hope you all had a great Santathon.And to the last poster Try to open up to Christmas and have a very Merry christmas. You might enjoy it you don’t have to drink to participate
get drunk off your azz for 10 bucks to help kids? how many kids get abused by alcoholic parents? i hate these santas. glad to see there are zero responses after 1 week.
help kids? stay sober and dont stay in bed w a hangover all day.
Screw you! See now you have a response. Happy?