Existing Space
Nov. 2, 2015 Staff Report
A one-story building located at 50th Street and Queens Boulevard is about to be demolished to make way for an eight-story apartment building.
A demolition permit was filed with the Dept. of Buildings on Oct. 27 to knock down the existing one-story building located at 50-11 Queens Blvd., which was formerly occupied by N.E.M. Electronics.
The owner of the site, Ronald Ji, said the existing building should be demolished by the end of the year.
Ji initially filed plans for a seven-story building, with four floors for hotel space and three for residential units.
That plan was rejected by the DOB.
Ji said that he now plans to build an eight-story building with about 60 apartments.
@Sunnysider You’re obviously not one who considers proportion and scale in your analysis or comparisons. Sunnyside is a neighborhood with less than 30 thousand residents and less than a square mile. Astoria has well over 154 thousand residents and Western Brooklyn ( I guess you mean Greenpoint and Williamsburg) has over 185 thousand residents collectively. In area these places are all over 4 times the size of Sunnyside. This is probably the answer to your question regarding entrepreneurs with the most unique business ideas. As for your statement “there’s not much in the way of variety and appeal” I must say I totally disagree. Marios, Dazies, Salt and Fat, Venturos, Dog and Duck, Quaint, Yum Yum, Turkish Grill, Mangal Kabob, Pio Pio Riko,Dee, Ariba Ariba, Dumplings and Things, Donatos, Romanian Garden, Saffron Garden and the list goes on. That looks like a quite a bit of variety for a neighborhood that is less than a square mile in size within close proximity to the neighborhoods you’re touting which are by the way 4 times its size and twice as expensive.
It seems as if developers are out to increase density here. I hope they go broke before that happens. It is just fine as it is.
The number of Sunnyside residents is almost 60,000. Ten out of the 14 establishments you mentioned sit on lots that are scheduled for rezoning and developers would be able to build up to 15 floors in those lots.
There are buildings in parts of sunnyside who have sewers back up into peoples apartments. In other parts there’s not enough water pressure because they live along an old water main line and over 1000 more new people are using that line. This past summer Con Ed trucks kept up with the electric cable fires by parking trucks in sunnyside the entire summer where there are trouble spots (higher demand on an old grid system) my building being on one of those spots where power, including internet service go out for an average of a few hours each time.
Presently a city council member is proposing Single Room Occupancy apts, for Senior living, that could be built for 350 sqr ft. on those lots. That would double the population in Sunnyside alone. It would triple it in Long Island City. Without an infrastucture upgrade we will be standing waiting for a #7 train for more than 30 min we wait to get on now at 52nd St.
So if you think there will be variety after development we need only take a look at Union Square and Chelsea to see there diversity after development…. the number of starbucks, gap, marshalls, and other retailers tripled. The mom-pop shops & small restaurants all left because they couldnt afford the rent.
So enjoy those places like Quaint, for they will be history soon enough!
I think Sunnyside isn’t too far away from hitting its ceiling in terms of growth. It’s nice here, but this ain’t no west Brooklyn, or even Astoria for that matter. For some reason the entrepreneurs with the most unique business ideas tend to stay out of here, and so there’s not much in the way of variety and appeal. Every new restaurant that opens here is either the same as something that already exists within a short walk or doesn’t really offer anything enticing in the long-term (thus the constant business closures). I really think that rents will stabilize sooner than later because of the aforementioned reason. That’s good for most of us as we could easily do without those places anyway, and what’s here is more than enough already.
I agree there is more than enough already. But the developers want to bring in more people so more businesses can sell to them so they can raise their prices, etc., etc., etc.
Progress, buildings… fine. Should all retail be replaced with residential high rises? No. Should the buildings be prettier with at leaat some more affordable units than the ugly, “ultra luxury”, no lobby, stacked shoebox apartment building on 43rd St that won’t entertain applications from anyone making less than 80K? Definitely. Increased infrastructure, FDNY, NYPD, etc… A must.
So many negative, miserable people posting here.
Bill..I think its all the same miserable person posting under different names to make him or herself feel important!
It takes one to know one.
This is my first time reading this blog, and I have to agree 100% with Bill. Without getting personal, I’ve never seen so many negative, hateful posts. Now, to another topic: I’m a pedestrian, a bicyclist, and a motorist. I don’t agree with the press, and others who blame Queens Blvd for all the pedestrian deaths. In my opinion the blame, almost 90% of the time, should go to the pedestrians. The next time you drive along Queens Blvd, make a mental note of how many pedestrians are crossing against the light, or mid block. I do it all the time — but if I get hit I’ll take the full blame. I won’t ask for longer lights or slower speed limits.
