Photo: QueensPost
Sept. 15, 2014 By Christian Murray
The police have arrested a man who entered Amazon Pharmacy on Thursday with a knife and demanded prescription drugs.
Patrick McNamara, a 37-year-old Sunnyside resident, allegedly entered the 43-10 Queens Boulevard establishment at about 5:30 pm Thursday, displayed a knife and demanded drugs. The pharmacist complied with his wishes before McNamara fled.
The police were able to track McNamara down and he was arrested on a variety of charges, such as robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and possession of a controlled substance.
No one was hurt in the incident.
First of all look into scientific studies that show humans are not thinking rationally nor planning things like this out. I am a recovered addict. Everyone in my family are addicts. When you are recovered you look back and have no idea who that person was. All you did was fear the severe pain of withdrawl. Do you not see the commercials about addiction being rampant. Some people go on these medications after a surgery and are not told that they will go through withdrawal. I work in the medical profession. Don’t you think there is a reason one person tries a pill and doesn’t like it, and another one loves it. There is something going on with the brain. You are not thinking clearly. These people need to be rehabilitated not thrown in jail. The medical system needs to change. These medications should not be handed out so easily, there should be more instructions regarding there use, and a plan to taper the dose before discontinuing them. You obviously have no experience with addiction, whereas I know many people that are recovered that have done things that they cannot believe they have done. They have recovered and are now helping others recover. I did not talk about litigation or anything regarding the newspapers right to publish this information. I am merely criticizing the people that know nothing about this DISEASE, and say horrible things about the person!!
Read the article weeks ago and have been looking at the comments here and there. Annoymous, a relative? maybe?Genetic or Not People have free will and should know right from wrong. Genetic only makes you 33% more likely than the average person to become an addict. Behavior is easily altered through Education, common sense and responsibility which also play the other 77%. Either way the press has the right to post it. Freedom of speech there was no slander here so litigation costs? not on the paper. also, anonymous if you read correctly it was a knife not a gun. Fake or not the intent was to create a feeling of fear and dominance causing the clerk to give what was asked for in order to avoid harm. Something that is well thought out I would believe. Too many people have been killed< harmed<threatened due to pharmacy hold ups for drugs. Something needs to change. Harsher punishments need to come about to deter people from doing things like this. !st offense, 2nd, 3rd shouldnt matter. The deterrent to commit the crime initially isnt there bc the consequence is not strong enough.
Addiction is a disease and genetic, did you every think that the gun was fake, or he was high. Do think that he wanted to turn out like this. That this was his dream. You don’t know anything about this person or what has happened to him, or the people in his life who you are twisting the knife into.
What happened to the apparently not so obligatory ‘alleged’? Aside from the presumption of innocence the sunnyside post may need to take up a collection for litigation expenses.
who said Patrick McNamara was Irish any more than Shaq O’Neill or Eddie Murphy are
Good work
I thought white people don’t do stuff like this! Everyone always insists that it’s one of those immigrant types that’s also responsible for bringing us down.
Anonymous, did you actually graduate from St. Francis Prep? A typo is one thing but damn.
I to St. Francis prep high school with thus guy. He lived on LI as I to meet him on the LIRR and was married with 3 kids. I noticed he had divorced and moved back to this neighborhood a few years back working for a media company. Not sure what’s going on with him but sad. He was a quiet kid but maybe got hooked on something. Mind he would be easy to spot especially that close to home red haired 6 foot 7 Irish kid….. not going to blend in
What county in Mexico is McNamara from?
Junkies aren’t exactly renowned for their rational thinking abilities.
It’s about the time the cops worked around here. They are completely useless. They must have either been at White Castle or dunkin on break.
Quick action by the NYPD. Impressive.
37 years old? Hmm, There are a lot of McNamara’s but I wonder if it this falla, though he looks younger: http://www.concordmonitor.com/news/3457933-95/mcnamara-police-arrest-charges
what kind of a f$$king moron commits robberies in their own neighborhood?
I wonder if this guy is one of those filthy hipsters from willamsburg that couldn’t cut there and decided to come to this fair neighborhood to ruin it like they do all the other places they move to.
Great to hear the police have apprehended him. Hopefully he is the same guy who robbed those other pharmacies.
Ya think?
Was anyone else woken up by a man shouting obscenities at 5am Monday morning in North Sunnyside? What was that all about? The cops eventually put a stop to it. It would make a great story Sunnyside Post!
I wonder if he’s the same guy who robbed the other two pharmacies recently.