July 31, 2013 By Christian Murray
The New York City Parks Department and the Department of Health have taken a number of steps in the past two weeks to combat the growing rat problem at John Vincent Daniels Jr. Square, a small park located next to the 52nd Street subway stop.
In the past week, many rat holes have been filled and bait traps have been put down. Furthermore, some of the hedges around the periphery of the park have been clipped back, since rats like to dig their holes by the shade.
The park has been plagued by rats for years. “This is not a new problem but it has got out of hand recently,” said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who said he called on the city agencies to help resolve the problem.
Van Bramer said that people who feed the pigeons are also part of the problem, since the rats also feast on some of the food.
“In the past week, three summonses have been issued in a sting operation targeting people who were feeding pigeons (at the park),” Van Bramer said. “It’s illegal to feed the pigeons.”
The Parks Department will continually be filling up the rat holes in upcoming weeks– since its staff has to come by and pick up the rats caught in the traps.
Other problems that are causing the rat problem include businesses that illegally dump their garbage next to the park.

To a Walker:
as a resident of Celtic Park for over 15 years, I was disturbed to read about rats here, as a result of the composting bins on the corner of 5oth & 43rd. I’ve spoken with 5 people- two who sit on a bench near that corner daily, 1 dog walker who frequent that sidewalk, one guy in my building that sell real estae, and the exterminator who came by today. NONE of them have heard ANYTHING about rats or seen a rat anywhere around here. The exterminator said the first sign would be that the bottoms of the containers would show visible chewing- I’ve looked and there is no sign of this. The real estate guy told me if there was even one complaint, he would have heard about it. I think you are full of hot air.
The building dealt with the birds flocking in the courtyard effectively and also sends around an exterminator twice a month. There is a lot of effort and a lot of expense to keep this property in nice shape. The biggest problem that I see is dog owners that do not curb their dogs and not not pick up the waste. Some of the sidewalks are disgusting, with puddles and stains everywhere.
A careless and untrue remark like yours is insulting and damaging to property values, because some people will read it and believe it. Where are there “rat traps everywhere” and where is there a “rat problem?” Not in Celtic Park, that’s for sure. If you want to meet and discuss this further, let me know. Otherwise, you should be careful in the future when spreading lies and/or false rumours.
dear Rats: Please leave. signed, Jimmy Van Bramer.
Anonymous, it must be nice to have an income where you don’t need to shop at the unfashionable budget clothing stores like ABC or South Pole. Spare a thought for us peasants next time you’re butterflying from boutique to boutique down in trendy SoHo.
There are many spots around the neighborhood where I see people have dumped bird seed, rice or some other scraps that the pigeons feast on. Problem is the idiots put out way more than even the pigeons can consume and what’s left attracts the rats. It’s also disgusting to look at.
I wonder if this isn’t part of some exotic religious ritual where people make offerings to the birds and the rats. Don’t laugh, religions have done and do far stranger things.
No…let the south side of Sunnyside have the Chaaange bum, being he is now hanging outside of South Pole. For all the people who shop there that get all these ‘great deals’, they can deal with him. Maybe he will eventually move over to the very high end store ABC Variety.
I think JVB should call a town hall meeting with people from the health dept and the NYC parks dept and let everyone attend who has problems with the 4 legged RATS and the pigeon feeders. I have seen many old lady’s feeding the pigeons at 2 or 3 am. Let the Health dept know these people’s schedules and fine them big time. It s disgusting that we have to live in a nice neighborhood that is destroyed by rats and pigeons. And after we get rid of them why not get the health dept to get rid of “the changeeeeee bum”??? He s also a health threat with his spitting and everything else he does on our streets and underneath the 7 train.( today he was outside of South Pole)
If you think this is bad wait until they make composting the law. The rats will just come into our homes and make themselves comfortable along with the roaches. The Celtics never had a rat problem until they put in composts on 50th Ave. in the parking lot and now they have rat traps everywhere. As for the bird feeders I complained years ago to the Parks Dept. and they told me THEY have to see the woman who was feeding the pigeons which, of course, never happened. She also was feeding the pigeons out of her window and the pigeon droppings were all over her neighbors’ windows. She has since died.
Dancing? Freakin’ hipster rats.
@Angray once we have rats, make no mistake that we have roaches.
Last Friday I saw a rat bumped into a guy’s feet, it is seriously out of control, and if the city gladly spent thousands to help the pigeon problem on the seven train from 61-46 stations , what about of the rats? I am happy to see that something will be done, because so far all they do is some poison that scare them for a couple of days and then they are back
Thanks for complaining.
Someone called the Orkin man? I like where this is going… pigeons, rats, next up roaches.
Let’s hold off on thanking our politicians for doing their jobs until we no longer see rats and the sidewalks are no longer coated with pigeon crap.
I used to live on 55th & walking on Roosevelt was disgusting. Some sort of wire mesh could be installed to eliminate access to the nooks & crannies the pigeons roost on.
I like the idea of sting operations to catch these bird feeders. I’d love to hear how these violaters are handled, considering they are frequently old ladies whose lives seem somewhat devoted to this activity. Maybe six weeks in the slammer will teach them a lesson! On my block, we’re putting together a vigilante group to monitor any bird-seed dispersal; but these women are stealthy.
Disgusting problem. I have seen rats dancing on top of the garbage cans. If people are illegally dumping garbage, then remove the cans. And by the way, people should also thank those of us who took the time to complain about this problem. If only we could get rid of the two legged rats!
Thanks, Councilman. You are tireless in the work you do.
I have seen atleast one rat every time I pass through this “park” – its disgusting and embarrassing (had out-of-state guests this week – I can only imagine their impression!) Thank you to Jimmy – he actually gets things done. Jimmy for Mayor! 🙂
Near where that box is I saw two rats eating something and a dog trying to chase them. The rats were not impressed by the dog.
People are feeding the pigeons are Mueller and Dough Boy Park too.
More good work from Jimmy,New Yorks best council member.
wtg Councilman Van Bramer…………now please have people out there watching for the people feeding the pigeons and give them MASSIVE fines!
This is a serious health issue.
Nice work Councilman Van Bramer. Well done.
I would love to have been there when those summonses were given.
Problems like this are a priority.