I really want to know what type of jobs do people have today where they can afford $1500+ a month for a 1 bedroom in queens.
i cant believe 25 year olds will populate these buildings
1 beds are more like $2000+ You only need to make 80K a year to afford $2000 per month. You are unfortunately stuck in the past Rikki
She lives in the present, just as you do, but she knows more than you, so she sounds “old.” Believe it or not many, many, many people have been working all their lives and do not make $80,000.00 a year. Did you ever hear of “price rises” and “flat wages?” That is what happens when your city government colludes with Wall Street and real estate developers to wipe out existing communities who aren’t wealthy and replace them with one that is. See, they all put money in their pockets when that happens. They enlist the ignorant yet arrogant in the community, one of your ilk, to attack the weaker members so they look as if their hands are clean. And that, AV, is a symptom of income inequality. You are a witless pawn in the game. Enjoy!
-Rikki According to your post this very same person who couldn’t afford a $1500 a month one dedroom in the new building would be able to “afford” $1500 in Brooklyn or Manhattan. you’re obviously a transplant who would rather pay through the nose to live in crime riddled neighborhoods like Bushwick, Williamsburg and the Lower East side. You always post such nonsense.
Hard to believe there is snow on the ground in nyc already. It was 60 degrees yesterday
I always thought when expanding population size in a certain area, infrastructure improvements would be addressed first then develop around that.
You were wrong.
I’ve lived in Woodside my entire life. The constant building makes all our property more valuable. I hope the apartment buildings are affordable, but at the same time, we need to have adequate space for school & the children. Don”t make all these building without take care of the rest, e.g., now that the 7 train goes to 34th Street Hudson yards, there are fewer trains and they are more congested. Yes, the building up of Sunnyside/Woodside is great, but lets not forget the impact on schools, shops, transportation, traffic and upgrades those as well.
This will eventually happen to all of these low-rise buildings. Doesn’t matter what any of us think. It’s happening. The unfortunate thing is we all know these are gonna be some ugly-azz buildings. These aren’t gonna be shiny LIC glass towers, but will probably be like the butt ugly buildings that have popped up just east up queens blvd in elmhurst. It boggles my mind that you can go to architecture school and build something so damn ugly. I don’t have high hopes for Mr Ji. Zoning is encouraging these buildings and deblasio’s agenda is working hand in hand with the real estate developers
Oh god I couldn’t agree more. It’s one thing for builders to come in… its another to build the butt ugly excuses for architecture they are putting up. That “Regency” Building? UGH. Hideous.
Build them high and mighty, get rid of this old shite and bring in the new. All you people acting like you don’t want to see anything new crack me up, move the hell out to small town Nebraska if you don’t like it.
There’s nothing good around this hood hasn’t been for decades now you bitch when it’s on the verge.
i’m all for new apartment buildings, but i feel as if it’s too much too soon. along with this planned apartment building, they’re also trying to add more apartments by the sunnyside gardens and all this’ll all end up further congesting the neighborhood.
yeah, eight is enough, last time someone in queens convinced us to go more than eight, they blew a two run lead in the ninth!!
knock down a dump and build a shiny new building, whats not to like??? Can I operate the crane and take the first swing? progress is a wonderful thing
When we gonna see the beautiful rendering?
When do all the so called caring Sunnyside liberals get together and voice their opinion that no one should own homes in Sunnyside but themselves? Such phonies…
The new building is in Woodside.
More people crammed into the neighborhood. Same crumbling infrastructure.
Welcome to NYC. That’s what people thought hen you came and somehow it all worked out
I have to say that I love seeing Sunnyside/Woodside evolve as a neighborhood. I’ve lived here all of my life and things are really getting to another level. The real estate market is incredibly hot and developments in our area will continue to spring up. 2016 will be a very interesting year in Sunnyside/Woodside.
When is enough enough.
Yes, when will these people stop building much needed apartments, and modernizing our neighborhood, what scoundrels. They’ll plant trees and encourage some non-99c stores too, oh no!
People object to the explosion of change, not to healthy change. This is a feeding frenzy by developers who had no desire to improve the neighborhood untul the chance to sell overpriced cracker boxes on unattractive plots arose. No one hates trees, etc. Keep a civil tone or you will be thought one of those money-eating reptiles yourself.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Civil Tone? Dude, it’s the Sunnyside Post. Good one!! lol
Wasnt there an article in the post about how there is too much housing in queens and no one is moving in due to price etc.
