Nov. 28, 2016 By Christian Murray
The police pulled over a man with a defective headlight in Woodside early this morning and discovered 4 pounds of marijuana in his possession.
Hardik Shah, a 26-year-old Woodside resident, was pulled over by the police on the corner of 64th Street and 39th Avenue at 1:32 am after cops noticed that his 2003 Honda Element had a broken headlight. Shah was just two blocks away from his home.
The arresting officer spotted a small Ziploc bag in Shah’s vehicle containing marijuana, according to police.
Upon further search, the police discovered that Shah had 4 pounds in his possession.
He was a arrested for criminal possession of marijuana and unlawful possession of marijuana. He was also ticketed for not having a headlight.
Even if marijuana is legal to other places it does not mean it is legal everywhere and this type of dealer is not after the medical use of marijuana. It is good to know that he was busted.
I have witnessed an incident like this many times. Rules are rules and we should follow and respect it so that there will be no incident like that that will happen.
We should really consider rules and regulation to prevent us from being arrested if you did not! you will face many circumstances or rather found yourself in jail that was so sad.
Wow! That’s a lot of ganja! Hey don’t you know the word moderation? Lol!
Legalize it. Problem solved. Let the cops enforce traffic laws, which would save many more lives.
Really? You need to get out more rubble, or hit the eye doctor if your Obamacare covers it. Damn and your married to betty, with 2 kids and wilma for a neighbor you can tap when freds at work for mr. Slate
Anonymous = douche
Cop in the middle is hot
Hardick shah is downright ,by far, stupidest dealer ever. In the history of pot for sale, he is the dumbest ever. Dont wet the bed yet hardick, if you dont have a record, you probably wont get time.Your criminal d attorney will get you in some soft program, because as we all know, there is something wrong with you, your sick, theres something off with you. Lol. But If you have a record, catch up with you next year dummy. You could use the time to study or learn a trade. Lord knows, you suck at dealing. Time to find a new profession damn ,couldnt even sell pot right, outlook for you is bleak,mr harddick, and get that light fixed when you get back. Dummy!
I just read the fines and jail time for “Possession” and “Sale” of marijuana above. This whole criminal justice system is such a joke. There should only be 2 options for all crimes committed. For taking the life of another – Jail for life and no such thing as parole. Every other crime -no matter how petty – 50 years with no time off for “good behavior”.
See how many crimes would be committed. Now that’s how we make America great again!!!
Every reply here seems to be an opinion. The Sunnyside Post is just relating facts, not giving any opinion on “pot laws” – it’s all about being informed on what’s going on around the corner from you, not if you agree or disagree. It’s information NOT opinion.
Right. The journalists must stick to facts… they report. The readers get to offer opinion. This is not a new concept. It is why the Letters to the Editor page has been in newspapers for as long as there have been newspapers. What are you suggesting people use this comment section for, if not to provide opinions on current events and discuss the content that The Sunnyside Post has provided? I am genuinely curious. Thanks.
I’m all for peeps being able to blaze, as long as they’re taking care of business. I’m a substance abuse counselor . Weed doesn’t have same consequences as other drugs. However, smoke a blunt with baby in the house and a nasty neighbor around, ACS will be in your life. They frown upon that. Fail a court ordered drug screen for THC after being pulled over for DUI, you will have some criminal. Then there’s that employment thing, drug free workplaces test pre-hire (your eliminated from the candidates as soon as you test positive). If somehow you got the job, and they random test, you are given the opportunity to seek treatment, which is costly with copy’s if you’re working and don’t qualify for Medicaid . Also, there are health related issues that occur from long term use. Hardin and all you friendly dealers, stop making yourselves sooooo obvious out there!!!
justice issues.
But all jokes aside. Who’s paying for those 4lbs? I gave it to him on the arm. Can I get paid at least please? It’s not like I’m the one who got caught. I’m just a business man trying to feed my children. Thanks and God bless. Praise be to allah.
I wonder if hardick shah has any hash?
Test the 3 cops in the pic, they look like they just burned one. All smiley
If you know what weed cost you would know you need money .
What will the welfare collecting pot heads to do now? Oh yeah how about getting a job freaks ?
His name is hard ik?? Pretty funny
Thank you NYPD. You did us all a favor by getting that garbage weed off the streets. Straight sticks and seeds. Also thank you for doing Hardik a favor, that herb was about to get robbed for them four pounds of garbage.
Imma find you promise D
I hope you do.
