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Public Advocate Calls Out Sunnyside, Woodside Properties In ‘Worst Landlords’ List

 43-15 46th Street

43-15 46th Street

Nov. 24, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge

The Public Advocate released the annual “landlord watchlist” on Monday and pinpointed buildings in western Queens as some of the Borough’s worst, although acknowledging some glitches in the data.

The Worst Landlords Watchlist is an information-sharing tool that allows New Yorkers to identify buildings and property owners who rake in violations from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.

Then-Public Advocate, now Mayor Bill de Blasio started the list in 2010; Public Advocate Letitia James added Department of Buildings complaints to the data this year.

Topping the Queens list in terms of the number of HPD violations and DOB complaints was 39-30 59 St. in Woodside. According to the watchlist, this property has more than 270 violations and complaints. This property made the list last year as well, as the Sunnyside Post reported at the time.

This property is owned by Woodside Silver Associates headed by Harry Silverstein, who ranked second on James’ list of the 100 worst landlords in the entire City.

According to the Public Advocate’s office, Silverstein has collected nearly 1,500 violations across seven buildings.

Silverstein could not be reached for comment as of press time.

A Sunnyside building, 43-15 46th St., was listed as the third-worst in Queens with more than 220 violations/complaints. This building was also listed last year.

When the Sunnyside Post called the number associated with this property on DOB documents, a receptionist with Aras Properties said they manage the building, which is a co-op.

The landlord watchlist is intended only for rental buildings.

“A few co-ops unfortunately did make it on because [of] imperfections in the way the data is categorized,” a spokesperson for James said. “However, they will be removed in the next day or two.”

This was evidently not the watchlist’s only error.

Crains has reported that the list misstated the number of units owned by at least one landlord. The Public Advocate’s office told Crains that a computer glitch caused that error. Another landlord who had purchased a property with pre-existing problems was put on the list – a mistake that reportedly happened last year as well.

James’ office has a process in place for landlords who are accidentally on the list – the landlords are encouraged to reach out to her office themselves

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yeah its amazing that this building at 39-30 59th street Woodside NYC is the Citys Worst Building! we should have an awards ceremony for Haryy D Silverstein. just like the Razzies awards for the worst movies. we could have an Awards ceremony called the Slummys or something.
i must contact Leticia about this. Yes Harry D.Siolverstein crowned SlumLord of the Year for the second year in a row. Harry Silversteins office is located at 429 Mayfair Drive South, PenthouseSuite in the Mill Basin part of brooklyn.
this slumlord lives in a freaking Penthouse while we all suffer in squalor in Woodside? is that fair Haryy Silverstein?


This slumlord is a thief and he owes the tenants for all the money he has been over charging including you. Mr Estefan giraldo. And you are a thief too. That’s how you got your car. You hot wired it and drive it home


the tenants in apt E10 are really nasty too. they constantly smoke in the building which is a NYC Health Dept violation and used to kick garbage down the hallway before cameras were put up in the hallway. they constantly spray ammonia and bleach and Raid spray on peoples apartment and this one tenant, Maria Geraldo was almost arrested for spraying chemicals into one of the tenants eyes. hopefully they will get arrested for their illegal spraying. they will be at least Sued in the Courts for their illegal Harassment of other tenants in the building. these tenants in Apt E10, the Giraldos are workinmg with Harry Silverstein and his management company Woodside Silver Associates to harass the other tenants! NYS DHCR should appoint a court adminmistrtor to run this building actually. that would be ideal.


haha Harry D silverstein and Jeffrey kolonovic should be both in. hesuper does nothing for the tennts and his sister Didi is a prostitute in the bulding.
jefrey was a refugee and now he is in this buiding abusing the tenants.
how did immigration actually let these people in the country is the question and now he doethe dirty work for the biggest slumlord in the City!
NYS DHCR needs to take ovethis building here at 39-30 59th street woodside


Many tenants from Nikiana/Cityscapes/Vetros Realty are afraid to make complaints they you vindictive and spite tactics.


While certainly not the worst landlord, I think the award for the most decline landlord goes to Phipps! No management on site for over 450 apartments. One man in the office with a desk and a telephone to call Manhattan. AMAZING AND SAD!


If the co-op allows subletting then they are arguably a landlord. Especially, if a majority of the units are renter occupied.

Not a glitch in my opinion. Just an opportunity for an additional category.


In a sublet situation, the owner of the apartment is the landlord, not the management team. Management team doesn’t collect rent. Renter-occupied units that are rented out by management for income are different though and in that case you’d be correct.


this. very important to know who you’re paying. lol. the owner is the landlord, and should be informed of any issues -electrical, plumbing, etc so he/she can call the super and arrange a time. there might be quite a kerfuffle if the tenant thinks the super will do repairs to the fridge or stove or anything inside the apt. its not gonna happen.
i promise not to be much of a crooked landlord when i leave this dump of a city and rent out all my co-op apartments. just make sure you tenants send your rent check to my bahamas address before or on the date it’s due.


yeah I work in the building here at 39-30 59th street woodside and my landlord is really cheap with us and crooked as can be. the supeer pays me in cash too. its so nice to get paid in cash, no taxes or nothing to paid.
there are tons of violatons here in the building. lots of people smoke in the building and the landlord dos nothing. its like a ghetto PJ or something except its privately owned by Harry D silverstin. his son is named Eric and is just as bad as his papa.


yeah keep the coop building on the bad list as Silverstein in a real big bad slumlord. his super Jeffrey is the worst and Laziest Super in the city who works a Doorman job in the city and doesnt care about his Super job at all and he doesnt pay Any Taxes what so ever for his 3 employees in the building.
thats TAX FRAUD!
he also packed the building with illegal aliens too.
actually he had 4 Free apts in this building and all of them are packed with his relatives who all live rent free! freeloaders they are indeed and all the tenanrs are suffering from this Building manager. he and his family are constantly smoking in the building also. thats a health care violation.
one of Harry D silversteins Supers went to jail after he constantly threatened to evict Harry Silversteins brooklyn tenants!
Jeffrey Kolonovic is doing the same thing. he should be in jail too.
this guy puts drano in peoples tubs and on more than one occasion the tubs burst and the Drano and water came tgrough peoples ceilings and burnt their faces and bodies. But why does Harry Silverstein employ such people?
today my wife was in the elevator with Freddie, the retatded Porter and Freddie had a very moldy, dirty mop in his hand and he put in ammonia and bleach in the water and sickened my wife and the other tenants in the elevator.
actually he His Employees spray nasty chemicals into trhe air and just to harass the tenants and they put nasty Ammonia and bleach togther onto the floor. that is super bad gstuff.
why does Freddie the illegal retarded Porter put dangerous chemicals in the the water and act like its no big deal?
they are trying to kill us!
his retarded Porter, Freddie, who gets [paid less than Federal mimninum wage takes pictures of people in the building and receives social security disability at the same time too. thats fraud too.


So I am not understanding why you still live there?? Move and pay Market rent for a quality apartment and stop complaining


Aw stfu easier said than done. If you pay me u will move. You gonna pay me huh?
Silverstein has to pay me or else I will not leave. So stfu like I said. I have been here since 2014 in Supreme Court fighting this nasty slumlord Harry Silverstein. Now it’s 2016 and I’m still fighting this ahole. He needs to pay me bigtime to move out. Bigtime.


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