Wasn’t there an article in the post about how there is too much housing in queens and no one is moving in due to price etc. Not to say development is bad but being done so irresponsibility
If it’s in the NY Post file it under fiction.
We don’t have the infrastructure to support so many units and people! Our schools are overcrowded as is the number 7 train. Adrian agrees with me.
You’re a bum, Rock! Get off this internet gadget and go back to sweating that olive oil!
I also heard that the Boston market next to this location along with the Wendy’s and White Castle further down the Blvd. are also properties being shopped around by the landlords to real estate developers. Is that true or just rumors? It seems that any property available out there is being offered to developers.
as usual our counselman Jimmy approves this and is letting all of the happen — follow the money
-Angela it’s called progress. Follow the money. Do you know any other songs? You’re a one trick pony… A bore. Quite a stupid bore at that.
If you want to have an idea of who is contributing to Van Bamer… take a look at this: http://www.nyccfb.info/searchabledb/SimpleSearchResult.aspx?election_cycle=2017&cand_id=337&cand_name=Van+Bramer%2c+James+G
Love how a single company can get over the 2750 limit by simply separating the donation out by name. There is one set that is same address with housewife marked down twice.
Jimmy has pretty much fallen from grace ever since he became majority leader in my opinion. Nice guy though.
Thanks for the link.
@Angela It’s called a business transaction…Within the context of the very definition of business transaction means there will be an exchange and almost always that exchange will involve money. I believe it’s called capitalism. Your follow the money posts show how stupid you really are. Saber is absolutely right about you being a bore.
When you find yourselves, Sabre and Joe, explaining the absolutely obvious to someone, stop and think. Perhaps it is you who are missing something. Angela is implying there is “under the table” money here. I’m sure you know what that is so I won’t be a true bore and spell it out.
Pointing out new footsteps on the well-trod path of real-estate money and campaign war chests is not stupid. In fact, Americans value the courage of people who illuminate those paths so much, they have Constitutional protections.
While we might follow the money in this case and find new footsteps, Majority Leader Van Bramer has a reputation for being honest. I personally saw and heard him intervene during the meeting when the property owners shone too-rosy a light on themselves and too-dark a light on those who objected. He kept that meeting going with such a firm grip on the proceedings that every person who wanted to speak had a civil forum in which to do so. He did not in any way fawn over or favor Phipps. Anyone’s expecting to find dishonesty walked out of that room disappointed.
I meant to say “look for” not “find” in the second paragraph.
@Phipps. lifer You appear to be the one missing something here not Joe or Saber. Angela posts the phrase follow the money under any and every article containing the name Van Bramer. It’s typical Fox propaganda, something repeated enough becomes true in the public realm regardless of truth fact or history. Remember Romney leading in national polls by 90%? That was no accident that was to keep the opposition at home on Election Day.
OMG Mac again with the fox propaganda! Do you own stock in Fox
You sound as stupid as Angela with her “Follow the Money” bit. You both need a new song
Th difference between Mac and Angela is Angela is posting unsupported statements where as Mac is posting statements that are supported by facts stated by Roger Aires, the book “The Loudest Voice in the Room” and Fact Check. Mac is just pointing out why Angela is posting the very same phrase over and over again and again and exposing the people who gave her the marching orders and provided her with this play book. Angela’s game plan is appearing on many other comment streams as well and people need to know these posts are not to inform the people posting to these streams or add value to the discussion but to poison the well with suspision and speculation. Thank you Mac.
-Angela’s (if there is even such a person) postings are not isolated and part of a greater consorted effort. Mac is just pointing out who is pulling the strings. Way to go Mac. 🙂
It is ironic that Mac complains about Angela “following the money” in the same post that he spews a rant about Fox watching morons. Mac, did you have some sort of childhood trauma in front of a Fox broadcast or is parroting that little chestnut how you try to get girls to like you?
Wendy’s has been sold. The restaurant closes in January. White Castle is being shopped to the marketplace.
I really hope not. Again, a thriving neighborhood cannot be full of condos, only. I love that Boston Market!
Under prposed zoning laws that apply to this lot and voted on tonite at the community board mtg at 7pm, these lots would be rezoned for upto 15 stories high, with each apartments being constucted between 450 and 750 sqr ft. Allowing for T least 2 humans per apt that’s about 30,000 ppl over next 8 -10 years. Tonights meeting is at Sunnyside Community Services