You going to find me and do what? Cop some real bud finally? LOL
I didnt think the plug would have to rob so called garbage bud. damn the struggle must b real huh? you the plug or a stick up kid. u starvin ur ribs is showing, dont b mad we eating out here.
Keep talking herb your fucked now
What happened to the JVB visiting the Islamic School post? Truth was too much to bear I guess.
You have plenty of money for dope or guns but not a dime to fix your headlights and avoid the police stopping you…
Guys, cops have probable cause to seach, the dope had his stuff out in the open. That cause for a search
You need to put your product down son!!!!!! Its affecting your ability to sell it. Why are you carrying the product around all pieced out, and your ride aint legal?? And you got your head sh!t laying out like that, out in the open. Dumb, stupid, you failed dealing 101. YOUR FIRED!!!!!
I was wondering why certain Sunnyside corners did not stink up like pothead headquarters last few days. This must be the reason. Glad to have fresh breath of air without the pot smell stinking up the whole neighborhood.
They need to invent some kind of defunkifying machine for pothead out there getting high.
They already have it’s called a vaporizer & they are incredible.
Dope on the Table. – The Wire
Goodnight sweet prince. I enjoyed your Girl Scout Cookies.
Not so nice comments about the police. They go to work everyday, not knowing will they make it home. Please show some respect.
Oh, c’mon. No one is really showing disrespect to the police, we’re just frustrated over this silly state of affairs that classifies marijuana as a narcotic. Our lawmakers (and our governor) should show respect to its citizens and change the law so its more realistic and less archaic. And while there is an element of danger in dealing with the NYC criminal class, the percentage of cops that will be killed or even injured on the job is very small. There are many jobs that are more dangerous.
Living in New York so does everybody else!
No one asked them to sign up.
No one ask your mom to give birth to you yet sadly your here
Joey, He didn’t ask to be born but the cops chose their line of work
Well now the broken headlight ticket seems like rubbing salt in the wound.
It’s a plant that grows naturally. Legalize it already. Oh wait, if people could grow it in their back yards, the big pharma companies wouldn’t sell as many of their expensive happy pills and the government couldn’t tax it.
Lmao they posing like they caught Al Capone. The streets are safe again. People of woodside rejoice!
Way to prevent a few dozen adults from chilling out. Crisis averted!
Was he also found with a case of beer? Get those drugs off the street!
Were looking for him. Give us a better description
The 46 street masturbator is till out here and they are wasting time with this?
dont worry they will get you soon ..
In other words they confiscated 8lbs but only 4lbs made it back to the precinct.
JVB took the other 4…
He needed it to mellow out his constituents still freaked out over Trump’s election victory.
Bigger issues to deal with in this precinct than a harmless plant.
They have those big smiley faces because they’re about to get lit for the holidays.
Never consent to a search. He could be home right now, enjoying his sweet kush.
No consent when you have 4 pounds unless you’re an idiot like hardik.
Tips from pothead hotline.
What do u mean he had weed in plain view read again
Amazing that you have not been picked for the Supreme Court yet. Instead you sit in front of your computer in you tighty whiteys teaching online criminal law. Your parents must be proud.
Everyone needs to know and understand the laws, otherwise it’s impossible to prevent ourselves from being arrested.
You can walk around new york with an ounce or less. It is not a felony. It’s illegal to buy, sell, grow, or smoke (in public) but it’s not an arrest-able offense. This guy had 4 pounds.
Code Section Penal §220, et seq.; Pub. Health §3306, 3307
Up to 25 grams – civil violation that incurs fines but no jail time
25 grams to 2 ounces – up to three months in jail and/or $500 fine
2 to 8 ounces – up to one year in jail and/or $1,000 fine
8 to 16 ounces – 1-4 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)
16 ounces to 10 pounds – 1-7 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)
10 pounds or more – 1-15 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)
Up to two ounces without payment – up to three months in jail and/or up to $500 fine
Cultivating or selling up to 24 grams – up to 1 year in jail and/or up to $1,000 fine
25 grams to four ounces – 1-4 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine
4 to 16 ounces – 1-7 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine
16 ounces or more – 1-15 years in prison and/or up $5,000 fine
(Selling any amount to a minor – 1-7 years in jail and/or up to $5,000 fine.)
they aint seen nothing yet
Big deal.
In fairness even if they don’t agree with the marijuana laws at least you don’t see them cherry picking which laws of the land they enforce unlike some other officials such as oh say immigration laws….
Another victimless crime. THE WAR ON DRUGS IS A FAILURE!