via Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer
Dec. 18, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held yesterday at P.S. 199 to celebrate newly renovated bathrooms at the school.
The renovations came at a cost of $150,000, and were funded through Council Member Van Bramer’s 2016-2017 participatory budgeting cycle.
“Last year, this project received the second highest number of votes from residents of my district and I am so pleased to see it come to fruition,” said Council Member Van Bramer in a statement.
The project item received more than 2,500 votes on the 2017 ballot, and allocated $450,000 to make essential repairs and upgrades to two restroom facilities each at P.S. 112, P.S. 12 and P.S. 199.
“This will allow our students to enjoy the beautiful new restrooms for many years,” said Anthony Inzerillo, P.S. 199’s principal.

via Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer
Good thing Jimmy likes posing with bathrooms because his self-serving peacocking pageantry belongs in the pooper.
Why it it necessary to publish everything about this photo-op clown ?. Isn’t he embrassed? Did he personally poop test the toilet before the photo-op? I hope he did not forget to wipe down the seat if he did. $150,000 for a bathroom WOW! Our hard earned tax dollars at work for self promoting JVB. What a phony.
this is fantastic news!!! Jimmy gets thing done once again!
I just had my bathroom renovated also. Jimmy wanted to take a photo op with that also. Slow news day.
photo-op JVB at his best. NOT. i guess he is bored and got caught.